Expert reveals tampering in JFK assassination photos

Evidence that is a lie, just like you are a liar.

Wrong you can cite no evidence I can and have.

I did not lie about reading something and then admit it YOU did.

Thus proving you the liar. We all know this and the evidence exists stupid
Again...what you think is evidence is LIES.

Wake up!

poor little boy... :cuckoo:
Silly Jilly JFK was one of our greatest presidents and he was a Democrat. You love Democrats unconditionally and HATE all right wingers. So why would you chose to side with right wing forces who worked to murder him in Dallas?

Oswald was a communist which is a left wing ideology and he murdered kennedy which the evidence proves.

It may be your opinion that he was one of our greatest presidents but from an objective view he was not.
That post only indicates how duped you are. Oswald was not a communist. Anyone who has spent any amount time researching him, knows this. don't know shit.

The reality is Oswald was an ardent anti-communist and like you working for the FBI or CIA.
Shillian, you are another "joke" of a poster and woefully pathetic at debate or discussion. I find your claim of being a barrister or litigator in our admiralty courts to be spurious at best. Attaching your wagon to the defrocked "researcher" with the nazi tag line is so apropos. (snicker)

You betcha, know very little and propose nothing in the way of meaningful dialogue. You are simply an angry little troll that lamely lashes out at those that are infinitely more informed than you...get it now (snicker) "Counselor"?????

thats the UNDERSTATEMENT of the century.:up:
Shillian, you are another "joke" of a poster and woefully pathetic at debate or discussion. I find your claim of being a barrister or litigator in our admiralty courts to be spurious at best. Attaching your wagon to the defrocked "researcher" with the nazi tag line is so apropos. (snicker)

You betcha, know very little and propose nothing in the way of meaningful dialogue. You are simply an angry little troll that lamely lashes out at those that are infinitely more informed than you...get it now (snicker) "Counselor"?????

thats the UNDERSTATEMENT of the century.:up:
She like the Nazi, only know what the government tells them.

They think Oswald was a commie who hated JFK and magically fired a poorly sighted bolt action rifle committing the murder of the century. Then took a stroll down several flights of stairs and casually drink a Coke in the lunch room. has to be considered insane, to hold such absurd beliefs.

Silly Jilly has no idea (CIA dupe either) that JFK was working to end the Cold War and bug out of Vietnam. They don't know that the Deep State hated JFK and thought him a commie sympathizer and a great danger to the nation.
Shillian, you are another "joke" of a poster and woefully pathetic at debate or discussion. I find your claim of being a barrister or litigator in our admiralty courts to be spurious at best. Attaching your wagon to the defrocked "researcher" with the nazi tag line is so apropos. (snicker)

You betcha, know very little and propose nothing in the way of meaningful dialogue. You are simply an angry little troll that lamely lashes out at those that are infinitely more informed than you...get it now (snicker) "Counselor"?????

thats the UNDERSTATEMENT of the century.:up:
She like the Nazi, only know what the government tells them.

They think Oswald was a commie who hated JFK and magically fired a poorly sighted bolt action rifle committing the murder of the century. Then took a stroll down several flights of stairs and casually drink a Coke in the lunch room. has to be considered insane, to hold such absurd beliefs.

Silly Jilly has no idea (CIA dupe either) that JFK was working to end the Cold War and bug out of Vietnam. They don't know that the Deep State hated JFK and thought him a commie sympathizer and a great danger to the nation.

Naw they know it was a CIA operation and that oswald was innocent,they are lying paid shills on their payroll that have been sent here to troll by their handlers in desperate hopes they can somehow convince us we are wrong despite all the thousands of hours we have invested in this researching this over the years.:lmao::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::haha:
Shillian, you are another "joke" of a poster and woefully pathetic at debate or discussion. I find your claim of being a barrister or litigator in our admiralty courts to be spurious at best. Attaching your wagon to the defrocked "researcher" with the nazi tag line is so apropos. (snicker)

You betcha, know very little and propose nothing in the way of meaningful dialogue. You are simply an angry little troll that lamely lashes out at those that are infinitely more informed than you...get it now (snicker) "Counselor"?????

thats the UNDERSTATEMENT of the century.:up:
She like the Nazi, only know what the government tells them.

