Exposed Anti-Semitic, Sexist, Racist Homophobe Says 1/2 of Trump Votes Racist, Sexist Homophobes

She was talking about the Alt Right lunatics. If you are part of them, yes you are deplorable.
That's what the sneering, diaper-wearing, witch called us yesterday in front of a crowd of LGBT queers and perverts. Think about that and what SHE considers normal Americans to be..."deplorable". I'm proud to be Deplorable....always have and always will be. Better to be deplorable than a degenerate psychopath all day, every day.

It's an admission by Hillary that she can't think of any affirmative reason for anyone to vote for her.
LOL. She ain't MY queen. But she's a safer bet than that orange tub of lard who has you all mesmerized with his bullshit.
I like the fact that he drives liberals crazy. It's a gift.

And you might want to check out Hilly's caboose before you start with the lard comments.

Oh, and Trump payed for his own lard, we paid for Hilly's.
Cankles finally pulls away the mask....and reveals how despicable and disgusting she is. This one will blow up in her face

With a face like this, imagine what the rest of her body looks like.

Misogynist ---- check.
according to hillary, america is deplorable for allowing her to run for president instead of exterminating her kind. which kind? whatever creature fits into whatever demographic plantation today, i suppose.
Sorry. Couldn't follow. I assume you disagree with me, though.
LOL. She ain't MY queen. But she's a safer bet than that orange tub of lard who has you all mesmerized with his bullshit.
I like the fact that he drives liberals crazy. It's a gift.

And you might want to check out Hilly's caboose before you start with the lard comments.
They're both overweight and he's more likely to drop of a heart attack than her, with his diet.
LOL. She ain't MY queen. But she's a safer bet than that orange tub of lard who has you all mesmerized with his bullshit.
I like the fact that he drives liberals crazy. It's a gift.

And you might want to check out Hilly's caboose before you start with the lard comments.
They're both overweight and he's more likely to drop of a heart attack than her, with his diet.
She doesn't look like she's on a strict diet, don't know what Trump eats but he paid for it, we payed for whatever Hilly is shoveling down her pie hole.
She said, as an overbroad generalilzation, half of Trump supporters are....
It was a big mistake on her part, but
if you choose to put yourself in that half, that is YOUR choice.

Damn right it's MY choice.....if I'm everything that psychotic old cow finds "deplorable" I'll wear it with honor.
Just sayin'. I know you wear your hatred with pride.

Normal people are disgusted with your would be too if you weren't just like her.
LOL. She ain't MY queen. But she's a safer bet than that orange tub of lard who has you all mesmerized with his bullshit.

I'm not memorized by Trump, I think both of them are horrible's just that Cankles is a lot more horrible. That and she'll be dead in two years
I think it's Bill we'll be burying. I watched my Dad go down that road for a painful number of years. He's on the track to Home.
LOL. She ain't MY queen. But she's a safer bet than that orange tub of lard who has you all mesmerized with his bullshit.

A "safer bet" for what.....finishing us off as a once-prosperous nation that was the envy of the world? She's a stinking millionaire communist witch who coat-tailed her way into power she has no ability to deal with. When you traffic in American security secrets you deserve a hangman's rope, not the White House.
Four years won't send us down the tubes forever, imo. As a very smart poster here said, "It's the choice between punting and Armegeddon." I'll take the punt. And in the meantime, the Republicans had best put someone forward in four years that can intelligently lead this country!
She said, as an overbroad generalilzation, half of Trump supporters are....
It was a big mistake on her part, but
if you choose to put yourself in that half, that is YOUR choice.
No, momma. Her remarks included everybody who did not agree with her and had differing political views. I hope she will pay for it dearly.
LOL. She ain't MY queen. But she's a safer bet than that orange tub of lard who has you all mesmerized with his bullshit.

A "safer bet" for what.....finishing us off as a once-prosperous nation that was the envy of the world? She's a stinking millionaire communist witch who coat-tailed her way into power she has no ability to deal with. When you traffic in American security secrets you deserve a hangman's rope, not the White House.
Four years won't send us down the tubes forever, imo. As a very smart poster here said, "It's the choice between punting and Armegeddon." I'll take the punt. And in the meantime, the Republicans had best put someone forward in four years that can intelligently lead this country!
No, it is more accurate to describe it as a choice between Armageddon by nuclear fire or Armageddon by planet killing asteroid.

In fact, it is no choice at all. Both need to be kept as far away from the Presidency as can be legally done.
LOL. She ain't MY queen. But she's a safer bet than that orange tub of lard who has you all mesmerized with his bullshit.
I like the fact that he drives liberals crazy. It's a gift.

And you might want to check out Hilly's caboose before you start with the lard comments.
They're both overweight and he's more likely to drop of a heart attack than her, with his diet.
She doesn't look like she's on a strict diet, don't know what Trump eats but he paid for it, we payed for whatever Hilly is shoveling down her pie hole.
She's put on a lot of weight, perhaps due to her hypothyroidism, which slows down the metabolism more than usual. Trump eats Wendys and Kentucky Fried and Burger King all the time on the road--and he's not a spring chicken anymore. He should be a little more careful, eat more like you do once in awhile.
She said, as an overbroad generalilzation, half of Trump supporters are....
It was a big mistake on her part, but
if you choose to put yourself in that half, that is YOUR choice.
No, momma. Her remarks included everybody who did not agree with her and had differing political views. I hope she will pay for it dearly.
I think she will, and if she's going to react to Trump's heat by getting all snooty, she's a goner. But no, she doesn't include everyone in that overbroad generalization that she should have kept her mouth shut about. It is nowhere near half of Trump's supporters that she was referring to, and she should have known better. Maybe a martini too many?
Mock the vote........great strategy.....see how much smarter than us she is ...omg most smartest woman ever.......even Billy Boy joined the chorus ...stupid coal people

They both belong in an electric chair.

The communists dealt with fence sitters in a very simple way. They handed a firearm to the fence sitter and said: "Either with us or against us" If the sitter didn't take their side they just shot him on the spot as an enemy combatant.
Cankles finally pulls away the mask....and reveals how despicable and disgusting she is. This one will blow up in her face

With a face like this, imagine what the rest of her body looks like.

Misogynist ---- check.
Babushka, if a male disagrees with a female, is the male automatically misogynist?
Of course not. When a male uses a woman's body as the basis of his criticism of her in other respects, that shows an inherent disrespect of women as equally capable thinkers and doers.

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