Expert reveals tampering in JFK assassination photos

The evidence of the Zapruder film demolishes the magic bullet and the shot from the front theories. You can plainly see Connelly turned to the right when he is hit and Kennedy's head snapping back in a spray of blood and brain tissue, which can only happen when a bullet exits.

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Dude, c'mon........Kennedy's head doesn't snap forward like it would have had he been shot in the back of the head. The trajectory of the shot plainly shows that the shooter was firing from a position that was lower than where JFK was sitting which explains as to why his head snapped back and to the left. The kill shot IMHO was fired from the storm drain when Greer slowed the limo down to a near stop which is blatantly against any and all protocols when the one they are protecting is in imminent danger.

The bullet entered and exited too quickly for the initial forward motion to be captured on film. Thus, the far greater motion caused by the exit of the bullet is what we see.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dude, spare me....there were WAAAY more shots than the three that the Warren Commission claimed. They made the case to fit around what the official story claimed with no real investigation into the facts because the powers that be wanted it that "if's, and's or but's" about it.

Wrong there were three shots and no evidence exists to even suggest more than 3.

Even the vast majority of witnesses agree with 3 shots no more or less which supports the evidence.
Hey CIA Dupe/Nazi, please read this and answer the two embolden questions. I need a good laugh today.

So, why would Oswald, the supposed devout communist, want to kill Kennedy when it was Kennedy who was initiating a dramatic turn toward peace, friendship, and mutual coexistence with the communist world, one that would obviously bring an end to the CIA’s assassination attempts against Castro and, for that matter, other people whose only crime was believing in socialism or communism? In fact, why assassinate Kennedy given that he would be replaced by a vice-president, Lyndon Johnson, whose mindset mirrored that of the national-security establishment that Kennedy was waging war against? Don’t forget, after all, that Johnson put a quick end to Kennedy’s plan to end the Cold War and soon began ramping up the Vietnam War, which ended up killing more than 58,000 American men and millions of Vietnamese people.
Figuring Out the Kennedy Assassination - LewRockwell

I told you before do not ask questions when many straight forward simple questions have been put to you and you run away from them like the born weak spined coward you are.

You answer first dupe
Again...what you think is evidence is LIES.

Wake up!

poor little boy... :cuckoo:
Silly Jilly JFK was one of our greatest presidents and he was a Democrat. You love Democrats unconditionally and HATE all right wingers. So why would you chose to side with right wing forces who worked to murder him in Dallas?

Oswald was a communist which is a left wing ideology and he murdered kennedy which the evidence proves.

It may be your opinion that he was one of our greatest presidents but from an objective view he was not.
That post only indicates how duped you are. Oswald was not a communist. Anyone who has spent any amount time researching him, knows this. don't know shit.

The reality is Oswald was an ardent anti-communist and like you working for the FBI or CIA.

He was an ardent communist and you are lying because there is no evidence to the contrary and you are also a liar claiming other people work for the cia only because they are smarter, more honest and better informed than you.

SO little boy. His mother knew he developed an interest in communism early on. His wife knew it. His co workers and fellow Marines knew it.

Your pathetic ass can cite no evidence to the contrary because you are a dishonest weak minded little shill who makes crap up as he goes and the evidence proves you wrong.

You have spent no time researching it and can offer nothing whatsoever to back up or support your claim.

It is proven bullshit and that is fact

The evidence of the Zapruder film demolishes the magic bullet and the shot from the front theories. You can plainly see Connelly turned to the right when he is hit and Kennedy's head snapping back in a spray of blood and brain tissue, which can only happen when a bullet exits.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dude, c'mon........Kennedy's head doesn't snap forward like it would have had he been shot in the back of the head. The trajectory of the shot plainly shows that the shooter was firing from a position that was lower than where JFK was sitting which explains as to why his head snapped back and to the left. The kill shot IMHO was fired from the storm drain when Greer slowed the limo down to a near stop which is blatantly against any and all protocols when the one they are protecting is in imminent danger.

Once again unlike the effects you see in Tv and movies it is simply not true that his body or head had to move in a predictable way.

The trajectory of the shot cannot be seen and all the evidence proves the shots came from Oswald at who was above and behind him.

The shooter did not have to be in front of him for his head to move as he did and that is fact.

The storm drain is as ludicrous as 7forever's fiction that Greer shot Kennedy

Dude, now you have gone from attempting to pass yourself off as a serious debater to that of a troll and crossed over to "parody poster" status that is now trying to tell people that they can't believe their own eyes. At first I thought you might have some "game" but you have become a running joke.. I do have one question (which I doubt that you will answer) is why does it matter to you that those like me don't buy the bullshit story of JFK's public murder and the false flag event that was 9/11/01? Do you REALLY believe that you can convince someone like me that has invested the last 5 and a half years of his life and thousands upon thousands of hours learning how things really work? Because if you do, allow me to assure you that you haven't put one seed of doubt in my a matter of fact? Just the opposite. All you have claimed is "That's been debunked" and "This has been debunked" sans any link to validate your argument and why is that? Because you know that the proper vetting of "said proof" would not stand up to scrutiny.