They think Oswald was a commie who hated JFK and magically fired a poorly sighted bolt action rifle committing the murder of the century. Then took a stroll down several flights of stairs and casually drink a Coke in the lunch room. has to be considered insane, to hold such absurd beliefs.

Silly Jilly has no idea (CIA dupe either) that JFK was working to end the Cold War and bug out of Vietnam. They don't know that the Deep State hated JFK and thought him a commie sympathizer and a great danger to the nation.

Naw they know it was a CIA operation and that oswald was innocent,they are lying paid shills on their payroll that have been sent here to troll by their handlers in desperate hopes they can somehow convince us we are wrong despite all the thousands of hours we have invested in this researching this over the years.:lmao::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::haha:
If that is true not only are they wasting their time, but their handlers must think Americans can be easily duped into believing a story so absurd that one would have to be insane to believe it.
Upon exit, it absolutely did. You can see it in the Zapruder film. His head snaps back when the right front part of his head explodes, something that can only happen when a bullet exits that area. Like I said, it's physics.

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Physics are proven by evidence which is something he willfully ignores

The evidence of the Zapruder film demolishes the magic bullet and the shot from the front theories. You can plainly see Connelly turned to the right when he is hit and Kennedy's head snapping back in a spray of blood and brain tissue, which can only happen when a bullet exits.

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Dude, c'mon........Kennedy's head doesn't snap forward like it would have had he been shot in the back of the head. The trajectory of the shot plainly shows that the shooter was firing from a position that was lower than where JFK was sitting which explains as to why his head snapped back and to the left. The kill shot IMHO was fired from the storm drain when Greer slowed the limo down to a near stop which is blatantly against any and all protocols when the one they are protecting is in imminent danger.

Once again unlike the effects you see in Tv and movies it is simply not true that his body or head had to move in a predictable way.

The trajectory of the shot cannot be seen and all the evidence proves the shots came from Oswald at who was above and behind him.

The shooter did not have to be in front of him for his head to move as he did and that is fact.

The storm drain is as ludicrous as 7forever's fiction that Greer shot Kennedy

Dude, now you have gone from attempting to pass yourself off as a serious debater to that of a troll and crossed over to "parody poster" status that is now trying to tell people that they can't believe their own eyes. At first I thought you might have some "game" but you have become a running joke.. I do have one question (which I doubt that you will answer) is why does it matter to you that those like me don't buy the bullshit story of JFK's public murder and the false flag event that was 9/11/01? Do you REALLY believe that you can convince someone like me that has invested the last 5 and a half years of his life and thousands upon thousands of hours learning how things really work? Because if you do, allow me to assure you that you haven't put one seed of doubt in my a matter of fact? Just the opposite. All you have claimed is "That's been debunked" and "This has been debunked" sans any link to validate your argument and why is that? Because you know that the proper vetting of "said proof" would not stand up to scrutiny.

Hell, you don't even know where to place a "comma" and you expect posters to believe that you are this well read researcher? Seriously, you are a time waster....nothing more, nothing less.
I suspect all he is trying to do is plant the seed of doubt. Of course it won't work on us, because we have studied the event so thoroughly that we know better and laugh at his antics.
Physics are proven by evidence which is something he willfully ignores

The evidence of the Zapruder film demolishes the magic bullet and the shot from the front theories. You can plainly see Connelly turned to the right when he is hit and Kennedy's head snapping back in a spray of blood and brain tissue, which can only happen when a bullet exits.

