Exactly what is it that you think Trump will do as POTUS, that has you so frightened?

You are afraid, you think Trump will be a disaster. I mean, if you are a liberal, well you say that about all republicans but if you are truly worried about him, what is it that has you so concerned?

I have already voted here in Florida, and I voted for Cruz because I think he is the most qualified and most conservative. But I don't worry a great deal if he ends up as our president. If he gets the nomination, I will vote for him without reservation. Why are you concerned?
I'm not afraid of anything he might do...

I just don't believe his business experience will be of benefit in a job that requires far more ability to compromise than Trump has.

Leaders don't compromise.
Ronald Reagan compromised with Tip O'Neill all the time

Tip O'Neil was a rational human being. Hardly a hardcore prog.. unlike many leftists today who appear at least, to be batshit crazy.
What you may fail to recognize is that the people Democrats have to deal with today, are just as unlikely to deal, and make rational decisions that will benefit the American people.

Your post is an illustration of that paralysis in politics today.

You just think the other guys are insane and dangerous.

They're not, plenty of idiocy, suspicion, and hate to go around
You are afraid, you think Trump will be a disaster. I mean, if you are a liberal, well you say that about all republicans but if you are truly worried about him, what is it that has you so concerned?

I have already voted here in Florida, and I voted for Cruz because I think he is the most qualified and most conservative. But I don't worry a great deal if he ends up as our president. If he gets the nomination, I will vote for him without reservation. Why are you concerned?
Ok this is my worry. Trump will have to deal on an international lvl. Say an american airliner gets shot down over te Ukrain or theres a destroyer wich gets holed by a terrorists speedboat, or a hundred and one other scenarios, where he will have to act as a commander in chief.As a candidate I've seen him get into pissing contests with journalists, spend debate time about his dick and publicly insult one of is allies (christie). Not even mentioning his willingness; even eagerness to insult large groups of ppl. Any one of these traits on an international lvl can cause war or at the very least will cause serious tentions and polarize the world as a whole.The point is I have no idea how rational this guy will react when he runs into trouble. On a domestic lvl I fear that his divisive style as a politician will increase further the inabilty of the government to actually get anything done. Politicians need to be able to compromise. Does that sound like something Trump is capable of doing?
Not a big fan of Trump, but I did read an interesting article on him recently. Seems he is a big believer in getting the best and the brightest to advise him.

Compared to what we have have recently, I would call that a positive trait.

It probably doesn't matter who is elected unless there is a quick dole-out of free stuff. Without that there'll be rioting, property damage, injuries and death. Habits are hard to break, libs.....
You are afraid, you think Trump will be a disaster. I mean, if you are a liberal, well you say that about all republicans but if you are truly worried about him, what is it that has you so concerned?

I have already voted here in Florida, and I voted for Cruz because I think he is the most qualified and most conservative. But I don't worry a great deal if he ends up as our president. If he gets the nomination, I will vote for him without reservation. Why are you concerned?
Ok this is my worry. Trump will have to deal on an international lvl. Say an american airliner gets shot down over te Ukrain or theres a destroyer wich gets holed by a terrorists speedboat, or a hundred and one other scenarios, where he will have to act as a commander in chief.As a candidate I've seen him get into pissing contests with journalists, spend debate time about his dick and publicly insult one of is allies (christie). Not even mentioning his willingness; even eagerness to insult large groups of ppl. Any one of these traits on an international lvl can cause war or at the very least will cause serious tentions and polarize the world as a whole.The point is I have no idea how rational this guy will react when he runs into trouble. On a domestic lvl I fear that his divisive style as a politician will increase further the inabilty of the government to actually get anything done. Politicians need to be able to compromise. Does that sound like something Trump is capable of doing?

He will be tough on countries that attack us or harm us or even threaten us. That isn't a bad thing. Giving in, talking, and dealing have only succeeded in making the world less safe. A strong America means a safer world. At least that's how I see it.

I personally think we are better off when the government DOESN'T get things done, but trying to see your point of view, I feel I must ask you to concider that in business dealings, you have to compromise. I doubt very seriously that Trump always got his way in business deals. When he says he can make deals, compromise is exactly what he means.
Not a big fan of Trump, but I did read an interesting article on him recently. Seems he is a big believer in getting the best and the brightest to advise him.

Compared to what we have have recently, I would call that a positive trait.


Yeah well, the buck stops at his desk.....and he has no idea what being president is all about....and he's 70 years old.
You are afraid, you think Trump will be a disaster. I mean, if you are a liberal, well you say that about all republicans but if you are truly worried about him, what is it that has you so concerned?