Hell, you don't even know where to place a "comma" and you expect posters to believe that you are this well read researcher? Seriously, you are a time waster....nothing more, nothing less.
I suspect all he is trying to do is plant the seed of doubt. Of course it won't work on us, because we have studied the event so thoroughly that we know better and laugh at his antics.

You have never studied it you are massively ignorant of all these issue.

That is why you lied like a coward claiming you read the Warren Commission report then admitted you lied.

You do not know shit little boy


Thanks for the good laugh. It does the body good to have a really good belly laugh now and then.

When your done at the CIA, you should consider stand up comedy.
Last edited:
Dude, c'mon........Kennedy's head doesn't snap forward like it would have had he been shot in the back of the head. The trajectory of the shot plainly shows that the shooter was firing from a position that was lower than where JFK was sitting which explains as to why his head snapped back and to the left. The kill shot IMHO was fired from the storm drain when Greer slowed the limo down to a near stop which is blatantly against any and all protocols when the one they are protecting is in imminent danger.

The bullet entered and exited too quickly for the initial forward motion to be captured on film. Thus, the far greater motion caused by the exit of the bullet is what we see.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dude, spare me....there were WAAAY more shots than the three that the Warren Commission claimed. They made the case to fit around what the official story claimed with no real investigation into the facts because the powers that be wanted it that "if's, and's or but's" about it.

Wrong there were three shots and no evidence exists to even suggest more than 3.

Even the vast majority of witnesses agree with 3 shots no more or less which supports the evidence.
Hey CIA Dupe/Nazi, please read this and answer the two embolden questions. I need a good laugh today.

So, why would Oswald, the supposed devout communist, want to kill Kennedy when it was Kennedy who was initiating a dramatic turn toward peace, friendship, and mutual coexistence with the communist world, one that would obviously bring an end to the CIA’s assassination attempts against Castro and, for that matter, other people whose only crime was believing in socialism or communism? In fact, why assassinate Kennedy given that he would be replaced by a vice-president, Lyndon Johnson, whose mindset mirrored that of the national-security establishment that Kennedy was waging war against? Don’t forget, after all, that Johnson put a quick end to Kennedy’s plan to end the Cold War and soon began ramping up the Vietnam War, which ended up killing more than 58,000 American men and millions of Vietnamese people.
Figuring Out the Kennedy Assassination - LewRockwell
Hey Soupy can you answer the questions?

Yes I can unlike you.

I will answer them as soon as you pretend you are not a weak spined cowardly fool and answer the questions i asked you repeatedly.
poor little boy... :cuckoo:
Silly Jilly JFK was one of our greatest presidents and he was a Democrat. You love Democrats unconditionally and HATE all right wingers. So why would you chose to side with right wing forces who worked to murder him in Dallas?

Oswald was a communist which is a left wing ideology and he murdered kennedy which the evidence proves.

It may be your opinion that he was one of our greatest presidents but from an objective view he was not.
That post only indicates how duped you are. Oswald was not a communist. Anyone who has spent any amount time researching him, knows this. don't know shit.

The reality is Oswald was an ardent anti-communist and like you working for the FBI or CIA.

He was an ardent communist and you are lying because there is no evidence to the contrary and you are also a liar claiming other people work for the cia only because they are smarter, more honest and better informed than you.

SO little boy. His mother knew he developed an interest in communism early on. His wife knew it. His co workers and fellow Marines knew it.

Your pathetic ass can cite no evidence to the contrary because you are a dishonest weak minded little shill who makes crap up as he goes and the evidence proves you wrong.

You have spent no time researching it and can offer nothing whatsoever to back up or support your claim.

It is proven bullshit and that is fact

Dude, c'mon........Kennedy's head doesn't snap forward like it would have had he been shot in the back of the head. The trajectory of the shot plainly shows that the shooter was firing from a position that was lower than where JFK was sitting which explains as to why his head snapped back and to the left. The kill shot IMHO was fired from the storm drain when Greer slowed the limo down to a near stop which is blatantly against any and all protocols when the one they are protecting is in imminent danger.

Once again unlike the effects you see in Tv and movies it is simply not true that his body or head had to move in a predictable way.

The trajectory of the shot cannot be seen and all the evidence proves the shots came from Oswald at who was above and behind him.

The shooter did not have to be in front of him for his head to move as he did and that is fact.

The storm drain is as ludicrous as 7forever's fiction that Greer shot Kennedy

Dude, now you have gone from attempting to pass yourself off as a serious debater to that of a troll and crossed over to "parody poster" status that is now trying to tell people that they can't believe their own eyes. At first I thought you might have some "game" but you have become a running joke.. I do have one question (which I doubt that you will answer) is why does it matter to you that those like me don't buy the bullshit story of JFK's public murder and the false flag event that was 9/11/01? Do you REALLY believe that you can convince someone like me that has invested the last 5 and a half years of his life and thousands upon thousands of hours learning how things really work? Because if you do, allow me to assure you that you haven't put one seed of doubt in my a matter of fact? Just the opposite. All you have claimed is "That's been debunked" and "This has been debunked" sans any link to validate your argument and why is that? Because you know that the proper vetting of "said proof" would not stand up to scrutiny.