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Dude, c'mon........Kennedy's head doesn't snap forward like it would have had he been shot in the back of the head. The trajectory of the shot plainly shows that the shooter was firing from a position that was lower than where JFK was sitting which explains as to why his head snapped back and to the left. The kill shot IMHO was fired from the storm drain when Greer slowed the limo down to a near stop which is blatantly against any and all protocols when the one they are protecting is in imminent danger.

The bullet entered and exited too quickly for the initial forward motion to be captured on film. Thus, the far greater motion caused by the exit of the bullet is what we see.

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Dude, spare me....there were WAAAY more shots than the three that the Warren Commission claimed. They made the case to fit around what the official story claimed with no real investigation into the facts because the powers that be wanted it that "if's, and's or but's" about it.

Wrong there were three shots and no evidence exists to even suggest more than 3.

Even the vast majority of witnesses agree with 3 shots no more or less which supports the evidence.
Hey CIA Dupe/Nazi, please read this and answer the two embolden questions. I need a good laugh today.

So, why would Oswald, the supposed devout communist, want to kill Kennedy when it was Kennedy who was initiating a dramatic turn toward peace, friendship, and mutual coexistence with the communist world, one that would obviously bring an end to the CIA’s assassination attempts against Castro and, for that matter, other people whose only crime was believing in socialism or communism? In fact, why assassinate Kennedy given that he would be replaced by a vice-president, Lyndon Johnson, whose mindset mirrored that of the national-security establishment that Kennedy was waging war against? Don’t forget, after all, that Johnson put a quick end to Kennedy’s plan to end the Cold War and soon began ramping up the Vietnam War, which ended up killing more than 58,000 American men and millions of Vietnamese people.
Figuring Out the Kennedy Assassination - LewRockwell
Once again unlike the effects you see in Tv and movies it is simply not true that his body or head had to move in a predictable way.

The trajectory of the shot cannot be seen and all the evidence proves the shots came from Oswald at who was above and behind him.

The shooter did not have to be in front of him for his head to move as he did and that is fact.

The storm drain is as ludicrous as 7forever's fiction that Greer shot Kennedy

Dude, now you have gone from attempting to pass yourself off as a serious debater to that of a troll and crossed over to "parody poster" status that is now trying to tell people that they can't believe their own eyes. At first I thought you might have some "game" but you have become a running joke.. I do have one question (which I doubt that you will answer) is why does it matter to you that those like me don't buy the bullshit story of JFK's public murder and the false flag event that was 9/11/01? Do you REALLY believe that you can convince someone like me that has invested the last 5 and a half years of his life and thousands upon thousands of hours learning how things really work? Because if you do, allow me to assure you that you haven't put one seed of doubt in my a matter of fact? Just the opposite. All you have claimed is "That's been debunked" and "This has been debunked" sans any link to validate your argument and why is that? Because you know that the proper vetting of "said proof" would not stand up to scrutiny.

Hell, you don't even know where to place a "comma" and you expect posters to believe that you are this well read researcher? Seriously, you are a time waster....nothing more, nothing less.
Wrong I am stating facts it was you who surrendered and crossed over into parody when you began throwing out profanities when you were debunked and then denied that you were debunked.

No one is questioning what you saw with your own eye's it is you uninformed and ignorant conclusions which are being proven wrong and they HAVE BEEN proven wrong.

Watching a few videos is all you have done and in fact that does not constitute thousands of hours of research.

As for convincing you? No one cannot change the faith of a religious person and that is the basis of your belief, faith as opposed to evidence.

But that does not mean you get to make the false assertions and statements you consistently make without being challenged, corrected or debunked which is what I have consistently done to your arguments.

I have no doubt you will cling to your faith regardless of any and all evidence available and it does in fact prove you wrong but like any true believer you will go on stubbornly clinging to the delusion.

No I have not made such a claim I have in fact debunked each of YOUR assertions with facts and you actually helped n more than one occasion by posting videos which actually debunked you for me.

