Exactly Two Minutes

We're hearing a lot of whining this morning about the unfair tactics used against Roy Moore. This is hilarious, considering all the lies and false accusations the very same tards hurled against the Clintons and Obama.

I've been having a lot of fun the past two days exposing the hypocrites by dredging up their pedophilia accusations against the Clintons. Fucking schizo hypocrites.

This morning I was thinking about Senator-elect Jones and the fact his re-election campaign will coincide with Trump's re-election campaign in 2020.

The chances of Jones getting re-elected are directly correlated to how much the American people will turn out to kick Trump to the curb.

Of course, this depends on the Democratic party choosing a presidential candidate who won't snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

The rising tide of the Democratic presidential candidate will lift Jones's boat.

That then led to my pondering who the Democratic candidate will be. Right now, people assume Elizabeth Warren will be in the race.
Which then made me realize that exactly two minutes after a Democratic front runner emerges, the very same tards who are whining about unfair tactics this morning will return to their tried and true lies and false accusations propaganda generating machines to give them bullshit-laden memes to parrot.

Exactly two minutes. Watch and see. "Governor Blankety-blank was seen throwing puppies into rush hour traffic 25 years ago!"

Two minutes.

I'm being optimistic.
Yeah but you won't see rioting and shit burning to the ground. Big diffrence between a Democrat losing and when it happens to a Republican. Sticks and stones may break some bones but words won't do jack shit.

C'mon, Thunder......you've got to see how funny some of this shit is:

"Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!"

Fast forward one year....

"Its so unfair to accuse Moore of something he's never been convicted of. Innocent until proven guilty!"

I don't care who you are...that's funny right there.
Remember that time when Comey described Clinton as extremely negligent. I have some experience handling classified material and that sort of description could lead to a lot of years breaking big rocks into little rocks for most people.
Says you, citing yourself. Legal experts galore agreed that there would be no charges. The FBI found no grounds for them. Both are more credible than you.

No, says the guy who has provided tech support and managed email servers and for Military Intelligence units. Sending information over an unsecured network will get you hard time unless you're a Clinton apparently
We're hearing a lot of whining this morning about the unfair tactics used against Roy Moore. This is hilarious, considering all the lies and false accusations the very same tards hurled against the Clintons and Obama.

I've been having a lot of fun the past two days exposing the hypocrites by dredging up their pedophilia accusations against the Clintons. Fucking schizo hypocrites.

This morning I was thinking about Senator-elect Jones and the fact his re-election campaign will coincide with Trump's re-election campaign in 2020.

The chances of Jones getting re-elected are directly correlated to how much the American people will turn out to kick Trump to the curb.

Of course, this depends on the Democratic party choosing a presidential candidate who won't snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

The rising tide of the Democratic presidential candidate will lift Jones's boat.

That then led to my pondering who the Democratic candidate will be. Right now, people assume Elizabeth Warren will be in the race.
Which then made me realize that exactly two minutes after a Democratic front runner emerges, the very same tards who are whining about unfair tactics this morning will return to their tried and true lies and false accusations propaganda generating machines to give them bullshit-laden memes to parrot.

Exactly two minutes. Watch and see. "Governor Blankety-blank was seen throwing puppies into rush hour traffic 25 years ago!"

Two minutes.

I'm being optimistic.
Yeah but you won't see rioting and shit burning to the ground. Big diffrence between a Democrat losing and when it happens to a Republican. Sticks and stones may break some bones but words won't do jack shit.

C'mon, Thunder......you've got to see how funny some of this shit is:

"Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!"

Fast forward one year....

"Its so unfair to accuse Moore of something he's never been convicted of. Innocent until proven guilty!"

I don't care who you are...that's funny right there.
Remember that time when Comey described Clinton as extremely negligent. I have some experience handling classified material and that sort of description could lead to a lot of years breaking big rocks into little rocks for most people.
Says you, citing yourself. Legal experts galore agreed that there would be no charges. The FBI found no grounds for them. Both are more credible than you.

No, says the guy who has provided tech support and managed email servers and for Military Intelligence units. Sending information over an unsecured network will get you hard time unless you're a Clinton apparently

None of that is law enforcement. You're giving us a law enforcement opinion. Which is meaningless.

Again, named law enforcement and named legal experts contradict you. Including the FBI. You're a vastly inferior source, as well as anonymous.

No rational person would ignore them and believe you.
No, they were all true. That's why I held my nose and voted against Hillary and her commie predecessor.
No, the accusations of pedophilia were bullshit.

How's that "voting for the lesser of two evils" shit working out for ya?

We keep getting more and more evil choices.

Now we're down to deciding about whether or not to elect an accused child molester who has an actual living, breathing accuser.

What astounds me about Trump voters is that they'll drop to their knees for any anonymous Tom, Dick, or Harry with a fake Obamacare sob story, yet they refuse to believe women who are willing to swear under oath that they were assaulted.

Or 16 intelligence agencies who all affirm the Russians interfered with our election.

That actually is not true. 16 intelligence agencies did not affirm that.

Actually they did.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

On Oct. 7, the Department of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued a joint statement on behalf of the U.S. Intelligence Community. The USIC is made up of 16 agencies, in addition to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

Ignore as you will. Mueller certainly won't.

