explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

I'm a Muslim, my best of fri3nds are Jews, my best man was Jewish....Muslim countries harbored Jews when they fled Europe twice.
Stop your ignorance and don't contaminate others please.

I live in a Muslim country. Have been here for 6 years. Before that I spent 4 years in two other Muslim countries. I work with and am surrounded by Muslims all day. You are ignorant. Obviously narrow minded and foolish. Terrorists are terrorists. A miniscule proportion of the entire 1.5 billion Muslims on the planet. The Koran doesn't promote violence any more than the Bible does. You are stupid and ignorant and bigoted. Sad to be you.

As well, you obviously know nothing about the 'DEVELOPMENT OF THE BIBLE IN IT'S EARLY YEARS,' LOL


Obviously if you are in an all Muslim country they would seem "normal". Next time you meet a new Muslim, tell them you are a Jew. See how civilized they are then.

This killer lived among the muslims. He collected bomb-makings, backpack and hardware. He chanted like a madman in the streets.............yet, like always, no muslim knew anything? Did not see a thing? Could not stop it/him? Never once does any muslim help in advance. 50 years of hijackings, bombings, shootings, stabbing and now run-overs of Civilians. No one knows anything? Intentional acts of murder/terror go on and on and on. conclusion: the muslims support these activites.

View attachment 128417
How many 'average Americans' knew what Timothy McVeigh was up to? Or Adam Lanza? Seung-Hui Cho? Eric Harris? Dylan Klebold? Jeffery Weise? Christopher Harper-Mercer? Charles Whitman? James Huberty? Patrick Sherrill?

How many Europeans knew? Or even cared?

This latest atrocity has gone world wide. Because these disgusting events ARE world wide.
That doesn't make mass murders in the US any less heinous.
I'm a Muslim, my best of fri3nds are Jews, my best man was Jewish....Muslim countries harbored Jews when they fled Europe twice.
Stop your ignorance and don't contaminate others please.

Obviously if you are in an all Muslim country they would seem "normal". Next time you meet a new Muslim, tell them you are a Jew. See how civilized they are then.

This killer lived among the muslims. He collected bomb-makings, backpack and hardware. He chanted like a madman in the streets.............yet, like always, no muslim knew anything? Did not see a thing? Could not stop it/him? Never once does any muslim help in advance. 50 years of hijackings, bombings, shootings, stabbing and now run-overs of Civilians. No one knows anything? Intentional acts of murder/terror go on and on and on. conclusion: the muslims support these activites.

View attachment 128417
How many 'average Americans' knew what Timothy McVeigh was up to? Or Adam Lanza? Seung-Hui Cho? Eric Harris? Dylan Klebold? Jeffery Weise? Christopher Harper-Mercer? Charles Whitman? James Huberty? Patrick Sherrill?

How many Europeans knew? Or even cared?

This latest atrocity has gone world wide. Because these disgusting events ARE world wide.
That doesn't make mass murders in the US any less heinous.

Oh really? Are we talking about the US now?

More to the point, how did its intelligence agencies know the identity of the Manchester bomber? And release the information before the British did?
I'm a Muslim, my best of fri3nds are Jews, my best man was Jewish....Muslim countries harbored Jews when they fled Europe twice.
Stop your ignorance and don't contaminate others please.

Obviously if you are in an all Muslim country they would seem "normal". Next time you meet a new Muslim, tell them you are a Jew. See how civilized they are then.

This killer lived among the muslims. He collected bomb-makings, backpack and hardware. He chanted like a madman in the streets.............yet, like always, no muslim knew anything? Did not see a thing? Could not stop it/him? Never once does any muslim help in advance. 50 years of hijackings, bombings, shootings, stabbing and now run-overs of Civilians. No one knows anything? Intentional acts of murder/terror go on and on and on. conclusion: the muslims support these activites.

View attachment 128417
How many 'average Americans' knew what Timothy McVeigh was up to? Or Adam Lanza? Seung-Hui Cho? Eric Harris? Dylan Klebold? Jeffery Weise? Christopher Harper-Mercer? Charles Whitman? James Huberty? Patrick Sherrill?