You haven't stated any "facts" that haven't been cleared by the very ones that orchestrated this coup d e'tat and if you really believe that? It simply shows how delusional you are. Rodney King took less of an ass-kicking than you have. You are like one of the nutcases that has been hog-tied and taken away by the guys in the white coats with butterfly nets as you proclaim "I am the only sane person here!!!!!"....too funny. You have proven none of my contentions wrong because you have merely claimed that they have been debunked but when asked for proof? Well, you have been found wanting and that is a fact.

My research about not only JFK but 9/11 and the OKC bombing and other false flag events like Sandy Hoax and the Orlando queer bar "shooting" has proven that an Operation Gladio style program is being used on the sheeple to deflect attention and distract them. I bet you also believe that the Federal Reserve central bank is a "gubermint" entity or that this corporate entity that you call "gubermint" has never used the American people as guinea pigs for a plethora of experiments without their consent because you strike me as just that fucking stupid. You are sleep-walking through life or you are a paid troll that is used to monitor social media...either way, your ass has been kicked and you have been exposed as an idiot. There is nothing really more to say to you. What can be said to someone that believes bullets can do magical things and that three high rise buildings can collapse from being hit by two planes after a few hours in free-fall fashion right inside their own "footprint" and say to themselves "Yeah, that makes sense to me......move along, folks....nothing to see here". Spare me a thought when this whole fiat currency system collapses under it's own weight and the ones that has milked the sweat equity of the people dry that perpetrated it. Remember me when they want you to take an RFID chip for the "digital currency". Seriously, you don't have a fucking clue.....none, nada, zilch.

I have kicked your ass with facts and evidence and you are simply lying to deny that fact. I have not gotten my own kicked.

Just because facts and evidence come from a source you do not like does not refute them which is all you have.

You have not presented any form of evidence and your every attempt to do so has been destroyed and proven false.

And now your argument is sandy hook was a hoax and and OKC was a false flag. More claims you have no evidence for and which are monstrously stupid.

You lost badly boy.

BTW no the federal reserve is not a government entity. Surprising to some but not a secret either.

No one believes bullets can do magical things and no one in the warren commission ever claimed they can do magical things which is why you are a gullible sucker who believes in the magic bullet theory.

Once again boy the few videos you watched is not research. You are uninformed uneducated and a fool who has done no research period

"I have kicked your ass with facts and evidence and you are simply lying to deny that fact. I have not gotten my own kicked."

Yeah, you keep telling yourself that.... if it makes you sleep better at night. I know and understand more than you could possibly wrap your mind around. Somehow, I can't but help to find it rather hilarious (although in a way just as sad) to think that someone (such as yourself) believes that they have attained some kind of victory sans any proof that they could produce and without knowing the basic rules of punctuation. Pardon the eye-rolling and my chuckle of amusement watching you flail away and dig the hole deeper and deeper and then proclaim from the bottom of that pit that you have "won". LOL!

Most amusing.....not gonna lie about that at all. (snicker)

When you say sans any proof you are outright lying as I put proof in your face repeatedly.

That is what you deny because you know it is true and you have been stomped.

You threw it in completely with your implications of Sandy Hook being a hoax and RFID chip bullshit.

You are a joke and a laughing stock and will be after you are dead
The evidence of the Zapruder film demolishes the magic bullet and the shot from the front theories. You can plainly see Connelly turned to the right when he is hit and Kennedy's head snapping back in a spray of blood and brain tissue, which can only happen when a bullet exits.

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Dude, c'mon........Kennedy's head doesn't snap forward like it would have had he been shot in the back of the head. The trajectory of the shot plainly shows that the shooter was firing from a position that was lower than where JFK was sitting which explains as to why his head snapped back and to the left. The kill shot IMHO was fired from the storm drain when Greer slowed the limo down to a near stop which is blatantly against any and all protocols when the one they are protecting is in imminent danger.