Hell, you don't even know where to place a "comma" and you expect posters to believe that you are this well read researcher? Seriously, you are a time waster....nothing more, nothing less.
I suspect all he is trying to do is plant the seed of doubt. Of course it won't work on us, because we have studied the event so thoroughly that we know better and laugh at his antics.

You have never studied it you are massively ignorant of all these issue.

That is why you lied like a coward claiming you read the Warren Commission report then admitted you lied.

You do not know shit little boy


Thanks for the good laugh. It does the body to have a really good belly laugh now and then.

When your done at the CIA, you should consider stand up comedy.

Yoiu are lying about laughing I stated fact and proved you wrong and uninformed.

State some evidence NOW to support your claim or it proves your laughter is faked because you have just been pwned
The evidence of the Zapruder film demolishes the magic bullet and the shot from the front theories. You can plainly see Connelly turned to the right when he is hit and Kennedy's head snapping back in a spray of blood and brain tissue, which can only happen when a bullet exits.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dude, c'mon........Kennedy's head doesn't snap forward like it would have had he been shot in the back of the head. The trajectory of the shot plainly shows that the shooter was firing from a position that was lower than where JFK was sitting which explains as to why his head snapped back and to the left. The kill shot IMHO was fired from the storm drain when Greer slowed the limo down to a near stop which is blatantly against any and all protocols when the one they are protecting is in imminent danger.

The bullet entered and exited too quickly for the initial forward motion to be captured on film. Thus, the far greater motion caused by the exit of the bullet is what we see.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dude, spare me....there were WAAAY more shots than the three that the Warren Commission claimed. They made the case to fit around what the official story claimed with no real investigation into the facts because the powers that be wanted it that "if's, and's or but's" about it.

Wrong there were three shots and no evidence exists to even suggest more than 3.

Even the vast majority of witnesses agree with 3 shots no more or less which supports the evidence.

Care to explain this anamolie???

Yes it was long since debunked and proven false.

The recording was made after the assassination when the officer was at Parkland and no gun shots are on it.

John F. Kennedy assassination Dictabelt recording - Wikipedia

The criticisms spelled out in the article proves this fact.

Like all of your claims it is debunked destroyed and you have nothing
Silly Jilly JFK was one of our greatest presidents and he was a Democrat. You love Democrats unconditionally and HATE all right wingers. So why would you chose to side with right wing forces who worked to murder him in Dallas?

Oswald was a communist which is a left wing ideology and he murdered kennedy which the evidence proves.

It may be your opinion that he was one of our greatest presidents but from an objective view he was not.
That post only indicates how duped you are. Oswald was not a communist. Anyone who has spent any amount time researching him, knows this. don't know shit.

The reality is Oswald was an ardent anti-communist and like you working for the FBI or CIA.

He was an ardent communist and you are lying because there is no evidence to the contrary and you are also a liar claiming other people work for the cia only because they are smarter, more honest and better informed than you.

SO little boy. His mother knew he developed an interest in communism early on. His wife knew it. His co workers and fellow Marines knew it.

Your pathetic ass can cite no evidence to the contrary because you are a dishonest weak minded little shill who makes crap up as he goes and the evidence proves you wrong.

You have spent no time researching it and can offer nothing whatsoever to back up or support your claim.

It is proven bullshit and that is fact

Once again unlike the effects you see in Tv and movies it is simply not true that his body or head had to move in a predictable way.

The trajectory of the shot cannot be seen and all the evidence proves the shots came from Oswald at who was above and behind him.

The shooter did not have to be in front of him for his head to move as he did and that is fact.

The storm drain is as ludicrous as 7forever's fiction that Greer shot Kennedy

Dude, now you have gone from attempting to pass yourself off as a serious debater to that of a troll and crossed over to "parody poster" status that is now trying to tell people that they can't believe their own eyes. At first I thought you might have some "game" but you have become a running joke.. I do have one question (which I doubt that you will answer) is why does it matter to you that those like me don't buy the bullshit story of JFK's public murder and the false flag event that was 9/11/01? Do you REALLY believe that you can convince someone like me that has invested the last 5 and a half years of his life and thousands upon thousands of hours learning how things really work? Because if you do, allow me to assure you that you haven't put one seed of doubt in my a matter of fact? Just the opposite. All you have claimed is "That's been debunked" and "This has been debunked" sans any link to validate your argument and why is that? Because you know that the proper vetting of "said proof" would not stand up to scrutiny.

Hell, you don't even know where to place a "comma" and you expect posters to believe that you are this well read researcher? Seriously, you are a time waster....nothing more, nothing less.
I suspect all he is trying to do is plant the seed of doubt. Of course it won't work on us, because we have studied the event so thoroughly that we know better and laugh at his antics.

You have never studied it you are massively ignorant of all these issue.

That is why you lied like a coward claiming you read the Warren Commission report then admitted you lied.

You do not know shit little boy


Thanks for the good laugh. It does the body to have a really good belly laugh now and then.

When your done at the CIA, you should consider stand up comedy.

Yoiu are lying about laughing I stated fact and proved you wrong and uninformed.

State some evidence NOW to support your claim or it proves your laughter is faked because you have just been pwned
All you did was state fiction, put in your head by a criminal State. Accept it.

