Ex-Nazi concentration camp guard living in Tennessee deported to Germany


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
I thought..with all the kerfuffle about Nazis..Dem or Repub...depending on bias--that maybe some news about a REAL Nazi will resonate..LOL!

A 95-year-old former Nazi concentration camp guard who has been living in Tennessee was deported Saturday back to his home country of Germany.
In February 2020, a Memphis immigration judge ruled that Friedrich Karl Berger could be deported because he assisted in "Nazi-sponsored persecution" when he served as an armed guard in the Neuengamme Concentration Camp system, the Department of Justice said in a press release.
The court found Berger guarded a camp near Meppen where Russian, Jewish, Polish, Dutch and French prisoners were held. The judge said the prisoners were kept in "atrocious" conditions and were forced to do labor, working “to the point of exhaustion and death," the press release states.

The camp was abandoned in March 1945 and Berger helped move the prisoners to another camp, the court found. The nearly two-week trip to the new location was done under "inhumane conditions" and some 70 prisoners died, officials said.

a man wearing a suit and tie: Image: Friedrich Karl Berger (Dept. of Justice)

Berger acknowledged during his trial that he guarded the prisoners to prevent them from escaping, did not request a transfer from the concentration camp, and was still receiving a pension from Germany for his wartime service, according to federal officials.
Acting Attorney General Monty Wilkinson said Berger was deported because the U.S. is not "a safe haven for those who have participated in Nazi crimes."
“The Department marshaled evidence that our Human Rights and Special Prosecutions Section found in archives here and in Europe, including records of the historic trial at Nuremberg of the most notorious former leaders of the defeated Nazi regime," he said in a statement. "In this year in which we mark the 75th anniversary of the Nuremberg convictions, this case shows that the passage even of many decades will not deter the Department from pursuing justice on behalf of the victims of Nazi crimes.”
Berger told The Washington Post last year that he was 19 at the time he was a guard and was forced to work at the camp. He said he made a life in the United States building wire-stripping machines.

“After 75 years, this is ridiculous. I cannot believe it. I cannot understand how this can happen in a country like this. You’re forcing me out of my home," he said.
I thought..with all the kerfuffle about Nazis..Dem or Repub...depending on bias--that maybe some news about a REAL Nazi will resonate..LOL!

A 95-year-old former Nazi concentration camp guard who has been living in Tennessee was deported Saturday back to his home country of Germany.
In February 2020, a Memphis immigration judge ruled that Friedrich Karl Berger could be deported because he assisted in "Nazi-sponsored persecution" when he served as an armed guard in the Neuengamme Concentration Camp system, the Department of Justice said in a press release.
The court found Berger guarded a camp near Meppen where Russian, Jewish, Polish, Dutch and French prisoners were held. The judge said the prisoners were kept in "atrocious" conditions and were forced to do labor, working “to the point of exhaustion and death," the press release states.

The camp was abandoned in March 1945 and Berger helped move the prisoners to another camp, the court found. The nearly two-week trip to the new location was done under "inhumane conditions" and some 70 prisoners died, officials said.

a man wearing a suit and tie: Image: Friedrich Karl Berger (Dept. of Justice)

Berger acknowledged during his trial that he guarded the prisoners to prevent them from escaping, did not request a transfer from the concentration camp, and was still receiving a pension from Germany for his wartime service, according to federal officials.
Acting Attorney General Monty Wilkinson said Berger was deported because the U.S. is not "a safe haven for those who have participated in Nazi crimes."
“The Department marshaled evidence that our Human Rights and Special Prosecutions Section found in archives here and in Europe, including records of the historic trial at Nuremberg of the most notorious former leaders of the defeated Nazi regime," he said in a statement. "In this year in which we mark the 75th anniversary of the Nuremberg convictions, this case shows that the passage even of many decades will not deter the Department from pursuing justice on behalf of the victims of Nazi crimes.”
Berger told The Washington Post last year that he was 19 at the time he was a guard and was forced to work at the camp. He said he made a life in the United States building wire-stripping machines.

“After 75 years, this is ridiculous. I cannot believe it. I cannot understand how this can happen in a country like this. You’re forcing me out of my home," he said.

Was he a registered Democrat or Republican?

LOL... Joke... Doesn't matter, good riddance to bad rubbish.
I thought..with all the kerfuffle about Nazis..Dem or Repub...depending on bias--that maybe some news about a REAL Nazi will resonate..LOL!

