explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

Armed Services Rep Trent Franks says he wouldn't be surprised if Manchester attack was meant to send message to Trump during his M.E. trip

no doubt now

this was a terrorist attack

another terrorist attack.
According to an eye witness, he heard 2 explosions, on Sky News.
Also said no one was checked before the concert and one explosion he knows was right outside the venue, just as they were leaving, and the. Heard another.
19 killed already...

and most of them children and young people

very sad

Worse, the dirty cowardly animal would know that there was going to be a kids and young adults there. This fact really gets my blood going. One thing to attack soldiers you are at war with, innocent people, let alone kids? This is beyond disturbing no matter the group or mindset of the sicko who did this.

This would be a good time for Saudi Arabia to provide a sign of "goodwill" and place some of the $110B purchase to good use against these sob's who are spreading their terror across the M.E and attempting to radicalize those in the West

The explosion occurred outside the venue, so they would have avoided security checks.
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a lot of beautiful folks are missing...


20 dead, 50 injured, the very kind of attack Pres. Trump seeks to halt here in the US, fought tooth and nail by the left. Terrible.
This is not random. We cannot battle it with love. How many more candle lit vigils have to be held before society wakes up?

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