Evolution is most likely; homosexuality is natural

Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
You can't run from your sexuality, flasher. We'll all pitch in for you to go get reprogrammed by Pat Robertson. He has a camp called "gay no more".

Okay, I'm moving on to more interesting things tahn your little-boy gay talk....:rolleyes:
Originally posted by nycflasher
Okay, I'm moving on to more interesting things tahn your little-boy gay talk....:rolleyes:

Little boy gay talk? are you a priest?
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
You can't run from your sexuality, flasher. We'll all pitch in for you to go get reprogrammed by Pat Robertson. He has a camp called "gay no more".

Who is catching?
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Please nobody vote for this petrouka clown. Newguy's just trying to split Bush's vote. If Newguy preferred Bush over kerry, he would have said so by now. Newguy is trying to split the republican vote. Don't let him.
December 29, 2003

If you keep doing the same thing over and over again, why would you be surprised that you keep getting the same result?

You wanted to end the national disgrace of abortion, so you voted Republican.

-The murder of innocent American children continues.

You wanted to preserve your God-given right to keep and bear arms, so you voted for a Republican.

-Attacks on your Second Amendment protections intensify.

You want a better education for your children, so you vote for a Democrat or perhaps a Republican who promises to throw more money at the government school system.

-The system keeps getting worse and schools get to be even more dangerous places for your children.

You wanted government to be smaller and more efficient, so you voted for George Bush.

-Yet, in one year he enlarged the budget of the government by 5.6%. By contrast, on average, federal spending only grew by 3.5% per year under President Bill Clinton.

Why don't you stop wasting your vote?

A vote for Michael Peroutka is a vote for honest and efficient government because it is a vote for Constitutional government. According to the U.S. Constitution, most current Federal spending is not permissible. Think about it; that means the Federal government is acting outside the law. This is a hard thing to say – and to hear, but it must be understood.

If you want a President who follows the rule of law, a President who is committed to take action to end abortion, a President who understands the meaning of “shall not be infringed” and who has the courage to terminate unConstitutional programs, please stop wasting your vote on Democrats and Republicans.

But you say, “Michael, you cannot win.” Saul said the same thing to David moments before Goliath had a rock sunk into his forehead. David knew, and so do I, that the outcome is in the Hand of God – and the duty is in the hands of men - your hands.

Vote for Michael Anthony Peroutka for President of these United States.
At the recent Conservative Political Action Conference in Virginia, near Washington DC, a supporter of mine met and talked with an older man, a conservative from Connecticut wearing a Bush-Cheney sticker on his lapel. My supporter listed a number of my differences with President Bush --- that he has given us unconstitutional, big spending, debt-ridden Big Government and done a lot of other unconservative things.

Every time my supporter mentioned an unconservative, even un-Republican thing Mr. Bush has done, this man agreed, saying “I hear you.” But, he said, he was not about to vote for anybody other than Bush-Cheney.

This man’s remedy for the unconservative, un-Republican things the President has done was to suggest that Mr. Bush and the Republicans be disciplined --- his word --- for their political heresy. But, who is to discipline them, he was asked, since these political heretics now control the Republican National Committee, the Congress and the White House?

The Bush-Cheney man said nothing.

The Bush-Cheney man also said that instead of voting for me, conservatives should try to take over the Republican Party. But, of course, this has been the argument of some people for more than 40 years. And where has it gotten us? Nowhere, basically. In fact, people calling themselves conservatives have taken over the Republican Party and they have given us the biggest Federal Government ever with the biggest budget deficits ever!

I tell you this story because there’s a moral here.

If you’re a Constitutional, conservative Republican who knows in his heart that it’s true that the Bush-Cheney Administration has given us anything BUT a Constitutional, conservative, Republican Federal Government --- and you vote to re-elect Bush-Cheney --- then you are NOT really a Constitutional, conservative Republican.

If you agree with my criticisms of the Bush-Cheney Administration, and say “I hear you,” but still vote for them, THEN YOU DO NOT HEAR ME.

The best, most effective way to discipline unconstitutional, unconservative, Republicans IS TO VOTE THEM OUT OF OFFICE!

And remember: You NEVER waste your vote when you vote for what’s right.
petrouka is too isolationist, we must have clear allies in the world. an in group, and and out group. All of the domestic issues pale in comparison to the importance of this issue.

