Excerpt from Rage says McConnell worked behind the scenes to keep Biden from calling trump, after the trump loss

McConnell is still in office. Trump will win the nomination in 2024. These amateur gaslighters are freakish cultists who live, eat, and breathe Trump. They they are putting on this gaslighting act for each other. Very bizarre behavior. Like when two co-dependents need their fix.
McConnell has insurrectionists threaten to kill him at his house. He should have learned from it.
What would you call Trump's? Come on, you and all kinds of "internet experts" can make whatever long distance diagnosis they want but without an in depth real exam they don't hold much beyond opinion. You want to claim Biden has dementia, go for it. I can show you just as much "compelling evidence" that Trump does.
Ok, lay out your case.
Sometime, it's smarter for a turtle to stay inside his shell. That's a lesson that neocon lowlife, Mitch McConnell, hasn't seem to learn.
Why don't you read the article? Trump is mentally ill. There was a real danger he might attack Iran on his way out.
Democrats are trying to justify treason.

It is okay to run to America's enemies and inform them of America's plans because "orange man bad".

I wonder what else Democrats would be willing to do because... orange man bad?


And countless experts have already done so: They have commented on Trump’s alleged paranoid, sadistic, and psychopathic tendencies; diagnosed him with narcissistic personality disorder; and suggested he might suffer from neurological conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Naturally, many have questioned his fitness to serve as the President of the United States.

Over 70,000 health professionals even signed a petition, saying “Donald Trump manifests a serious mental illness that renders him psychologically incapable of competently discharging the duties of President of the United States.”

And a book written by over two dozen mental health experts also argued that Trump, whether due to his personality or mental health issues, is not fit to be the president.
Yet they all give Biden a clean bill of health...

Anyone who takes anything any of those "health professionals" say seriously is an idiot.
For the love of God, just stop with your nonsense.
Insane has to meet certain requirements, not just opinions. Three people at a table voting on who's insane and who's not.
That's very scientific isn't it? Now just quit embarrassing yourself.

70,000 medical professionals signing a petition.
What would you call Trump's? Come on, you and all kinds of "internet experts" can make whatever long distance diagnosis they want but without an in depth real exam they don't hold much beyond opinion. You want to claim Biden has dementia, go for it. I can show you just as much "compelling evidence" that Trump does.
No, you can't. Why do you lie?
Moving beyond the forum diagnosis of who has mental issues and to what degree, let's continue to explore the interesting revelations from 'Peril' that are....with more to come....being excerpted in recent newsfeeds.

For example, the Washington Post had this today about the conclusions Lindsey Graham and Mike Lee arrived at once they had been briefed by Giuliani and Trump's 'experts' on vote fraud.

Graham describes that effort as "third grade". And subsequently informed his former President: "You f*cked up your Presidency."

Here's a taster:

"Lindsey Graham and Mike Lee personally vetted Trump’s fraud claims, new book says. They were unpersuaded."

“Peril,” by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, reveals the lengths the two Republicans went to in examining the president’s baseless claims

The episode illustrates how strenuously the president’s legal team sought to nullify the results of the election; how flimsy even their more serious claims were; and what little stock the president’s own allies placed in his objections, even as they stood steadfastly with their standard-bearer.

Graham and Lee, both of whom ultimately voted to certify the results, took the claims of election fraud seriously enough to get briefed on the details, involve their senior staff and call state officials throughout the country. But privately, Graham gave the arguments a withering assessment, according to the book, saying they were suitable for “third grade.”

Where he could find relevant records, they contradicted Giuliani’s conclusions. Claims of nearly 12,000 so-called “overvotes” in Arizona — when someone picks more than the maximum number of selections allowed — masked the fact that only 180 applied in the presidential contest, not nearly enough to close Biden’s margin of victory in the state.

But it wasn’t until after a pro-Trump mob ransacked the Capitol that Graham, speaking on the Senate floor, said,
“Count me out. Enough is enough. I’ve tried to be helpful.”

He has since tacked back, visiting Trump at Mar-a-Lago, speaking to him regularly and saying the GOP “can’t grow” without the former president. Still, he has continued to deliver criticism directly to Trump, according to the book. In a phone call this summer, he bemoaned Trump’s volatility and focus on voter fraud, telling the former president, “You f---ed your presidency up. Trump abruptly hung up on him. A spokesman for Graham declined to comment."


See, it's these childish outbursts that expose you for the little Trump cultist you really are. I didn't write the malignant narcissism checklist. And no, "big ego" isn't on it.

I asked before and you ignored the question, typical leftist moonbat.
Does being a narcissist disqualifies a person from office?

It's a simple question with a simple answer.
70,000 medical professionals signing a petition.
So, what you're saying is that there hasn't been any psycho analysis done on him, only a petition, got it.
By the way, where did you get that "70,000" figure from? Just something that exploded in your head??? hmmm?
Correct, i ignored your troll exercise. I am not your mommy or your assistant. Just make your point.
Because if you gave the honest answer you make yourself look like a buffoon, just as
you're doing right now. Thanks, now the board can read your....answer
Because if you gave the honest answer you make yourself look like a buffoon, just as
you're doing right now. Thanks, now the board can read your....answer
No iwouldnt. I never implied otherwise. And you are the one making yourself look stupid, when you pretend(?) to be too stupid to understand the difference between someone being somewhat narcissistic or egocentric, vs. Narcissistic personality disorder.

Like i said, troll exercise. Ask a question with the intention of having your little troll hissy fit, no matter the response. You clearly don't need me for that.
No iwouldnt. I never implied otherwise. And you are the one making yourself look stupid, when you pretend(?) to be too stupid to understand the difference between someone being somewhat narcissistic or egocentric, vs. Narcissistic personality disorder.

Like i said, troll exercise. Ask a question with the intention of having your little troll hissy fit, no matter the response. You clearly don't need me for that.
You keep saying it, but no doctor has given a legitimate diagnosis through (wait for it)....testing.
I'll keep asking a question, and you freaks will just keep throwing out words that mean absolutely nothing
with running a country. You might as well say he's a poopy pants and we don't like him....remove him.
Bunch of babies, grow up.
You keep saying it, but no doctor has given a legitimate diagnosis through (wait for it)....testing.
Absolutely right. I am no psychologist. Just a guy who has watched Trump and is unsurprised at how many of the boxes he checks off. And even this simple idea has thrown you into a flailing tailspin. We both know why.

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