Evidence Of Revision: The Assassination Of Kennedy And Oswald [VIDEO]...

Why would Oswald buy a mail order Italian Carcono rifle when he trained on American weapons in the Marines? Was he going to hunt deer or bunnies? Why did he choose that particular weapon? What ELSE was he goanna do with any sniper rifle in Dallas?
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Why would Oswald, trained on American carbines, use an ITALIAN weapon that probably cost more and was harder to scrounge up? Italian Mafia wanted a loose cannon they could use to whack Kennedy. Just putting that out there.

the rifle was a a 6.5mm Carcano model 9138 with a scope . and he got it cheap by mail order. around 20.00 bucks. loose cannon was right. but then they have to kill him to shut him up. just how far were they prepared to go??
Why would Oswald buy a mail order Italian Carcono rifle when he trained on American weapons in the Marines? Was he going to hunt deer or bunnies? why did he choose that particular weapon? What ELSE was he goanna do with any sniper rifle in Dallas?

my guess would be he didn't have access to military weapons at that time
Why would Oswald, trained on American carbines, use an ITALIAN weapon that probably cost more and was harder to scrounge up? Italian Mafia wanted a loose cannon they could use to whack Kennedy. Just putting that out there.

the rifle was a a 6.5mm Carcano model 9138 with a scope . and he got it cheap by mail order. around 20.00 bucks. loose cannon was right. but then they have to kill him to shut him up. just how far were they prepared to go??

Yeah, and what about those officers who signed affidavits stating they found a German Mauser rifle in the depository? Could trained police really have been mistaken? I mean, they claimed they clearly observed '7.65 Mauser' stamped on the barrel. Could they really have made such a mistake?
Why would Oswald buy a mail order Italian Carcono rifle when he trained on American weapons in the Marines? Was he going to hunt deer or bunnies? why did he choose that particular weapon? What ELSE was he goanna do with any sniper rifle in Dallas?

my guess would be he didn't have access to military weapons at that time
Bazinga. Why an ITALIAN sniper rifle in suburban Dallas? Oswald was photographed holding the damned thing. Mafia connections all over the place. It's no secret the Kennedys were after the Mafia, and old Joe had ties to them. Hubris.
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Why would Oswald, trained on American carbines, use an ITALIAN weapon that probably cost more and was harder to scrounge up? Italian Mafia wanted a loose cannon they could use to whack Kennedy. Just putting that out there.

the rifle was a a 6.5mm Carcano model 9138 with a scope . and he got it cheap by mail order. around 20.00 bucks. loose cannon was right. but then they have to kill him to shut him up. just how far were they prepared to go??
How much would a mail order Garand cost at the time? I have a funny feeling...Since Oswald lived in Russia, defected, was all over the bloody place, the tell tail clue is in the Carcano. Why an Italian rifle when he trained on American hardware?
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Why would Oswald buy a mail order Italian Carcono rifle when he trained on American weapons in the Marines? Was he going to hunt deer or bunnies? why did he choose that particular weapon? What ELSE was he goanna do with any sniper rifle in Dallas?

my guess would be he didn't have access to military weapons at that time
Bazinga. Why an ITALIAN sniper rifle in suburban Dallas? Oswald was photographed holding the damned thing. Mafia connections all over the place. It's no secret the Kennedys were after the Mafia, and old Joe had ties to them. Hubris.

my guess would be income. he had trouble finding jobs and just didn't have the bucks for anything but a cheapie. why the Italian model i have no idea. the photo was right after an attempt on on the life of former Major General Anderson Walker who was anti Castro. the attempt failed but Oswald went home and had his wife snap the photo.he was very proud. conspirators claim that's not Oswald but a fake. his head on top of another body.
Why would Oswald buy a mail order Italian Carcono rifle when he trained on American weapons in the Marines? Was he going to hunt deer or bunnies? why did he choose that particular weapon? What ELSE was he goanna do with any sniper rifle in Dallas?

my guess would be he didn't have access to military weapons at that time
Bazinga. Why an ITALIAN sniper rifle in suburban Dallas? Oswald was photographed holding the damned thing. Mafia connections all over the place. It's no secret the Kennedys were after the Mafia, and old Joe had ties to them. Hubris.

