Fact Check: outcry claim that Trump did not denounce white supremacists

FUCK liberal media. They have bad intentions and deliver nothing but propaganda. If there wasn't enough evidence before the Charlotte incident, there sure is now. Every story is a lie.
Too funny...Trump condemned the racists yet nothing is good enough for the snowflakes driven by hate...it never will be, so why try to appease the f*ers or pay attention to them. To do so is to legitimize them.

Trump should just be bluntly honest, which he's good at. The leftists, KKK, NAZIs and white supremacists are ALL WRONG, and the left media is FULL OF SHIT. As for the intent of the protest, it was a natural reaction to liberal chaos, hate & twisted views.
You right-nuts are quite a bunch of deniers of reality, You derps just kill me!:blahblah::laugh:
When Trump said "“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK? It’s like incredible.” He was making fun of you derps, but with your stupidity and gullibility, his insult went right over your heads. How does it feel to have your god/hero insult your intelligence and just plain common sense?:up:
Donald made a big stink about pols not saying "Islamic terrorism" . And now he refuses to condemn racist white supremacists. How can you not just dump on neonazis ?? How hard would it be to name names ?

I'm sorry Tammy but President Trump condemned ALL sides in the conflict and that INCLUDED the white supremacists! It takes TWO to tango. Get over it.

He refused to specifically denounce the racists and Nazis. The fact is that he has condemned his AG more harshly than the white supremacists. Within minutes of the Merck CEO resigning from Trump's board after Trump refused to condemn the white supremacists, Trump attacked him. During the campaign, Trump refused to condemn David Duke.
You right-nuts are quite a bunch of deniers of reality, You derps just kill me!:blahblah::laugh:
When Trump said "“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK? It’s like incredible.” He was making fun of you derps, but with your stupidity and gullibility, his insult went right over your heads. How does it feel to have your god/hero insult your intelligence and just plain common sense?:up:

Going out of context to raise something out of context huh? Nice twist.
You right-nuts are quite a bunch of deniers of reality, You derps just kill me!:blahblah::laugh:
When Trump said "“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK? It’s like incredible.” He was making fun of you derps, but with your stupidity and gullibility, his insult went right over your heads. How does it feel to have your god/hero insult your intelligence and just plain common sense?:up:
Mirror reflection: are you one of those leftist
Denying that the MSM admitted that they direct and control what you know or think you know, shaping the truth to how they want you to perceive reality or news?
"was making fun of you derps, but with your stupidity and gullibility, (the) insult went right over your heads. How does it feel to have your god/hero insult your intelligence and just plain common sense?"

In other words once again in trying to attack your opponent you managed to strike yourself instead and expose your brainwashing through media which you yourself admit is wrong and foolish
to fall for.
He refused to specifically denounce the racists and Nazis. The fact is that he has condemned his AG more harshly than the white supremacists. Within minutes of the Merck CEO resigning from Trump's board after Trump refused to condemn the white supremacists, Trump attacked him. During the campaign, Trump refused to condemn David Duke.

Look Dweeb, for one thing, I know you TOOK THOSE TALKING POINTS RIGHT OFF TELEVISION VERBATIM, so your cover has been blown. I'm sorry your favorite chew toy did not jump, twist and perform to your satisfaction, but if you knew anything, you would know that Trump has been condemning such groups for many years. Going all the way back to the 1990's, I know he said so in public interviews. All you are mad at is that Trump did not put ALL of the blame on the Nazi group as the SOLE CAUSE of the conflict, and Trump was right, ALL sides were wrong and contributed to the event.

For one thing, two of the deaths were cops who crashed some stupid helicopter they were in due to reasons so far unstated. They were flying around "monitoring the event" from the air. The Nazis had nothing to do with their death.

So it all comes down to ONE jackass with a lifelong fascination with Hitler running over and killing ONE person. That is it. From that tiny event, it has been mushroomed into a GLOBAL news story, as if this was the biggest thing we have to deal with.

Turns out the police were hardly around to keep control of the situation and it got out of their hands. The real question is why weren't they better prepared? In many cases of fighting there wasn't a cop anywhere in sight. Rumor is the police backed off just as they did in Baltimore to let the whole thing burn out on its own.

