F**** your thoughts and prayers?

Nope, completely wrong.
Wow! Who can argue with this level of logic and clarity.

May I say, in response,
I'm rubber and you're glue your poop throwing bounces off me and sticks all over you.

One must address comments to the intellectual level of the audience.
Neither do you. The KKK was Democratic before Civil Rights. Then the KKK joined the Republican party.
nope, sorry, again, you don't get to change history. never changed hands son. Been through this for forever now. stop trying to change your party stench.
Violent criminals.


What's the matter, your homey's can't get a real job so you wish to protect them in their "endeavors"?
You have dozens of violent criminals attacking you?


As a cult member in the Church of the NRA you're just following your leaders' commands?

May I suggest you avoid the kool-aid at the next party.
nope, sorry, again, you don't get to change history. never changed hands son. Been through this for forever now. stop trying to change your party stench.
Then explain why it's Republicans who now worship Robert E Lee statues and drive around with confederate flags?
Then explain why it's Republicans who now worship Robert E Lee statues and drive around with confederate flags?
What does that prove? kkk didn't exist during the civil war. funny, again, you don't know history. Robert Byrd was what party?
What does that prove? kkk didn't exist during the civil war. funny, again, you don't know history. Robert Byrd was what party?

We all know the confederate flag is what white American conservative Republican racists wave instead of swastikas.

And we all know you guys miss the antibellum days, another white racist thing your country music singers miss. Oh they miss the days of Antebellum. In other words they miss slavery.

Yes, today Republicans and KKKlansmen all defend those Robert E Lee statues because they miss those good old days.

You aren't fooling anyone with your spin.
well you're wrong. no other way to say it. Prosecutors are the issue, not so much the judges.
Some prosecutors, and in San Francisco the District Attorney was recalled and the new DA is tough. This is an example of democracy, btw.
Yes, today Republicans and KKKlansmen all defend those Robert E Lee statues because they miss those good old days.
Nope, never happened. I get your embarrassed, you should be. Name a republican kkker, I'll give you Robert Byrd, the klansman of all klansmen.
Some prosecutors, and in San Francisco the District Attorney was recalled and the new DA is tough. This is an example of democracy, btw.
good for them, what about the other demofk Prosecutors? all over the country and always where bad things are ignored by demofks. and why we have mass shootings.
Nope, never happened. I get your embarrassed, you should be. Name a republican kkker, I'll give you Robert Byrd, the klansman of all klansmen.
One thing is for sure. White Republicans in the South have always been racist. They too fought to keep slavery too. They fought with the south not against it.

But before Civil Rights, a lot of Southerners voted Democratic in the South. Then Democrats championed Civil Rights and that drove a lot of Racist white Democrats to vote Republican.

A lot of Whites vote Republican because 90% of blacks vote Democratic.

Wonder why 90% of blacks vote Democratic.
Yeah, there's a problem. Our morally rotten and depraved society. It's not he guns. I walked into Junior high in 1980 with a shotgun, broken down, for communications class. Principal was ok with it as long as long as it wasn't loaded. I walked down the hall to class with a broken down shotgun and no one hardly even noticed. The biggest worry I had was being laughed at for showing the class how to clean a gun. Most already knew.
I remember in high school when kids in pickup trucks had rifle racks in the rear window. No one thought twice about it.

And every red-blooded American boy carried a pocket knife from the age of six.

The Columbine shooters ruined it for everyone.

These are different times. There are many millions more guns on the streets.
One thing is for sure. White Republicans in the South have always been racist. They too fought to keep slavery too. They fought with the south not against it.

But before Civil Rights, a lot of Southerners voted Democratic in the South. Then Democrats championed Civil Rights and that drove a lot of Racist white Democrats to vote Republican.

A lot of Whites vote Republican because 90% of blacks vote Democratic.

Wonder why 90% of blacks vote Democratic.
Blacks are all too aware of which party HATES them.

And if they forget, all they need to do is tune in to Fox News to watch the latest episode of Blacks Behaving Badly.
One thing is for sure. White Republicans in the South have always been racist. They too fought to keep slavery too. They fought with the south not against it.

But before Civil Rights, a lot of Southerners voted Democratic in the South. Then Democrats championed Civil Rights and that drove a lot of Racist white Democrats to vote Republican.

A lot of Whites vote Republican because 90% of blacks vote Democratic.

Wonder why 90% of blacks vote Democratic.
looks like pacman just ate you.
What does that prove? kkk didn't exist during the civil war. funny, again, you don't know history. Robert Byrd was what party?

The Ku Klux Klan was founded in 1866 by ex-Confederate soldiers Frank McCord, Richard Reed, John Lester, John Kennedy, J. Calvin Jones and James Crowe in Pulaski, Tennessee.

Its first grand wizard was Nathan Bedford Forrest, an ex-Confederate general and prominent slave trader.
One thing is for sure. White Republicans in the South have always been racist. They too fought to keep slavery too. They fought with the south not against it.

But before Civil Rights, a lot of Southerners voted Democratic in the South. Then Democrats championed Civil Rights and that drove a lot of Racist white Democrats to vote Republican.

A lot of Whites vote Republican because 90% of blacks vote Democratic.

Wonder why 90% of blacks vote Democratic.

making stuff up on every one of your posts I struggle to read thru. The answer to your question is stupidity.

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