Exactly what is it that you think Trump will do as POTUS, that has you so frightened?

How much do you think it will cost to build a 2000-mile long wall that is 50' high? Where will the money come from to build it? Oh, that's right, Vincente Fox is going to meet Donald in Laredo with 18 tractor trailers full of pesos.

Once again we see a Trumpette without a clue about the issue. Chertoff already built most of the fence in the last months of Bush43. We're only talking about a few hundred miles of actual fencing that Napolitano defunded in 2009. So Trump claims he can do it for "around $10-12B"...uh huh...there's at least $1B in profit for the contractor who gets that job....gosh, I wonder who it will be since you LAYDOWNS are so enthralled with the con man you couldn't care less what he says or does.
You are afraid, you think Trump will be a disaster. I mean, if you are a liberal, well you say that about all republicans but if you are truly worried about him, what is it that has you so concerned?

I have already voted here in Florida, and I voted for Cruz because I think he is the most qualified and most conservative. But I don't worry a great deal if he ends up as our president. If he gets the nomination, I will vote for him without reservation. Why are you concerned?

The world recognizes the U.S. as a stabilizing force, both industrialized and developing countries. Bush was hated because of his vanity wars and the financial collapse here in 2008 that caused markets and financial institutions to crash around the globe.

Trump has shown himself to be more impetuous, wreckless and immature than Bush. He's openly confronted Mexico with this stupid, ridiculous wall he says he will build and his arrogance of stating that Vincente Fox is going to pay for it. So we've already alienated Mexico. South America will follow. You don't think ISIS/AQ and other radicals aren't paying attention to this and will not act accordingly?

You think Obama has signed too many executive orders? Ha! Wait 'til you see Trump whip out his pen. Trump won't be interested in working with Congress. He likes being the boss, in case you've missed his comedic reality show over the past few years.

You do realize that walls, or fences are nothing new, right ?

I have this feeling that a lot of people out there, probably mostly dumbass milennials, actually think that Trump is the first person to ever bring up constructing a wall. We've worked on building one on and off for years.
I'm terrified of possible peace between Israel/Palestine. I'm horrified over better trade deals and I'm petrified over the the thought of a stronger more dynamic economy.

Scares the shit out of me to be honest. We won't even talk about enforcing our existing immigration laws. I may move to Canada for that

Since Trump continually fails to describe or define any kind of policy concerning those issues, you have nothing to fear....But he would like to sell you some Bush Brothers steaks (since Trump steaks went out of business a few years ago, as did Trump Magazine and Trump Vodka.)
If you don't think Trump wants to be known as the greatest President and unifier who ever lived.....then you don't know Trump.
Huh? Whats this you talk about?

I like Bowie but he's prone to outbursts.....The other night he was OUTRAGED that Trump uses every H-1B worker the law allows. Since Bowie has been sidelined by that practice, he went ape-shit and shifted to Cruz. Then Cruz pissed him off so he's back in the con man's pocket. :uhoh3:
You are afraid, you think Trump will be a disaster. I mean, if you are a liberal, well you say that about all republicans but if you are truly worried about him, what is it that has you so concerned?

I have already voted here in Florida, and I voted for Cruz because I think he is the most qualified and most conservative. But I don't worry a great deal if he ends up as our president. If he gets the nomination, I will vote for him without reservation. Why are you concerned?

I'm kinda turned off by the idea of indiscriminate carpet bombing, state sponsored assassinations of civilians because of who their family members are, and things like that.

I also fear he'll run the federal debt even further into the ground, seeing has he can't seem to avoid bankruptcy court to save his life.

Then there's the high chance that he'll order the White House painted with gold spray paint, which would really be terrible.
I dont give a flying fuck as long as the God damned wall gets built.


How about if he builds it using H-1B visa workers....give a flying fuck about that?

Let me type it slowly for you; A S .... L O N G ..... A S .... T H E .... W A L L .... G E T S ..... B U I L T .... I .... D O N T ..... C A R E.

Y O U.......A R E.......DELUDED

Emulation is the sincerest form of flattery, nitwit.
I'm terrified of possible peace between Israel/Palestine. I'm horrified over better trade deals and I'm petrified over the the thought of a stronger more dynamic economy.