How many Europeans knew? Or even cared?

This latest atrocity has gone world wide. Because these disgusting events ARE world wide.
That doesn't make mass murders in the US any less heinous.

that latest remark is superfluous------reminds me of a remark made long ago
by Khadaffy duck. He said more Israelis die in traffic accidents than are killed
by Islamic terrorists. so true. In fact more americans die of drug over dose than
are murdered by muslims for the glory of allah
I'm a Muslim, my best of fri3nds are Jews, my best man was Jewish....Muslim countries harbored Jews when they fled Europe twice.
Stop your ignorance and don't contaminate others please.

This killer lived among the muslims. He collected bomb-makings, backpack and hardware. He chanted like a madman in the streets.............yet, like always, no muslim knew anything? Did not see a thing? Could not stop it/him? Never once does any muslim help in advance. 50 years of hijackings, bombings, shootings, stabbing and now run-overs of Civilians. No one knows anything? Intentional acts of murder/terror go on and on and on. conclusion: the muslims support these activites.

View attachment 128417
How many 'average Americans' knew what Timothy McVeigh was up to? Or Adam Lanza? Seung-Hui Cho? Eric Harris? Dylan Klebold? Jeffery Weise? Christopher Harper-Mercer? Charles Whitman? James Huberty? Patrick Sherrill?

How many Europeans knew? Or even cared?

This latest atrocity has gone world wide. Because these disgusting events ARE world wide.
That doesn't make mass murders in the US any less heinous.

that latest remark is superfluous------reminds me of a remark made long ago
by Khadaffy duck. He said more Israelis die in traffic accidents than are killed
by Islamic terrorists. so true. In fact more americans die of drug over dose than
are murdered by muslims for the glory of allah

I've heard those fatuous arguments. More chance of being hit by a car than blown up by a terrorist.

I'll tell that to the children lying in hospital with their legs blown off.

The little girl, whose face is plastered all over the front pages of the world's newspapers; her mother doesn't know she is dead, as she herself is lying in hospital. In a coma.
I'm a Muslim, my best of fri3nds are Jews, my best man was Jewish....Muslim countries harbored Jews when they fled Europe twice.
Stop your ignorance and don't contaminate others please.

This killer lived among the muslims. He collected bomb-makings, backpack and hardware. He chanted like a madman in the streets.............yet, like always, no muslim knew anything? Did not see a thing? Could not stop it/him? Never once does any muslim help in advance. 50 years of hijackings, bombings, shootings, stabbing and now run-overs of Civilians. No one knows anything? Intentional acts of murder/terror go on and on and on. conclusion: the muslims support these activites.

View attachment 128417
How many 'average Americans' knew what Timothy McVeigh was up to? Or Adam Lanza? Seung-Hui Cho? Eric Harris? Dylan Klebold? Jeffery Weise? Christopher Harper-Mercer? Charles Whitman? James Huberty? Patrick Sherrill?

How many Europeans knew? Or even cared?

This latest atrocity has gone world wide. Because these disgusting events ARE world wide.
That doesn't make mass murders in the US any less heinous.

Oh really? Are we talking about the US now?

More to the point, how did its intelligence agencies know the identity of the Manchester bomber? And release the information before the British did?
OMG Do you listen to BBC at all? They told us. The British told the US but expected them to keep it quiet, and they didn't. The British are pissed off about it. Very pissed off.
This killer lived among the muslims. He collected bomb-makings, backpack and hardware. He chanted like a madman in the streets.............yet, like always, no muslim knew anything? Did not see a thing? Could not stop it/him? Never once does any muslim help in advance. 50 years of hijackings, bombings, shootings, stabbing and now run-overs of Civilians. No one knows anything? Intentional acts of murder/terror go on and on and on. conclusion: the muslims support these activites.

View attachment 128417
How many 'average Americans' knew what Timothy McVeigh was up to? Or Adam Lanza? Seung-Hui Cho? Eric Harris? Dylan Klebold? Jeffery Weise? Christopher Harper-Mercer? Charles Whitman? James Huberty? Patrick Sherrill?

How many Europeans knew? Or even cared?

