Examining a Romney FaceBook post


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
Perhaps you've seen it. If you haven't it compares 5 points of Romney's with Obama's. Let's look at each one:

Romney claim:

1. "Will restore fiscal sanity and move toward a balanced budget." Fiscal sanity? That's a laugh, even if comparing himself to Obama. Is he saying he'll follow his VP's plan to balance the budget? That would be great IF he did.

2. "Will ensure medicare is there for all seniors." If he implements the Ryan plan I have no doubt he will.

3. "Will cut tax rates for ALL Americans." I'll wager he's talking about maintaining the Bush tax cuts and not actually cutting taxes any further. Not quite the whole truth is it?

4. "Will repeal Obamacare and get healthcare costs under control." I have my doubts that he will actually repeal Obamacare, and from this statement it seems that if he does, he plans on implementing his own brand of Romneycare, or RepublicanCare, or some other unneeded government involvement in the Healthcare system.

5. "Will champion small business." A most likely true statement.

Romney's take on Obama's plans:

1. "Will continue to add trillions of dollars to the debt." No doubt.

2. "Raided Medicare by $716 billion to pay for Obamacare." True.

3. "Insists on raising taxes so he can continue runaway spending." I doubt that Obama said that but essentially it's true.

4. "Celebrates Obamacare and it's ever increasing costs." Maybe change "and" to "with".

5. "Rebuffs small business job creators with 'You didn't build that.'" "Rebuffs"? That's a stretch. It was simply an accidental slip that gave us a glimpse inside of Obama's mind, but I'm getting nit-picky here.

A bit of hyperbole from Mitt but pretty much true. His statement of his own policies and intentions bothers this skeptic, but given the choice, exemplified in his ad and the truth behind it, means he's the lesser of the two evils.

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