Exactly what is it that you think Trump will do as POTUS, that has you so frightened?

You are afraid, you think Trump will be a disaster. I mean, if you are a liberal, well you say that about all republicans but if you are truly worried about him, what is it that has you so concerned?

I have already voted here in Florida, and I voted for Cruz because I think he is the most qualified and most conservative. But I don't worry a great deal if he ends up as our president. If he gets the nomination, I will vote for him without reservation. Why are you concerned?
I'm not afraid of anything he might do...

I just don't believe his business experience will be of benefit in a job that requires far more ability to compromise than Trump has.

Leaders don't compromise.
Ronald Reagan compromised with Tip O'Neill all the time
You are afraid, you think Trump will be a disaster. I mean, if you are a liberal, well you say that about all republicans but if you are truly worried about him, what is it that has you so concerned?

I have already voted here in Florida, and I voted for Cruz because I think he is the most qualified and most conservative. But I don't worry a great deal if he ends up as our president. If he gets the nomination, I will vote for him without reservation. Why are you concerned?
My concern about Trump is that if he doesn't get his way he will be like Obama and try and legislate through executive order. He seems like someone who will follow the law and constitution when they work in his favor and ignore them when they don't.

He seems like that but you have to remember that the POTUS isn't Caesar and cannot just do whatever he wants to. Even 0bama's EOs, despite all his bluster, stayed within the strict limits of his power. As POTUS, Trump would have to deal with a Congress where people on both sides of the isle don't like him. They will put a tight rein on him.
If you think Trump has the capacity to be those things, then you're a fucking idiot. Trump is nothing more than a sleazy used car salesman. He has yet to show one iota of ability to govern an ham sandwich, much less a country. But hey, who cares about that, right? Certainly not the trailer trash like yourself who support him.

This is simply amazing to me. Trump is a self made billionaire, a highly successful author in the top selling book list, and a wildly successful TV star.

And yet people who never could do a single one of these things keep claiming that Trump is an idiot?

What kind of absolute moron really believes that? No one does, not even the person saying it as it is so obviously not true.

SwimExpert is simply lying. He knows that maybe the lowest 10% might believe it and so he tells the transparent lie going for the bottom scum of the political pond.

That is the only reason they say such ridiculous bullshit.

So is Bill Cosby, but we found out the truth about him, now didn't we? And if you want to defend him too, then explain why his own wife Camille won't step up to defend him.

Wow, when was the trial?

I don't know but he's already confessed:

Cosby admits giving women drugs for sex and hiding affairs from wife, NYT reports
Cosby admits giving women drugs for sex and hiding affairs from wife, NYT reports

Bill Cosby, in Deposition, Said Drugs and Fame Helped Him Seduce Women
You are afraid, you think Trump will be a disaster. I mean, if you are a liberal, well you say that about all republicans but if you are truly worried about him, what is it that has you so concerned?

I have already voted here in Florida, and I voted for Cruz because I think he is the most qualified and most conservative. But I don't worry a great deal if he ends up as our president. If he gets the nomination, I will vote for him without reservation. Why are you concerned?
I'm not afraid of anything he might do...

I just don't believe his business experience will be of benefit in a job that requires far more ability to compromise than Trump has.

Trump has had to make deals in his business experience. I doubt very much that he always got his way.
I understand what you're saying....now here's the "but"....

In business, the art of the deal is far less complex, than it is on Capitol Hill

Perhaps, but 0bama came in with no experience at all in making deals, at least not good ones. Trump is starting off better than that by a long shot.
So is Bill Cosby, but we found out the truth about him, now didn't we? And if you want to defend him too, then explain why his own wife Camille won't step up to defend him.

Bill Cosby has not been convicted in a court of law and some of his accusers have been charged with filing false police reports.

You lefties love smearing those who oppose you, but you day is coming to an end.

He has been arrested. Usually that happens before a trial or ruling.

But you just keep checking out the wallpaper where your head is, sort of like a self-colonoscopy:

MONDAY, JAN 4, 2016 07:00 PM EST
Bill Cosby’s arrest is just the beginning: Prosecuting rape and the long, difficult road to justice
Bill Cosby’s arrest is just the beginning: Prosecuting rape and the long, difficult road to justice
Cosby isnot going to jail over decades old rape charges where she consented only it doesnt count because she was high. Cosby was high too, nut ball.

Then why was he arrested? See post 83. He confessed, in case you forgot, rockhead.
Trump is a self made billionaire

If your idea of "self made" is inheriting hundreds of millions from your father, and then making less money over the rest of your life than if you'd simply invested in the stock market and went to bed, then yeah, sure.
You are afraid, you think Trump will be a disaster. I mean, if you are a liberal, well you say that about all republicans but if you are truly worried about him, what is it that has you so concerned?

I have already voted here in Florida, and I voted for Cruz because I think he is the most qualified and most conservative. But I don't worry a great deal if he ends up as our president. If he gets the nomination, I will vote for him without reservation. Why are you concerned?
My concern about Trump is that if he doesn't get his way he will be like Obama and try and legislate through executive order. He seems like someone who will follow the law and constitution when they work in his favor and ignore them when they don't.

He seems like that but you have to remember that the POTUS isn't Caesar and cannot just do whatever he wants to. Even 0bama's EOs, despite all his bluster, stayed within the strict limits of his power. As POTUS, Trump would have to deal with a Congress where people on both sides of the isle don't like him. They will put a tight rein on him.
They didn't put one on Obama even after his immigration EO the one he said more than 20 time he didn't have the authority to do until he decided he did. I have very little faith in Congress to rein in an egomaniac President given its recent history on this.
You are afraid, you think Trump will be a disaster. I mean, if you are a liberal, well you say that about all republicans but if you are truly worried about him, what is it that has you so concerned?

