Excellent Presentation on the Biggest Political Scandal in US History


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
I challenge TDS folks to watch Dan's presentation.

Get his book for even more details regarding this outrageous corruption.

I didn't like the ending. Why is there no 2nd special prosecutor to investigate all the items Bongino details???
kyzr, indeed it seems to be a major flaw in the US court system that the crooks are not prosecuted. Recall when the fake news media NY Times released the leak from Comey that was one of the triggers of the fake "Russia Collusion" investigation. The implication being that the fake news media has control not only over TDS victims who deny the facts of the case, but the actual process of justice in America, which is a scary commentary. Keep in mind if a "second" or actually the first real special counsel in this case was activated, the fake news media will claim it is President Trump being a dictator, he must be impeached, etc. Totally insane yes, but the power of the fake news seems to be a factor not only in brainwashing TDS victims, but in the functioning of a free and open society that this country and the West in general supposedly base their governments on.

edthecynic, what particular fact about the case are you in denial about?
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I didn't like the ending. Why is there no 2nd special prosecutor to investigate all the items Bongino details???

Trump doesn't know enough people on his own to fill all the appointments he has to make, so has to rely on the GOP and others to provide people; unfortunately, most of the GOP and RNC are just as criminal and treasonous as the Democrats are and want to bring him down, and there is not much that can be done about that, like being able to find a real American to fill the Attorney General's office that will prosecute anybody in either Party for their treason ans organized criminal actions, especially under the RICO statutes.
kyzr, indeed it seems to be a major flaw in the US court system that the crooks are not prosecuted. Recall when the fake news media NY Times released the leak from Comey that was one of the triggers of the fake "Russia Collusion" investigation. The implication being that the fake news media has control not only over TDS victims who deny the facts of the case, but the actual process of justice in America, which is a scary commentary. Keep in mind if a "second" or actually the first real special counsel in this case was activated, the fake news media will claim it is President Trump being a dictator, he must be impeached, etc. Totally insane yes, but the power of the fake news seems to be a factor not only in brainwashing TDS victims, but in the functioning of a free and open society that this country and the West in general supposedly base their governments on.

edthecynic, what particular fact about the case are you in denial about?
I don't care about the fake news MSM as long as there are also real news outlets too, bring on the 2nd special prosecutor since there is actual evidence of crimes, which there wasn't for the Mueller witch hunt. Without a 2nd special prosecutor the deep state wins, WTF??

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