Evil As The Price For Change


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Let's say you belong to a certain blood cult, and are incensed that the entire world doesn't bend the knee and the neck to Allah.....

How to change the views of all those Westerners who have other beliefs and priorities......

Hmmmm......how about this?
Maybe if you blow up a few dozen of the non-believers who are on their way to earn their daily bread.....not a single one of whom is known to you....

....yeah!....That's the ticket!!!

It may be insane, but it has happened over and over under the auspices of one Leftist iteration after another.

1. Possibly, there are many explanations for the causes of evil that are acceptable.
The simple 'love of money is the root of all evil' has been explored here
Money As The Root of All Evil???

…and found to be less than sufficient as an explanation.

Under the secular view, biblical explanations have been found wanting….
(Genesis 3:1-16, Isaiah 14:12-15; Ezekiel 28:12-19; Matthew 4:1-11)

2. Perhaps there is an idea that society moves like a glacier, slowly and with a direction near impossible to alter…..unless there is a resort to violence, murder, oppression…….evil.

"The Kwan family met the Youth Brigade in their living room, which had shrunk to the size of a prison cell due to the number of shouting youth surrounding the family. They gazed at the youth in bewilderment unable to understand the evil that they had done.

“Do you repent? Do you confess to clinging to the old values?”

“Confess and seek reeducation and we will spare you!”

“You are guilty of old thought, old culture, old values…”

“You have built a lackey’s empire on the backs of the people!”

Kwan and his wife, along with their twelve-year-old son were bound and defenseless.

“You are part of the old…”

The tall leader of the cadre engages in a furious dialectic, spittle flying from his mouth.

“You are part of the old! Do you repent?”

With every line he spoke, he swung the black baton, heavy as a cricket bat.

“You will reform your decadent ways!”

“The old ways are a threat to the collective good of the people!”

“You will die if you retain your old beliefs!”

“Repent! Reject the old! Admit you have been seduced by unbeneficial and decadent thought!”

It continued for endless minutes- until the blows the student rained down stole the life from the family. The iron-tipped baton left bloody forms at his feet as he recited the catechism the students thirstily sought to hear." From the novel “The Stone Monkey,” by Jeffery Deaver

The proponent of evil isn't usually some low-level imbecile, such as the Bangladeshie who torched himself today in Times Square.

The more accomplished proponents of evil are more like this:

3. "There is always the professor of violence - realist, zealot, ideologue, the sort of speechmaking activist intellectual you find in Malraux, or Al Qaeda, always out of the middle class, a doctor or engineer or some such-who lays it down that evil is the price of change. The professor usually has a taste for especially dramatic and ostentatious evil, even a curious longing, almost a nostalgia, to put his intelligence to work commandeering brute horror, as if this violent mating of brains and bestiality would surely bring forth a better world, utopia."
Lance Morrow, "Evil: An Investigation, "p.118

Need an example of such?
Coming up.....
Obama was one of those "Professors" who helped to spread the Evil of Islam by downplaying that Evil and claiming that America, Christianity & Judaism were the cause of such Evil.

Obama and his terrorist friends and mentors are emissaries of Hell, Death and Destruction.

The Marxist Manchurian Candidate did a lot of damage to America, and we should be thankful that he and Hillary were not able to rig the last election and continue to build that bloody and reckless legacy.
Obama was one of those "Professors" who helped to spread the Evil of Islam by downplaying that Evil and claiming that America, Christianity & Judaism were the cause of such Evil.

Obama and his terrorist friends and mentors are emissaries of Hell, Death and Destruction.

The Marxist Manchurian Candidate did a lot of damage to America, and we should be thankful that he and Hillary were not able to rig the last election and continue to build that bloody and reckless legacy.

The Iraqis just announced that they've defeated ISIS. With Obama's war plan.

So fuck you.
"There is always the professor of violence - realist, zealot, ideologue, the sort of speechmaking activist intellectual you find in Malraux, or Al Qaeda, always out of the middle class, a doctor or engineer or some such-who lays it down that evil is the price of change. The professor usually has a taste for especially dramatic and ostentatious evil, even a curious longing, almost a nostalgia, to put his intelligence to work commandeering brute horror, as if this violent mating of brains and bestiality would surely bring forth a better world, utopia." Lance Morrow, "Evil: An Investigation, "p.118

Here ya' go:

4. "Antifa leader hopes for ‘dead cops,’ while teaching cops for a living

Michael Isaacson. Isaacson has at least two claims to fame. First, he is one of the founders of Smash Racism DC, a self-styled anti-fascist (“antifa”) organization in Washington, D.C. Secondly, he is an adjunct professor at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, which is a New York public college.

