F-16 is legend

Israel did not build the plane below. The USA gave the manufacture permission to sell the plane to Israel.
Prove me wrong, show me the factory that build the plane.

IIRC there is a new IDF trainer that they refer to as the "Lavi" today. It looks like a version of the F/A-18.
View attachment 506188
it's an Italian trainer plane.
Again, I repeat, the plane above was not built by or designed by Israel, period.
Go back to your mindless lies about the U.S.S. Liberty.
You can't be taken seriously if you promote such obvious and easy to rebut falsehoods.
This is all I know about this incident.
The USS Liberty incident was an attack on a United States Navy technical research ship, USS Liberty, by Israeli Air Force jet fighter aircraft and Israeli Navy motor torpedo boats, on 8 June 1967, during the Six-Day War. The combined air and sea attack killed 34 crew members (naval officers, seamen, two marines, and one civilian NSA employee), wounded 171 crew members, and severely damaged the ship. At the time, the ship was in international waters north of the Sinai Peninsula, about 25.5 nmi (29.3 mi; 47.2 km) northwest from the Egyptian city of Arish.
USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia

Fact 1--Israel attacked a US Navy ship in open international water killing 34 and wounding 171 fellow crewman.
Whether the ship sank or not is irrelevant to this discussion.
Fact 2- Israel willingly and knowingly murdered American navy sailors.

This was an act of war and the USA should have declared war against Israel for this wanton disregard for American lives.
That is al I have to say on this subject, period.
You can't be taken seriously if you promote such obvious and easy to rebut falsehoods.
This is all I know about this incident.
The USS Liberty incident was an attack on a United States Navy technical research ship, USS Liberty, by Israeli Air Force jet fighter aircraft and Israeli Navy motor torpedo boats, on 8 June 1967, during the Six-Day War. The combined air and sea attack killed 34 crew members (naval officers, seamen, two marines, and one civilian NSA employee), wounded 171 crew members, and severely damaged the ship. At the time, the ship was in international waters north of the Sinai Peninsula, about 25.5 nmi (29.3 mi; 47.2 km) northwest from the Egyptian city of Arish.
USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia

Fact 1--Israel attacked a US Navy ship in open international water killing 34 and wounding 171 fellow crewman.
Whether the ship sank or not is irrelevant to this discussion.
Fact 2- Israel willingly and knowingly murdered American navy sailors.

This was an act of war and the USA should have declared war against Israel for this wanton disregard for American lives.
That is al I have to say on this subject, period.

Ignoring that Israel subsequent to this attack helped save the lives of hundreds of American pilots in Vietnam.

And you can't know that the Israelis knew it was an American ship when they first attacked it.
I have to jokingly admit that Israel is spending $billions on new fighter aircraft manufacturing.

My sources say the picture below is a top-secret fighter plane manufacturing plant.

Below is a new fighter manufactured in Israel and being tested on an American aircraft carrier.

And last but not least a new design the USN is considering to purchase


When your wrong, admit it and move on
I have to jokingly admit that Israel is spending $billions on new fighter aircraft manufacturing.

My sources say the picture below is a top-secret fighter plane manufacturing plant.

Below is a new fighter manufactured in Israel and being tested on an American aircraft carrier.
View attachment 506233

You post a picture from the movie "Stealth" and expect to be taken seriously?

What an idiot.
Israel did not build the plane below. The USA gave the manufacture permission to sell the plane to Israel.
Prove me wrong, show me the factory that build the plane.

IIRC there is a new IDF trainer that they refer to as the "Lavi" today. It looks like a version of the F/A-18.
View attachment 506188
it's an Italian trainer plane.
Again, I repeat, the plane above was not built by or designed by Israel, period.

My grandpa was literally a head of a division in the building of this wonderful Israeli plane.

And yes, the reason this plane does not exist, and the reason Israel gets 3.8 billion USD is because the US was too feared this plane is going to beat the sellings of F16s.

The only thing American in this plane is the engine.

The lavi in the making in its factory in Lod.
Israel did not build the plane below. The USA gave the manufacture permission to sell the plane to Israel.
Prove me wrong, show me the factory that build the plane.

IIRC there is a new IDF trainer that they refer to as the "Lavi" today. It looks like a version of the F/A-18.
View attachment 506188
it's an Italian trainer plane.
Again, I repeat, the plane above was not built by or designed by Israel, period.


Oh, believe me, even our worst enemies, when in need of Israeli Health tech to save their lives - they are willing to wave the Blue and white flag.
How many Palestinians has the Israeli health ministry saved?

I’m waiting & waiting and waiting~~~ :)-
Talk to me about Boycotting us when your life are at risk. not now that you don't even need it. lmao.
if you say so
It served Israel well. it was F-16s that destroyed the Osirak reactor in Baghdad in 1981. In 1982 they scored 44 kills against Syrian Migs over Lebanon.
As an American citizen I am joining others to partition Congress and the House to stop giving the Israelis money and above all military hardware including aircraft.