The bullet entered and exited too quickly for the initial forward motion to be captured on film. Thus, the far greater motion caused by the exit of the bullet is what we see.

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Dude, spare me....there were WAAAY more shots than the three that the Warren Commission claimed. They made the case to fit around what the official story claimed with no real investigation into the facts because the powers that be wanted it that "if's, and's or but's" about it.

That has nothing to do with the fact that there was no magic bullet and that the fatal shot came from the rear.

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Utter and 100 percent complete bullshit.

Wrong it is absolute fact.

Your conspiracy crap is the total bullshit and being proven so
Wrong you can cite no evidence I can and have.

I did not lie about reading something and then admit it YOU did.

Thus proving you the liar. We all know this and the evidence exists stupid
Again...what you think is evidence is LIES.

Wake up!

poor little boy... :cuckoo:
Silly Jilly JFK was one of our greatest presidents and he was a Democrat. You love Democrats unconditionally and HATE all right wingers. So why would you chose to side with right wing forces who worked to murder him in Dallas?

ir'a so cute little dunce the you say nothing... but think you're saying something.

JFK was not our "greatest president". in fact, he blundered into the cuban missile crisis.

who is siding with anything but fact"?

delusional thinking is kind of silly, little troll boy.... try reality.

if you weren't sub-literate and actually asked who I thought the greatest president in my lifetime was, I'd say that Richard Nixon would have been if he hadn't been a paranoid crook.

see how that works, little troll boy?

and I'm still not certain why JFK being a democrat should make one accept baseless and insane conspiracy theories.

that's kind of delusional and requires meds, nutter butter.
Sorry Silly Jilly but your post merely proves you don't know history. JFK was our last great president and we have had so few great ones.

Why do you side with the corrupt and criminal elites? Don't you know better?

She knows it better than you do and has proven you wrong.

It is only your opinion and based on fallacies
Which are supported by evidence unlike anything you have claimed.
Evidence that is a lie, just like you are a liar.

The Zapruder film is a lie? Who knew?

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Who said that? Not I.

You said my evidence was a lie. My evidence is the Zapruder film, therefore you are saying the Zapruder film is a lie. You do realize that, right?

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Sorry about that. My post was intended for the CIA dupe.

Clearly the Zap film is but one of hundreds of pieces of evidence, proving conspiracy.
Wrong it proves nothing of the sort and there are no such dupes here.

You only use such terms to run from your own lies which have been proven and from defending your uneducated statements
And it slammed his head up and to the it. (snicker)

Upon exit, it absolutely did. You can see it in the Zapruder film. His head snaps back when the right front part of his head explodes, something that can only happen when a bullet exits that area. Like I said, it's physics.

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Physics are proven by evidence which is something he willfully ignores

The evidence of the Zapruder film demolishes the magic bullet and the shot from the front theories. You can plainly see Connelly turned to the right when he is hit and Kennedy's head snapping back in a spray of blood and brain tissue, which can only happen when a bullet exits.

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You mean "shot from the rear theories."

Evidence that is a lie, just like you are a liar.

You, nor anyone else, has seen or presented any such theory little troll but you have been proven a liar and fool many times over.
No you do not as the church committee never reached any such conclusion or presented any evidence to support such a claim
Hey CIA Dupe, is it true a bullet can make a right turn while in flight? Is it also true that when one is shot in the back of the head, the head actually moves backwards?

...I mean according to the CIA.

What a liar you are as the CIA never made any such claim. Nor did the Warren Commission Of course you will continue to lie and state they did but the proof you are a dishonest fool is that you can provide no source for them saying any such thing.

Pwned by me again now answer up boy and stop being my bitch now admit you work for the CIA. We all thought so, but now we know you are full of shit.