If you learn nothing learn this, because it blows up the fictional account you believe. OSWALD WAS AN ARDENT ANTI-COMMUNIST.
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Physics are proven by evidence which is something he willfully ignores

The evidence of the Zapruder film demolishes the magic bullet and the shot from the front theories. You can plainly see Connelly turned to the right when he is hit and Kennedy's head snapping back in a spray of blood and brain tissue, which can only happen when a bullet exits.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dude, c'mon........Kennedy's head doesn't snap forward like it would have had he been shot in the back of the head. The trajectory of the shot plainly shows that the shooter was firing from a position that was lower than where JFK was sitting which explains as to why his head snapped back and to the left. The kill shot IMHO was fired from the storm drain when Greer slowed the limo down to a near stop which is blatantly against any and all protocols when the one they are protecting is in imminent danger.

Once again unlike the effects you see in Tv and movies it is simply not true that his body or head had to move in a predictable way.

The trajectory of the shot cannot be seen and all the evidence proves the shots came from Oswald at who was above and behind him.

The shooter did not have to be in front of him for his head to move as he did and that is fact.

The storm drain is as ludicrous as 7forever's fiction that Greer shot Kennedy

Dude, now you have gone from attempting to pass yourself off as a serious debater to that of a troll and crossed over to "parody poster" status that is now trying to tell people that they can't believe their own eyes. At first I thought you might have some "game" but you have become a running joke.. I do have one question (which I doubt that you will answer) is why does it matter to you that those like me don't buy the bullshit story of JFK's public murder and the false flag event that was 9/11/01? Do you REALLY believe that you can convince someone like me that has invested the last 5 and a half years of his life and thousands upon thousands of hours learning how things really work? Because if you do, allow me to assure you that you haven't put one seed of doubt in my a matter of fact? Just the opposite. All you have claimed is "That's been debunked" and "This has been debunked" sans any link to validate your argument and why is that? Because you know that the proper vetting of "said proof" would not stand up to scrutiny.

Hell, you don't even know where to place a "comma" and you expect posters to believe that you are this well read researcher? Seriously, you are a time waster....nothing more, nothing less.
I suspect all he is trying to do is plant the seed of doubt. Of course it won't work on us, because we have studied the event so thoroughly that we know better and laugh at his antics.

could not agree more.:up:
The evidence of the Zapruder film demolishes the magic bullet and the shot from the front theories. You can plainly see Connelly turned to the right when he is hit and Kennedy's head snapping back in a spray of blood and brain tissue, which can only happen when a bullet exits.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dude, c'mon........Kennedy's head doesn't snap forward like it would have had he been shot in the back of the head. The trajectory of the shot plainly shows that the shooter was firing from a position that was lower than where JFK was sitting which explains as to why his head snapped back and to the left. The kill shot IMHO was fired from the storm drain when Greer slowed the limo down to a near stop which is blatantly against any and all protocols when the one they are protecting is in imminent danger.

The bullet entered and exited too quickly for the initial forward motion to be captured on film. Thus, the far greater motion caused by the exit of the bullet is what we see.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dude, spare me....there were WAAAY more shots than the three that the Warren Commission claimed. They made the case to fit around what the official story claimed with no real investigation into the facts because the powers that be wanted it that "if's, and's or but's" about it.

Wrong there were three shots and no evidence exists to even suggest more than 3.

Even the vast majority of witnesses agree with 3 shots no more or less which supports the evidence.
Hey CIA Dupe/Nazi, please read this and answer the two embolden questions. I need a good laugh today.

So, why would Oswald, the supposed devout communist, want to kill Kennedy when it was Kennedy who was initiating a dramatic turn toward peace, friendship, and mutual coexistence with the communist world, one that would obviously bring an end to the CIA’s assassination attempts against Castro and, for that matter, other people whose only crime was believing in socialism or communism? In fact, why assassinate Kennedy given that he would be replaced by a vice-president, Lyndon Johnson, whose mindset mirrored that of the national-security establishment that Kennedy was waging war against? Don’t forget, after all, that Johnson put a quick end to Kennedy’s plan to end the Cold War and soon began ramping up the Vietnam War, which ended up killing more than 58,000 American men and millions of Vietnamese people.
Figuring Out the Kennedy Assassination - LewRockwell

what will really be funny is how the man from Langley tries to answer this question you once posed him which was-if you had shot the president,would you run down the stairs in front of cowrkers passing you by and then stop and go the breakroom and have a coke? well be entertaining as hell so to see how Mr Langley resident trys to wiggle and squirm his way out of this one as well.hee hee.
Dude, c'mon........Kennedy's head doesn't snap forward like it would have had he been shot in the back of the head. The trajectory of the shot plainly shows that the shooter was firing from a position that was lower than where JFK was sitting which explains as to why his head snapped back and to the left. The kill shot IMHO was fired from the storm drain when Greer slowed the limo down to a near stop which is blatantly against any and all protocols when the one they are protecting is in imminent danger.

The bullet entered and exited too quickly for the initial forward motion to be captured on film. Thus, the far greater motion caused by the exit of the bullet is what we see.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dude, spare me....there were WAAAY more shots than the three that the Warren Commission claimed. They made the case to fit around what the official story claimed with no real investigation into the facts because the powers that be wanted it that "if's, and's or but's" about it.