my guess would be income. he had trouble finding jobs and just didn't have the bucks for anything but a cheapie. why the Italian model i have no idea. the photo was right after an attempt on on the life of former Major General Anderson Walker who was anti Castro. the attempt failed but Oswald went home and had his wife snap the photo.he was very proud. conspirators claim that's not Oswald but a fake. his head on top of another body.
You are playing the devils advocate? Oswald was an enigma. But he moved to Dallas shortly before JFK's procession, miraculously gets a job on the SAME exact route JFK takes in Dallas and also buys a an Italian made carbine sniper rifle. I don't believe in coincidences. Do you?
Why would Oswald buy a mail order Italian Carcono rifle when he trained on American weapons in the Marines? Was he going to hunt deer or bunnies? why did he choose that particular weapon? What ELSE was he goanna do with any sniper rifle in Dallas?

my guess would be he didn't have access to military weapons at that time
Bazinga. Why an ITALIAN sniper rifle in suburban Dallas? Oswald was photographed holding the damned thing. Mafia connections all over the place. It's no secret the Kennedys were after the Mafia, and old Joe had ties to them. Hubris.

my guess would be income. he had trouble finding jobs and just didn't have the bucks for anything but a cheapie. why the Italian model i have no idea. the photo was right after an attempt on on the life of former Major General Anderson Walker who was anti Castro. the attempt failed but Oswald went home and had his wife snap the photo.he was very proud. conspirators claim that's not Oswald but a fake. his head on top of another body.
You are playing the devils advocate? Oswald was an enigma. But he moved to Dallas shortly before JFK's procession, miraculously gets a job on the SAME exact route JFK takes in Dallas and also buys a an Italian made carbine sniper rifle. I don't believe in coincidences. Do you?

the devils advocate? no. just my opinion based on what i believe are facts. in fact ive went with the lone sniper. I think he did it IMO. to me coincidences is a chain of events that come together to form events. good or bad.
I was just a kid when Kennedy died. I sill remember that moment. Oswald was the lone assassin, we agree. But how did that assassin get there? Like I said, Oswald shows up in Dallas on the same exact route Kennedy follows with an Italian made gun Oswald never trained with as a Marine. How does that work? It COULD be a coincidence.
JFK's Executive Order #1110 to abolish the Fed.

It turns out, it was not such a good idea after all.

Both JFK and RFK routinely offended and upset very powerful people. They were very aggressive and arrogant. I really was surprised when i heard audio from Robert Kennedy talking about people like J. Edgar Hoover and Lyndon Johnson. I mean, he really despised those two. He was suprisingly candid and blunt about that. He said some pretty rough things about them.

Those were two incredibly powerful and dangerous enemies he made. They truly hated him and his brother. And he aggressively tangled with the Mafia and CIA as well. The Kennedy's shoud have been much more aware of the fact their lives were in serious danger. But that's the arrogance aspect. They just didn't get how much they offended and angered very dangerous powerful forces.

indeed. that's true. the mafia helped elect JFK via his old man. then after the elections he turns on them. motive?? ive also heard RFK was murdered so he couldn't start an investigation into how his bro was killed.

Yeah, i just don't think they really understood how much danger they were in. They offended and angered so many powerful forces. I mean, tangling with J. Edgar Hoover alone, was seen by most to be suicidal. And RFK routinely openly insulted the man. He was incredibly arrogant. Hoover didn't say anything publicly, but privately he truly hated John and Robert Kennedy. He certainly wouldn't have had any problem seeing them eliminated.

Robert Kennedy did the same with Lyndon Johnson. He saw Johnson as an 'old cracker buffoon.' But that was far far from the reality. Johnson was actually a very intelligent and ruthless man. He never forgave the Kennedys for how they treated him. And they vastly underestimated him. It isn't surprising the JFK assassination happened in Texas. Johnson called all the shots there. He was considered God there.

Hoover was one smart dude. he knew presidents wanted him gone. so every time a new one came in he always looked for and found dirt under their nails. it was his edge to stay in office. and every president knew better than to mess with him. he's had all their dirty little secrets on tape and in files. same here with the Kennedy's. they all screwed whore's and he had it all. he was untouchable

Yeah, making him your enemy was very unwise. But that's what the Kennedy's did. However, I think the final straw and end for the Kennedy's was when they decided to tangle with the CIA. That was too much. It sealed their fate.