What is so funny about the nazi poster is that his spelling and punctuating are atrocious while he attempts to wear this badge of alleged "higher intelligence". He keeps ducking and dodging so much to the point that he has got to be suffering from cyber whiplash.
He looked in the mirror
Physics are proven by evidence which is something he willfully ignores

The evidence of the Zapruder film demolishes the magic bullet and the shot from the front theories. You can plainly see Connelly turned to the right when he is hit and Kennedy's head snapping back in a spray of blood and brain tissue, which can only happen when a bullet exits.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dude, c'mon........Kennedy's head doesn't snap forward like it would have had he been shot in the back of the head. The trajectory of the shot plainly shows that the shooter was firing from a position that was lower than where JFK was sitting which explains as to why his head snapped back and to the left. The kill shot IMHO was fired from the storm drain when Greer slowed the limo down to a near stop which is blatantly against any and all protocols when the one they are protecting is in imminent danger.

Once again unlike the effects you see in Tv and movies it is simply not true that his body or head had to move in a predictable way.

The trajectory of the shot cannot be seen and all the evidence proves the shots came from Oswald at who was above and behind him.

The shooter did not have to be in front of him for his head to move as he did and that is fact.

The storm drain is as ludicrous as 7forever's fiction that Greer shot Kennedy

Dude, now you have gone from attempting to pass yourself off as a serious debater to that of a troll and crossed over to "parody poster" status that is now trying to tell people that they can't believe their own eyes. At first I thought you might have some "game" but you have become a running joke.. I do have one question (which I doubt that you will answer) is why does it matter to you that those like me don't buy the bullshit story of JFK's public murder and the false flag event that was 9/11/01? Do you REALLY believe that you can convince someone like me that has invested the last 5 and a half years of his life and thousands upon thousands of hours learning how things really work? Because if you do, allow me to assure you that you haven't put one seed of doubt in my a matter of fact? Just the opposite. All you have claimed is "That's been debunked" and "This has been debunked" sans any link to validate your argument and why is that? Because you know that the proper vetting of "said proof" would not stand up to scrutiny.

Hell, you don't even know where to place a "comma" and you expect posters to believe that you are this well read researcher? Seriously, you are a time waster....nothing more, nothing less.

thats what I have said for YEARS that he is a time waster:up: and not worth the effort. but those are indeed good questions you asked about on what does he hope to get out of this thinking that he will actually change the minds of someone like me or you who have both invested THOUSANDS of hours of our time researching this over the years.:rolleyes::uhoh3::cuckoo:

No what you have done from years id been proven a liar and coward and fool.
Again...what you think is evidence is LIES.

Wake up!

poor little boy... :cuckoo:
Silly Jilly JFK was one of our greatest presidents and he was a Democrat. You love Democrats unconditionally and HATE all right wingers. So why would you chose to side with right wing forces who worked to murder him in Dallas?

ir'a so cute little dunce the you say nothing... but think you're saying something.

JFK was not our "greatest president". in fact, he blundered into the cuban missile crisis.

who is siding with anything but fact"?

delusional thinking is kind of silly, little troll boy.... try reality.

if you weren't sub-literate and actually asked who I thought the greatest president in my lifetime was, I'd say that Richard Nixon would have been if he hadn't been a paranoid crook.

see how that works, little troll boy?

and I'm still not certain why JFK being a democrat should make one accept baseless and insane conspiracy theories.

that's kind of delusional and requires meds, nutter butter.
Sorry Silly Jilly but your post merely proves you don't know history. JFK was our last great president and we have had so few great ones.

Why do you side with the corrupt and criminal elites? Don't you know better?

She knows it better than you do and has proven you wrong.

It is only your opinion and based on fallacies

if it was based on fact, he wouldn't feel the need to embarrass himself trolling me. he'd just present fact.

all the while stamping his feet and crying.
I know it to be 100 percent true. You haven't debunked a single thing. You have simply toed "da gubermint" line spewing CIA talking points that under scrutiny doesn't pass any sane thinking person's ability to reason. You have provided no links debunking anything...PERIOD. You can't "debunk" Kennedy's head going up and to the left, the Secret Service being called off, the numerous shots that were fired including the one that went through the windshield and how 72 hours after the murder, the limo was taken to be re-furbed and any incriminating evidence was destroyed. Yeah, you just keep on believing that you are making a counter argument because anyone else with the ability to think knows that you are full of shit.