Wrong there were three shots and no evidence exists to even suggest more than 3.

Even the vast majority of witnesses agree with 3 shots no more or less which supports the evidence.
Hey CIA Dupe/Nazi, please read this and answer the two embolden questions. I need a good laugh today.

So, why would Oswald, the supposed devout communist, want to kill Kennedy when it was Kennedy who was initiating a dramatic turn toward peace, friendship, and mutual coexistence with the communist world, one that would obviously bring an end to the CIA’s assassination attempts against Castro and, for that matter, other people whose only crime was believing in socialism or communism? In fact, why assassinate Kennedy given that he would be replaced by a vice-president, Lyndon Johnson, whose mindset mirrored that of the national-security establishment that Kennedy was waging war against? Don’t forget, after all, that Johnson put a quick end to Kennedy’s plan to end the Cold War and soon began ramping up the Vietnam War, which ended up killing more than 58,000 American men and millions of Vietnamese people.
Figuring Out the Kennedy Assassination - LewRockwell
Hey Soupy can you answer the questions?

onl;y after having long conversations with his handlers will he come back and attempt so.:badgrin:
Dude, c'mon........Kennedy's head doesn't snap forward like it would have had he been shot in the back of the head. The trajectory of the shot plainly shows that the shooter was firing from a position that was lower than where JFK was sitting which explains as to why his head snapped back and to the left. The kill shot IMHO was fired from the storm drain when Greer slowed the limo down to a near stop which is blatantly against any and all protocols when the one they are protecting is in imminent danger.

The bullet entered and exited too quickly for the initial forward motion to be captured on film. Thus, the far greater motion caused by the exit of the bullet is what we see.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dude, spare me....there were WAAAY more shots than the three that the Warren Commission claimed. They made the case to fit around what the official story claimed with no real investigation into the facts because the powers that be wanted it that "if's, and's or but's" about it.

Wrong there were three shots and no evidence exists to even suggest more than 3.

Even the vast majority of witnesses agree with 3 shots no more or less which supports the evidence.
Hey CIA Dupe/Nazi, please read this and answer the two embolden questions. I need a good laugh today.

So, why would Oswald, the supposed devout communist, want to kill Kennedy when it was Kennedy who was initiating a dramatic turn toward peace, friendship, and mutual coexistence with the communist world, one that would obviously bring an end to the CIA’s assassination attempts against Castro and, for that matter, other people whose only crime was believing in socialism or communism? In fact, why assassinate Kennedy given that he would be replaced by a vice-president, Lyndon Johnson, whose mindset mirrored that of the national-security establishment that Kennedy was waging war against? Don’t forget, after all, that Johnson put a quick end to Kennedy’s plan to end the Cold War and soon began ramping up the Vietnam War, which ended up killing more than 58,000 American men and millions of Vietnamese people.
Figuring Out the Kennedy Assassination - LewRockwell
Hey Soupy can you answer the questions?

he will be stamping his feet whining and crying like he always does AFTER consulting with his handlers on what to lie about.:haha::lmao:
Oswald was a communist which is a left wing ideology and he murdered kennedy which the evidence proves.

It may be your opinion that he was one of our greatest presidents but from an objective view he was not.
That post only indicates how duped you are. Oswald was not a communist. Anyone who has spent any amount time researching him, knows this. don't know shit.

The reality is Oswald was an ardent anti-communist and like you working for the FBI or CIA.

He was an ardent communist and you are lying because there is no evidence to the contrary and you are also a liar claiming other people work for the cia only because they are smarter, more honest and better informed than you.

SO little boy. His mother knew he developed an interest in communism early on. His wife knew it. His co workers and fellow Marines knew it.

Your pathetic ass can cite no evidence to the contrary because you are a dishonest weak minded little shill who makes crap up as he goes and the evidence proves you wrong.

You have spent no time researching it and can offer nothing whatsoever to back up or support your claim.

It is proven bullshit and that is fact

Dude, now you have gone from attempting to pass yourself off as a serious debater to that of a troll and crossed over to "parody poster" status that is now trying to tell people that they can't believe their own eyes. At first I thought you might have some "game" but you have become a running joke.. I do have one question (which I doubt that you will answer) is why does it matter to you that those like me don't buy the bullshit story of JFK's public murder and the false flag event that was 9/11/01? Do you REALLY believe that you can convince someone like me that has invested the last 5 and a half years of his life and thousands upon thousands of hours learning how things really work? Because if you do, allow me to assure you that you haven't put one seed of doubt in my a matter of fact? Just the opposite. All you have claimed is "That's been debunked" and "This has been debunked" sans any link to validate your argument and why is that? Because you know that the proper vetting of "said proof" would not stand up to scrutiny.

Hell, you don't even know where to place a "comma" and you expect posters to believe that you are this well read researcher? Seriously, you are a time waster....nothing more, nothing less.
I suspect all he is trying to do is plant the seed of doubt. Of course it won't work on us, because we have studied the event so thoroughly that we know better and laugh at his antics.

You have never studied it you are massively ignorant of all these issue.

That is why you lied like a coward claiming you read the Warren Commission report then admitted you lied.

