Faith in JESUS Saves You not Obeying Old Testment Law

BELIEVERS=18 Let me say this, then, speaking for the Lord: Live no longer as the unsaved do, for they are blinded and confused. Their closed hearts are full of darkness; they are far away from the life of God because they have shut their minds against him, and they cannot understand his ways. 19 They don’t care anymore about right and wrong and have given themselves over to impure ways. They stop at nothing, being driven by their evil minds and reckless lusts.

20 But that isn’t the way Christ taught you! 21 If you have really heard his voice and learned from him the truths concerning himself, 22 then throw off your old evil nature—the old you that was a partner in your evil ways—rotten through and through, full of lust and sham.

23 Now your attitudes and thoughts must all be constantly changing for the better. 24 Yes, you must be a new and different person, holy and good. Clothe yourself with this new nature.
Ephesians 4:17-23
BELIEVERS=Follow God’s example in everything you do just as a much loved child imitates his father. 2 Be full of love for others, following the example of Christ who loved you and gave himself to God as a sacrifice to take away your sins. And God was pleased, for Christ’s love for you was like sweet perfume to him.

3 Let there be no sex sin, impurity or greed among you. Let no one be able to accuse you of any such things. 4 Dirty stories, foul talk, and coarse jokes—these are not for you. Instead, remind each other of God’s goodness, and be thankful.

5 You can be sure of this: The Kingdom of Christ and of God will never belong to anyone who is impure or greedy, for a greedy person is really an idol worshiper—he loves and worships the good things of this life more than God. 6 Don’t be fooled by those who try to excuse these sins, for the terrible wrath of God is upon all those who do them. 7 Don’t even associate with such people. 8 For though once your heart was full of darkness, now it is full of light from the Lord, and your behavior should show it! 9 Because of this light within you, you should do only what is good and right and true.

10 Learn as you go along what pleases the Lord.[a] 11 Take no part in the worthless pleasures of evil and darkness, but instead, rebuke and expose them. 12 It would be shameful even to mention here those pleasures of darkness that the ungodly do. 13 But when you expose them, the light shines in upon their sin and shows it up, and when they see how wrong they really are, some of them may even become children of light! 14 That is why God says in the Scriptures, “Awake, O sleeper, and rise up from the dead; and Christ shall give you light.”

15-16 So be careful how you act; these are difficult days. Don’t be fools; be wise: make the most of every opportunity you have for doing good. 17 Don’t act thoughtlessly, but try to find out and do whatever the Lord wants you to. 18 Don’t drink too much wine, for many evils lie along that path; be filled instead with the Holy Spirit and controlled by him.
Ephesians 5:1-18
BELIVERS=Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand safe against all strategies and tricks of Satan. 12 For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against persons without bodies—the evil rulers of the unseen world, those mighty satanic beings and great evil princes of darkness who rule this world; and against huge numbers of wicked spirits in the spirit world.

13 So use every piece of God’s armor to resist the enemy whenever he attacks, and when it is all over, you will still be standing up.

14 But to do this, you will need the strong belt of truth and the breastplate of God’s approval. 15 Wear shoes that are able to speed you on as you preach the Good News of peace with God. 16 In every battle you will need faith as your shield to stop the fiery arrows aimed at you by Satan. 17 And you will need the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit—which is the Word of God.

18 Pray all the time. Ask God for anything in line with the Holy Spirit’s wishes. Plead with him, reminding him of your needs, and keep praying earnestly for all Christians everywhere. 19 Pray for me, too, and ask God to give me the right words as I boldly tell others about the Lord and as I explain to them that his salvation is for the Gentiles too. 20 I am in chains now for preaching this message from God. But pray that I will keep on speaking out boldly for him even here in prison, as I should.

21 Tychicus, who is a much-loved brother and faithful helper in the Lord’s work, will tell you all about how I am getting along. 22 I am sending him to you for just this purpose: to let you know how we are and be encouraged by his report.

23 May God give peace to you, my Christian brothers, and love, with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 24 May God’s grace and blessing be upon all who sincerely love our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 6:11-24
Faith in JESUS Saves You not Obeying Old Testment Law==CHOSE T0 PLACE YOUR FAITH IN JESUS==a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law; for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified. Galations 2:16
==BELIEVERS! We now live under the new covenant not under old testment law. PTL.=======If we could be saved by his laws, then God would not have had to give us a different way to get out of the grip of sin—for the Scriptures insist we are all its prisoners. The only way out is through faith in Jesus Christ; the way of escape is open to all who believe him.

23 Until Christ came we were guarded by the law, kept in protective custody, so to speak, until we could believe in the coming Savior.