This latest atrocity has gone world wide. Because these disgusting events ARE world wide.
That doesn't make mass murders in the US any less heinous.

Oh really? Are we talking about the US now?

More to the point, how did its intelligence agencies know the identity of the Manchester bomber? And release the information before the British did?
OMG Do you listen to BBC at all? They told us. The British told the US but expected them to keep it quiet, and they didn't. The British are pissed off about it. Very pissed off.

There were leaks, done without permission, the latest being, pictures of the explosive device. So the the broad brushed statement of "the British" doesn't quite fit.

And I try not to listen to the BBC.
This killer lived among the muslims. He collected bomb-makings, backpack and hardware. He chanted like a madman in the streets.............yet, like always, no muslim knew anything? Did not see a thing? Could not stop it/him? Never once does any muslim help in advance. 50 years of hijackings, bombings, shootings, stabbing and now run-overs of Civilians. No one knows anything? Intentional acts of murder/terror go on and on and on. conclusion: the muslims support these activites.

View attachment 128417
How many 'average Americans' knew what Timothy McVeigh was up to? Or Adam Lanza? Seung-Hui Cho? Eric Harris? Dylan Klebold? Jeffery Weise? Christopher Harper-Mercer? Charles Whitman? James Huberty? Patrick Sherrill?

How many Europeans knew? Or even cared?

This latest atrocity has gone world wide. Because these disgusting events ARE world wide.
That doesn't make mass murders in the US any less heinous.

that latest remark is superfluous------reminds me of a remark made long ago
by Khadaffy duck. He said more Israelis die in traffic accidents than are killed
by Islamic terrorists. so true. In fact more americans die of drug over dose than
are murdered by muslims for the glory of allah

I've heard those fatuous arguments. More chance of being hit by a car than blown up by a terrorist.

I'll tell that to the children lying in hospital with their legs blown off.

The little girl, whose face is plastered all over the front pages of the world's newspapers; her mother doesn't know she is dead, as she herself is lying in hospital. In a coma.

stay alert-----you will be hearing and reading even more of that excruciating shit for weeks to come
How many 'average Americans' knew what Timothy McVeigh was up to? Or Adam Lanza? Seung-Hui Cho? Eric Harris? Dylan Klebold? Jeffery Weise? Christopher Harper-Mercer? Charles Whitman? James Huberty? Patrick Sherrill?

How many Europeans knew? Or even cared?

This latest atrocity has gone world wide. Because these disgusting events ARE world wide.
That doesn't make mass murders in the US any less heinous.

that latest remark is superfluous------reminds me of a remark made long ago
by Khadaffy duck. He said more Israelis die in traffic accidents than are killed
by Islamic terrorists. so true. In fact more americans die of drug over dose than
are murdered by muslims for the glory of allah

I've heard those fatuous arguments. More chance of being hit by a car than blown up by a terrorist.

I'll tell that to the children lying in hospital with their legs blown off.

The little girl, whose face is plastered all over the front pages of the world's newspapers; her mother doesn't know she is dead, as she herself is lying in hospital. In a coma.

stay alert-----you will be hearing and reading even more of that excruciating shit for weeks to come

The story has spread to Germany now. The bomber had flown to Duesseldorf and back, visited Frankfurt, four days before the attack.

Frankfurt is well known for Palestinian bomb factories, back in the day.
Why do you invest so much time darling in defending Islam and Islamists at the drop of a hat, you aren't a Muslim, so why do you do this?

I don't defend extremists or terrorists.

I do defend the right of anyone to worship the religion of their choice without persecution as long as it is lawful and peaceable. When people start demonizing and scapegoating entire groups of people it usually doesn't end well.

Muslims have never been scapegoated in the USA.

Islam declared war on the West on September 11th, 2001, essentially that's where this all began.


Al Queda, a terrorist organization did.

Across the Muslim world Muslims were celebrating in the streets when they saw The Twin Towers falling. Their celebrations were caught on camera in multiple Muslim nations.