You do not know shit little boy


Thanks for the good laugh. It does the body to have a really good belly laugh now and then.

When your done at the CIA, you should consider stand up comedy.

Yoiu are lying about laughing I stated fact and proved you wrong and uninformed.

State some evidence NOW to support your claim or it proves your laughter is faked because you have just been pwned
All you did was state fiction, put in your head by a criminal State. Accept it.

If you learn nothing learn this, because it blows up the fictional account you believe. OSWALD WAS AN ARDENT ANTI-COMMUNIST.

Wrong I learned facts supported by evidence which you cannot dispute or challenge. The fact that it comes from a state which you hate and despise does not challenge or refute it.

He was an ardent communist and your claim is manufactured fiction which you cannot support or defend with any evidence of any kind whatsoever.

You are wrong and proven so and you know it.

Your claim that he was anti communist is as false and fictional as a harry potter story and you know that as well boy.

You have nothing
Dude, c'mon........Kennedy's head doesn't snap forward like it would have had he been shot in the back of the head. The trajectory of the shot plainly shows that the shooter was firing from a position that was lower than where JFK was sitting which explains as to why his head snapped back and to the left. The kill shot IMHO was fired from the storm drain when Greer slowed the limo down to a near stop which is blatantly against any and all protocols when the one they are protecting is in imminent danger.

The bullet entered and exited too quickly for the initial forward motion to be captured on film. Thus, the far greater motion caused by the exit of the bullet is what we see.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dude, spare me....there were WAAAY more shots than the three that the Warren Commission claimed. They made the case to fit around what the official story claimed with no real investigation into the facts because the powers that be wanted it that "if's, and's or but's" about it.

Wrong there were three shots and no evidence exists to even suggest more than 3.

Even the vast majority of witnesses agree with 3 shots no more or less which supports the evidence.
Hey CIA Dupe/Nazi, please read this and answer the two embolden questions. I need a good laugh today.

So, why would Oswald, the supposed devout communist, want to kill Kennedy when it was Kennedy who was initiating a dramatic turn toward peace, friendship, and mutual coexistence with the communist world, one that would obviously bring an end to the CIA’s assassination attempts against Castro and, for that matter, other people whose only crime was believing in socialism or communism? In fact, why assassinate Kennedy given that he would be replaced by a vice-president, Lyndon Johnson, whose mindset mirrored that of the national-security establishment that Kennedy was waging war against? Don’t forget, after all, that Johnson put a quick end to Kennedy’s plan to end the Cold War and soon began ramping up the Vietnam War, which ended up killing more than 58,000 American men and millions of Vietnamese people.
Figuring Out the Kennedy Assassination - LewRockwell

what will really be funny is how the man from Langley tries to answer this question you once posed him which was-if you had shot the president,would you run down the stairs in front of cowrkers passing you by and then stop and go the breakroom and have a coke? well be entertaining as hell so to see how Mr Langley resident trys to wiggle and squirm his way out of this one as well.hee hee.

There is no one from langley.

But if the Boy from living in his mom's basement WHICH IS YOU ever grows a brain he may learn that he has no business being involved in a debate with people who are infinitely smarter
The bullet entered and exited too quickly for the initial forward motion to be captured on film. Thus, the far greater motion caused by the exit of the bullet is what we see.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dude, spare me....there were WAAAY more shots than the three that the Warren Commission claimed. They made the case to fit around what the official story claimed with no real investigation into the facts because the powers that be wanted it that "if's, and's or but's" about it.

Wrong there were three shots and no evidence exists to even suggest more than 3.

Even the vast majority of witnesses agree with 3 shots no more or less which supports the evidence.
Hey CIA Dupe/Nazi, please read this and answer the two embolden questions. I need a good laugh today.

So, why would Oswald, the supposed devout communist, want to kill Kennedy when it was Kennedy who was initiating a dramatic turn toward peace, friendship, and mutual coexistence with the communist world, one that would obviously bring an end to the CIA’s assassination attempts against Castro and, for that matter, other people whose only crime was believing in socialism or communism? In fact, why assassinate Kennedy given that he would be replaced by a vice-president, Lyndon Johnson, whose mindset mirrored that of the national-security establishment that Kennedy was waging war against? Don’t forget, after all, that Johnson put a quick end to Kennedy’s plan to end the Cold War and soon began ramping up the Vietnam War, which ended up killing more than 58,000 American men and millions of Vietnamese people.
Figuring Out the Kennedy Assassination - LewRockwell
Hey Soupy can you answer the questions?

he will be stamping his feet whining and crying like he always does AFTER consulting with his handlers on what to lie about.:haha::lmao:

No it is always you pitching a hissy fit when caught looking stupid which is every day
That post only indicates how duped you are. Oswald was not a communist. Anyone who has spent any amount time researching him, knows this. don't know shit.

The reality is Oswald was an ardent anti-communist and like you working for the FBI or CIA.

He was an ardent communist and you are lying because there is no evidence to the contrary and you are also a liar claiming other people work for the cia only because they are smarter, more honest and better informed than you.

SO little boy. His mother knew he developed an interest in communism early on. His wife knew it. His co workers and fellow Marines knew it.