Their powerful enemies were relieved and elated once they were gone. The CIA seized control and got all its wars. The Mafia enjoyed a few more decades of prosperity. And folks like Johnson and Hoover felt they got their proper revenge.
Indeed,trying to get rid of the CIA and end the vietnam war was his most fatal mistake.therere were countless numbers of reasons the elite wanted him gone but that one was the final nail in the coffin for him.Too bad he ignored all the warnings not to go to dallas that day.
Both JFK and RFK routinely offended and upset very powerful people. They were very aggressive and arrogant. I really was surprised when i heard audio from Robert Kennedy talking about people like J. Edgar Hoover and Lyndon Johnson. I mean, he really despised those two. He was suprisingly candid and blunt about that. He said some pretty rough things about them.

Those were two incredibly powerful and dangerous enemies he made. They truly hated him and his brother. And he aggressively tangled with the Mafia and CIA as well. The Kennedy's shoud have been much more aware of the fact their lives were in serious danger. But that's the arrogance aspect. They just didn't get how much they offended and angered very dangerous powerful forces.

indeed. that's true. the mafia helped elect JFK via his old man. then after the elections he turns on them. motive?? ive also heard RFK was murdered so he couldn't start an investigation into how his bro was killed.

Yeah, i just don't think they really understood how much danger they were in. They offended and angered so many powerful forces. I mean, tangling with J. Edgar Hoover alone, was seen by most to be suicidal. And RFK routinely openly insulted the man. He was incredibly arrogant. Hoover didn't say anything publicly, but privately he truly hated John and Robert Kennedy. He certainly wouldn't have had any problem seeing them eliminated.

Robert Kennedy did the same with Lyndon Johnson. He saw Johnson as an 'old cracker buffoon.' But that was far far from the reality. Johnson was actually a very intelligent and ruthless man. He never forgave the Kennedys for how they treated him. And they vastly underestimated him. It isn't surprising the JFK assassination happened in Texas. Johnson called all the shots there. He was considered God there.

Hoover was one smart dude. he knew presidents wanted him gone. so every time a new one came in he always looked for and found dirt under their nails. it was his edge to stay in office. and every president knew better than to mess with him. he's had all their dirty little secrets on tape and in files. same here with the Kennedy's. they all screwed whore's and he had it all. he was untouchable

Yeah, making him your enemy was very unwise. But that's what the Kennedy's did. However, I think the final straw and end for the Kennedy's was when they decided to tangle with the CIA. That was too much. It sealed their fate.

Their powerful enemies were relieved and elated once they were gone. The CIA seized control and got all its wars. The Mafia enjoyed a few more decades of prosperity. And folks like Johnson and Hoover felt they got their proper revenge.
Indeed,trying to get rid of the CIA and end the vietnam war was his most fatal mistake.therere were countless numbers of reasons the elite wanted him gone but that one was the final nail in the coffin for him.Too bad he ignored all the warnings not to go to dallas that day.

Oh yeah, once he went after the CIA, it was over. He had no significant allies in Government after that. The most powerful and influential in Government wanted him and his brother gone. They were alone. It was only a matter of time.

Sometimes i think if they weren't so aggressive and brash, they may have kept a few allies in Government. But that wasn't them. They were young and very arrogant. They wanted to change everything at that moment. They deeply offended too many old-guard power-brokers. And the rest is history.
sounds like Trump. is he another JFK??

I don't think so. Trump's not as young and naive as the Kennedy's were. The Kennedy's routinely publicly offended some of the most powerful people in our Government at the time. That was very unwise. Ultimately, they paid for that with their lives. Trump's smarter than that.
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sounds like Trump. is he another JFK??

I don't think so. Trump's not as young and naive as the Kennedy's were. The Kennedy's routinely publicly offended some of the most powerful people in our Government at the time. That was very unwise. Ultimately, they paid for that with their lives. Trump's smarter than that.

Trump is also routinely piss'n off the so called powers in Gov. they do want his ass gone.and at any cost. and he knows it. that's why he now wears a bullet proof vest
sounds like Trump. is he another JFK??

I don't think so. Trump's not as young and naive as the Kennedy's were. The Kennedy's routinely publicly offended some of the most powerful people in our Government at the time. That was very unwise. Ultimately, they paid for that with their lives. Trump's smarter than that.

Trump is also routinely piss'n off the so called powers in our Gov. they do want his ass gone.and at any cost. and he knows it. that's why he now wears a bullet proof vest

True, he is pissing off the Establishment Politician Elites. But he's not doing it in a personal fashion. He isn't naming names. The Kennedy's had no problem publicly calling out very powerful people. Those people never forgave them for it. Trump's a bit wiser than that. That being said, many would like to get him out of the way. He should be very careful.
sounds like Trump. is he another JFK??

