‘Facebook Files’ show Biden’s administration even targeted jokes for censorship


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2022
The newly released “Facebook Files” revealed a concerted effort by the Biden administration to censor not just false information, but also true information, along with jokes that its functionaries simply found annoying.
From your article.

In January 2020, Twitter’s then-director of policy and philanthropy, Carlos Monje Jr., expressed unease about the pressure coming from the FBI. “They are probing & pushing everywhere they can (including by whispering to congressional staff),” he said.

I'm sorry, who was president in January 2020 again? It wasn't Biden.

Let me break this to you gently.

You have no "right" to use Facebook, or Twitter X, or USMB. You agree to a set of terms and conditions, and the people who run those platforms have a right to censor your posts or even ban you. I've had posts pulled for what I thought was silly reasons. I also inadvertently posted incorrect information about Kyle Rittenhouse (turns out there was another Rittenhouse who racked up a long criminal record in IL) which was pulled by Facebook. I have a friend on Facebook who regularly gets sent to "Facebook Jail" for posting anti-Trump memes.
Given how humorless and mean-spirited the dems are I can see the joke thing.

Good point. I was going to make a joke about hijacking at the airport, but the TSA has no sense of humor.

Let's get real here. The problem with Twitter X, Facebook, and the rest is that unlike the established media, there is no penalty for spreading false information, and there probably should be.
Conservative jokes are usually the mean kind. Why would you expect the target of these "jokes" to laugh along with you?
The left can't joke.....Meme either.

1 Million dead.
25 million jobs lost.
riots in the streets
Kids in cages

Um, yeah, turns out that Trump was a bigger disaster than anyone could have predicted.

It was Democraps who lied about a routine, cold/flu outbreak, massively exaggerating the claimed deaths therefrom.

It was Democraps who deliberately and maliciously used that cold/flu outbreak as an excuse to sabotage the economy, destroying all of those jobs, as well as engaging in other extremes usurpations and abuses of powers to which they had no legitimate claim.

It was Democraps who were rioting in the streets, and supporting and aiding the rioters.

It was Democraps who have refused to defend our borders, and who have also refused to allow sufficient funding to properly confine all the invaders that we've had to intercept and confine; and who have blocked efforts to send deport these invaders.

It is Democraps who are direct responsible for all the ills that you are tying to blame on Republicans.

Your side owns this, all of it.
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Let me break this to you gently.

Let me break this to you----
Freedom of speech is a god-given inalienable right, not under the purview of government to clandestinely and criminally curtail it secretly by going to private companies of social media and threatening them if they don't cooperate to curtail speech they don't like because it makes that feckless treasonous boob in the WH look bad by revealing the TRUTH about him!​

1 Million dead.
25 million jobs lost.
riots in the streets
Kids in cages

Um, yeah, turns out that Trump was a bigger disaster than anyone could have predicted.
I cannot believe how incredibly stupid you are. I mean rock-hard stupid. Hydrated-rock-hard stupid. Stupid, so stupid it goes way beyond the stupid we know into a whole different dimension of stupid.

You are trans-stupid stupid. Meta-stupid. Stupid collapsed on itself so far that even the neutrons have collapsed.

Stupid gotten so dense that no intellect can escape. Singularity stupid. Blazing hot mid-day sun on Mercury stupid.

You emit more stupid in one second than our entire galaxy emits in a year. Quasar stupid. Your writing has to be a troll. Nothing in our universe can really be this stupid.

Perhaps this is some primordial fragment from the original big bang of stupid. Some pure essence of a stupid so uncontaminated by anything else as to be beyond the laws of physics that we know. -McUzi
From your article.

In January 2020, Twitter’s then-director of policy and philanthropy, Carlos Monje Jr., expressed unease about the pressure coming from the FBI. “They are probing & pushing everywhere they can (including by whispering to congressional staff),” he said.

I'm sorry, who was president in January 2020 again? It wasn't Biden.

Let me break this to you gently.

You have no "right" to use Facebook, or Twitter X, or USMB. You agree to a set of terms and conditions, and the people who run those platforms have a right to censor your posts or even ban you. I've had posts pulled for what I thought was silly reasons. I also inadvertently posted incorrect information about Kyle Rittenhouse (turns out there was another Rittenhouse who racked up a long criminal record in IL) which was pulled by Facebook. I have a friend on Facebook who regularly gets sent to "Facebook Jail" for posting anti-Trump memes.
It was Democraps who lied about a routine, cold/flu outbreak, massively exaggerating the claimed deaths therefrom.

