Face it, libs, Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her.

Hillary is DESPERATE, fighting for her life LITERALLY...knowing if she loses the only thing that stands between her and going to jail is an Obama pardon. :p
. I copy she'll be joining the pardon or trade out list with some of the worst of the worst.
Boy, it sure is fun watching the retards make fools of themselves as they ASSUME things about the emails on Abedin's computer.
. And so your assuming someone is making fools of themselves ?? LOL
I love the way the douche bags in this forum are all putting on a brave face and pretending Hillary still has a chance to win this thing. Life is going to be hell for left wingers. The Hillary email scandal has destroyed the Dim Party for the next 50 years.

I'm going to gloat for the next 4 years.

I wish I shared your confidence.

There is no way that Hillary SHOULD be elected, but I question the integrity of the nation at large. Seriously, I cannot understand why she hasn't been arrested, there is NO rational excuse given the WikiLeaks proof of intent by her and her gang to violate federal law. Yet she still walks free, so I take nothing for granted in our banana republic.

It's funnier than funny. Trump says something that is utterly stupid in every sense and now his surrogates all have to go around repeating it and agreeing with it.
Watergate was only unprecedented(as far as we know) at the time, not some uniquely deep scandal.
Boy, it sure is fun watching the retards make fools of themselves as they ASSUME things about the emails on Abedin's computer.

Scott Adams‏@ScottAdamsSays

"Russian hackers are better than we thought. They stole Clinton's emails from the NSA, put them on Huma's laptop, and pinned it on Weiner.
And what is in those emails, ass?

Yoga classes and Chelsea wedding plans.

Uh huh

You are HOPING and ASSUMING there is something damaging.

Without any FACTS.
It's funnier than funny. Trump says something that is utterly stupid in every sense....

Hillary's own staff described her as 'often confused' and technology challenged. Leading Libs are saying the Clintons have horrible judgment. Yeah, Trump says some stupid things, but Hillary is corrupt, 'confused' ('I don't remember'), AND stupid...the worst combo you can have in a candidate.
. She has learned how to game the system and us. Just look at how she plays everyone, and then moves on once she gets what she wants.
Wow........something tells me someone has some serious baggage here
Any time anyone ASSUMES something, without any FACTS, they are making a fool of themselves.

We know you NEVER deal in facts, Guno. You have your party, which leaves no room for facts or integrity.

What excuse is there NOT to arrest your beloved Hillary? Comey claimed a lack of intent, but that damned WikiLeaks released those facts you so hate and have PROVEN intent on the part of Hillary to violate federal law. So what POSSIBLE excuse does a partisan hack democrat like you have for Hillary not being in handcuffs?
Standard partisan slap-fighting aside, has anyone heard anything about a timetable for actual, solid evidence to come from the FBI?

Hold on there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you implying that no solid evidence has come out??

Are you insinuating that all of the Trumptards around here who are posting as if they've seen everything on the laptop are mentally ill?
Standard partisan slap-fighting aside, has anyone heard anything about a timetable for actual, solid evidence to come from the FBI?
Hold on there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you implying that no solid evidence has come out?? Are you insinuating that all of the Trumptards around here who are posting as if they've seen everything on the laptop are mentally ill?
Wow, that fertile mind of yours.
The "stick a fork in her, she's done "comment is way premature...it's a knee jerk, sports fan style reaction. Just like cheer leaders react, with pom-poms in the air, when there's favorable event. My guess is unless Comey comes forth with criminal charges Hillary will pull through but Trump will gain lots of ground, just not enough. This race is truely up in the air now...to cheer a winner at this point with this current ucertanty is just foolish.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G530AZ using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
Boy, it sure is fun watching the retards make fools of themselves as they ASSUME things about the emails on Abedin's computer.
. And so your assuming someone is making fools of themselves ?? LOL
Any time anyone ASSUMES something, without any FACTS, they are making a fool of themselves.
Ditto, and the fact that your assuming that there is nothing there by your attack, uh makes you look like a fool also. LOL
Last edited:
Boy, it sure is fun watching the retards make fools of themselves as they ASSUME things about the emails on Abedin's computer.

Scott Adams‏@ScottAdamsSays

"Russian hackers are better than we thought. They stole Clinton's emails from the NSA, put them on Huma's laptop, and pinned it on Weiner.
And what is in those emails, ass?

Yoga classes and Chelsea wedding plans.

Uh huh

You are HOPING and ASSUMING there is something damaging.

Without any FACTS.
. You here attacking ASSUMES that there is nothing in the e'mails as according to you or why attack in defense of something you don't know about either ??? Or do you ??? Hmmm.
Last edited:
It's funnier than funny. Trump says something that is utterly stupid in every sense....

Hillary's own staff described her as 'often confused' and technology challenged. Leading Libs are saying the Clintons have horrible judgment. Yeah, Trump says some stupid things, but Hillary is corrupt, 'confused' ('I don't remember'), AND stupid...the worst combo you can have in a candidate.
. She has learned how to game the system and us. Just look at how she plays everyone, and then moves on once she gets what she wants.
Wow........something tells me someone has some serious baggage here[/QUOT
The "stick a fork in her, she's done "comment is way premature...it's a knee jerk, sports fan style reaction. Just like cheer leaders react, with pom-poms in the air, when there's favorable event. My guess is unless Comey comes forth with criminal charges Hillary will pull through but Trump will gain lots of ground, just not enough. This race is truely up in the air now...to cheer a winner at this point with this current ucertanty is just foolish.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G530AZ using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
. If she broke the law, Comey should bring charges immediately. Harry Reid is pure scum. How anyone can vote Democrat now is just beyond amazing.
Boy, it sure is fun watching the retards make fools of themselves as they ASSUME things about the emails on Abedin's computer.

Scott Adams‏@ScottAdamsSays

"Russian hackers are better than we thought. They stole Clinton's emails from the NSA, put them on Huma's laptop, and pinned it on Weiner.
And what is in those emails, ass?

Yoga classes and Chelsea wedding plans.

Uh huh

You are HOPING and ASSUMING there is something damaging.

Without any FACTS.

650,000 yoga email, some in a file labeled life insurance

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