Your pathetic ass can cite no evidence to the contrary because you are a dishonest weak minded little shill who makes crap up as he goes and the evidence proves you wrong.

You have spent no time researching it and can offer nothing whatsoever to back up or support your claim.

It is proven bullshit and that is fact

I suspect all he is trying to do is plant the seed of doubt. Of course it won't work on us, because we have studied the event so thoroughly that we know better and laugh at his antics.

You have never studied it you are massively ignorant of all these issue.

That is why you lied like a coward claiming you read the Warren Commission report then admitted you lied.

You do not know shit little boy


Thanks for the good laugh. It does the body to have a really good belly laugh now and then.

When your done at the CIA, you should consider stand up comedy.

Yoiu are lying about laughing I stated fact and proved you wrong and uninformed.

State some evidence NOW to support your claim or it proves your laughter is faked because you have just been pwned
All you did was state fiction, put in your head by a criminal State. Accept it.

If you learn nothing learn this, because it blows up the fictional account you believe. OSWALD WAS AN ARDENT ANTI-COMMUNIST.

Wrong I learned facts supported by evidence which you cannot dispute or challenge. The fact that it comes from a state which you hate and despise does not challenge or refute it.

He was an ardent communist and your claim is manufactured fiction which you cannot support or defend with any evidence of any kind whatsoever.

You are wrong and proven so and you know it.

Your claim that he was anti communist is as false and fictional as a harry potter story and you know that as well boy.

You have nothing
Right. Time to man up. Stop being a pussy and accept the fact your government murders people including a POTUS.
He was an ardent communist and you are lying because there is no evidence to the contrary and you are also a liar claiming other people work for the cia only because they are smarter, more honest and better informed than you.

SO little boy. His mother knew he developed an interest in communism early on. His wife knew it. His co workers and fellow Marines knew it.

Your pathetic ass can cite no evidence to the contrary because you are a dishonest weak minded little shill who makes crap up as he goes and the evidence proves you wrong.

You have spent no time researching it and can offer nothing whatsoever to back up or support your claim.

It is proven bullshit and that is fact

You have never studied it you are massively ignorant of all these issue.

That is why you lied like a coward claiming you read the Warren Commission report then admitted you lied.

You do not know shit little boy


Thanks for the good laugh. It does the body to have a really good belly laugh now and then.

When your done at the CIA, you should consider stand up comedy.

Yoiu are lying about laughing I stated fact and proved you wrong and uninformed.

State some evidence NOW to support your claim or it proves your laughter is faked because you have just been pwned
All you did was state fiction, put in your head by a criminal State. Accept it.

If you learn nothing learn this, because it blows up the fictional account you believe. OSWALD WAS AN ARDENT ANTI-COMMUNIST.

Wrong I learned facts supported by evidence which you cannot dispute or challenge. The fact that it comes from a state which you hate and despise does not challenge or refute it.

He was an ardent communist and your claim is manufactured fiction which you cannot support or defend with any evidence of any kind whatsoever.

You are wrong and proven so and you know it.

Your claim that he was anti communist is as false and fictional as a harry potter story and you know that as well boy.

You have nothing
Right. Time to man up. Stop being a pussy and accept the fact your government murders people including a POTUS.

All governments murder people so your statement is irrelevant an evidence of nothing.

You have no and cannot presented any evidence that the government murdered Kennedy.

You fancy yourself informed and enlightened but in fact you are stupid and weak minded. And a coward and proven admitted liar.

Your assertion that the government murdered Kennedy is not good enough because YOU are not good enough or smart enough or well informed enough. You are a no body who is incapable of providing the slightest evidence for any of your claims.

The fact is that the evidence proves you wrong and Oswald acted alone as any thinking intelligent person knows after viewing the evidence.

You are proven wrong and your claims debunked FOOL

Thanks for the good laugh. It does the body to have a really good belly laugh now and then.

When your done at the CIA, you should consider stand up comedy.

Yoiu are lying about laughing I stated fact and proved you wrong and uninformed.

State some evidence NOW to support your claim or it proves your laughter is faked because you have just been pwned
All you did was state fiction, put in your head by a criminal State. Accept it.

If you learn nothing learn this, because it blows up the fictional account you believe. OSWALD WAS AN ARDENT ANTI-COMMUNIST.

Wrong I learned facts supported by evidence which you cannot dispute or challenge. The fact that it comes from a state which you hate and despise does not challenge or refute it.

He was an ardent communist and your claim is manufactured fiction which you cannot support or defend with any evidence of any kind whatsoever.

You are wrong and proven so and you know it.

Your claim that he was anti communist is as false and fictional as a harry potter story and you know that as well boy.

You have nothing
Right. Time to man up. Stop being a pussy and accept the fact your government murders people including a POTUS.

All governments murder people so your statement is irrelevant an evidence of nothing.

You have no and cannot presented any evidence that the government murdered Kennedy.

You fancy yourself informed and enlightened but in fact you are stupid and weak minded. And a coward and proven admitted liar.

Your assertion that the government murdered Kennedy is not good enough because YOU are not good enough or smart enough or well informed enough. You are a no body who is incapable of providing the slightest evidence for any of your claims.

The fact is that the evidence proves you wrong and Oswald acted alone as any thinking intelligent person knows after viewing the evidence.