A 95-year-old former Nazi concentration camp guard who has been living in Tennessee was deported Saturday back to his home country of Germany.
In February 2020, a Memphis immigration judge ruled that Friedrich Karl Berger could be deported because he assisted in "Nazi-sponsored persecution" when he served as an armed guard in the Neuengamme Concentration Camp system, the Department of Justice said in a press release.
The court found Berger guarded a camp near Meppen where Russian, Jewish, Polish, Dutch and French prisoners were held. The judge said the prisoners were kept in "atrocious" conditions and were forced to do labor, working “to the point of exhaustion and death," the press release states.

The camp was abandoned in March 1945 and Berger helped move the prisoners to another camp, the court found. The nearly two-week trip to the new location was done under "inhumane conditions" and some 70 prisoners died, officials said.

a man wearing a suit and tie: Image: Friedrich Karl Berger (Dept. of Justice)

Berger acknowledged during his trial that he guarded the prisoners to prevent them from escaping, did not request a transfer from the concentration camp, and was still receiving a pension from Germany for his wartime service, according to federal officials.
Acting Attorney General Monty Wilkinson said Berger was deported because the U.S. is not "a safe haven for those who have participated in Nazi crimes."
“The Department marshaled evidence that our Human Rights and Special Prosecutions Section found in archives here and in Europe, including records of the historic trial at Nuremberg of the most notorious former leaders of the defeated Nazi regime," he said in a statement. "In this year in which we mark the 75th anniversary of the Nuremberg convictions, this case shows that the passage even of many decades will not deter the Department from pursuing justice on behalf of the victims of Nazi crimes.”
Berger told The Washington Post last year that he was 19 at the time he was a guard and was forced to work at the camp. He said he made a life in the United States building wire-stripping machines.

“After 75 years, this is ridiculous. I cannot believe it. I cannot understand how this can happen in a country like this. You’re forcing me out of my home," he said.
At 95, better hang him quick before it's too late!


Meanwhile, the world we live in is falling apart all around us with Socialists running things. Do socialists hang national socialists?
I thought..with all the kerfuffle about Nazis..Dem or Repub...depending on bias--that maybe some news about a REAL Nazi will resonate..LOL!

A 95-year-old former Nazi concentration camp guard who has been living in Tennessee was deported Saturday back to his home country of Germany.
In February 2020, a Memphis immigration judge ruled that Friedrich Karl Berger could be deported because he assisted in "Nazi-sponsored persecution" when he served as an armed guard in the Neuengamme Concentration Camp system, the Department of Justice said in a press release.
The court found Berger guarded a camp near Meppen where Russian, Jewish, Polish, Dutch and French prisoners were held. The judge said the prisoners were kept in "atrocious" conditions and were forced to do labor, working “to the point of exhaustion and death," the press release states.

The camp was abandoned in March 1945 and Berger helped move the prisoners to another camp, the court found. The nearly two-week trip to the new location was done under "inhumane conditions" and some 70 prisoners died, officials said.

a man wearing a suit and tie: Image: Friedrich Karl Berger (Dept. of Justice)

Berger acknowledged during his trial that he guarded the prisoners to prevent them from escaping, did not request a transfer from the concentration camp, and was still receiving a pension from Germany for his wartime service, according to federal officials.
Acting Attorney General Monty Wilkinson said Berger was deported because the U.S. is not "a safe haven for those who have participated in Nazi crimes."
“The Department marshaled evidence that our Human Rights and Special Prosecutions Section found in archives here and in Europe, including records of the historic trial at Nuremberg of the most notorious former leaders of the defeated Nazi regime," he said in a statement. "In this year in which we mark the 75th anniversary of the Nuremberg convictions, this case shows that the passage even of many decades will not deter the Department from pursuing justice on behalf of the victims of Nazi crimes.”
Berger told The Washington Post last year that he was 19 at the time he was a guard and was forced to work at the camp. He said he made a life in the United States building wire-stripping machines.

“After 75 years, this is ridiculous. I cannot believe it. I cannot understand how this can happen in a country like this. You’re forcing me out of my home," he said.

Was he a registered Democrat or Republican?

LOL... Joke... Doesn't matter, good riddance to bad rubbish.

He sounds like a lefty to me ;)
I thought..with all the kerfuffle about Nazis..Dem or Repub...depending on bias--that maybe some news about a REAL Nazi will resonate..LOL!

A 95-year-old former Nazi concentration camp guard who has been living in Tennessee was deported Saturday back to his home country of Germany.
In February 2020, a Memphis immigration judge ruled that Friedrich Karl Berger could be deported because he assisted in "Nazi-sponsored persecution" when he served as an armed guard in the Neuengamme Concentration Camp system, the Department of Justice said in a press release.
The court found Berger guarded a camp near Meppen where Russian, Jewish, Polish, Dutch and French prisoners were held. The judge said the prisoners were kept in "atrocious" conditions and were forced to do labor, working “to the point of exhaustion and death," the press release states.