They refer to America as The Great Satan, are you even aware of this?
I saw some of that on tv, and it made me sick to my stomach, especially the little children who probably had no idea why they were celebrating Americans being blown to pieces, and jumping to their deaths from burning buildings. I remember a little of the training my son had before his first deployment to Iraq, you don't trust anyone, if a woman or child falls, you don't go to help them up, because you don't know if it is a trap or not. I'm so glad that as a Christian, I have never danced in the street when innocent people were killed, or strapped a bomb on an innocent child. I will never forget 9-11, and wonder how many sleeper cells are here, how many are going to college or working with you or your children, you know like the Boston Marathon bombers, smile in your face, then kill you.
How many Europeans knew? Or even cared?

This latest atrocity has gone world wide. Because these disgusting events ARE world wide.
That doesn't make mass murders in the US any less heinous.

that latest remark is superfluous------reminds me of a remark made long ago
by Khadaffy duck. He said more Israelis die in traffic accidents than are killed
by Islamic terrorists. so true. In fact more americans die of drug over dose than
are murdered by muslims for the glory of allah

I've heard those fatuous arguments. More chance of being hit by a car than blown up by a terrorist.

I'll tell that to the children lying in hospital with their legs blown off.

The little girl, whose face is plastered all over the front pages of the world's newspapers; her mother doesn't know she is dead, as she herself is lying in hospital. In a coma.

stay alert-----you will be hearing and reading even more of that excruciating shit for weeks to come

The story has spread to Germany now. The bomber had flown to Duesseldorf and back, visited Frankfurt, four days before the attack.

Frankfurt is well known for Palestinian bomb factories, back in the day.

really? Frankfurt HOME OF THE HOT DOG ------has Palestinian bomb factories?
Why do the germans allow it?. Germany should be held responsible------the people of
Manchester need some good lawyers
That doesn't make mass murders in the US any less heinous.

that latest remark is superfluous------reminds me of a remark made long ago
by Khadaffy duck. He said more Israelis die in traffic accidents than are killed
by Islamic terrorists. so true. In fact more americans die of drug over dose than
are murdered by muslims for the glory of allah

I've heard those fatuous arguments. More chance of being hit by a car than blown up by a terrorist.

I'll tell that to the children lying in hospital with their legs blown off.

The little girl, whose face is plastered all over the front pages of the world's newspapers; her mother doesn't know she is dead, as she herself is lying in hospital. In a coma.

stay alert-----you will be hearing and reading even more of that excruciating shit for weeks to come

The story has spread to Germany now. The bomber had flown to Duesseldorf and back, visited Frankfurt, four days before the attack.

Frankfurt is well known for Palestinian bomb factories, back in the day.

really? Frankfurt HOME OF THE HOT DOG ------has Palestinian bomb factories?
Why do the germans allow it?. Germany should be held responsible------the people of
Manchester need some good lawyers

Not now. But years ago, during the days of hi-jackings etc. Germany was dealing with the Bader-Meinhof too during those days. Explosions at Frankfurt airport. A German banker killed outside his own home, as his car blew up.
I will never forget 9-11, and wonder how many sleeper cells are here, how many are going to college or working with you or your children, you know like the Boston Marathon bombers, smile in your face, then kill you.
That is what has been on my mind as well. Those guys that learned how to fly airplanes...their neighbors at home...people at coffee shops that they chatted with and smiled at...seemingly just ordinary folks going about their business being all polite, swapping jokes, holding doors open for old women and men, etc etc etc....and plotting all along to kill all they could.

And you can bet they still are. Which is why I said I don't trust muslims. ANY of them. And never will.
I will never forget 9-11, and wonder how many sleeper cells are here, how many are going to college or working with you or your children, you know like the Boston Marathon bombers, smile in your face, then kill you.
That is what has been on my mind as well. Those guys that learned how to fly airplanes...their neighbors at home...people at coffee shops that they chatted with and smiled at...seemingly just ordinary folks going about their business being all polite, swapping jokes, holding doors open for old women and men, etc etc etc....and plotting all along to kill all they could.

