Exactly what is it that you think Trump will do as POTUS, that has you so frightened?

I worry about him being in charge of the military . I don't see him being very diplomatic .
You are afraid, you think Trump will be a disaster. I mean, if you are a liberal, well you say that about all republicans but if you are truly worried about him, what is it that has you so concerned?

I have already voted here in Florida, and I voted for Cruz because I think he is the most qualified and most conservative. But I don't worry a great deal if he ends up as our president. If he gets the nomination, I will vote for him without reservation. Why are you concerned?

Trump is an east coast liberal, so if anybody meets with disappointment, if he takes the whitehouse, will be all the repubs he's playing for fools right now.

Let's see if I can answer this despite the left wing nutter bull shit.
I haven't heard from any conservatives in this thread yet who are afraid of Trump being POTUS. I think that most are more concerned that he will be the nominee because they think he can't win.
He'll impede the communist agenda

That is something he likely will do. Being the capitalist he is.

So fraud and filing four bankruptcies is the new capitalism? Fascinating.
See my last post. The NY SC has given the AG permission to charge Trump for fraud.

Trump has never filed bankruptcy, do keep up.

Who ran up the debt and over-leveraged his companies? The accountant? The secretary? The janitor?
I notice you're not going to touch the fraud charges. Why not?
Did you also not know that Trump has amassed $50,000,000 from the Chinese for Trump Bay Street building project? No? Oh.....March 14 issue of Bloomberg Newsweek, "Trump Finds One Thing He Likes from China", page 33)

If Trump had been running on the Democratic ticket for POTUS suddenly all you rightwing idiots would be demeaning him for not taking personal responsibility for his failures. AND THEY ARE HIS FAILURES.

You are afraid, you think Trump will be a disaster. I mean, if you are a liberal, well you say that about all republicans but if you are truly worried about him, what is it that has you so concerned?

I have already voted here in Florida, and I voted for Cruz because I think he is the most qualified and most conservative. But I don't worry a great deal if he ends up as our president. If he gets the nomination, I will vote for him without reservation. Why are you concerned?

Trump is an east coast liberal, so if anybody meets with disappointment, if he takes the whitehouse, will be all the repubs he's playing for fools right now.

Let's see if I can answer this despite the left wing nutter bull shit.
I haven't heard from any conservatives in this thread yet who are afraid of Trump being POTUS. I think that most are more concerned that he will be the nominee because they think he can't win.

And that despite the track record so far this election cycle of Trump eviscerating his opponents quicker and more accurately than a Samurai on a dozen peasants.
If you think Trump has the capacity to be those things, then you're a fucking idiot. Trump is nothing more than a sleazy used car salesman. He has yet to show one iota of ability to govern an ham sandwich, much less a country. But hey, who cares about that, right? Certainly not the trailer trash like yourself who support him.

This is simply amazing to me. Trump is a self made billionaire, a highly successful author in the top selling book list, and a wildly successful TV star.

And yet people who never could do a single one of these things keep claiming that Trump is an idiot?

What kind of absolute moron really believes that? No one does, not even the person saying it as it is so obviously not true.

SwimExpert is simply lying. He knows that maybe the lowest 10% might believe it and so he tells the transparent lie going for the bottom scum of the political pond.

That is the only reason they say such ridiculous bullshit.

So is Bill Cosby, but we found out the truth about him, now didn't we? And if you want to defend him too, then explain why his own wife Camille won't step up to defend him.

Wow, when was the trial?
He'll impede the communist agenda

That is something he likely will do. Being the capitalist he is.

So fraud and filing four bankruptcies is the new capitalism? Fascinating.
See my last post. The NY SC has given the AG permission to charge Trump for fraud.

Trump has never filed bankruptcy, do keep up.

Who ran up the debt and over-leveraged his companies? The accountant? The secretary? The janitor?
I notice you're not going to touch the fraud charges. Why not?
Did you also not know that Trump has amassed $50,000,000 from the Chinese for Trump Bay Street building project? No? Oh.....March 14 issue of Bloomberg Newsweek, "Trump Finds One Thing He Likes from China", page 33)
Lol, $50 million is known as 'Trump change', dude.
Lol, Tom everyone knows you worked for Sheep farmers in the Pleasant Valley War. Dont shoot the messenger; I have not stolen any of your sheep.

