Explain why white nationalism is bad?

Are we so divided now that libs even have their own meaning for those common terms?
Progs have always had a different definition of those terms. According to them paying taxes if "voluntary" and freedom means having an election every couple years.
Because it celebrates the white mans pioneering commitment and responsibilities to have madeAmerica great and the sloffers and blamers can’t handle that
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My White nationalist father actually fought real NAZIS. Not Donald Trump "we don't like Republican's" lets play word games Nazis. NOPE, Real flesh and blood NAZIS. White nationalist Americans fought against national socialist. It was a existential thing, then. Really.

Its not that clear what Nazis are and what makes them bad?
WWI was started by the Allies assassinating Archduke Ferdinand, France invading Germany, and Russia invading Austia.
WWI was ended by the Allies illegal starving the German civilians into surrender, without ever defeating the German military.
The Treaty of Versailles was horrific, with the Allies stealing about half of Germany and Austria, as well as all their over seas investments, ships, etc.
So the main point of WWII was revenge for justice.
The anti-Jewish thing happened because Zionist Jews in WWI had been traitors to Germany, and stole state secrets for the British, in return for the Balfour Declaration.
But there are bad aspects to Nazis, in that they were a coalition of the wealthy elite, miliary, and aristocracy.

And that corrupt Nazi coalition of the wealthy elite, miliary, and aristocracy, is the same sort of corrupt coalition that is responsible for the illegal war crimes when the US invaded Iraq.
So the US is actually just run by Nazis as well. In fact, it was US companies, like Std. Oil, GM, GE. etc., that financed Hitler's rise to power.
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Commies and Marxists, and REAL Nazi's have to find some condemnation to project on everybody else, to avert attention from THEIR heinous atrocities.

Sorry, but that makes no sense.
Communism and Marxism are economic philosophies based on decentralization, equality, and cooperation.
Nazis were anti-communists and were a centralized coalition of the wealthy elite, military, and aristocracy.
So commies/Marxists are the exact opposite of Nazis.
And every minority would do the same thing if they were in the majority and/or had the same power, and they would be a lot more vicious and savage about it than WASP culture ever was. If whites were as racist and evul as the rest of the world, there wouldn't be any minorities running around Europe and the U.S. today, constantly sniveling and whining for special favors and blaming their own moral and intellectual degeneracy on other races.

If there is any one trait that can be compared in white Europeans that differs from the humans of the rest of the world it is that white Europeans are the single most greedy and corrupt.
No one else in the world compares at all.
Pearl Harbor. The Sudetenland. It's complicated. Needless to say, all those white male nationalist died on Omaha beach fighting so YOU dumb ass libs can question them. Yippy ki yay!

Actually, Omaha beach invasion did not happen until after the Soviets had essentially beaten the Nazis.
For example, in the east there were tank battles like Kursk, with over 1000 brand new tanks involved.
In comparison, on the western front, the Germans normally had only a couple hundred relic tanks that were totally obsolete.
(the one exception was the Battle of the Bulge, with a couple hundred modern German tanks shifted in from the Eastern front.)
The people attacking Fort Sumter, the confederates

They had a whole army fielded and attacking a month after his inauguration

The south had a military tradition, so almost all the US military was southern before the Civil war.
The south still has a very high representation in the US military.
The south had a military tradition, so almost all the US military was southern before the Civil war.
The south still has a very high representation in the US military.

Yea but it was lincoln's election not his announcement he was going to resupply sumpter that prompted the attack
Their only plan was to evict the federal trespassers. Lincoln was planning to make war on the confederate states.

Last time I checked the feds saying they were going to resupply one of our own forts was not a cause for civil fucking war. lol

Which was oh by the way being sieged by rebel forces
If there is any one trait that can be compared in white Europeans that differs from the humans of the rest of the world it is that white Europeans are the single most greedy and corrupt.
No one else in the world compares at all.

Yes, we know you're mentally ill and clueless to boot. Thanks for sharing.
Yea but it was lincoln's election not his announcement he was going to resupply sumpter that prompted the attack
South Carolina simply kicked out some trespassers on their territory, That didn't start the war.
Last time I checked the feds saying they were going to resupply one of our own forts was not a cause for civil fucking war. lol

Which was oh by the way being sieged by rebel forces
That's because you're a brainwashed idiot.

That Fort was within the boundaries of South Carolina, moron. It may have been federal property, but it wasn't federal territory. The federal government cannot station troops on any property it happens to own in a foreign country without the permission of the host country..
That's because you're a brainwashed idiot.

That Fort was within the boundaries of South Carolina, moron. It may have been federal property, but it wasn't federal territory. The federal government cannot station troops on any property it happens to own in a foreign country without the permission of the host country..

So you admit he didn't start the war and their secession did, thank you

The fuck is this take? They were the same country until the CONFEDERATES started the civil war. Why the fuck would the Union expel the Confederacy?

The whole point of the war is to do the opposite.

There is no legal way out of the union, the only way is war. We aren't Canada
Because White Nationalism is what the NAZIS who your father fought had.

Why would he fight them if they were good?
Nationalism isn’t what made the Nazis evil. It was invading countries all around it and putting Jews into ovens. They may have done it under the guise of “white nationalism” but that’s not what nationalism stands for. Nationalism is about protecting and preserving your own culture, not destroying others.
If there is any one trait that can be compared in white Europeans that differs from the humans of the rest of the world it is that white Europeans are the single most greedy and corrupt.
No one else in the world compares at all.
Arbitrary assessment unprovable sentiment

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