Exposed Anti-Semitic, Sexist, Racist Homophobe Says 1/2 of Trump Votes Racist, Sexist Homophobes

LOL. She ain't MY queen. But she's a safer bet than that orange tub of lard who has you all mesmerized with his bullshit.

A "safer bet" for what.....finishing us off as a once-prosperous nation that was the envy of the world? She's a stinking millionaire communist witch who coat-tailed her way into power she has no ability to deal with. When you traffic in American security secrets you deserve a hangman's rope, not the White House.
Four years won't send us down the tubes forever, imo. As a very smart poster here said, "It's the choice between punting and Armegeddon." I'll take the punt. And in the meantime, the Republicans had best put someone forward in four years that can intelligently lead this country!
No, it is more accurate to describe it as a choice between Armageddon by nuclear fire or Armageddon by planet killing asteroid.

In fact, it is no choice at all. Both need to be kept as far away from the Presidency as can be legally done.
But how?
If it means sending the NWO Globalist jerks like Clinton packing, i'm in. Go Trump!! :dance:
She said, as an overbroad generalilzation, half of Trump supporters are....
It was a big mistake on her part, but
if you choose to put yourself in that half, that is YOUR choice.
No, momma. Her remarks included everybody who did not agree with her and had differing political views. I hope she will pay for it dearly.

Typical Comrade Trump supporter. Everyone knows she was talking about the Alt Right. If you are part of that, then you ARE deplorable.
As Hillary herself tweeted last week, “The last thing we need is a president who brings more name-calling and temper tantrums to Washington.”

To paraphrase sage philosopher George Constanza, a Hillary divided against herself cannot stand! Instapundit
She said, as an overbroad generalilzation, half of Trump supporters are....
It was a big mistake on her part, but
if you choose to put yourself in that half, that is YOUR choice.
No, momma. Her remarks included everybody who did not agree with her and had differing political views. I hope she will pay for it dearly.

Typical Comrade Trump supporter. Everyone knows she was talking about the Alt Right. If you are part of that, then you ARE deplorable.
Trying to spin it, ole Jim? Trying to do some damage control? Words mean things, at least that's how it used to be.
Cankles finally pulls away the mask....and reveals how despicable and disgusting she is. This one will blow up in her face

With a face like this, imagine what the rest of her body looks like.

Misogynist ---- check.
according to hillary, america is deplorable for allowing her to run for president instead of exterminating her kind. which kind? whatever creature fits into whatever demographic plantation today, i suppose.
Sorry. Couldn't follow. I assume you disagree with me, though.
the days of political correctness are over and done, little girl. it's time to grow up.
Seriously, look at who's calling others 'Deplorable.' The woman's a corrupt incompetent criminal for God's sake. She's got alotta nerve calling others 'Deplorable.' She can go to hell. Go Trump!
That's what the sneering, diaper-wearing, witch called us yesterday in front of a crowd of LGBT queers and perverts. Think about that and what SHE considers normal Americans to be..."deplorable". I'm proud to be Deplorable....always have and always will be. Better to be deplorable than a degenerate psychopath all day, every day.
It's an admission by Hillary that she can't think of any affirmative reason for anyone to vote for her.

May be just because there are absolutely no reasons to vote for her?

However there are a lot of reasons to have an independent investigation (independent is a key word!) of all her crimes and all those "strange" deaths around her.

Instead of WH Hillary belongs to jail, and everybody, who still possesses some common sense, knows that. (definitely, not the libs).
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May be just because there are absolutely no reasons to vote for her?

However there are a lot of reasons to have an independent investigation (independent is a key word!) of all her crimes and all "strange" deaths around her?

Instead of WH Hillary belongs to jail, and everybody, who still possesses some common seance, knows that. (definitely, not the libs).
But they do. They just subordinate their better judgement to the goal. The goal sanctifies the means. They don't care how but they want to reach their goal of the destruction of the U.S.
Cankles finally pulls away the mask....and reveals how despicable and disgusting she is. This one will blow up in her face

With a face like this, imagine what the rest of her body looks like.

Misogynist ---- check.
according to hillary, america is deplorable for allowing her to run for president instead of exterminating her kind. which kind? whatever creature fits into whatever demographic plantation today, i suppose.
Sorry. Couldn't follow. I assume you disagree with me, though.
the days of political correctness are over and done, little girl. it's time to grow up.
That's what you meant? Or is that another pearl of wisdom, Ozone? It seems to have NOTHING to do with the argument at hand.
She said, as an overbroad generalilzation, half of Trump supporters are....
It was a big mistake on her part, but
if you choose to put yourself in that half, that is YOUR choice.
No, momma. Her remarks included everybody who did not agree with her and had differing political views. I hope she will pay for it dearly.

Typical Comrade Trump supporter. Everyone knows she was talking about the Alt Right. If you are part of that, then you ARE deplorable.
Trying to spin it, ole Jim? Trying to do some damage control? Words mean things, at least that's how it used to be.

They do indeed. Now learn them.

Who will Hillary Clinton’s ‘basket of deplorables’ comment actually alienate?

"To just be grossly generalistic," Clinton said according to a transcript from BuzzFeed's Ruby Cramer, "you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic — you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up."

She talked a bit about how Trump has interacted with that racist element and then continued. "But the other basket — and I know this because I see friends from all over America here ... but that other basket are people who feel that the government has let them down, the economy has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens to their lives and their futures — they're just desperate for change. ... Those are people we have to understand and empathize with as well."
Wow wow wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is an absolutely stunning development!!

We all know how the other half feels about Republicans, but to see the candidate for the highest office come right out and say it, I'm sitting here in near disbelief as this unfolds on TV.

I am nearly speechless. Unfuckinbelievable, and how stupid can you get?
She was talking about the Alt Right lunatics. If you are part of them, yes you are deplorable.

What the hell is the Alt Right? Who runs it and who are its members?

Another stupid Trumpette.....:badgrin:

You just made that Alt Right crap up or you would not resort to name calling and answer the questions.

This is who she is talking about.

The Breitbart alt-right just took over the GOP

Are you part of the Alt Right?

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