Excerpt from Rage says McConnell worked behind the scenes to keep Biden from calling trump, after the trump loss

Sent him over the edge?

Haven’t you huffed and puffed about Orange Man enough?

It's funny Hawk, the guy is out of office almst a year now and they still fear him. He is all they can talk about. This morning on the national news on TV, I watch two channels for two hours and they
  • mentioned Afghanistan 0 times,
  • brought up Biden 0 times.
  • Mentioned and even showed a picture of Trump while talking about him twice.
Donald OUT of office is making more news than Joe IN office! :auiqs.jpg:
Word is trump is even trying to primary McConnell. WOW! Unless someone stands up for the real GOP, the whackos that trump is tapping are gonna go down in flames to Democrats. But since the repub party is spineless and allowing trump to bully them, I don't see that happening. They have been warned!

McConnell is still in office. Trump will win the nomination in 2024. These amateur gaslighters are freakish cultists who live, eat, and breathe Trump. They they are putting on this gaslighting act for each other. Very bizarre behavior. Like when two co-dependents need their fix.
John, this whole thing of trying to make anyone out who blows your cover as crazy , deranged and dangerous is an old ploy the Left picked up from the Soviets who invented the technique to discredit anyone as nuts who dared try to call out the State.

It only figures that the communist left would find a Soviet ploy attractive.
Exactly .....

I believe I addressed that in the first sentence of my comment.
Since you seem to be an expert, if it is NOT dementia, how do explain Biden's bizarre behavior?
How do you explain Trump’s bizarre behavior?

Arguments can be made either way, but mean nothing without a direct exam. It is only what you or I believe.
"Everyone on this planet knows Biden is not running this Country."


May I ask if you include yourself in 'everybody'?
If you don't then you are contradicting yourself.
But, if you 'know' Joe ain't runnin' the USA, well then.......you must know who is.
So, who is it?

How do you know?

Name names. Names of the controllers. Names of your sourcing.

Lest folks doubt your bona fides.
Good luck.

May I ask if you include yourself in 'everybody'?
If you don't then you are contradicting yourself.
But, if you 'know' Joe ain't runnin' the USA, well then.......you must know who is.
So, who is it?

How do you know?

Name names. Names of the controllers. Names of your sourcing.

Lest folks doubt your bona fides.
Good luck.
WTF ...

Everyone has seen Joe stammering dementia moments.

It you think he is running this Country then more power to you.
"It you think he is running this Country then more power to you."

Ummm, poor poster JT, it ain't what I said that is at issue.
It is what your avatar asserted. To wit: "Everybody knows....".

So, again, if :everybody knows".....do you?
And if you do.....then, because you took he lead and asserted it.....then you know who is running the country.

I ask again ----who?
And how do you know?

Share with the forum, lest folks think less of you. Or rather, less of your avatar.
Ummm, poor poster JT, it ain't what I said that is at issue.
It is what your avatar asserted. To wit: "Everybody knows....".

So, again, if :everybody knows".....do you?
And if you do.....then, because you took he lead and asserted it.....then you know who is running the country.

I ask again ----who?
And how do you know?

Share with the forum, lest folks think less of you. Or rather, less of your avatar.

Get it now?
"Get it now?"

Well, yes, poster JTFord, I do get it.
I get it that you cannot back up your own word.

I ain't gonna get all pejorative and claim you are an empty suit, and empty drum, or a cowless cowboy.
But you must know how your avatar now appears to the forum.
As merely a chatroom graffiti-ist.
One who hurriedly posts some inchoate jackassery.....then scurries off, feeling no responsibility to explain what it is he just sprayed on the wall.

Yupper, partner. We get it.
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Well, yes, poster JTFord, I do get it.
I get it that you cannot back up your own word.

I ain't gonna get all pejorative and claim you are an empty suit, and empty drum, or a cowless coyboy.
But you must know how your avatar now appears to the forum.
As merely a chatroom graffiti-ist.
One who hurriedly posts some inchoate jackassery.....then scurries off, feeling no responsibility to explain what it is he just sprayed on the wall.

Yupper, partner. We get it.
You stupid Fuck ...

You prove yourself to be a troll with no content .....
Please, by all means, source your fact that Trump was Mentally ill. There hasn't been one Psychiatrist
to state what you just did. By the way, TDS does not stand as proof.
Trump is not mentally ill because he knows a lot of "big words" & passed a cognitive test that an 8 year old could ace.

Trump's intel briefings were dumbed down because he's a fucking first class moron with the attention span of a 3 year old.
What would you call it?
What would you call Trump's? Come on, you and all kinds of "internet experts" can make whatever long distance diagnosis they want but without an in depth real exam they don't hold much beyond opinion. You want to claim Biden has dementia, go for it. I can show you just as much "compelling evidence" that Trump does.

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