Explain why white nationalism is bad?

My only objection is government being involved. Government fucks everything up.

Are we really going to have restroom monitors checking crotches at the door?

Why are restroom/locker rooms set up in a way that diminishes privacy? Why not rebuild all those facilities to ensure complete privacy for any user? That's much more effective and way less intrusive than a government hall monitor.
These are government restrooms?
freedom isn't free.

If freedom was actually free, than what's yours is mine and vice versa. I could also kill you for looking at me wrong.
So, then what? Freedom is coercion?
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Excuse me? My father was white and a ardent nationalist, starved during so called 1929 bank holiday and was years starving in the time known as the depression. He grew up and he fought the NAZIS. He was wounded and less a left arm. He gave me life. WHAT DO LIBERALS DO?

Every American fighting the Nazis during WWII was a nationalist, white or otherwise. We PRIDED ourselves on it. It helped us win the war. Calling it "white" nationalism is just another devious ploy by the subversive left to try to confuse people into thinking simple national pride and patriotism is somehow RACIST as a means of polarizing the issue and dividing people into groups so they can separate and better attack people and groups.

The Left got the ploy from the Soviets who used it as a form of misinformation to control population.
Just because someone is white and a nationalist doesn’t he is a “white nationalist” which, by the way, has become the politically correct code word fotr “white supremacist”.
The OP has maintained an assiduous silence on her meaning of 'white nationalism'.
When it's Jewish?
You're jumping into the middle of a conversation. Some other poster claimed white Christians weren't really Christians just because they didn't believe in or support black privilege.
You're jumping into the middle of a conversation. Some other poster claimed white Christians weren't really Christians just because they didn't believe in or support black privilege.
As though the Jews had a problem with slavery.
Every American fighting the Nazis during WWII was a nationalist, white or otherwise. We PRIDED ourselves on it. It helped us win the war. Calling it "white" nationalism is just another devious ploy by the subversive left to try to confuse people into thinking simple national pride and patriotism is somehow RACIST as a means of polarizing the issue and dividing people into groups so they can separate and better attack people and groups.

The Left got the ploy from the Soviets who used it as a form of misinformation to control population.
It is a globalist attempt to divide the nation to promote globalism.
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Excuse me? My father was white and a ardent nationalist, starved during so called 1929 bank holiday and was years starving in the time known as the depression. He grew up and he fought the NAZIS. He was wounded and less a left arm. He gave me life. WHAT DO LIBERALS DO?
1) what does your father fighting in WW2, 75+ years ago, MILES before I was born, have ANYTHING to do with today?
Not much.
And what difference does him getting his arm shot off make?
Like if he didn't get it shot off - his words would mean less?
Come on now.
2) nationalism has LOTS of different meanings to different people.
3) I am as WASP as ANYONE.
Yet I am getting sick and tired of 'whites' whining about 'white prejudice'.
Just as I am COMPLETELY sick of BLM.
Your life sucks?
Stop whining and get off your asses and fix it.
If you can't?
Then you are either lazy and/or stupid.
That's your fault/problem - not the amount of melanin in your skin.
Drop the "white" MaryL and I'm more than happy to love America right along with you.

It's bad because many nationalistic Americans are not white.
What makes America great? Is it the color of the skin? If so. Ireland and Great Britain and other nations in Europe would be great.

Is it the land? The soil? There are lots of places with fertile soil. We do not corner the market on dirt.

If it is not those things. What makes our country great?
Freedom is what makes it great.
What the fuck is this supposed to mean?

Both republics and Democratic members fought the NAZI's.

If you have a issue with the Great Depression see you party for cause and length of it.
The Federal Reserve caused the banking panic, and FDR made it worse by all his interfering in the recovery.

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