This asshole actually think we'd believe he's in CIA, when CIA doesnt' admit to being in the CIA this is one stupid ass mother fkr.

I never claimed to be in it GIPPER and LARAM believe that I am in it and you are as well,.

They accuse everyone smarter than them of being a CIA plant

do you think they post from the same mental institution? or have they just found each other here?

Shillian, you are another "joke" of a poster and woefully pathetic at debate or discussion. I find your claim of being a barrister or litigator in our admiralty courts to be spurious at best. Attaching your wagon to the defrocked "researcher" with the nazi tag line is so apropos. (snicker)

You betcha, know very little and propose nothing in the way of meaningful dialogue. You are simply an angry little troll that lamely lashes out at those that are infinitely more informed than you...get it now (snicker) "Counselor"?????

thats the UNDERSTATEMENT of the century.:up:

You have no business criticizing other people's dialogue when all you do is post emojis after being out witted and used like a beotch
No you do not as the church committee never reached any such conclusion or presented any evidence to support such a claim
Hey CIA Dupe, is it true a bullet can make a right turn while in flight? Is it also true that when one is shot in the back of the head, the head actually moves backwards?

...I mean according to the CIA.

What a liar you are as the CIA never made any such claim. Nor did the Warren Commission Of course you will continue to lie and state they did but the proof you are a dishonest fool is that you can provide no source for them saying any such thing.

Pwned by me again now answer up boy and stop being my bitch now admit you work for the CIA. We all thought so, but now we know you are full of shit.

What is so funny about the nazi poster is that his spelling and punctuating are atrocious while he attempts to wear this badge of alleged "higher intelligence". He keeps ducking and dodging so much to the point that he has got to be suffering from cyber whiplash.

you're pretty much delusional about everything, aren't you?

it makes you upset that he's not an insane conspiracy loon like you, huh?
The evidence of the Zapruder film demolishes the magic bullet and the shot from the front theories. You can plainly see Connelly turned to the right when he is hit and Kennedy's head snapping back in a spray of blood and brain tissue, which can only happen when a bullet exits.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dude, c'mon........Kennedy's head doesn't snap forward like it would have had he been shot in the back of the head. The trajectory of the shot plainly shows that the shooter was firing from a position that was lower than where JFK was sitting which explains as to why his head snapped back and to the left. The kill shot IMHO was fired from the storm drain when Greer slowed the limo down to a near stop which is blatantly against any and all protocols when the one they are protecting is in imminent danger.

The bullet entered and exited too quickly for the initial forward motion to be captured on film. Thus, the far greater motion caused by the exit of the bullet is what we see.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dude, spare me....there were WAAAY more shots than the three that the Warren Commission claimed. They made the case to fit around what the official story claimed with no real investigation into the facts because the powers that be wanted it that "if's, and's or but's" about it.

Wrong there were three shots and no evidence exists to even suggest more than 3.

Even the vast majority of witnesses agree with 3 shots no more or less which supports the evidence.
Hey CIA Dupe/Nazi, please read this and answer the two embolden questions. I need a good laugh today.

So, why would Oswald, the supposed devout communist, want to kill Kennedy when it was Kennedy who was initiating a dramatic turn toward peace, friendship, and mutual coexistence with the communist world, one that would obviously bring an end to the CIA’s assassination attempts against Castro and, for that matter, other people whose only crime was believing in socialism or communism? In fact, why assassinate Kennedy given that he would be replaced by a vice-president, Lyndon Johnson, whose mindset mirrored that of the national-security establishment that Kennedy was waging war against? Don’t forget, after all, that Johnson put a quick end to Kennedy’s plan to end the Cold War and soon began ramping up the Vietnam War, which ended up killing more than 58,000 American men and millions of Vietnamese people.
Figuring Out the Kennedy Assassination - LewRockwell
Hey Soupy can you answer the questions?
Wrong you can cite no evidence I can and have.