I have already voted here in Florida, and I voted for Cruz because I think he is the most qualified and most conservative. But I don't worry a great deal if he ends up as our president. If he gets the nomination, I will vote for him without reservation. Why are you concerned?
Ok this is my worry. Trump will have to deal on an international lvl. Say an american airliner gets shot down over te Ukrain or theres a destroyer wich gets holed by a terrorists speedboat, or a hundred and one other scenarios, where he will have to act as a commander in chief.As a candidate I've seen him get into pissing contests with journalists, spend debate time about his dick and publicly insult one of is allies (christie). Not even mentioning his willingness; even eagerness to insult large groups of ppl. Any one of these traits on an international lvl can cause war or at the very least will cause serious tentions and polarize the world as a whole.The point is I have no idea how rational this guy will react when he runs into trouble. On a domestic lvl I fear that his divisive style as a politician will increase further the inabilty of the government to actually get anything done. Politicians need to be able to compromise. Does that sound like something Trump is capable of doing?

He will be tough on countries that attack us or harm us or even threaten us. That isn't a bad thing. Giving in, talking, and dealing have only succeeded in making the world less safe. A strong America means a safer world. At least that's how I see it.

I personally think we are better off when the government DOESN'T get things done, but trying to see your point of view, I feel I must ask you to concider that in business dealings, you have to compromise. I doubt very seriously that Trump always got his way in business deals. When he says he can make deals, compromise is exactly what he means.
Ok your first point. During the Cuban missile crisis, all generals where calling for an invasion of Cuba. Kennedy resisted knowing that an invasion of Cuba would probably result in an invasion of Berlin, giving the us the choice of losing Berlin or use the bomb. Later it came out that there where tactical nukes on Cuba and an invasion would have been a bloodbath. My point is restraint more then likely prevented all of us not being able to have this argument. It's all well and good to say I'll be tough on China but realise that they kept the us economy up during the mortgage crisis, the price was Chinese money inbedded in the US economy. Piss them of enough and they can litterally yank the bottom out of the country. In international politics, nuance more often then not, is the rule. On your second point, the campaign sofar has been so polarised that in your heart you have to know that comprimise will be impossible. Any democrat who even tries to make a deal will be commiting poitical suicide. Just like it is now only after this election cycle it will 10 times worse.
You are afraid, you think Trump will be a disaster. I mean, if you are a liberal, well you say that about all republicans but if you are truly worried about him, what is it that has you so concerned?

I have already voted here in Florida, and I voted for Cruz because I think he is the most qualified and most conservative. But I don't worry a great deal if he ends up as our president. If he gets the nomination, I will vote for him without reservation. Why are you concerned?
Ok this is my worry. Trump will have to deal on an international lvl. Say an american airliner gets shot down over te Ukrain or theres a destroyer wich gets holed by a terrorists speedboat, or a hundred and one other scenarios, where he will have to act as a commander in chief.As a candidate I've seen him get into pissing contests with journalists, spend debate time about his dick and publicly insult one of is allies (christie). Not even mentioning his willingness; even eagerness to insult large groups of ppl. Any one of these traits on an international lvl can cause war or at the very least will cause serious tentions and polarize the world as a whole.The point is I have no idea how rational this guy will react when he runs into trouble. On a domestic lvl I fear that his divisive style as a politician will increase further the inabilty of the government to actually get anything done. Politicians need to be able to compromise. Does that sound like something Trump is capable of doing?

He will be tough on countries that attack us or harm us or even threaten us. That isn't a bad thing. Giving in, talking, and dealing have only succeeded in making the world less safe. A strong America means a safer world. At least that's how I see it.

I personally think we are better off when the government DOESN'T get things done, but trying to see your point of view, I feel I must ask you to concider that in business dealings, you have to compromise. I doubt very seriously that Trump always got his way in business deals. When he says he can make deals, compromise is exactly what he means.
Ok your first point. During the Cuban missile crisis, all generals where calling for an invasion of Cuba. Kennedy resisted knowing that an invasion of Cuba would probably result in an invasion of Berlin, giving the us the choice of losing Berlin or use the bomb. Later it came out that there where tactical nukes on Cuba and an invasion would have been a bloodbath. My point is restraint more then likely prevented all of us not being able to have this argument. It's all well and good to say I'll be tough on China but realise that they kept the us economy up during the mortgage crisis, the price was Chinese money inbedded in the US economy. Piss them of enough and they can litterally yank the bottom out of the country. In international politics, nuance more often then not, is the rule. On your second point, the campaign sofar has been so polarised that in your heart you have to know that comprimise will be impossible. Any democrat who even tries to make a deal will be commiting poitical suicide. Just like it is now only after this election cycle it will 10 times worse.