Scares the shit out of me to be honest. We won't even talk about enforcing our existing immigration laws. I may move to Canada for that

Since Trump continually fails to describe or define any kind of policy concerning those issues, you have nothing to fear....But he would like to sell you some Bush Brothers steaks (since Trump steaks went out of business a few years ago, as did Trump Magazine and Trump Vodka.)
If you don't think Trump wants to be known as the greatest President and unifier who ever lived.....then you don't know Trump.

If you think Trump has the capacity to be those things, then you're a fucking idiot. Trump is nothing more than a sleazy used car salesman. He has yet to show one iota of ability to govern an ham sandwich, much less a country. But hey, who cares about that, right? Certainly not the trailer trash like yourself who support him.
Huh? Whats this you talk about?

I like Bowie but he's prone to outbursts.....The other night he was OUTRAGED that Trump uses every H-1B worker the law allows. Since Bowie has been sidelined by that practice, he went ape-shit and shifted to Cruz. Then Cruz pissed him off so he's back in the con man's pocket. :uhoh3:

Not sure what you are talking about.

I was a Cruz man until he blamed Trump for the BLM and MoveOn invasion of Trumps rally. This proves him weak on Free Speech rights.

Its not an outburst and not that hard for even a sheep herder like you to understand, Tom.
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You are afraid, you think Trump will be a disaster. I mean, if you are a liberal, well you say that about all republicans but if you are truly worried about him, what is it that has you so concerned?

I have already voted here in Florida, and I voted for Cruz because I think he is the most qualified and most conservative. But I don't worry a great deal if he ends up as our president. If he gets the nomination, I will vote for him without reservation. Why are you concerned?

I'm kinda turned off by the idea of indiscriminate carpet bombing, state sponsored assassinations of civilians because of who their family members are, and things like that.

I also fear he'll run the federal debt even further into the ground, seeing has he can't seem to avoid bankruptcy court to save his life.

Then there's the high chance that he'll order the White House painted with gold spray paint, which would really be terrible.

Funny, the current nitwit in charge has indiscriminately killed U.S. citizens and has doubled the national debt.

Yet you seem fine with that.

Oh, and btw, most successful people at some point(s) fail. It's common. Unlike Barry Kardashian who has spent his entire adult life in the faculty lounge enjoying tenure... it's easy to not fail at that.
If you think Trump has the capacity to be those things, then you're a fucking idiot. Trump is nothing more than a sleazy used car salesman. He has yet to show one iota of ability to govern an ham sandwich, much less a country. But hey, who cares about that, right? Certainly not the trailer trash like yourself who support him.

This is simply amazing to me. Trump is a self made billionaire, a highly successful author in the top selling book list, and a wildly successful TV star.

And yet people who never could do a single one of these things keep claiming that Trump is an idiot?

What kind of absolute moron really believes that? No one does, not even the person saying it as it is so obviously not true.

SwimExpert is simply lying. He knows that maybe the lowest 10% might believe it and so he tells the transparent lie going for the bottom scum of the political pond.

That is the only reason they say such ridiculous bullshit.
I'm terrified of possible peace between Israel/Palestine. I'm horrified over better trade deals and I'm petrified over the the thought of a stronger more dynamic economy.

Scares the shit out of me to be honest. We won't even talk about enforcing our existing immigration laws. I may move to Canada for that

Since Trump continually fails to describe or define any kind of policy concerning those issues, you have nothing to fear....But he would like to sell you some Bush Brothers steaks (since Trump steaks went out of business a few years ago, as did Trump Magazine and Trump Vodka.)
If you don't think Trump wants to be known as the greatest President and unifier who ever lived.....then you don't know Trump.

If you think Trump has the capacity to be those things, then you're a fucking idiot. Trump is nothing more than a sleazy used car salesman. He has yet to show one iota of ability to govern an ham sandwich, much less a country. But hey, who cares about that, right? Certainly not the trailer trash like yourself who support him.

Like Cereal knows Trump. I doubt anyone really knows him. Ivana, his ex-wife could probably tell us a thing or two. Not that botox-Barbie amazon he's married to now.
Trump knows how to play people, manipulate them and use them for his greater good. That is what has been demonstrated.
Not sure what you are talking about.

Iw as a Cruz man until he blamed Trump for the BLM and MoveOn invasion of Trumps rally. This proves him weak on Free Speech rights.