My name aint Willie Nickel.

Well, ya got me there in Tonto Basin but only partly because I hired out to both the Grahams and the Tewksburys. The Tewksburys were cattlemen too but branched into sheep. I was broke and they bid for my services...what can I say?
If you think Trump has the capacity to be those things, then you're a fucking idiot. Trump is nothing more than a sleazy used car salesman. He has yet to show one iota of ability to govern an ham sandwich, much less a country. But hey, who cares about that, right? Certainly not the trailer trash like yourself who support him.

This is simply amazing to me. Trump is a self made billionaire, a highly successful author in the top selling book list, and a wildly successful TV star.

And yet people who never could do a single one of these things keep claiming that Trump is an idiot?

What kind of absolute moron really believes that? No one does, not even the person saying it as it is so obviously not true.

SwimExpert is simply lying. He knows that maybe the lowest 10% might believe it and so he tells the transparent lie going for the bottom scum of the political pond.

That is the only reason they say such ridiculous bullshit.

So is Bill Cosby, but we found out the truth about him, now didn't we? And if you want to defend him too, then explain why his own wife Camille won't step up to defend him.

Since you mention Cosby I'll ask a question that has me curious. Did Bernie really write porn scripts?
You are afraid, you think Trump will be a disaster. I mean, if you are a liberal, well you say that about all republicans but if you are truly worried about him, what is it that has you so concerned?

I have already voted here in Florida, and I voted for Cruz because I think he is the most qualified and most conservative. But I don't worry a great deal if he ends up as our president. If he gets the nomination, I will vote for him without reservation. Why are you concerned?

I'm kinda turned off by the idea of indiscriminate carpet bombing, state sponsored assassinations of civilians because of who their family members are, and things like that.

I also fear he'll run the federal debt even further into the ground, seeing has he can't seem to avoid bankruptcy court to save his life.

Then there's the high chance that he'll order the White House painted with gold spray paint, which would really be terrible.

1. The POTUS is not Caesar, or King, or Emperor. He does not have the authority to carpet bomb anyone or assassinate anyone by himself.

2. His bankruptcies were business decisions, often times it makes good business sense to do so.

3. So far, every POTUS has run up the deficit. Perhaps Trump won't. We do not know.
Lol, Tom everyone knows you worked for Sheep farmers in the Pleasant Valley War. Dont shoot the messenger; I have not stolen any of your sheep.

My name aint Willie Nickel.

Well, ya got me there in Tonto Basin but only partly because I hired out to both the Grahams and the Tewksburys. The Tewksburys were cattlemen too but branched into sheep. I was broke and they bid for my services...what can I say?
You can say 'I was a sheepherders hired gun.' and be honest with the world.

You are afraid, you think Trump will be a disaster. I mean, if you are a liberal, well you say that about all republicans but if you are truly worried about him, what is it that has you so concerned?

I have already voted here in Florida, and I voted for Cruz because I think he is the most qualified and most conservative. But I don't worry a great deal if he ends up as our president. If he gets the nomination, I will vote for him without reservation. Why are you concerned?

6 out of 10 people don't want him anywhere close to the Nuclear button. The other 4 don't want anywhere close to the U.S. treasury.

He can't win with a negative 60% unfavorable American public opinion rating.
Trump's Negative Image

You are afraid, you think Trump will be a disaster. I mean, if you are a liberal, well you say that about all republicans but if you are truly worried about him, what is it that has you so concerned?

I have already voted here in Florida, and I voted for Cruz because I think he is the most qualified and most conservative. But I don't worry a great deal if he ends up as our president. If he gets the nomination, I will vote for him without reservation. Why are you concerned?

6 out of 10 people don't want him anywhere close to the Nuclear button. The other 4 don't want anywhere close to the U.S. treasury.

He can't win with a negative 60% unfavorable American public opinion rating.
Trump's Negative Image

Yeah and Trumps campaign is going to implode any day now, just watch!

