Face it, libs, Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her.

the don't put people in supermax for non-violent crimes moron ...
Send her down to Gitmo with Huma for treason, endangering national security, working with a spy - Huma, whose family is connected to terrorists and who was placed as Hillary's Intern by a Muslim currently spending time in jail for aiding and abetting terrorists...which Hillary and Barry have also done/

Thanks for the good news...

The numbers did not move after FBI Director James Comey sent a letter to Capitol Hill Friday, alerting committee chairmen of an additional review of emails related to the Clinton investigation.
and they won't move they will go up
its funny you believe this is worse then water gate ... that's funny ...
I am not alone - many are stating so today.

In simplicity, Watergate was about a President who got his hands on illegal tape recordings of political strategy by the opposition.

Hillary's scandals involve violations of classified information rules/regs/laws, an attempt to circumnavigate the laws requiring govt transparency, a violation of the FOIA and Fed Records Act, Perjury, cover-up at the HIGHEST govt level, fraud, corruption,etc..it also is dealing with Hillary Foundation crimes of bribery, pay-to-play, etc...

This is SO MUCH MORE than Watergate
Watergate did not involve personal un-authorized, illegal, unencrypted servers, multiple devices, a President using an alias to prevent anyone from knowing he knew about it all.

Watergate did not involve multiple violations of numerous rules, regulations and laws regarding having possession of, storage of, handling of, and destruction of classified information.

Watergate did not involve the Secretary of State giving access to information - according to the White House - 'so classified it could not be released in any format without causing extremely grave danger to our national security' to people who did NOT have security clearances or having that information stored in the BATHROOM of an IT company that did not have the proper security clearance to have it.

Watergate did not involve the direct unethical and potentially illegal intervention, obstruction of justice, and assisted cover up of crimes (testified to under oath) that jeopardized / jeopardizes out national security by the head of the justice Department and President of the United States.

Watergate did not involve multiple FBI investigations covering corruption, bribery, pay-to-play, etc as well.....

It's all crashing down on Hillary...WORSE THAN WATERGATE.
Trump voters are wearing red shirts....and there's no one else in line....:lol:

Sadness on you....
Hey, retard. Did anyone notify the Democrats not to wear red shirts?
Awwww.....my little handed fascist democrat friend is scared....I can't say I blame you....

Go Trump!!!!
try not to cry to hard commie when you see Hillary sworn in
I will not cry when your hitlery is processed in to a supermax child.....:lol:
the don't put people in supermax for non-violent crimes moron ... president hillary isn't going to jail, as much as you pray each day, god doesn't answer liars and haters like you
We the people will be in charge soon and will decide your hitlerys fate for treason....not you.....

Just relax and enjoy how Trump fundamentally transforms your fascist plantation....

It's funnier than funny. Trump says something that is utterly stupid in every sense and now his surrogates all have to go around repeating it and agreeing with it.
It's funnier than funny. Trump says something that is utterly stupid in every sense....

Hillary's own staff described her as 'often confused' and technology challenged. Leading Libs are saying the Clintons have horrible judgment. Yeah, Trump says some stupid things, but Hillary is corrupt, 'confused' ('I don't remember'), AND stupid...the worst combo you can have in a candidate.
Hillary is DESPERATE, fighting for her life LITERALLY...knowing if she loses the only thing that stands between her and going to jail is an Obama pardon. :p
I don't know if I'd say "stick a fork in her"

More like "it's a race now"
And if Hillary wins, we'll be treated to four years of House hearing on her "fund raising" (cough cough) for her Foundation, and if Trump wins it literally will because the FBI stole the election, which is supposed to be illegal. Sweeeeet.
I don't know if I'd say "stick a fork in her"

More like "it's a race now"
And if Hillary wins, we'll be treated to four years of House hearing on her "fund raising" (cough cough) for her Foundation, and if Trump wins it literally will because the FBI stole the election, which is supposed to be illegal. Sweeeeet.
I almost want Trump to win so we don't have to hear righties whine for another 4-8 years.
I don't know if I'd say "stick a fork in her"

More like "it's a race now"
And if Hillary wins, we'll be treated to four years of House hearing on her "fund raising" (cough cough) for her Foundation, and if Trump wins it literally will because the FBI stole the election, which is supposed to be illegal. Sweeeeet.
I almost want Trump to win so we don't have to hear righties whine for another 4-8 years.
I cannot vote for either, but at this point I hope she wins, because the effect of having the FBI literally flip an election is going to the worst thing to happen to the presidency since Watergate.

Not that Hillary isn't as crooked as Nixon was.
Boy, it sure is fun watching the retards make fools of themselves as they ASSUME things about the emails on Abedin's computer.
Standard partisan slap-fighting aside, has anyone heard anything about a timetable for actual, solid evidence to come from the FBI?
long after the election....

it took 1 year for the FBI to go thru 45000 emails,

to go through 650,000 emails at the same rate would take them 14.44 YEARS.
Standard partisan slap-fighting aside, has anyone heard anything about a timetable for actual, solid evidence to come from the FBI?
long after the election....

it took 1 year for the FBI to go thru 45000 emails,

to go through 650,000 emails at the same rate would take them 14.44 YEARS.


It's funnier than funny. Trump says something that is utterly stupid in every sense....

Hillary's own staff described her as 'often confused' and technology challenged. Leading Libs are saying the Clintons have horrible judgment. Yeah, Trump says some stupid things, but Hillary is corrupt, 'confused' ('I don't remember'), AND stupid...the worst combo you can have in a candidate.
. She has learned how to game the system and us. Just look at how she plays everyone, and then moves on once she gets what she wants.

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