Executive Order limitations

Bye catz...you're owned.

Now I'll use the advice you gave me that you said I should use on Valerie...ignore her.

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This thread was a humorous illustration of your ineptitude Yes YOURS and faggotry.

I could lower myself and get racial on you "bro". But I'll let your comment calling me a fag stand as posted.

The good part is..people here (that matter..leaves del and rw out) already know what you're like and you just reinforced it.

Okay tough guy. I post them and if she said it you leave the board forever. Deal? Clue: she can race back and delete it but she replies are part of my replies back to her.

So deal??

sure, go ahead

and it's *her* replies, little derp.

you'll never get to be an asst manager at circle k i fear.

Fair enough I'll PM a mod and we shall see if he is willing to ban you permanently. If so I'll give him the posts numbers and threads.

And we shall have him block your I.P. so you can't use your multiple socks here.

Let me know.
Oh noes! I won't be able to post!!!
sure, go ahead

and it's *her* replies, little derp.

you'll never get to be an asst manager at circle k i fear.

Fair enough I'll PM a mod and we shall see if he is willing to ban you permanently. If so I'll give him the posts numbers and threads.

And we shall have him block your I.P. so you can't use your multiple socks here.

Let me know.
Oh noes! I won't be able to post!!!

that's pretty funny.
she never said eos are overturned routinely.

lying and stupid.

are you a big derp sock by any chance?

Okay tough guy. I post them and if she said it you leave the board forever. Deal? Clue: she can race back and delete it but her replies are part of my replies back to her.

So deal?? And we get a moderator to make sure you're gone.

The post needs to include these precise words: "EOs are overturned routinely." Your paraphrase or interpretation of what I posted is insufficient, because I did not post those words, EVER.

i'm going to be she said if an EO violates the constitution it will be overturned, if challenged.

i doubt strongly that she said routinely because EO's aren't generally challenged...
With the pending Executive Orders to come out regarding the second amendment and gun control, what is everyones opinion in regards to limitations on the Executive Order if any?


Sorry "bro" I don't play your semantics game...

You are the one playing a semantics game here as you back away from your bet, welsher.

And, in many cases, after legal challenges and under later review by the courts, those orders have been found unconstitutional and overturned. YOU

Government isn't a clean process and there are some gray areas built into the constitution and the design of the 3 branches of government. Our founders designed a messy system. It generally works, but sometimes it takes a while.

To date, U.S. courts have overturned only two executive orders: the aforementioned Truman order, and a 1995 order issued by President Clinton that attempted to prevent the federal government from contracting with organizations that had strike-breakers on the payroll

That's just for warm up

just admit you've got nothing, sally, and call it a day. :thup:

it's too bad you can't go back and edit my posts, as you did yours when you added the mod participation part.


good thing you're not obsessed, lil derp.

nice avi, btw

it's as original as everything else you post.
she never said eos are overturned routinely.

lying and stupid.

are you a big derp sock by any chance?

Okay tough guy. I post them and if she said it you leave the board forever. Deal? Clue: she can race back and delete it but her replies are part of my replies back to her.

So deal?? And we get a moderator to make sure you're gone.


Notice how the little pussy doesn't offer to leave the board if he is wrong?

i was thinking of making the bet that he turn his rep back on, but i thought why bother, he'll just welsh anyway.

this is about where i thought it would go, though.
Sorry "bro" I don't play your semantics game...

Either I said what you claim I said, or I didn't.

You made a specific claim about what you allege I said, which you have yet to back up.

I'm perfectly fine with the bet, and would be happy to participate as well. Please, call for Mod participation.

You are the one playing a semantics game here as you back away from your bet, welsher.

First of all go fuck yourself and get del.

Second why I would think a cowardly shit would actually agree to a fair bet is beyond me.

You said they get overturned and only twice has it happened.

I have two more but you're wasting everyone's time..because you're a coward who can't even agree to a bet that doesn't involve you leaving anyway.

tissue, lil derp?
If I made be so bold to interject, I think there is a lot of confusion over semantics going on here.

If the kenyan thinks he's going to impinge on the constitutional rights of law abiding Americans by EO, I see states passing their own laws that will render his EO useless.

There are many ways for an EO to be challenged, overturned, or circumvented.

That's why I don't really understand the hysteria.

Do you?

I don't see catzmeow saying EOs are routinely overturned in this post. I see her saying there are ways for them to be challenged or overturned or circumvented, which is a true statement. If a President writes an Executive Order which makes a lot of people unhappy, or is unconstitutional (which is extremely rare), there are ways to deal with it through the wonderful separation of powers process.

To date, U.S. courts have overturned only two executive orders: the aforementioned Truman order, and a 1995 order issued by President Clinton that attempted to prevent the federal government from contracting with organizations that had strike-breakers on the payroll

Executive order - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Others were vacated, rescinded by subsequent presidents, or made obsolete via legislation from Congress.

In this post, catz says two have been overturned by the Judicial branch, and others were vacated or rescinded by the Executive branch, or made obsolete by the Legislative branch. This is also true and is not saying they are routinely "overturned", which is a term which implies solely Judicial action.

An Executive Order can have an expiration date, or it can be rescinded by a successor.

Or, since EOs are executions of existing laws, if the laws are changed the EO can effectively be made moot.

Just my two cents. I would not like to see anyone leave this forum over this stuff.
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You are the one playing a semantics game here as you back away from your bet, welsher.

And, in many cases, after legal challenges and under later review by the courts, those orders have been found unconstitutional and overturned. YOU

Government isn't a clean process and there are some gray areas built into the constitution and the design of the 3 branches of government. Our founders designed a messy system. It generally works, but sometimes it takes a while.

To date, U.S. courts have overturned only two executive orders: the aforementioned Truman order, and a 1995 order issued by President Clinton that attempted to prevent the federal government from contracting with organizations that had strike-breakers on the payroll

That's just for warm up

just admit you've got nothing, sally, and call it a day. :thup:

it's too bad you can't go back and edit my posts, as you did yours when you added the mod participation part.


good thing you're not obsessed, lil derp.

nice avi, btw

it's as original as everything else you post.
That's twice this week he got caught editing posts to make it look like he was the good guy. Too funny!
If I made be so bold to interject, I think there is a lot of confusion over semantics going on here.

If the kenyan thinks he's going to impinge on the constitutional rights of law abiding Americans by EO, I see states passing their own laws that will render his EO useless.

There are many ways for an EO to be challenged, overturned, or circumvented.

That's why I don't really understand the hysteria.

Do you?

I don't see catzmeow saying EOs are routinely overturned in this post. I see her saying there are ways for them to be challenged or overturned or circumvented, which is a true statement. If a President writes an Executive Order which makes a lot of people unhappy, or is unconstitutional (which is extremely rare), there are ways to deal with it through the wonderful separation of powers process.

To date, U.S. courts have overturned only two executive orders: the aforementioned Truman order, and a 1995 order issued by President Clinton that attempted to prevent the federal government from contracting with organizations that had strike-breakers on the payroll

Executive order - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Others were vacated, rescinded by subsequent presidents, or made obsolete via legislation from Congress.

In this post, catz says two have been overturned by the Judicial branch, and others were vacated or rescinded by the Executive branch, or made obsolete by the Legislative branch. This is also true and is not saying they are routinely "overturned", which is a term which implies solely Judicial action.

An Executive Order can have an expiration date, or it can be rescinded by a successor.

Or, since EOs are executions of existing laws, if the laws are changed the EO can effectively be made moot.

Just my two cents. I would not like to see anyone leave this forum over this stuff.

if you're going to be rational, i'm afraid we'll have to have you escorted from the premises.

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