Republicans: Covid was an overhyped cold.
Also Republicans: Covid was a devious Communist Chinese bioweapon designed to take out President Trump.

It was Democraps who have refused to defend our borders, and who have also refused to allow sufficient funding to properly confine all the invaders that we've had to intercept and confine; and who have blocked efforts to send deport these invaders.

Yes, Bob, I realize that you are living in mortal terror that a person who isn't white and delightsome moving in next door to you.

Let me break this to you----
Freedom of speech is a god-given inalienable right, not under the purview of government to clandestinely and criminally curtail it secretly by going to private companies of social media and threatening them if they don't cooperate to curtail speech they don't like because it makes that feckless treasonous boob in the WH look bad by revealing the TRUTH about him!

1) There is no God.
2) They have already given the Social Media companies immunity that other media don't have. If you hold Facebook to the same standards of libel and slander laws that newspaper and TV are held to, they'd be out of business in a week. Twitter is probably going to be out of business in a few weeks anyway, because Musk has managed to run it into the ground letting the Nazis take over.
Yes, Bob, I realize that you are living in mortal terror that a person who isn't white and delightsome moving in next door to you.

It's funny how, when you have no argument at all to make, you fall back on calling me racist, even though I have never ever held nor expressed any option that can honestly be construed as racist; and yet you routinely express blatantly racist opinions.

I challenge you to find anything that I have written, on this forum or elsewhere where I express any opinion to the effect that anyone is better than anyone else, or that anyone deserves to be treated differently than anyone else, on the basis of race.

You won't find it, because it doesn't exist.

You, on the other hand, routinely fall back to race as an excuse for why some people just cannot help being criminals instead of human beings.

There is no God.

You'll find out otherwise, soon enough.
Good point. I was going to make a joke about hijacking at the airport, but the TSA has no sense of humor.

Let's get real here. The problem with Twitter X, Facebook, and the rest is that unlike the established media, there is no penalty for spreading false information, and there probably should be.
Impossible....truth and falsehood are far too subjective....Truth is what the party in charge says it is.
The newly released “Facebook Files” revealed a concerted effort by the Biden administration to censor not just false information, but also true information, along with jokes that its functionaries simply found annoying.
If it was anything like the Twitter Files....that sound you are hearing is a collective yawn from the English speaking world.

Hope Matt enjoyed his career while he had one.
1) There is no God.
Prove it. I'd love to see your proof.

2) They have already given the Social Media companies immunity that other media don't have. If you hold Facebook to the same standards of libel and slander laws that newspaper and TV are held to, they'd be out of business in a week. Twitter is probably going to be out of business in a few weeks anyway, because Musk has managed to run it into the ground letting the Nazis take over.
That isn't the issue at all. It is about the government using SM to oppress and selectively ban free speech because the truth does not comport well with a feckless asshole being in the office.
And if you think Twitter will be out of business in a few weeks, you're even dumber than I thought.
It's funny how, when you have no argument at all to make, you fall back on calling me racist, even though I have never ever held nor expressed any option that can honestly be construed as racist; and yet you routinely express blatantly racist opinions.

You mean other than your desire to treat people of color awfully?

You'll find out otherwise, soon enough.

Or I will just be dead... and no longer existing. The thing is, while I have a reasonable fear of death, I don't imagine sky fairies who must be obeyed. That would be you religionists.

Again, if your "God" exists, why do the vast majority of humans worship someone else?


Prove it. I'd love to see your proof.

You don't seem to understand how "proof" works. You have to prove a thing does exist, I don't have to prove it doesn't. This is why I can safely say that there are no Bigfoots, Loch Ness Monsters, UFOs, Unicorns, Fairies, or gods.

As I said, I am as worried that Amaterasu is going to want to have a talk with me about "Yellow Fever" in the after life as Jehovah wanting to talk to me about my atheism.

Which is to say... not at all.

That isn't the issue at all. It is about the government using SM to oppress and selectively ban free speech because the truth does not comport well with a feckless asshole being in the office.
And if you think Twitter will be out of business in a few weeks, you're even dumber than I thought.

Twitter was losing money before Musk paid too much for it. He might as well have taken that 44 Billion and lit it on fire in the middle of the street.

The problem wasn't the truth, the problem was that there was too much misinformation being spread about Covid, and both Trump and Biden tried to reign it in. Well, Trump's officials did, Trump was running around telling people to inject themselves with bleach.

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