I have met many others who agree, and our voices are being heard. I have even heard that our President agrees knowing cutting off Israel from our gravy train will save American taxpayers $billions.

If they want fighter jets, make them yourself.


They gave us nothing. We had to pay for it. Good luck petitioning American manufacturers to stop selling their product.
American manufacturers are not allowed to sell any form of arms kid, not without approval. Where are you from that you think that arms makers sell arms directly
It served Israel well. it was F-16s that destroyed the Osirak reactor in Baghdad in 1981. In 1982 they scored 44 kills against Syrian Migs over Lebanon. For many years it was used in the ground attack and shot down Hezballah drones. love the F-16 but have to admit it is obsolete now. As a fighter it not a match for the Rafale or the F-22 or other new aircraft. In ground attack role the F-35 has much newer technology and is more difficult to detect. We will always be grateful for the F-16. It did the job very well.
F-16 is the gay jet, also known to Air Force as the Lawn Dart. F-15s could run circles around the F-16 drop more payload and deliver more defense. The reason for the gayness is the joystick is on the right console, which means the pilot could cross his legs.....(not really but you get the jist...

I loved the F-15, worked on A,B,C, and Ds. We tested the conformal fuel tanks that has led to the F-15E strike eagles..

View attachment 451599
The air force just ordered new F16's
Israel did not build the plane below. The USA gave the manufacture permission to sell the plane to Israel.
Prove me wrong, show me the factory that build the plane.

IIRC there is a new IDF trainer that they refer to as the "Lavi" today. It looks like a version of the F/A-18.
View attachment 506188
it's an Italian trainer plane.
Again, I repeat, the plane above was not built by or designed by Israel, period.
The lavi in the making in its factory in Lod.
View attachment 506259
Then we have the American F-16

And the Israeli copy

Do they look alike--?
Why, why yes they do.
Oh, believe me, even our worst enemies, when in need of Israeli Health tech to save their lives - they are willing to wave the Blue and white flag.
How many Palestinians has the Israeli health ministry saved?

I’m waiting & waiting and waiting~~~ :)-
Talk to me about Boycotting us when your life are at risk. not now that you don't even need it. lmao.
if you say so
Countless amount, considering the Arabs in Israel have twice the amount of cancer and diabetes of the Jews. Yet, Arabs in Israel live on average longer than arabs anywhere in the region. Thanks to our Jewish great health system and innovation
Israel did not build the plane below. The USA gave the manufacture permission to sell the plane to Israel.
Prove me wrong, show me the factory that build the plane.

IIRC there is a new IDF trainer that they refer to as the "Lavi" today. It looks like a version of the F/A-18.
View attachment 506188
it's an Italian trainer plane.
Again, I repeat, the plane above was not built by or designed by Israel, period.
The lavi in the making in its factory in Lod.
View attachment 506259
Then we have the American F-16
View attachment 506268
And the Israeli copy
View attachment 506269

Do they look alike--?
Why, why yes they do.

The Israeli Lavi shares great similarities with the F16, due to the fact that it was supposed to compete with it at the same catagory.



Dassault Rafale


Euro Fighter Typhoon




Same catagory, same size, [ nearly ]same capabilities.


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Off-topic post

I have been against Israel for a long time and then I heard that Israeli citizens were helping to find survivors in the Florida building collapse.

Israel sends help to Surfside’s Jewish community after building collapse

SURFSIDE, Fla. – Israeli President Reuven Rivlin said on Friday that he was praying for the victims of the tragedy in Miami-Dade County’s town of Surfside.

Rivlin tasked Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid with sending aid to the site of the tragedy at the Champlain Towers South and to the Jewish community.

Israel sends help to Surfside’s Jewish community after building collapse (local10.com)

Then I realized they were not there to save Americans, but Israeli citizens.

Maybe an occupant in the building had some sensitive evidence they did not want others to find.,.,then maybe not, just doing a humanitarian gesture.

We may never know.

End off topic post.

Off-topic post

I have been against Israel for a long time and then I heard that Israeli citizens were helping to find survivors in the Florida building collapse.

Israel sends help to Surfside’s Jewish community after building collapse

SURFSIDE, Fla. – Israeli President Reuven Rivlin said on Friday that he was praying for the victims of the tragedy in Miami-Dade County’s town of Surfside.

Rivlin tasked Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid with sending aid to the site of the tragedy at the Champlain Towers South and to the Jewish community.

Israel sends help to Surfside’s Jewish community after building collapse (local10.com)

Then I realized they were not there to save Americans, but Israeli citizens.

Maybe an occupant in the building had some sensitive evidence they did not want others to find.,.,then maybe not, just doing a humanitarian gesture.

We may never know.

End off topic post.

Israel sends rescue teams to help find survivors at almost every disaster in the world. Not only when it strikes Jewish communities.

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