The camp was abandoned in March 1945 and Berger helped move the prisoners to another camp, the court found. The nearly two-week trip to the new location was done under "inhumane conditions" and some 70 prisoners died, officials said.

a man wearing a suit and tie: Image: Friedrich Karl Berger (Dept. of Justice)

Berger acknowledged during his trial that he guarded the prisoners to prevent them from escaping, did not request a transfer from the concentration camp, and was still receiving a pension from Germany for his wartime service, according to federal officials.
Acting Attorney General Monty Wilkinson said Berger was deported because the U.S. is not "a safe haven for those who have participated in Nazi crimes."
“The Department marshaled evidence that our Human Rights and Special Prosecutions Section found in archives here and in Europe, including records of the historic trial at Nuremberg of the most notorious former leaders of the defeated Nazi regime," he said in a statement. "In this year in which we mark the 75th anniversary of the Nuremberg convictions, this case shows that the passage even of many decades will not deter the Department from pursuing justice on behalf of the victims of Nazi crimes.”
Berger told The Washington Post last year that he was 19 at the time he was a guard and was forced to work at the camp. He said he made a life in the United States building wire-stripping machines.

“After 75 years, this is ridiculous. I cannot believe it. I cannot understand how this can happen in a country like this. You’re forcing me out of my home," he said.
With all the censorship an cancelling, you'd think he'd be a hero and rallying cry for todays libturds in America..

Does he even know where he is? lol. There are 1000's of 90 year old Nazis walking all over Europe still.r
I don't object to this Illegal being deported at all, but the fact is if Mr. Berger had committed his murders and assaults as a member of MS-13, Biden would have celebrated him with a parade instead of sending him back to a Shithole.
Imagine growing up, (and old) under a government where his job was EXPECTED by the German government.

Now imagine the USA utterly defeated that government and replaced it with another.

Why is the German government now, morally superior now and why do we approve of this government PERSECUTING someone following orders of the previous government?

The guy is 95. Did he live as a peaceful citizen here? I'm completely against deporting someone DOING HIS EXPECTED JOB under a government he existed in.
Imagine growing up, (and old) under a government where his job was EXPECTED by the German government.

Now imagine the USA utterly defeated that government and replaced it with another.

Why is the German government now, morally superior now and why do we approve of this government PERSECUTING someone following orders of the previous government?

The guy is 95. Did he live as a peaceful citizen here? I'm completely against deporting someone DOING HIS EXPECTED JOB under a government he existed in.
Only following orders, eh?

EDIT: I meant the above sarcastically and it was intended to echo the defense of so many at Nuremburg...."We were only following orders."

It did not keep them from the hangman.
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If we ever get our government back from the fascist lunatics currently occupying our centers of power, should we track down the leftists who have destroyed so many lives, and imprison them for the rest of their lives?
Huge amounts of right wing trump deflection going on. These people are truly scum.
I feel exactly the same about you. Why the President Trump bashing in this thread? Why is the mentally ill left bringing President Trump into this thread.
Its just trumpers who have no problem with the nazis. Fellow travellers, "Jews will not replace us" and so on.
If we ever get our government back from the fascist lunatics currently occupying our centers of power, should we track down the leftists who have destroyed so many lives, and imprison them for the rest of their lives?

That you would ask such a question identifies you as a Fascist.
Not that we didn't already know. ;)
Imagine growing up, (and old) under a government where his job was EXPECTED by the German government.

Now imagine the USA utterly defeated that government and replaced it with another.

Why is the German government now, morally superior now and why do we approve of this government PERSECUTING someone following orders of the previous government?

The guy is 95. Did he live as a peaceful citizen here? I'm completely against deporting someone DOING HIS EXPECTED JOB under a government he existed in.
Only following orders, eh?
At a certain level, yes. He was a cog doing the bidding of GOVERNMENT.

Leftists are doing the same here. When governments change, do you throw the former peons in prison?
Huge amounts of right wing trump deflection going on. These people are truly scum.
I feel exactly the same about you. Why the President Trump bashing in this thread? Why is the mentally ill left bringing President Trump into this thread.
Its just trumpers who have no problem with the nazis. Fellow travellers, "Jews will not replace us" and so on.
Still trying to equate President Trump with Nazis. Of to ignore land with your fat ass

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