…Isaacson, a John Jay faculty member, tweeted in late August: “Some of y’all might think it sucks being an anti-fascist teaching at John Jay College but I think it’s a privilege to teach future dead cops.”

So, Professor Isaacson is teaching students who, he hopes, will soon be killed on the job. That, I think, is a fact that is stranger than fiction.

Isaacson has some other ideas that are pretty unusual. He defends violence as a legitimate tool to be used against, for example, public demonstrations organized by neo-Nazis. He has said: “There is the question of whether these people should feel safe organizing as Nazis in public, and I don’t think they should.” Antifa leader hopes for ‘dead cops,’ while teaching cops for a living

Obama was one of those "Professors" who helped to spread the Evil of Islam by downplaying that Evil and claiming that America, Christianity & Judaism were the cause of such Evil.

Obama and his terrorist friends and mentors are emissaries of Hell, Death and Destruction.

The Marxist Manchurian Candidate did a lot of damage to America, and we should be thankful that he and Hillary were not able to rig the last election and continue to build that bloody and reckless legacy.

The Iraqis just announced that they've defeated ISIS. With Obama's war plan.

So fuck you.
Why would Obama have a plan for defeating ISIS, when he created ISIS?
Obama was one of those "Professors" who helped to spread the Evil of Islam by downplaying that Evil and claiming that America, Christianity & Judaism were the cause of such Evil.

Obama and his terrorist friends and mentors are emissaries of Hell, Death and Destruction.

The Marxist Manchurian Candidate did a lot of damage to America, and we should be thankful that he and Hillary were not able to rig the last election and continue to build that bloody and reckless legacy.

The Iraqis just announced that they've defeated ISIS. With Obama's war plan.

So fuck you.
Why would Obama have a plan for defeating ISIS, when he created ISIS?

because only retards think he created ISIS.
Obama was one of those "Professors" who helped to spread the Evil of Islam by downplaying that Evil and claiming that America, Christianity & Judaism were the cause of such Evil.

Obama and his terrorist friends and mentors are emissaries of Hell, Death and Destruction.

The Marxist Manchurian Candidate did a lot of damage to America, and we should be thankful that he and Hillary were not able to rig the last election and continue to build that bloody and reckless legacy.

The Iraqis just announced that they've defeated ISIS. With Obama's war plan.

So fuck you.
Why would Obama have a plan for defeating ISIS, when he created ISIS?

because only retards think he created ISIS.
no...only retards think he didn't.
Obama was one of those "Professors" who helped to spread the Evil of Islam by downplaying that Evil and claiming that America, Christianity & Judaism were the cause of such Evil.

Obama and his terrorist friends and mentors are emissaries of Hell, Death and Destruction.

The Marxist Manchurian Candidate did a lot of damage to America, and we should be thankful that he and Hillary were not able to rig the last election and continue to build that bloody and reckless legacy.

The Iraqis just announced that they've defeated ISIS. With Obama's war plan.

So fuck you.
Why would Obama have a plan for defeating ISIS, when he created ISIS?

because only retards think he created ISIS.
no...only retards think he didn't.

of course you are correct, gipper....

Here is Hussein Obama, in his own words, boasting that he left a clear field for ISIS:
"Obama's 2012 Debate Boast: I Didn't Want to Leave Any Troops in Iraq
Obama then denied that he ever supported a status of forces agreement that would have left troops in Iraq:

MR. ROMNEY: [W]ith regards to Iraq, you and I agreed, I believe, that there should have been a status of forces agreement. Did you —

PRESIDENT OBAMA: That's not true.

MR. ROMNEY: Oh, you didn't — you didn't want a status of forces agreement?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: No, but what I — what I would not have done is left 10,000 troops in Iraq that would tie us down. That certainly would not help us in the Middle East.