You do know that the POTUS can't just push a button and launch nukes right? And Trump said that he already makes deals with China as a businessman.

I understand your concerns and you answered my OP rationally and logically. I admit that Trump is an unknown and I could be wrong, so could you. We just need to remember that he won't be Supreme Ruler and cannot do much of what many are afraid he will.
You are afraid, you think Trump will be a disaster. I mean, if you are a liberal, well you say that about all republicans but if you are truly worried about him, what is it that has you so concerned?

I have already voted here in Florida, and I voted for Cruz because I think he is the most qualified and most conservative. But I don't worry a great deal if he ends up as our president. If he gets the nomination, I will vote for him without reservation. Why are you concerned?
Ok this is my worry. Trump will have to deal on an international lvl. Say an american airliner gets shot down over te Ukrain or theres a destroyer wich gets holed by a terrorists speedboat, or a hundred and one other scenarios, where he will have to act as a commander in chief.As a candidate I've seen him get into pissing contests with journalists, spend debate time about his dick and publicly insult one of is allies (christie). Not even mentioning his willingness; even eagerness to insult large groups of ppl. Any one of these traits on an international lvl can cause war or at the very least will cause serious tentions and polarize the world as a whole.The point is I have no idea how rational this guy will react when he runs into trouble. On a domestic lvl I fear that his divisive style as a politician will increase further the inabilty of the government to actually get anything done. Politicians need to be able to compromise. Does that sound like something Trump is capable of doing?

He will be tough on countries that attack us or harm us or even threaten us. That isn't a bad thing. Giving in, talking, and dealing have only succeeded in making the world less safe. A strong America means a safer world. At least that's how I see it.

I personally think we are better off when the government DOESN'T get things done, but trying to see your point of view, I feel I must ask you to concider that in business dealings, you have to compromise. I doubt very seriously that Trump always got his way in business deals. When he says he can make deals, compromise is exactly what he means.
Ok your first point. During the Cuban missile crisis, all generals where calling for an invasion of Cuba. Kennedy resisted knowing that an invasion of Cuba would probably result in an invasion of Berlin, giving the us the choice of losing Berlin or use the bomb. Later it came out that there where tactical nukes on Cuba and an invasion would have been a bloodbath. My point is restraint more then likely prevented all of us not being able to have this argument. It's all well and good to say I'll be tough on China but realise that they kept the us economy up during the mortgage crisis, the price was Chinese money inbedded in the US economy. Piss them of enough and they can litterally yank the bottom out of the country. In international politics, nuance more often then not, is the rule. On your second point, the campaign sofar has been so polarised that in your heart you have to know that comprimise will be impossible. Any democrat who even tries to make a deal will be commiting poitical suicide. Just like it is now only after this election cycle it will 10 times worse.

You do know that the POTUS can't just push a button and launch nukes right? And Trump said that he already makes deals with China as a businessman.

I understand your concerns and you answered my OP rationally and logically. I admit that Trump is an unknown and I could be wrong, so could you. We just need to remember that he won't be Supreme Ruler and cannot do much of what many are afraid he will.
Well in the case he does make it, I do hope I'm wrong. This is a typical case of high impact low probability. Chances are Trump becomes president, nothing happens. I'm just really uncomftable that for the first time in as long as I'm around, that I'm not entirely sure that said us president wont shoot before he thinks. And don't kid yourself in a crisis the us president has the ability to launch a first strike. He only has to convince 1 other person and by defenition he can bring to bear enormous pressure on that person. Second the US president has the ability to start a war by simply opening his mouth. He can launch covert operation without prior approval of congress. He can say something that another country considers hostile. All can spell dissaster.
You are afraid, you think Trump will be a disaster. I mean, if you are a liberal, well you say that about all republicans but if you are truly worried about him, what is it that has you so concerned?

I have already voted here in Florida, and I voted for Cruz because I think he is the most qualified and most conservative. But I don't worry a great deal if he ends up as our president. If he gets the nomination, I will vote for him without reservation. Why are you concerned?

The world recognizes the U.S. as a stabilizing force, both industrialized and developing countries. Bush was hated because of his vanity wars and the financial collapse here in 2008 that caused markets and financial institutions to crash around the globe.

Trump has shown himself to be more impetuous, wreckless and immature than Bush. He's openly confronted Mexico with this stupid, ridiculous wall he says he will build and his arrogance of stating that Vincente Fox is going to pay for it. So we've already alienated Mexico. South America will follow. You don't think ISIS/AQ and other radicals aren't paying attention to this and will not act accordingly?