Then there are the counter-protesters who lit the match and flamed the fires to cause the violence. The Nazis weren't fighting with themselves. The Nazis have every constitutional right to be there and hold a demonstration for their beliefs. Sorry if it sucks that America's laws sometime work to protect people's rights whom most people disagree with.

BOTTOM LINE: Trump's poll number were way up after the dealings with N. Korea, turns out the way he had been handling things were going over VERY WELL; the Russian investigation is going poorly and this whole affair has now been stoked to give the Media a new chewtoy to beat Trump over the head with. It does not matter that Trump condemned this and ALL hate groups and their violence and called for peace and more togetherness the day of the event until authorities had a chance to sort out the facts as to just what happened, indeed, I even wonder if the whole affair wasn't escalated and allowed to explode just so they could use it against the President? As the Democrats have long established, they would stop at nothing to bring his poll numbers down, and any observant people would note that since the Inauguration, EVERY TIME TRUMP'S NUMBERS WERE UP, SOMETHING BAD CAME OUT OF THIN AIR TO BRING THEM RIGHT BACK DOWN AGAIN.

To listen to some of the crackpots on the Left, Trump himself killed 50 million Jews, is worse than Hitler himself and doesn't even deserve to live! As usual, the media and public are being played like a fiddle by the Radical Left.
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Because Socialists like propaganda, controling the media, cheating and controling elections (which the DNC did do even though they failed the outcome), and demonizing and jailing their opponents.
We need to officially remove the Democrat party name and tell it as it is,
The Socialist Party.
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Isn't it strange that while so many in the media are jumping all over Trump for not denouncing the Nazi's the day of the car killing by one of their members saying that he needed to get the facts in and are calling him a Nazi sympathizer, that NO ONE remembers that Obama did the EXACT SAME THING during the Charleston Church Shootings where NINE people were gunned down by a crazed Leftist! Not only did Obama not denounce the guy, he said the same thing, that he needed to get the facts in first but that did not stop him from trying to turn it into an anti-gun message instead, that it was the gun's fault!

Nor has anyone noted that during the Nazi rally violence, that not only did a huge counter-protest come in there to stir things up, not only was the police largely absent during the violence, but SURPRISE! The area is run by:

MAYOR OF Charlottesville: DEMOCRAT Michael Signer

GOVERNOR OF Virginia: DEMOCRAT Terry McAuliffe and long time friend and campaign helper of the Clintons.
Donald Trump on Charlottesville: "We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides."

Donald Trump on the German invasion of Poland and the allied response: "We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides."
You are right.

Trump should have just said that Antifa is to blame for everything.
Fact check - Trump's latest position is that there is no moral difference between supporting white supremacy and opposing it.
And Trump is supposed to spend a lot of time on some legal gathering, which turned out wrong, as the far leftists wouldn't leave it be?

Yeah no time for tending to problems in the country when theres golf to be played and TV to be watched.
Trump can point and say "radical islamic terrorists" in a heartbeat .. but he cant bring himself to point and say " white supremacist" for two reasons ..

1) He is a "white supremacist"

2) they voted for him and he cant afford to offend them

and there you have it ..

Once again, you can't label all the
DIFFERENT individual people AND GROUPS
By one blanket term "white supremacist" without harming the image of a town and
it's people. Especially
How would you like being called
a white supremacist because you gathered at a Nascar track which had a high number of em or by just calling Obama a liar?

Besides you don't speak of a name you
don't want to legitimize or give respect to by mentioning, why do you think Christian preachers skip Dan 12:1 and skip right to
Dan 12:2 when reading the chapter to their congregation? ;-)
Sorry dude ... those NASCAR fans are whacked out.
Sorry dude ... those NASCAR fans are whacked out.
Why because they too go left, left left, another left, and left again...so far left they go..that's just whack isn't it? *LOL*

By the way regarding your support of NYCARBINEER's other post, context of blaming both violent groups has to do with the event context & nothing to do with comparing the 2 groups. Furthermore according to MSM and Wolf Blitzer the radicals can't be hateful & violent, because they swore those words used by Trump did not address the radical groups. You canct have it both ways, you have to admit those words did address the hate and violent groups of the Klan and Neo Nazis and by adding the anti gov't people who are violent around the world was being intellectually honest, something liberals have trouble doing.
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