I don't know which euronazi you've teamed up with to split the republican vote and render the U.S. a non player, but I'm shining the light of truth on your clandestince nazi plan to destroy america. All these years and we're still fighting the nazis.

The constitutionalist party should be call the the christian theocracy party. No better than the taliban.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
petrouka is too isolationist, we must have clear allies in the world. an in group, and and out group. All of the domestic issues pale in comparison to the importance of this issue.

I don't know which euronazi you've teamed up with to split the republican vote and render the U.S. a non player, but I'm shining the light of truth on your clandestince nazi plan to destroy america. All these years and we're still fighting the nazis.

The constitutionalist party should be call the the christian theocracy party. No better than the taliban.

So which label are you trying to pin ME with?

All of them?
Originally posted by NewGuy
So which label are you trying to pin ME with?

All of them?

They're criticism of your precious party. Quit acting like a lib.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
They're criticism of your precious party. Quit acting like a lib.

WOW. Before, you used to CALL ME a lib.

Now I just act like one.

Am I moving up?
Originally posted by NewGuy
WOW. Before, you used to CALL ME a lib.

Now I just act like one.

Am I moving up?

blah blah blah. Isolationism is a bad idea. What is the advantage of having no clear allies in the mideast?
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
blah blah blah. Isolationism is a bad idea. What is the advantage of having no clear allies in the mideast?

Personally, I see it as too little too late.

-But it is a return to what is Constitutionally legal and right.
RWA I don't want to really vote for anybody but Bush either but can you seriously say that this guy doesn't have any good ideas or what he says about the Repubs, constitution and big government doesn't have any weight?

Its true, really on social issues Bush has been a complete dissappointment. Foriegn policy wise he's done what he had to do but after Iraq we will be like we were before, we won't have any solid allies there like its always been. The Eurodicks don't want anything to do with us, they forget all the sacrifices we've made for them so why don't we take our foriegn aid and tell them to fuck off. We'll see how long the world can survive without the biggest economic power on earth as a non player. I mean seriously the Eurodicks aren't going to come around and everybody else irrationally hates America pretty much so fuck it, let em rot.
Only three points concerning the Constitution party:

1.) They are right about a great many things.

2.) They are not going to win.

3.) A vote for Petrouka is a wasted vote.
Originally posted by Zhukov
Only three points concerning the Constitution party:

1.) They are right about a great many things.

2.) They are not going to win.

3.) A vote for Petrouka is a wasted vote.

well put
Originally posted by OCA
RWA I don't want to really vote for anybody but Bush either but can you seriously say that this guy doesn't have any good ideas or what he says about the Repubs, constitution and big government doesn't have any weight?

Its true, really on social issues Bush has been a complete dissappointment. Foriegn policy wise he's done what he had to do but after Iraq we will be like we were before, we won't have any solid allies there like its always been. The Eurodicks don't want anything to do with us, they forget all the sacrifices we've made for them so why don't we take our foriegn aid and tell them to fuck off. We'll see how long the world can survive without the biggest economic power on earth as a non player. I mean seriously the Eurodicks aren't going to come around and everybody else irrationally hates America pretty much so fuck it, let em rot.

He does have some good ideas, but when they are bad they are awful.
Originally posted by NewGuy
Personally, I see it as too little too late.

-But it is a return to what is Constitutionally legal and right.

Yes, but with a foreign policy that will guarantee our demise. But I know that is of no consequence to you, since you're right with jesus.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Yes, but with a foreign policy that will guarantee our demise. But I know that is of no consequence to you, since you're right with jesus.

Actually, my issues with foreign policy are (in order):

1. Is it Constitutional?
2. Is it RIGHT?
3. Do we benefit?

Generally number 2 will square #1. -Since number 1 has been avoided for so long, it ought to remain #1 until we get on the right track. -At which point #2, and #1 switch places.
Originally posted by Zhukov
Only three points concerning the Constitution party:

1.) They are right about a great many things.

2.) They are not going to win.

3.) A vote for Petrouka is a wasted vote.

Which is better?

Winning when you are wrong?


Taking a chance you COULD win and be right?
Originally posted by NewGuy
Actually, my issues with foreign policy are (in order):

1. Is it Constitutional?
2. Is it RIGHT?
3. Do we benefit?

Generally number 2 will square #1. -Since number 1 has been avoided for so long, it ought to remain #1 until we get on the right track. -At which point #2, and #1 switch places.

More questions. So like a lib.

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