You think Obama has signed too many executive orders? Ha! Wait 'til you see Trump whip out his pen. Trump won't be interested in working with Congress. He likes being the boss, in case you've missed his comedic reality show over the past few years.

I'm sure Mexico isn't used to seeing someone use such strong rhetoric against illegals sneaking across our border, they've probably more accustomed to the issue being ignored for another term and life going on as it always has with just debates and political talk.

As far as ISIS. Why are we playing this game of utilizing just air strikes in a chess match that has us regaining territory we previously lost? What major headway have we made in hindering terrorism within the last 7 years? All I saw this administration do was release a group of terrorists just so they could try and close Gitmo. They also decided to lift sanctions on Iran, as that nation continues to pursue their nuclear ambitions while more recently including missile tests among their list of achievement goals. Is it more important that we become popular to the world than face issues? Do we feel safer after seeing Fort Hood, Benghazi, and San Bernadino?
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You are afraid, you think Trump will be a disaster. I mean, if you are a liberal, well you say that about all republicans but if you are truly worried about him, what is it that has you so concerned?

I have already voted here in Florida, and I voted for Cruz because I think he is the most qualified and most conservative. But I don't worry a great deal if he ends up as our president. If he gets the nomination, I will vote for him without reservation. Why are you concerned?
Ok this is my worry. Trump will have to deal on an international lvl. Say an american airliner gets shot down over te Ukrain or theres a destroyer wich gets holed by a terrorists speedboat, or a hundred and one other scenarios, where he will have to act as a commander in chief.As a candidate I've seen him get into pissing contests with journalists, spend debate time about his dick and publicly insult one of is allies (christie). Not even mentioning his willingness; even eagerness to insult large groups of ppl. Any one of these traits on an international lvl can cause war or at the very least will cause serious tentions and polarize the world as a whole.The point is I have no idea how rational this guy will react when he runs into trouble. On a domestic lvl I fear that his divisive style as a politician will increase further the inabilty of the government to actually get anything done. Politicians need to be able to compromise. Does that sound like something Trump is capable of doing?

He will be tough on countries that attack us or harm us or even threaten us. That isn't a bad thing. Giving in, talking, and dealing have only succeeded in making the world less safe. A strong America means a safer world. At least that's how I see it.

I personally think we are better off when the government DOESN'T get things done, but trying to see your point of view, I feel I must ask you to concider that in business dealings, you have to compromise. I doubt very seriously that Trump always got his way in business deals. When he says he can make deals, compromise is exactly what he means.
Ok your first point. During the Cuban missile crisis, all generals where calling for an invasion of Cuba. Kennedy resisted knowing that an invasion of Cuba would probably result in an invasion of Berlin, giving the us the choice of losing Berlin or use the bomb. Later it came out that there where tactical nukes on Cuba and an invasion would have been a bloodbath. My point is restraint more then likely prevented all of us not being able to have this argument. It's all well and good to say I'll be tough on China but realise that they kept the us economy up during the mortgage crisis, the price was Chinese money inbedded in the US economy. Piss them of enough and they can litterally yank the bottom out of the country. In international politics, nuance more often then not, is the rule. On your second point, the campaign sofar has been so polarised that in your heart you have to know that comprimise will be impossible. Any democrat who even tries to make a deal will be commiting poitical suicide. Just like it is now only after this election cycle it will 10 times worse.

You do know that the POTUS can't just push a button and launch nukes right? And Trump said that he already makes deals with China as a businessman.

I understand your concerns and you answered my OP rationally and logically. I admit that Trump is an unknown and I could be wrong, so could you. We just need to remember that he won't be Supreme Ruler and cannot do much of what many are afraid he will.
Well in the case he does make it, I do hope I'm wrong. This is a typical case of high impact low probability. Chances are Trump becomes president, nothing happens. I'm just really uncomftable that for the first time in as long as I'm around, that I'm not entirely sure that said us president wont shoot before he thinks. And don't kid yourself in a crisis the us president has the ability to launch a first strike. He only has to convince 1 other person and by defenition he can bring to bear enormous pressure on that person. Second the US president has the ability to start a war by simply opening his mouth. He can launch covert operation without prior approval of congress. He can say something that another country considers hostile. All can spell dissaster.

I'm pretty sure it isn't that easy for a president to launch nukes.

It also is highly doubtful that any other country is going to challenge the US when we have a strong leader. What are they going to do? Refuse the millions of dollars we give them? Or the arms? Or the protection?