I did not lie about reading something and then admit it YOU did.

Thus proving you the liar. We all know this and the evidence exists stupid
Again...what you think is evidence is LIES.

Wake up!

poor little boy... :cuckoo:
Silly Jilly JFK was one of our greatest presidents and he was a Democrat. You love Democrats unconditionally and HATE all right wingers. So why would you chose to side with right wing forces who worked to murder him in Dallas?

Oswald was a communist which is a left wing ideology and he murdered kennedy which the evidence proves.

It may be your opinion that he was one of our greatest presidents but from an objective view he was not.
That post only indicates how duped you are. Oswald was not a communist. Anyone who has spent any amount time researching him, knows this. don't know shit.

The reality is Oswald was an ardent anti-communist and like you working for the FBI or CIA.

He was an ardent communist and you are lying because there is no evidence to the contrary and you are also a liar claiming other people work for the cia only because they are smarter, more honest and better informed than you.

SO little boy. His mother knew he developed an interest in communism early on. His wife knew it. His co workers and fellow Marines knew it.

Your pathetic ass can cite no evidence to the contrary because you are a dishonest weak minded little shill who makes crap up as he goes and the evidence proves you wrong.

You have spent no time researching it and can offer nothing whatsoever to back up or support your claim.

It is proven bullshit and that is fact
Physics are proven by evidence which is something he willfully ignores

The evidence of the Zapruder film demolishes the magic bullet and the shot from the front theories. You can plainly see Connelly turned to the right when he is hit and Kennedy's head snapping back in a spray of blood and brain tissue, which can only happen when a bullet exits.

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Dude, c'mon........Kennedy's head doesn't snap forward like it would have had he been shot in the back of the head. The trajectory of the shot plainly shows that the shooter was firing from a position that was lower than where JFK was sitting which explains as to why his head snapped back and to the left. The kill shot IMHO was fired from the storm drain when Greer slowed the limo down to a near stop which is blatantly against any and all protocols when the one they are protecting is in imminent danger.

Once again unlike the effects you see in Tv and movies it is simply not true that his body or head had to move in a predictable way.

The trajectory of the shot cannot be seen and all the evidence proves the shots came from Oswald at who was above and behind him.

The shooter did not have to be in front of him for his head to move as he did and that is fact.

The storm drain is as ludicrous as 7forever's fiction that Greer shot Kennedy

Dude, now you have gone from attempting to pass yourself off as a serious debater to that of a troll and crossed over to "parody poster" status that is now trying to tell people that they can't believe their own eyes. At first I thought you might have some "game" but you have become a running joke.. I do have one question (which I doubt that you will answer) is why does it matter to you that those like me don't buy the bullshit story of JFK's public murder and the false flag event that was 9/11/01? Do you REALLY believe that you can convince someone like me that has invested the last 5 and a half years of his life and thousands upon thousands of hours learning how things really work? Because if you do, allow me to assure you that you haven't put one seed of doubt in my a matter of fact? Just the opposite. All you have claimed is "That's been debunked" and "This has been debunked" sans any link to validate your argument and why is that? Because you know that the proper vetting of "said proof" would not stand up to scrutiny.

Hell, you don't even know where to place a "comma" and you expect posters to believe that you are this well read researcher? Seriously, you are a time waster....nothing more, nothing less.
I suspect all he is trying to do is plant the seed of doubt. Of course it won't work on us, because we have studied the event so thoroughly that we know better and laugh at his antics.

You have never studied it you are massively ignorant of all these issue.

That is why you lied like a coward claiming you read the Warren Commission report then admitted you lied.

You do not know shit little boy

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