Exactly what is it that you think Trump will do as POTUS, that has you so frightened?

I believe Trump's major aim is to use the presidency to grow his business and crush his opponents. This notion that his kids will run his business while he runs the country is ludicrous. I watched the crap "Apprentice" shows a couple times and saw how his son and daughter acted around him. TERROR that they'd make a mistake by contradicting him. He'll no more leave his empire in their hands than he'll do much if any of the things he's promises his supporters he'll do. Who do you think will build the wall on the mehican border? He will of course....for a tidy profit.
I dont give a flying fuck as long as the God damned wall gets built.

I have friends on FaceBook who are very worried that Trump will be POTUS. I ask them why they are worried and it's incredible what they say. Too many people have lost their friggin' minds. Including Glenn Beck, Dana Loesch, Neal Boortz, and Mark Levin.
The partisan rhetoric has caused a lot of ideologues to become entirely unhinged.

many seem tot hink that Trump is now the antiChrist and should he win election the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse will arrive any day.

Agreed. Normally sane people have lost their minds over him but haven't stopped to ask themselves why. Apparently, none of them are posting at USMB today.
You are afraid, you think Trump will be a disaster. I mean, if you are a liberal, well you say that about all republicans but if you are truly worried about him, what is it that has you so concerned?

I have already voted here in Florida, and I voted for Cruz because I think he is the most qualified and most conservative. But I don't worry a great deal if he ends up as our president. If he gets the nomination, I will vote for him without reservation. Why are you concerned?

The world recognizes the U.S. as a stabilizing force, both industrialized and developing countries. Bush was hated because of his vanity wars and the financial collapse here in 2008 that caused markets and financial institutions to crash around the globe.

Trump has shown himself to be more impetuous, wreckless and immature than Bush. He's openly confronted Mexico with this stupid, ridiculous wall he says he will build and his arrogance of stating that Vincente Fox is going to pay for it. So we've already alienated Mexico. South America will follow. You don't think ISIS/AQ and other radicals aren't paying attention to this and will not act accordingly?

You think Obama has signed too many executive orders? Ha! Wait 'til you see Trump whip out his pen. Trump won't be interested in working with Congress. He likes being the boss, in case you've missed his comedic reality show over the past few years.
You are afraid, you think Trump will be a disaster. I mean, if you are a liberal, well you say that about all republicans but if you are truly worried about him, what is it that has you so concerned?

I have already voted here in Florida, and I voted for Cruz because I think he is the most qualified and most conservative. But I don't worry a great deal if he ends up as our president. If he gets the nomination, I will vote for him without reservation. Why are you concerned?

Trump is an east coast liberal, so if anybody meets with disappointment, if he takes the whitehouse, will be all the repubs he's playing for fools right now.
I'm terrified of possible peace between Israel/Palestine. I'm horrified over better trade deals and I'm petrified over the the thought of a stronger more dynamic economy.

Scares the shit out of me to be honest. We won't even talk about enforcing our existing immigration laws. I may move to Canada for that
I believe Trump's major aim is to use the presidency to grow his business and crush his opponents. This notion that his kids will run his business while he runs the country is ludicrous. I watched the crap "Apprentice" shows a couple times and saw how his son and daughter acted around him. TERROR that they'd make a mistake by contradicting him. He'll no more leave his empire in their hands than he'll do much if any of the things he's promises his supporters he'll do. Who do you think will build the wall on the mehican border? He will of course....for a tidy profit.
I dont give a flying fuck as long as the God damned wall gets built.


How much do you think it will cost to build a 2000-mile long wall that is 50' high? Where will the money come from to build it? Oh, that's right, Vincente Fox is going to meet Donald in Laredo with 18 tractor trailers full of pesos.
You are afraid, you think Trump will be a disaster. I mean, if you are a liberal, well you say that about all republicans but if you are truly worried about him, what is it that has you so concerned?

I have already voted here in Florida, and I voted for Cruz because I think he is the most qualified and most conservative. But I don't worry a great deal if he ends up as our president. If he gets the nomination, I will vote for him without reservation. Why are you concerned?

He's gonna round up American citizens and put them in camps!

Oh, wait, that was Progressive idol FDR.

Never mind.
How much do you think it will cost to build a 2000-mile long wall that is 50' high?

About the same per mile as Israels wall.

Where will the money come from to build it? Oh, that's right, Vincente Fox is going to meet Donald in Laredo with 18 tractor trailers full of pesos.

Tariffs on Imported Mexican Goods....cessation of Mexico foreign aid.....charge for sending money out of the USA to Mexico......invading and auctioning off Mexico piece by piece.....other than that I cant think of a thing.

You are afraid, you think Trump will be a disaster. I mean, if you are a liberal, well you say that about all republicans but if you are truly worried about him, what is it that has you so concerned?

I have already voted here in Florida, and I voted for Cruz because I think he is the most qualified and most conservative. But I don't worry a great deal if he ends up as our president. If he gets the nomination, I will vote for him without reservation. Why are you concerned?
I'm not afraid of anything he might do...

I just don't believe his business experience will be of benefit in a job that requires far more ability to compromise than Trump has.

Leaders don't compromise.
I'm terrified of possible peace between Israel/Palestine. I'm horrified over better trade deals and I'm petrified over the the thought of a stronger more dynamic economy.

Scares the shit out of me to be honest. We won't even talk about enforcing our existing immigration laws. I may move to Canada for that

Since Trump continually fails to describe or define any kind of policy concerning those issues, you have nothing to fear....But he would like to sell you some Bush Brothers steaks (since Trump steaks went out of business a few years ago, as did Trump Magazine and Trump Vodka....Not to mention that the NY SC has ruled that Trump should now be charged with fraud for Trump University:

"""On March 1, 2016, The Supreme Court, Appellate Division, First Department held that the New York State Attorney General is authorized to bring a cause of action for fraud under Executive Law §63(12), overruling a lower court’s decision on this cause of action. """
The Trump Entrepreneur Initiative Review - TRAINING PROGRAMS in New York, NY - BBB Business Review - BBB serving Metropolitan New York, Long Island, and the Mid-Hudson Region)
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I'm afraid he will scam his way into a job he has no idea how to do. I'm afraid he will push agendas contrary to our beliefs all with a simple "trust me, folks". And make enemies of anyone who says anything to the contrary of himself.

I remember the Bushs years and how people reacted to others they deemed "unamerican" or "terrorist sympathizers". It wasnt a good time

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