Anyway thanks for keeping it logical, reasonable and civil.
I dont give a flying fuck as long as the God damned wall gets built.


How about if he builds it using H-1B visa workers....give a flying fuck about that?

Let me type it slowly for you; A S .... L O N G ..... A S .... T H E .... W A L L .... G E T S ..... B U I L T .... I .... D O N T ..... C A R E.

Y O U.......A R E.......DELUDED

No. Giving citizenship to illegals and hoping it would be enough to solve our immigration problem, after seeing how much a cry for citizenship has been able to accomplish through President Reagan, is delusional.
I dont give a flying fuck as long as the God damned wall gets built.


How about if he builds it using H-1B visa workers....give a flying fuck about that?

Let me type it slowly for you; A S .... L O N G ..... A S .... T H E .... W A L L .... G E T S ..... B U I L T .... I .... D O N T ..... C A R E.

Y O U.......A R E.......DELUDED

No. Giving citizenship to illegals and hoping it would be enough to solve our immigration problem, after seeing how much a cry for citizenship has been able to accomplish through President Reagan, is delusional.

I don't want to derail my own thread but I have one comment to make on this point.

Why does the left think that giving amnesty and citizenship to illegals is going to stop illegal immigration?

Is amnesty/citizenship going to increase or decrease illegal immigration? Obviously it will increase it.
Not a big fan of Trump, but I did read an interesting article on him recently. Seems he is a big believer in getting the best and the brightest to advise him.

Compared to what we have have recently, I would call that a positive trait.


Yeah well, the buck stops at his desk.....and he has no idea what being president is all about....and he's 70 years old.

In terms of comparison, Trump has more experience than Obama did in that regard. Trump was investing his own money. I can tell you from experience that you truly understand where the buck stops.

I dont give a flying fuck as long as the God damned wall gets built.


How about if he builds it using H-1B visa workers....give a flying fuck about that?

Let me type it slowly for you; A S .... L O N G ..... A S .... T H E .... W A L L .... G E T S ..... B U I L T .... I .... D O N T ..... C A R E.

Y O U.......A R E.......DELUDED

No. Giving citizenship to illegals and hoping it would be enough to solve our immigration problem, after seeing how much a cry for citizenship has been able to accomplish through President Reagan, is delusional.

I don't want to derail my own thread but I have one comment to make on this point.

Why does the left think that giving amnesty and citizenship to illegals is going to stop illegal immigration?

Is amnesty/citizenship going to increase or decrease illegal immigration? Obviously it will increase it.

They claim it will, but they lie to get the right to go along. They know that these immigrants will vote Democratic. They don't care if they ruin the country. They want the power

I'm terrified of possible peace between Israel/Palestine. I'm horrified over better trade deals and I'm petrified over the the thought of a stronger more dynamic economy.

Scares the shit out of me to be honest. We won't even talk about enforcing our existing immigration laws. I may move to Canada for that

Since Trump continually fails to describe or define any kind of policy concerning those issues, you have nothing to fear....But he would like to sell you some Bush Brothers steaks (since Trump steaks went out of business a few years ago, as did Trump Magazine and Trump Vodka.)
If you don't think Trump wants to be known as the greatest President and unifier who ever lived.....then you don't know Trump.

If you think Trump has the capacity to be those things, then you're a fucking idiot. Trump is nothing more than a sleazy used car salesman. He has yet to show one iota of ability to govern an ham sandwich, much less a country. But hey, who cares about that, right? Certainly not the trailer trash like yourself who support him.

Aren't politicians generally viewed as sleazy car salesmen who try to sell you something? I mean I haven't seen so much "selling", than I saw during those months of speeches trying to convince the House and their constituents in townhall meetings to pass Obamacare. As far as ability to govern, what governor experience did Obama have to even SEE a state budget when he ran for president?
I dont give a flying fuck as long as the God damned wall gets built.


How about if he builds it using H-1B visa workers....give a flying fuck about that?

Let me type it slowly for you; A S .... L O N G ..... A S .... T H E .... W A L L .... G E T S ..... B U I L T .... I .... D O N T ..... C A R E.

Y O U.......A R E.......DELUDED

No. Giving citizenship to illegals and hoping it would be enough to solve our immigration problem, after seeing how much a cry for citizenship has been able to accomplish through President Reagan, is delusional.

I don't want to derail my own thread but I have one comment to make on this point.

Why does the left think that giving amnesty and citizenship to illegals is going to stop illegal immigration?

Is amnesty/citizenship going to increase or decrease illegal immigration? Obviously it will increase it.

Basically we are saying the same point, which is why we need to deal with the border first.

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