Its not an outburst and not that hard for even a sheep herder like you to understand, Tom.

Calling me a "sheep herder" is lowdown knowing I'm a cattleman you son of a bitch. But I won't hold it against you because I know you're prone to outbursts without thinking things through. You'll be back in the Cruz camp by May Day or sooner if you run low on thorazine. :lol:
Like Cereal knows Trump. I doubt anyone really knows him. Ivana, his ex-wife could probably tell us a thing or two. Not that botox-Barbie amazon he's married to now.
Trump knows how to play people, manipulate them and use them for his greater good. That is what has been demonstrated.

Lol, yo are a moron, basing your vote on personal style and PR vapor.

That you can vote undermines the strength of democracy everywhere.
If you think Trump has the capacity to be those things, then you're a fucking idiot. Trump is nothing more than a sleazy used car salesman. He has yet to show one iota of ability to govern an ham sandwich, much less a country. But hey, who cares about that, right? Certainly not the trailer trash like yourself who support him.

This is simply amazing to me. Trump is a self made billionaire, a highly successful author in the top selling book list, and a wildly successful TV star.

And yet people who never could do a single one of these things keep claiming that Trump is an idiot?

What kind of absolute moron really believes that? No one does, not even the person saying it as it is so obviously not true.

SwimExpert is simply lying. He knows that maybe the lowest 10% might believe it and so he tells the transparent lie going for the bottom scum of the political pond.

That is the only reason they say such ridiculous bullshit.

So is Bill Cosby, but we found out the truth about him, now didn't we? And if you want to defend him too, then explain why his own wife Camille won't step up to defend him.
You are afraid, you think Trump will be a disaster. I mean, if you are a liberal, well you say that about all republicans but if you are truly worried about him, what is it that has you so concerned?

I have already voted here in Florida, and I voted for Cruz because I think he is the most qualified and most conservative. But I don't worry a great deal if he ends up as our president. If he gets the nomination, I will vote for him without reservation. Why are you concerned?

The world recognizes the U.S. as a stabilizing force, both industrialized and developing countries. Bush was hated because of his vanity wars and the financial collapse here in 2008 that caused markets and financial institutions to crash around the globe.

Trump has shown himself to be more impetuous, wreckless and immature than Bush. He's openly confronted Mexico with this stupid, ridiculous wall he says he will build and his arrogance of stating that Vincente Fox is going to pay for it. So we've already alienated Mexico. South America will follow. You don't think ISIS/AQ and other radicals aren't paying attention to this and will not act accordingly?

You think Obama has signed too many executive orders? Ha! Wait 'til you see Trump whip out his pen. Trump won't be interested in working with Congress. He likes being the boss, in case you've missed his comedic reality show over the past few years.

Let me see if I can fish through the partisan bull shit and answer light image questions if I find any.

You are worried that he will actually build a wall, you are worried that he will alienate Mexico and South America, you think that ISIS and other terrorists will start killing people because of him, and you are worried about too many executive orders.

Alienating Mexico and South America isn't a big deal. What are they going to do? Stop accepting our money?

In 7 years 0bama has been cow-towing to radical Islam but it hasn't changed the way they operate.

A POTUS can issue as many EOs as he wants to but just like 0bama, he won't over step his authority without a legal fight.
Not sure what you are talking about.

Iw as a Cruz man until he blamed Trump for the BLM and MoveOn invasion of Trumps rally. This proves him weak on Free Speech rights.

Its not an outburst and not that hard for even a sheep herder like you to understand, Tom.

Calling me a "sheep herder" is lowdown knowing I'm a cattleman you son of a bitch. But I won't hold it against you because I know you're prone to outbursts without thinking things through. You'll be back in the Cruz camp by May Day or sooner if you run low on thorazine. :lol:
Lol, Tom everyone knows you worked for Sheep farmers in the Pleasant Valley War. Dont shoot the messenger; I have not stolen any of your sheep.

My name aint Willie Nickel.
So is Bill Cosby, but we found out the truth about him, now didn't we? And if you want to defend him too, then explain why his own wife Camille won't step up to defend him.

Bill Cosby has not been convicted in a court of law and some of his accusers have been charged with filing false police reports.

You lefties love smearing those who oppose you, but you day is coming to an end.

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