And you can bet they still are. Which is why I said I don't trust muslims. ANY of them. And never will.
I know, I hate not trusting them, I don't treat anyone differently when I'm out, I'm not rude to anyone, but I don't trust them and never will now. Yes, I know we have our own evil, nasty Americans, but I don't; see anyone dancing in the street when they commit atrocities.
I will never forget 9-11, and wonder how many sleeper cells are here, how many are going to college or working with you or your children, you know like the Boston Marathon bombers, smile in your face, then kill you.
That is what has been on my mind as well. Those guys that learned how to fly airplanes...their neighbors at home...people at coffee shops that they chatted with and smiled at...seemingly just ordinary folks going about their business being all polite, swapping jokes, holding doors open for old women and men, etc etc etc....and plotting all along to kill all they could.

And you can bet they still are. Which is why I said I don't trust muslims. ANY of them. And never will.

I'm put in mind of the London 7/7 Tube bombings. The perpetrators, to all intents and purposes were seemingly integrated into English society. Only days before the attack, playing cricket, that most quintessential of English games.
I worked for a guy that was muslim. Sweetheart of a guy. Knew him for years cuz he owns a couple of the local mini markets and gas station where we used to live. One day I asked if he was hiring and he said sure. So..he hired me. But I noticed that one of his many cousins (they were all from Syria) was not counting money people would give him for money orders and told him they were not counting and they should cuz that 400 buck money order may be only 300 handed to him in cash. Oops. Women should know their place and never question another muslim..especially a family member. Sure enough..my til was short one day...and of course it had to be me..not the cousin clerk. He was not so sweet any more. He said women are to work, not comment on things beyond their understanding. And he fired me for theft. Funny thing that was not funny ha ha is...other women that worked for him later on they told him the same thing and were also fired.

No thanks. Sweet as pie. Until a female said the wrong thing to protect HIM and his business.
How many 'average Americans' knew what Timothy McVeigh was up to? Or Adam Lanza? Seung-Hui Cho? Eric Harris? Dylan Klebold? Jeffery Weise? Christopher Harper-Mercer? Charles Whitman? James Huberty? Patrick Sherrill?

How many Europeans knew? Or even cared?

This latest atrocity has gone world wide. Because these disgusting events ARE world wide.
That doesn't make mass murders in the US any less heinous.

Oh really? Are we talking about the US now?

More to the point, how did its intelligence agencies know the identity of the Manchester bomber? And release the information before the British did?
OMG Do you listen to BBC at all? They told us. The British told the US but expected them to keep it quiet, and they didn't. The British are pissed off about it. Very pissed off.

There were leaks, done without permission, the latest being, pictures of the explosive device. So the the broad brushed statement of "the British" doesn't quite fit.

And I try not to listen to the BBC.
The BBC provides a far higher level of journalistic integrity than any news media in the US.
They are taught from a very young age that lying to infidels is permitted and encouraged and we are all heathens. So the smiles, the kindnesses, the politeness...is nothing but a damn lie in my opinion. Does it make me feel guilty feeling that way? Yes. But I'd rather feel guilty than be dead.
I know the United Methodist Church of USA is not having people blown up using their name
Not once
If it was, we would have had the good sense to close it down long time ago
But decade or more of racial and Religious PC took good sense away.
Maybe now that some celebs have seen the horror show they might sing a different tune ?
It's sad, but it seems like as long as it's someone else, all they do is facebook, twitter, tweet, hashtag, whatever makes them feel important, and accomplishes absolutely nothing. Maybe if someone they love are harmed, maybe they will change, but then their own will turn on them and try to destroy them.
How many Europeans knew? Or even cared?

This latest atrocity has gone world wide. Because these disgusting events ARE world wide.
That doesn't make mass murders in the US any less heinous.

Oh really? Are we talking about the US now?

More to the point, how did its intelligence agencies know the identity of the Manchester bomber? And release the information before the British did?
OMG Do you listen to BBC at all? They told us. The British told the US but expected them to keep it quiet, and they didn't. The British are pissed off about it. Very pissed off.

There were leaks, done without permission, the latest being, pictures of the explosive device. So the the broad brushed statement of "the British" doesn't quite fit.

And I try not to listen to the BBC.
The BBC provides a far higher level of journalistic integrity than any news media in the US.

BBC world is crap. And BBC America is not much better.

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