"Here's one thing I've learned as commander in chief," Obama said at the end of the exchange. "You've got to be clear, both to our allies and our enemies, about where you stand and what you mean."
Obama s 2012 Debate Boast I Didn t Want to Leave Any Troops in Iraq The Weekly Standard

And here is the celebratory parade by ISIS, unimpeded by the missiles and bombers that Hussein Obama could have sent to decimate same:

Notice the squealing of the fools who supported...and still support that cryto-Islamist.
"New York Subway bomb: Bangladeshi suspect 'armed with pipe device and battery pack' in 'Isil-inspired' attack" New York Subway bomb: Bangladeshi suspect 'armed with pipe device and battery pack' in 'Isil-inspired' attack

5. Is one man's terrorist simply another man's freedom fighter?

" On that morning in November, he left his apartment in darkness to purify himself at a mosque built with Saudi money and staffed by a Saudi-trained imam who spoke no French. ... It was never clearly established whether the act was preceded by the traditional scream of Allahu Akbar.” Several survivors claimed to have heard it; several others swore the bomber detonated his device in silence. As for the sound of the explosion itself, those closest had no memory of it at all, for their eardrums were too badly damaged. To a person, all recalled seeing a blinding white flash of light. It was the light of death, said one. The light one sees at the moment he confronts God for the first time.

The bomb itself was a marvel of design and construction. It was not the kind of device built from Internet manuals or the how-to pamphlets floating around the Salafist mosques of Europe. It had been perfected under battle conditions in Palestine and Mesopotamia. Packed with nails soaked in rat poison—a practice borrowed from the suicide bombers of Hamas—it carved through the crowd like a circular saw. So powerful was the explosion that the Louvre Pyramid, located a mile and a half to the east, shivered with the blast wave. Those closest to the bomber were blown to pieces, sheared in half, or decapitated, the preferred punishment for unbelievers. Even at forty paces, limbs were lost. At the farthest edge of the kill zone, the dead appeared pristine. Spared outward trauma, they had been killed by the shock wave, which ravaged their internal organs like a tsunami. Providence had granted them the tender mercy of bleeding to death in private.

The first gendarmes to arrive were instantly sickened by what they saw. Extremities littered the paving stones, along with shoes, smashed wristwatches frozen at 11:46, and mobile phones that rang unanswered. In one final insult, the murderer’s remains were scattered among his victims—everything but the head, which came to rest on a delivery truck more than a hundred feet away, the bomber’s expression oddly serene."
From the novel "Portrait of a Spy," by Daniel Silva

Are these bombers evil???

Which party wanted to invite in 500% more of 'em?

Still wondering why Trump won????
Obama was one of those "Professors" who helped to spread the Evil of Islam by downplaying that Evil and claiming that America, Christianity & Judaism were the cause of such Evil.

Obama and his terrorist friends and mentors are emissaries of Hell, Death and Destruction.

The Marxist Manchurian Candidate did a lot of damage to America, and we should be thankful that he and Hillary were not able to rig the last election and continue to build that bloody and reckless legacy.

The Iraqis just announced that they've defeated ISIS. With Obama's war plan.

So fuck you.
LMAO! Your brain gets softer by the day.
Obama was one of those "Professors" who helped to spread the Evil of Islam by downplaying that Evil and claiming that America, Christianity & Judaism were the cause of such Evil.

Obama and his terrorist friends and mentors are emissaries of Hell, Death and Destruction.

The Marxist Manchurian Candidate did a lot of damage to America, and we should be thankful that he and Hillary were not able to rig the last election and continue to build that bloody and reckless legacy.

The Iraqis just announced that they've defeated ISIS. With Obama's war plan.

So fuck you.
are you sad today that the bomber failed?
After their 50-60 generations of 1st cousin inbreeding (per Mohammed's example), I think muslim brains are too genetically fucked up to grasp even the simplest logic or reason. Not to mention they are brainwashed from birth to have a murderous, bloodthirsty hatred of non-believers. Their 24/7 destructive behavior around the world will never change. Islam can never be reformed because you can't reform a hate ideology; Islam has not one redeeming quality on which to base a reformation. Jesus was a pacifist, which allowed Christianity to reform. Mohammed was a mass-murdering pedophile whose doctrine commands sex slavery of non-believer women & children. Which is why Islam is an epidemic of sexual brutality everywhere it goes.