I don't think so. Trump's not as young and naive as the Kennedy's were. The Kennedy's routinely publicly offended some of the most powerful people in our Government at the time. That was very unwise. Ultimately, they paid for that with their lives. Trump's smarter than that.

Trump is also routinely piss'n off the so called powers in our Gov. they do want his ass gone.and at any cost. and he knows it. that's why he now wears a bullet proof vest

True, he is pissing off the Establishment Politician Elites. But he's not doing it in a personal fashion. He isn't naming names. The Kennedy's had no problem publicly calling out very powerful people. Those people never forgave them for it. Trump's a bit wiser than that. That being said, many would like to get him out of the way. He should be very careful.

and what's this?? 50 planes with big shots and politicians fly to a so called secret island. the topic?? Trump

By Ryan Grim, Nick Baumann and Matt Fuller. Billionaires, tech CEOs and top members of the Republican establishment flew to a private island resort off the coast of Georgia this weekend for the American Enterprise Institute’s annual World Forum, according to sources familiar with the secretive gathering
The main topic at the closed-to-the-press confab? How to stop Republican front-runner Donald Trump.

Read more: http://joemiller.us/2016/03/50-jets-fly-the-worlds-elite-to-secret-island-
I know many of you fellow Conspiracy buffs have seen this one before. But if you haven't, you should definitely check it out. It delves into the early reporting by the Media and Government on the event. Some would say, before the cover-up got into high gear. It reveals some fascinating facts that have since been forgotten or 'scrubbed.'

Anyway, watch it if you have some time to kill. It's part one of the 'Evidence of Revision' series. There are other great parts. The one on RFK is fantastic too. Whether you believe the assassination was a conspiracy or not, this Doc is incredibly interesting. Check it out and tell us what you think. Thanks and enjoy.

the fact the governments paid shill USMB'S resident troll Rightwinger posted a funny is all the proof in the world your video is true.:up:
I know many of you fellow Conspiracy buffs have seen this one before. But if you haven't, you should definitely check it out. It delves into the early reporting by the Media and Government on the event. Some would say, before the cover-up got into high gear. It reveals some fascinating facts that have since been forgotten or 'scrubbed.'

Anyway, watch it if you have some time to kill. It's part one of the 'Evidence of Revision' series. There are other great parts. The one on RFK is fantastic too. Whether you believe the assassination was a conspiracy or not, this Doc is incredibly interesting. Check it out and tell us what you think. Thanks and enjoy.

the fact the governments paid shill USMB'S resident troll Rightwinger posted a funny is all the proof in the world your video is true.:up:

Hey I am glad you liked this post Paul. Here is the proof in the pudding that rightwinger is USMB's resident troll and LIES all the time when he knows he is wrong no matter what the topic is.

the past couple years he was saying the rams would never come back to LA and now that it is official that they ARE back in LA,he is STILL going around lying saying they staying in st louis this year as you can see from his replies in this thread.:biggrin:
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He would committ suicide and committ hari kari first before he would ever admit he was proven wrong whether its on the JFK assassination,9/11 or even something simple like being proved wrong the rams are back in LA.:rofl:
I know many of you fellow Conspiracy buffs have seen this one before. But if you haven't, you should definitely check it out. It delves into the early reporting by the Media and Government on the event. Some would say, before the cover-up got into high gear. It reveals some fascinating facts that have since been forgotten or 'scrubbed.'

Anyway, watch it if you have some time to kill. It's part one of the 'Evidence of Revision' series. There are other great parts. The one on RFK is fantastic too. Whether you believe the assassination was a conspiracy or not, this Doc is incredibly interesting. Check it out and tell us what you think. Thanks and enjoy.

the fact the governments paid shill USMB'S resident troll Rightwinger posted a funny is all the proof in the world your video is true.:up:

Hey I am glad you liked this post Paul. Here is the proof in the pudding that rightwinger is USMB's resident troll and LIES all the time when he knows he is wrong no matter what the topic is.

the past couple years he was saying the rams would never come back to LA and now that it is official that they ARE back in LA,he is STILL going around lying saying they staying in st louis this year as you can see from his replies in this thread.:biggrin:
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

He would committ suicide and committ hari kari first before he would ever admit he was proven wrong whether its on the JFK assassination,9/11 or even something simple like being proved wrong the rams are back in LA.:rofl:

Ha, i hear ya. Some people just can't admit when they're wrong. They're the ones you gotta have fun ripping when they are proven wrong. It's fun watching their meltdowns. :)

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