You are a liar. Even your own link said that the Department of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued the statement. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence may be made up of 16 agencies, but not all 16 agencies agreed that Russia was behind the hacking. Why do you lie?
We're hearing a lot of whining this morning about the unfair tactics used against Roy Moore. This is hilarious, considering all the lies and false accusations the very same tards hurled against the Clintons and Obama.

Just like Hillary, Moore was a horrible candidate. You won't hear any whining from me.
If Trump supporters were stupid we would simply riot and wear pussy hats when things didn’t go our way, or acquire therapy dogs for the supposed trauma that we were too stupid to understand doesn’t actually exist.

If Trump supporters were stupid, they'd believe that only 4 of 17 intel agencies affirmed that Russia interfered in our election. Rather than 16 (or 17, if you count the Office of the Direction of National Intelligence as well) that actually did.

If Trump supporters were stupid, they'd ignore those agencies and instead believe Trump.....because he gullibly believed Putin.

And as you've demonstrated, Trump supporters do exactly that.

As I said, you can't fix stupid.

Stupid doesn’t even begin to describe you or your party.

The same party that literally blamed Comey for Hillary losing is the same party that wants to impeach Trump for firing Comey.

The same party that once embraced Wikileaks as the go to source for information is the same party that actually believes that Russia is an enemy of the US and it controls Wikileaks, and this is after Obama had a “Russia reset button”(aka Obama wanted to suck up to Putin) that you dipshits cheered for.

You can’t fix severe mental retardation.

Sticks and stones may break my bones.....but 4 indictments and 2 guilty pleas make me giggle.

But tell us again how only 4 of 17 intel agencies affirmed that Russia interfered in our elections again? It makes me giggle too.

You are giggling because your lies are getting attention.

I'm giggling because you're just so spectacularly uninformed.

You're giggling because you're a spectacular liar who will say anything for attention. So, to prevent you from achieving your goal, I banish you to the land of helpless liars.
We're hearing a lot of whining this morning about the unfair tactics used against Roy Moore. This is hilarious, considering all the lies and false accusations the very same tards hurled against the Clintons and Obama.

I've been having a lot of fun the past two days exposing the hypocrites by dredging up their pedophilia accusations against the Clintons. Fucking schizo hypocrites.

This morning I was thinking about Senator-elect Jones and the fact his re-election campaign will coincide with Trump's re-election campaign in 2020.

The chances of Jones getting re-elected are directly correlated to how much the American people will turn out to kick Trump to the curb.

Of course, this depends on the Democratic party choosing a presidential candidate who won't snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

The rising tide of the Democratic presidential candidate will lift Jones's boat.

That then led to my pondering who the Democratic candidate will be. Right now, people assume Elizabeth Warren will be in the race.
Which then made me realize that exactly two minutes after a Democratic front runner emerges, the very same tards who are whining about unfair tactics this morning will return to their tried and true lies and false accusations propaganda generating machines to give them bullshit-laden memes to parrot.

Exactly two minutes. Watch and see. "Governor Blankety-blank was seen throwing puppies into rush hour traffic 25 years ago!"

Two minutes.

I'm being optimistic.
Yeah but you won't see rioting and shit burning to the ground. Big diffrence between a Democrat losing and when it happens to a Republican. Sticks and stones may break some bones but words won't do jack shit.

C'mon, Thunder......you've got to see how funny some of this shit is:

"Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!"

Fast forward one year....

"Its so unfair to accuse Moore of something he's never been convicted of. Innocent until proven guilty!"

I don't care who you are...that's funny right there.
Remember that time when Comey described Clinton as extremely negligent. I have some experience handling classified material and that sort of description could lead to a lot of years breaking big rocks into little rocks for most people.
Says you, citing yourself. Legal experts galore agreed that there would be no charges. The FBI found no grounds for them. Both are more credible than you.

No, says the guy who has provided tech support and managed email servers and for Military Intelligence units. Sending information over an unsecured network will get you hard time unless you're a Clinton apparently
Or Colin Powell.
No, the accusations of pedophilia were bullshit.

How's that "voting for the lesser of two evils" shit working out for ya?

We keep getting more and more evil choices.

Now we're down to deciding about whether or not to elect an accused child molester who has an actual living, breathing accuser.

What astounds me about Trump voters is that they'll drop to their knees for any anonymous Tom, Dick, or Harry with a fake Obamacare sob story, yet they refuse to believe women who are willing to swear under oath that they were assaulted.

Or 16 intelligence agencies who all affirm the Russians interfered with our election.

That actually is not true. 16 intelligence agencies did not affirm that.

Actually they did.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

On Oct. 7, the Department of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued a joint statement on behalf of the U.S. Intelligence Community. The USIC is made up of 16 agencies, in addition to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

Ignore as you will. Mueller certainly won't.

You are a liar. Even your own link said that the Department of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued the statement. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence may be made up of 16 agencies, but not all 16 agencies agreed that Russia was behind the hacking. Why do you lie?

The USIC is made up of 16 members. It issued a joint statement that the Russian government interfered with our election.

The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations.

Joint Statement from the Department Of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security

I've cited the USIC itself. You've cited jack shit. Show me an intelligence agency on the USIC that disagreed with that statement.

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