Typhoid Barry Obamaggot was to America what Pope Frannie the Foot Fetishist is to Catholicism; they wanted to remake it in their own Islam cocksucking whore image. American liberals are the ultimate traitors because they're so anxious to sell out to a religion of hate that has been declaring war on this country since the 1780s Barbary Coast pirates. Which is why I believe liberals should be tried and made into swinging tree ornaments.
Obama was one of those "Professors" who helped to spread the Evil of Islam by downplaying that Evil and claiming that America, Christianity & Judaism were the cause of such Evil.

Obama and his terrorist friends and mentors are emissaries of Hell, Death and Destruction.

The Marxist Manchurian Candidate did a lot of damage to America, and we should be thankful that he and Hillary were not able to rig the last election and continue to build that bloody and reckless legacy.

The Iraqis just announced that they've defeated ISIS. With Obama's war plan.

So fuck you.

No, fuck YOU for being dumb enough to believe anything muslims say because it's the only religion which teaches their followers to LIE to non-believers. It's called the taqiyya doctrine.

Obama's plan against ISIS was tiny, token pin-prick air raids against them after warning them where they're going to strike.
Perhaps some imagine that the IslamoFascists, the Maoists, in fact, any terrorists, are a 'necessary evil,' to bring about change, or a 'Worker's Paradise,' or Utopia.

6. And where did the view of 'necessary evil' begin….at least in modern times?

The French Revolution, it's plan to substitute science and reason for religion and morality.
This event was the inspiration for the mass slaughters we've witnessed in the major Leftist revolutions.

The premise advanced by the French Revolution was that citizens should be killed if they don't agree with the government. Trotsky put it succinctly:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."

Here....the birth of Leftist governance: As set forth during the French Revolution, once government decides on 'truth,' or 'the general will,' any individual who doesn't come on board should be put to death, or punished in a severe way. This is the Leftist view writ large.

It is the premise of all Leftist schemes: Communism, Nazism, Socialism, Liberalism, Fascism, and Progressivism.

"If the French revolution was the end of monarchy and aristocratic privilege and the emergence of the common man and democratic rights, it was also the beginnings of modern totalitarian government and large-scale executions of "enemies of the People" by impersonal government entities (Robespierre's "Committee of Public Safety").
This legacy would not reach its fullest bloom until the tragic arrival of the German Nazis and Soviet and Chinese communists of the 20th century."
French Revolution - Robespierre, and the Legacy of the Reign of Terror

Removing religion and morality meant the removal of concern for human life. And totalitarian regimes put that into effect on steroids.
Once evil as an instrument of government came into being, it was all mathematics: eliminate those who don't agree.

Slaughter became the price for change.
7. What reward makes the price, evil ...as defined by the slaughter of the innocents…. worth it?

For the 'true believers,' and their hangers-on, any price, any amount of evil, pays for Utopia, heaven on earth, the worker's paradise.

It could be the millions slain by the Nazis and their cousins, the Bolsheviks, or the Islamofascists, or, perhaps even the baker whose career they intended to end for not baking the mandated cake….

a. As one of his friends later recalled, "Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov (Lenin) had the courage to come out and say openly that famine would have numerous positive results...Famine, he explained....would bring about the next stage more rapidly, and usher in socialism, the stage that necessarily followed capitalism. Famine would also destroy faith, not only in the tsar, but in God, too."
The Black Book of Communism, p.123-124.

b. "The present moment favors us....With the help of all those starving people who are starting to eat each other, who are dying by the millions, and whose bodies litter the roadside all over the country, it is now and only now, that we can-and therefore must- confiscate all church property with all the ruthless energy we can muster....Our only hope is the despair engendered in the masses by the famine, which will cause them to look at us in a favorable light or at the very least, with indifference."
Lenin, March 19, 1922


8. Progressivism and modern Liberalism are subsets of what gave birth to Nazism and Fascism.

"The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, but the central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’

The dichotomy that is today’s political reality is based on this retreat, as the American left simply flipped from the brown-shirt utopians to the red-flag utopians, parroting Stalin’s rhetoric: anything objectionable is fascist."

The abolishment of individualism, or citizens' rights….and even of their very lives…..this is the price the Left is willing to accept for the final destination…..Utopia.

You get with the program….or you're off the team.

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