Exposing America’s Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

The holy Bible is firewood if not taken as whole...
Only in the broken minded is that so.
So what you’re saying the Bible should be written in invisible ink? The Bible is 100% useless if not taken as a whole. It’s like listening to Frenchman… Always Out of context
Because you say so? You are barely sentient.
If the Bible is cherry picked it makes no sense whatsoever and nothing good can come from it.
So...no divorce, no cloth of different fabrics, no shellfish?

divorce is permitted in the Bible just not desirable
Only in the broken minded is that so.
So what you’re saying the Bible should be written in invisible ink? The Bible is 100% useless if not taken as a whole. It’s like listening to Frenchman… Always Out of context
Because you say so? You are barely sentient.
If the Bible is cherry picked it makes no sense whatsoever and nothing good can come from it.
So...no divorce, no cloth of different fabrics, no shellfish?

divorce is permitted in the Bible just not desirable
How about shellfish?
Roy Moore did not prey on children. He is not a child molester. He did nothing wrong. He did not rape anyone. He supports traditional marriage and stands for the Ten Commandments.

Evangelical Christians support him. Now you know why.
I see. I've lost all respect for native Americans who practice their religion as well. Fair enough?
I am an atheist, but these Christians seem like overall good hardworking people. Don't steal, don't murder... a lot the leftists could certainly learn from them.

Completely unlike their Islamic gay executing counter parts...
These fuckers butt into peoples lives but turn around to say that work or die? Takes some nerve.

Fuck em.
Its the season for liberals to attack Christians, they hate Christmas.
Since many liberals are religious and spiritual, you are simply a dozy far right poster.

LOL name one.
Its the season for liberals to attack Christians, they hate Christmas.
Are the ones supporting the child molester in Alabama really christians? Can't tell anymore when that's the kind of thing they support.
Considering those do not believe the allegations I would say that it has little to do with their faith in general.

Demonetization of the other side just makes you look foolish.

It’s okay to prey as long as you pray.

Ahhh, Christianity in America. Or should I say, the single greatest cause of atheism today. You know who I’m talking about, right? The type of people who acknowledge Jesus with their words, and deny him through their lifestyle. The ones who preach the importance of traditional family values, all while holding a rally and offering standing ovations for a man who preyed on 14-year-old girls. The ones who look to excuse the despicable allegations directed at Roy Moore by literally quoting the bible, comparing his molestation to Joseph and Mary. I give you the most hypocritical religious group in America, Evangelical Christians.

More: Exposing America's Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

I have lost all respect for religious people - even those who profess to be "true" Christians. It's a farce.

Yes and no Lakhota
They may be more VOCAL and VISIBLE,
but I find the Democrats in denial about violating their own
party principles as well as Constitutional protection and inclusion of people of other beliefs
to be more dangerous hypocrites.

the difference Lakhota is the Christians WILL REBUKE THEIR OWN
and hold hypocrites to accountability.

Not so with Democrats who are silenced and not allowed to renounce their own leaders.

As a Democrat, I had asked our Precinct chair about criticizing and pressuring a higher official
to correct problems or else constituents 'would be forced to vote for someone else."
He said NO, once he is elected, he has to sign an agreement NOT TO endorse
another party candidate if a Democrat is either holding or running for that office.
They pledge NOT to criticize the current candidate or incumbent
but MUST support and endorse the Democrat no matter what!

So this causes hypocrisy and failure to uphold policies and promises
NOT to be corrected or held in check by holding leaders accountable.

So by SILENCING the opposition within the party,
this is similar to the Code of Silence to hush up abuses of clergy and priests.

Overall, Lakhota I find the VOCAL VISIBLE hypocrites
to be easier to check and balance because their dirty laundry is aired out in public.

The hidden hypocrisy silenced for the sake of party politics
is much more dangerous. And the Democrats silence their own opposition
within their party and ranks MUCH MORE than the Republicans
whose divisions and Tea Party revolts against their own party hijackers
AGAIN get more VOCAL and VISIBLE because they will use
their own Christian and Constitutional laws to rebuke hypocrites.
The Democrats don't invoke either law to the same degree.

Look, moron, the thread is about the hypocrisy of RELIGION. I repeat - RELIGION. Try to focus.
No, this thread is about your bigotry and hatred. It just seems that you can no longer recognize those disgusting traits in your own bullshit.
divorce is permitted in the Bible just not desirable

Actually the satanic bastards (mostly "jews") who compiled the "Bible" indicated any sexual activity after a divorce was adultery and as Jesus (a ridiculous, failed neo essene savior of the satanic bastards) said, requires one to chop off body parts.
many too many of these mighty mighty self righteous Christians just aren't smart enough to realize their votes are being manipulated by immoral creeps like roy moore who use religious grandstanding to fool people into seeing him as some sort of religious savior... like HE is going to 'save' the fucking ten commandments.

religious politicians line their own pockets and gain power by acting AS IF there is an agenda against their religious freedoms... they twist and they lie and they demonize others just for wanting to be respectful to all religions in our FREE country.

dumbo donald says, "We're saying Merry Christmas again!!!" and they swooon. :uhoh3:

RW politicians have duped many too many gullible Christians but thank GOD not all Christians are ignorant fools!

You've probably been told "You can't be a Christian and a Liberal!" You've probably been ostracized by churches, and conservative "Christian" friends and family. You've probably doubted your own viewpoint at times.

You're in the right place! Conservative "Christians" have turned their back on one of the central tenets of the Bible. The tenet that Jesus said was "The sum of the Law and all the prophets," to Love God and Love your neighbor as you do yourself! And who is our neighbor? Jesus taught us it was a stranger … A stranger, of a foreign belief system, who stopped to help another stranger beat up and left for dead on the roadside while religious types passed him by! The Bible is full of instruction that this teaching isn't “just for individuals.” It's a universal teaching. It applies to individuals, governments, and businesses.

Welcome home. You have found your tribe. Conservative "Christians" are wrong, and you've been right about Jesus all along!



It’s okay to prey as long as you pray.

Ahhh, Christianity in America. Or should I say, the single greatest cause of atheism today. You know who I’m talking about, right? The type of people who acknowledge Jesus with their words, and deny him through their lifestyle. The ones who preach the importance of traditional family values, all while holding a rally and offering standing ovations for a man who preyed on 14-year-old girls. The ones who look to excuse the despicable allegations directed at Roy Moore by literally quoting the bible, comparing his molestation to Joseph and Mary. I give you the most hypocritical religious group in America, Evangelical Christians.

More: Exposing America's Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

I have lost all respect for religious people - even those who profess to be "true" Christians. It's a farce.

Another paid click bait post brought to you by the Huffy post. Also the OP has never shown any respect for religious people, so she lied when she claims to have lost something she never had.

It’s okay to prey as long as you pray.

No Lakhota it's the opposite.
the power of Christian healing prayer has the ability to
cure the CAUSE of such predatory obsessions, criminal disorders,
or sexual addictions and abuses.

Govt can only penalize crimes "after they've been proven in court."

The way to diagnose and cure the actual illnesses and causes
is through spiritual means, such as taught by Christian healing ministers
and volunteer teams, which the govt cannot regulate, mandate or establish.

Medical science can demonstrate how these methods work,
but because they involve the spiritual process of forgiveness and healing
that works on a voluntary basis, this remains the free choice of people.

Sources recommended for further medical research studies and development:

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