You are afraid, you think Trump will be a disaster. I mean, if you are a liberal, well you say that about all republicans but if you are truly worried about him, what is it that has you so concerned?

I have already voted here in Florida, and I voted for Cruz because I think he is the most qualified and most conservative. But I don't worry a great deal if he ends up as our president. If he gets the nomination, I will vote for him without reservation. Why are you concerned?

6 out of 10 people don't want him anywhere close to the Nuclear button. The other 4 don't want anywhere close to the U.S. treasury.

He can't win with a negative 60% unfavorable American public opinion rating.
Trump's Negative Image


If you want to participate in the discussion, act like an adult.
So is Bill Cosby, but we found out the truth about him, now didn't we? And if you want to defend him too, then explain why his own wife Camille won't step up to defend him.

Bill Cosby has not been convicted in a court of law and some of his accusers have been charged with filing false police reports.

You lefties love smearing those who oppose you, but you day is coming to an end.

He has been arrested. Usually that happens before a trial or ruling.

But you just keep checking out the wallpaper where your head is, sort of like a self-colonoscopy:

MONDAY, JAN 4, 2016 07:00 PM EST
Bill Cosby’s arrest is just the beginning: Prosecuting rape and the long, difficult road to justice
Bill Cosby’s arrest is just the beginning: Prosecuting rape and the long, difficult road to justice
You can say 'I was a sheepherders hired gun.' and be honest with the world.


That ain't so and one more thing....I got paid for a rock under a head not for a murder....it's a fine line but it's there. And as for Willie Nickell, maybe I did and maybe I didn't but when they took me in I was carrying a .30-30, not a .45-60, sheepdip.
So is Bill Cosby, but we found out the truth about him, now didn't we? And if you want to defend him too, then explain why his own wife Camille won't step up to defend him.

Bill Cosby has not been convicted in a court of law and some of his accusers have been charged with filing false police reports.

You lefties love smearing those who oppose you, but you day is coming to an end.

He has been arrested. Usually that happens before a trial or ruling.

But you just keep checking out the wallpaper where your head is, sort of like a self-colonoscopy:

MONDAY, JAN 4, 2016 07:00 PM EST
Bill Cosby’s arrest is just the beginning: Prosecuting rape and the long, difficult road to justice
Bill Cosby’s arrest is just the beginning: Prosecuting rape and the long, difficult road to justice
Cosby isnot going to jail over decades old rape charges where she consented only it doesnt count because she was high. Cosby was high too, nut ball.
You are afraid, you think Trump will be a disaster. I mean, if you are a liberal, well you say that about all republicans but if you are truly worried about him, what is it that has you so concerned?

I have already voted here in Florida, and I voted for Cruz because I think he is the most qualified and most conservative. But I don't worry a great deal if he ends up as our president. If he gets the nomination, I will vote for him without reservation. Why are you concerned?
My concern about Trump is that if he doesn't get his way he will be like Obama and try and legislate through executive order. He seems like someone who will follow the law and constitution when they work in his favor and ignore them when they don't.
You are afraid, you think Trump will be a disaster. I mean, if you are a liberal, well you say that about all republicans but if you are truly worried about him, what is it that has you so concerned?

I have already voted here in Florida, and I voted for Cruz because I think he is the most qualified and most conservative. But I don't worry a great deal if he ends up as our president. If he gets the nomination, I will vote for him without reservation. Why are you concerned?
I'm not afraid of anything he might do...

I just don't believe his business experience will be of benefit in a job that requires far more ability to compromise than Trump has.

Trump has had to make deals in his business experience. I doubt very much that he always got his way.
I understand what you're saying....now here's the "but"....

In business, the art of the deal is far less complex, than it is on Capitol Hill
You can say 'I was a sheepherders hired gun.' and be honest with the world.


That ain't so and one more thing....I got paid for a rock under a head not for a murder....it's a fine line but it's there. And as for Willie Nickell, maybe I did and maybe I didn't but when they took me in I was carrying a .30-30, not a .45-60, sheepdip.

Yeah and you never had a 30-30? Come on Tom, it was an amazing shot, take credit for it.

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