I have already voted here in Florida, and I voted for Cruz because I think he is the most qualified and most conservative. But I don't worry a great deal if he ends up as our president. If he gets the nomination, I will vote for him without reservation. Why are you concerned?
I'm not afraid of anything he might do...

I just don't believe his business experience will be of benefit in a job that requires far more ability to compromise than Trump has.

Leaders don't compromise.
Ronald Reagan compromised with Tip O'Neill all the time

Tip O'Neil was a rational human being. Hardly a hardcore prog.. unlike many leftists today who appear at least, to be batshit crazy.
I don't know but he's already confessed:

Cosby admits giving women drugs for sex and hiding affairs from wife, NYT reports
Cosby admits giving women drugs for sex and hiding affairs from wife, NYT reports

Bill Cosby, in Deposition, Said Drugs and Fame Helped Him Seduce Women

Lol, that does not equal rape, moron.

Back in the day, long ago, a lot of women would have sex if you would share your stash.

That is rape to you now? roflmao
Yeah and you never had a 30-30? Come on Tom, it was an amazing shot, take credit for it.

Well, as you know the .30-30 shoots flatter than a .45.60...either way it was a damned RAINBOW shot. Sheriff claimed I had both calibers in my pockets that day which I thought was my ticket off the charge because John Cobel owned two .45-60s. So what's the chances I borrowed one of his when I had a perfectly good .30-30 on my saddle? Besides, they claim I liked to see fear when I was about to shoot so I got close. Willie Nickell was shot from almost a half mile off....see where I'm going with this?
Yeah and you never had a 30-30? Come on Tom, it was an amazing shot, take credit for it.

Well, as you know the .30-30 shoots flatter than a .45.60...either way it was a damned RAINBOW shot. Sheriff claimed I had both calibers in my pockets that day which I thought was my ticket off the charge because John Cobel owned two .45-60s. So what's the chances I borrowed one of his when I had a perfectly good .30-30 on my saddle? Besides, they claim I liked to see fear when I was about to shoot so I got close. Willie Nickell was shot from almost a half mile off....see where I'm going with this?

OF course I do; you borrowed John Corbels 45-60 so you would have plausible deniability.

Clever man.
You are afraid, you think Trump will be a disaster. I mean, if you are a liberal, well you say that about all republicans but if you are truly worried about him, what is it that has you so concerned?

I have already voted here in Florida, and I voted for Cruz because I think he is the most qualified and most conservative. But I don't worry a great deal if he ends up as our president. If he gets the nomination, I will vote for him without reservation. Why are you concerned?

Trump is an east coast liberal, so if anybody meets with disappointment, if he takes the whitehouse, will be all the repubs he's playing for fools right now.

Let's see if I can answer this despite the left wing nutter bull shit.
I haven't heard from any conservatives in this thread yet who are afraid of Trump being POTUS. I think that most are more concerned that he will be the nominee because they think he can't win.

You're an idiot for thinking trump can win in the general.
You are afraid, you think Trump will be a disaster. I mean, if you are a liberal, well you say that about all republicans but if you are truly worried about him, what is it that has you so concerned?

I have already voted here in Florida, and I voted for Cruz because I think he is the most qualified and most conservative. But I don't worry a great deal if he ends up as our president. If he gets the nomination, I will vote for him without reservation. Why are you concerned?
I'm not afraid of anything he might do...

I just don't believe his business experience will be of benefit in a job that requires far more ability to compromise than Trump has.

The only thing Cruz has on Trump is that he won an award at Harvard on the debate team, and learned how to green slime everyone....Ted Cruz is the one I am very scared of..he is creepy.

Last edited:
You are afraid, you think Trump will be a disaster. I mean, if you are a liberal, well you say that about all republicans but if you are truly worried about him, what is it that has you so concerned?

I have already voted here in Florida, and I voted for Cruz because I think he is the most qualified and most conservative. But I don't worry a great deal if he ends up as our president. If he gets the nomination, I will vote for him without reservation. Why are you concerned?

Trump is an east coast liberal, so if anybody meets with disappointment, if he takes the whitehouse, will be all the repubs he's playing for fools right now.

Let's see if I can answer this despite the left wing nutter bull shit.
I haven't heard from any conservatives in this thread yet who are afraid of Trump being POTUS. I think that most are more concerned that he will be the nominee because they think he can't win.

You're an idiot for thinking trump can win in the general.

You are probably with the group that said Trump can make it to the primary's too.

You are afraid, you think Trump will be a disaster. I mean, if you are a liberal, well you say that about all republicans but if you are truly worried about him, what is it that has you so concerned?

I have already voted here in Florida, and I voted for Cruz because I think he is the most qualified and most conservative. But I don't worry a great deal if he ends up as our president. If he gets the nomination, I will vote for him without reservation. Why are you concerned?
My concern about Trump is that if he doesn't get his way he will be like Obama and try and legislate through executive order. He seems like someone who will follow the law and constitution when they work in his favor and ignore them when they don't.

He seems like that but you have to remember that the POTUS isn't Caesar and cannot just do whatever he wants to. Even 0bama's EOs, despite all his bluster, stayed within the strict limits of his power. As POTUS, Trump would have to deal with a Congress where people on both sides of the isle don't like him. They will put a tight rein on him.
They didn't put one on Obama even after his immigration EO the one he said more than 20 time he didn't have the authority to do until he decided he did. I have very little faith in Congress to rein in an egomaniac President given its recent history on this.

Well I don't know which EO you refer to, I know that 0bama never got the amnesty he wanted, and Obama is different. He has the media on his side. Trump will not. No one will fear him.

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