You are proven wrong and your claims debunked FOOL
Everything you have been told disappears in a puff of smoke...because Oswald was an ANTI-COMMUNIST!!! Own it!!!
Yoiu are lying about laughing I stated fact and proved you wrong and uninformed.

State some evidence NOW to support your claim or it proves your laughter is faked because you have just been pwned
All you did was state fiction, put in your head by a criminal State. Accept it.

If you learn nothing learn this, because it blows up the fictional account you believe. OSWALD WAS AN ARDENT ANTI-COMMUNIST.

Wrong I learned facts supported by evidence which you cannot dispute or challenge. The fact that it comes from a state which you hate and despise does not challenge or refute it.

He was an ardent communist and your claim is manufactured fiction which you cannot support or defend with any evidence of any kind whatsoever.

You are wrong and proven so and you know it.

Your claim that he was anti communist is as false and fictional as a harry potter story and you know that as well boy.

You have nothing
Right. Time to man up. Stop being a pussy and accept the fact your government murders people including a POTUS.

All governments murder people so your statement is irrelevant an evidence of nothing.

You have no and cannot presented any evidence that the government murdered Kennedy.

You fancy yourself informed and enlightened but in fact you are stupid and weak minded. And a coward and proven admitted liar.

Your assertion that the government murdered Kennedy is not good enough because YOU are not good enough or smart enough or well informed enough. You are a no body who is incapable of providing the slightest evidence for any of your claims.

The fact is that the evidence proves you wrong and Oswald acted alone as any thinking intelligent person knows after viewing the evidence.

You are proven wrong and your claims debunked FOOL
Everything you have been told disappears in a puff of smoke...because Oswald was an ANTI-COMMUNIST!!! Own it!!!

He was a communist you are wrong and ignorant and those are all facts and you know it.

Show some evidence for your claim.

Oh that's right you made up and admitted to being a liar so no he was not an anti communist and we all know that including you
All you did was state fiction, put in your head by a criminal State. Accept it.

If you learn nothing learn this, because it blows up the fictional account you believe. OSWALD WAS AN ARDENT ANTI-COMMUNIST.

Wrong I learned facts supported by evidence which you cannot dispute or challenge. The fact that it comes from a state which you hate and despise does not challenge or refute it.

He was an ardent communist and your claim is manufactured fiction which you cannot support or defend with any evidence of any kind whatsoever.

You are wrong and proven so and you know it.

Your claim that he was anti communist is as false and fictional as a harry potter story and you know that as well boy.

You have nothing
Right. Time to man up. Stop being a pussy and accept the fact your government murders people including a POTUS.

All governments murder people so your statement is irrelevant an evidence of nothing.

You have no and cannot presented any evidence that the government murdered Kennedy.

You fancy yourself informed and enlightened but in fact you are stupid and weak minded. And a coward and proven admitted liar.

Your assertion that the government murdered Kennedy is not good enough because YOU are not good enough or smart enough or well informed enough. You are a no body who is incapable of providing the slightest evidence for any of your claims.

The fact is that the evidence proves you wrong and Oswald acted alone as any thinking intelligent person knows after viewing the evidence.

You are proven wrong and your claims debunked FOOL
Everything you have been told disappears in a puff of smoke...because Oswald was an ANTI-COMMUNIST!!! Own it!!!

He was a communist you are wrong and ignorant and those are all facts and you know it.

Show some evidence for your claim.

Oh that's right you made up and admitted to being a liar so no he was not an anti communist and we all know that including you
The fact that you think Oswald a commie, indicates you don't know anything.
Wrong I learned facts supported by evidence which you cannot dispute or challenge. The fact that it comes from a state which you hate and despise does not challenge or refute it.

He was an ardent communist and your claim is manufactured fiction which you cannot support or defend with any evidence of any kind whatsoever.

You are wrong and proven so and you know it.

Your claim that he was anti communist is as false and fictional as a harry potter story and you know that as well boy.

You have nothing
Right. Time to man up. Stop being a pussy and accept the fact your government murders people including a POTUS.

All governments murder people so your statement is irrelevant an evidence of nothing.

You have no and cannot presented any evidence that the government murdered Kennedy.

You fancy yourself informed and enlightened but in fact you are stupid and weak minded. And a coward and proven admitted liar.

Your assertion that the government murdered Kennedy is not good enough because YOU are not good enough or smart enough or well informed enough. You are a no body who is incapable of providing the slightest evidence for any of your claims.

The fact is that the evidence proves you wrong and Oswald acted alone as any thinking intelligent person knows after viewing the evidence.

You are proven wrong and your claims debunked FOOL
Everything you have been told disappears in a puff of smoke...because Oswald was an ANTI-COMMUNIST!!! Own it!!!

He was a communist you are wrong and ignorant and those are all facts and you know it.

Show some evidence for your claim.

Oh that's right you made up and admitted to being a liar so no he was not an anti communist and we all know that including you
The fact that you think Oswald a commie, indicates you don't know anything.


He was a communist and that is not something I think it is a fact you cannot refute or contradict.

You are a fool to believe otherwise. But we know you are a fool and admitted liar.

You know he was as well but are too butthurt at being proven a liar to admit facts

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