Ex US Border Patrol Chief says Biden administration "tore the tools down" they had in place to deal with migrant surge.

the demafasict are purposely causing this human rights crisis. they are monsters
We have never had an American Political Party turn against the USA the way that the Chinacrats have. With the help of the worthless GOP, they are going to jam through a 1.7 TRILLION DOLLAR budget with 4 billion earmarked for Border Management. That does nothing to STOP the illegals before they get here. We're screwed.
The Biden administration needs to be ripped-out root and stem, tried for treason, and publicly executed.
We have never had an American Political Party turn against the USA the way that the Chinacrats have. With the help of the worthless GOP, they are going to jam through a 1.7 TRILLION DOLLAR budget with 4 billion earmarked for Border Management. That does nothing to STOP the illegals before they get here. We're screwed.

Skip through this. They totally agree with you. They say this bill slid in right before Christmas they would have to read 47 pages an hour 24 hours a day and 'COMPREHEND IT'.

Skip through this. They totally agree with you. They say this bill slid in right before Christmas they would have to read 47 pages an hour 24 hours a day and 'COMPREHEND IT'.

It's the Obamacare bill all over again. That was ONLY 2400 pages but they also didn't read that bill. That's because just like this mega pork bill, it's being jammed through just before Christmas.
how can a black man not care…wait how can any human being not care, about the human rights crisis on our border??

What about Americasns human rights? Why are we responsible for the worlds lack of indepency?
There leaders and their culture's are to blame for their problems not America.
Funny how you care about the border and don't care about what is happening in black communities.
1) of course i do…the crime rate in the inner cities, the poverty, the lose of jobs and business is a horrible thjng…but it’s what happens when you elect dems…you should move out of dem run cities
2) what happens on the border impacts black communities…allowing illegals to come in, they often get resettled on those communities
1) of course i do…the crime rate in the inner cities, the poverty, the lose of jobs and business is a horrible thjng…but it’s what happens when you elect dems…you should move out of dem run cities.
Yea those things would really change if they started electing racist ass republicans.
2) what happens on the border impacts black communities…allowing illegals to come in, they often get resettled on those communities.
Really? Give us some examples of this.
Yea those things would really change if they started electing racist ass republicans.

Really? Give us some examples of this.
1) no, just not Demafacist....but yes, if they voted for Republicans, people that cared about the economy and not creating dependency....
2) have you not been to any inner cities? get off the plantation, look around

Funny how you care about the border and don't care about what is happening in black communities.
Where are all the black men who's kids keep killing each other?
Instead of blaming others take on some responsibility and get out in the community and step the violence and crime, take care of your children. Nobody makes you leave theri mothers. Nobody makes you sit on your laurels and blame others while you do absolutely nothing to make changes that save lives.
Stop letting gangsta's rule over you.
1) no, just not Demafacist....but yes, if they voted for Republicans, people that cared about the economy and not creating dependency....
We have had many republican presidents, governors and members of Congress and what have they done? Not a damn thing, so you can go spew that boot licking garbage to someone else. It is republicans who cut programs that help the inner cities, it is republicans who vote against programs that help the inner cities.
2) have you not been to any inner cities? get off the plantation, look around.
I am willing to bet the farm your boot licking, scary ass never goes in the Hood, you wouldn't last a minute. They would peep your Uncle Tom ass out in a heartbeat and I know you damn sure wouldn't go in the Hood spewing that republican bullshit.
How is this taking jobs from black folks? How is this hurting black folks?
Where are all the black men who's kids keep killing each other?
Where are all these black kids getting the guns in which many are killed with? Don't come with that lie about they are stolen either.
Instead of blaming others take on some responsibility and get out in the community and step the violence and crime, take care of your children. Nobody makes you leave theri mothers. Nobody makes you sit on your laurels and blame others while you do absolutely nothing to make changes that save lives
Stop letting gangsta's rule over you.
The biggest problem is we can't stop you from putting the guns and the drugs in the communities, if we can ever stop that the rest will take care of itself.
Yea those things would really change if they started electing racist ass republicans.

Really? Give us some examples of this.

While you blame other Americans people are coming in now who will not care about your past since they had no part in it and if you think Americans are bad just wait till you get a dose of them.
Guess you never investigated 'LaRaza aka ;THE RACE, OR MenCha and what they say about black people? I have as did some of the other groups who were working to save America from the invasion, where is all the money and resources coming from to shelter, feed all these new invaders?

Here is one group who paid attention,


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