24 Let me put it another way. The Jewish laws were our teacher and guide until Christ came to give us right standing with God through our faith. 25 But now that Christ has come, we don’t need those laws any longer to guard us and lead us to him. 26 For now we are all children of God through faith in Jesus Christ, 27 and we who have been baptized into union with Christ are enveloped by him. 28 We are no longer Jews or Greeks or slaves or free men or even merely men or women, but we are all the same—we are Christians; we are one in Christ Jesus. 29 And now that we are Christ’s we are the true descendants of Abraham, and all of God’s promises to him belong to us.
Galations 3:21-29

Saved is a christer goyim concept not found in the Hebrew bible, it was made up concept by semi literate goyim

Then why did Jonah preach in Nineveh?
Read this and thought of you

There’s no hell mentioned in the Old Testament. The punishment of the dead is not specified there. It’s only with gentle Jesus, meek and mild, that the idea of eternal torture for minor transgressions is introduced.” – Christopher Hitchens

Dear [MENTION=11281]sealybobo[/MENTION] even without depending on any such Biblical hell after death,
even during life there are people trapped in spiritual hellish suffering
* war is hell
* suffering cycles of abuse or addiction, oppression and poverty is living in hell for some
* going through the justice or prison system is some people's hell

These are still caused by "unforgiveness" and past conflicts repeating.
So that is the equivalent of hell -- collective suffering from past wrongs not resolved
but which repeat by unforgiveness and retribution where people suffer in fear

This suffering does exist, and collectively the sum of all such experiences
can be interpreted as the equivalent of hell

How is poverty in Africa or even America caused by unforgiveness?

When poverty is caused by conflict that is generations old, it's a result of a lack of forgiveness.
BELIEVERS=You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.
Though he was God,
he did not think of equality with God
as something to cling to.
Instead, he gave up his divine privileges;
he took the humble position of a slave
and was born as a human being.
When he appeared in human form,
he humbled himself in obedience to God
and died a criminal’s death on a cross.
Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor
and gave him the name above all other names,
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.
Philippians 2:5-11
BELIEVERS=Watch out for those dogs, those people who do evil, those mutilators who say you must be circumcised (AND FOLLOW JEWISH LAWS)to be saved. 3 For we who worship by the Spirit of God are the ones who are truly circumcised. We rely on what Christ Jesus has done for us. We put no confidence in human effort, 4 though I could have confidence in my own effort if anyone could. Indeed, if others have reason for confidence in their own efforts, I have even more!

5 I was circumcised when I was eight days old. I am a pure-blooded citizen of Israel and a member of the tribe of Benjamin—a real Hebrew if there ever was one! I was a member of the Pharisees, who demand the strictest obedience to the Jewish law. 6 I was so zealous that I harshly persecuted the church. And as for righteousness, I obeyed the law without fault.

7 I once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done. 8 Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ 9 and become one with him. I no longer count on my own righteousness through obeying the law; rather, I become righteous through faith in Christ.For God’s way of making us right with himself depends on faith. 10 I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead. I want to suffer with him, sharing in his death, 11 so that one way or another I will experience the resurrection from the dead!
Philippians 3:2-11
PAUL SAYS TO BELIEVERS=I AM Pressing toward the Goal
12 I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me. 13 No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.

15 Let all who are spiritually mature agree on these things. If you disagree on some point, I believe God will make it plain to you. 16 But we must hold on to the progress we have already made.

17 Dear brothers and sisters, pattern your lives after mine, and learn from those who follow our example. 18 For I have told you often before, and I say it again with tears in my eyes, that there are many whose conduct shows they are really enemies of the cross of Christ. 19 They are headed for destruction. Their god is their appetite, they brag about shameful things, and they think only about this life here on earth. 20 But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Savior. 21 He will take our weak mortal bodies and change them into glorious bodies like his own, using the same power with which he will bring everything under his control.
Philippians 3:12-21
The Torah was given to the Jewish people as a sacred covenant not the goyim now matter what the goyim claim or how many goyim bibles they write or how they want to make it so. Judaism and the religion of the goyim have nothing in common other then christians include jewish scripture in their "bible" Mosses didn't not bring own the commandments 613 of them and give then to the goyim as it does not pertain to them.

There are two sorts of law: there is the covenant at Sinai, which God made with the Jews (and the other Israelites, the ancestors of the Northern Kingdom) to define the role of Jews in His plan. All Judaism asks of Jews is to follow the teachings of God as given in that covenant (as understood by their particular movement)—for the traditional Jew, this means to follow the laws given in the written and oral Torah.

The Christian belief that atonement can only be effected through Jesus runs counter to the provisions for atonement prescribed in the Jewish Scriptures. First and foremost, God, and no one else, provides the means of reconciliation and fellowship (2 Chronicles 7:14), which precludes any claim for atonement through the death of Jesus. In contrast to the Christian concept that man is hopelessly entrapped in sin, the Jewish Scriptures provide ample testimony that although man may have an inclination towards evil (Genesis 8:21) the means of personal reconciliation with God are always at hand (e.g. Psalms 51:16-19, Jeremiah 29:13).

There is an iconic and painful story told of the prosecution of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem in 1961. Eichmann was the highest official in the Nazi hierarchy who was brought to trial after the war. His crimes were historic in their wickedness. The tales of horror that unfolded during the proceedings remain etched in the collective conscience of humanity. After he was condemned to death, a Christian pastor asked the Israeli court for permission to see him and encourage him to repent.

Do you mean, one of the justices asked incredulously, that if Eichmann accepts Jesus he will go to heaven, and yet all his Jewish victims will go to hell?

That, replied the pastor, is the miracle of salvation.

(the piece of fecal matter goyim "pastor" should have been "taken out" right there in the Israeli court room)
The Torah was given to the Jewish people as a sacred covenant not the goyim now matter what the goyim claim or how many goyim bibles they write or how they want to make it so. Judaism and the religion of the goyim have nothing in common other then christians include jewish scripture in their "bible" Mosses didn't not bring own the commandments 613 of them and give then to the goyim as it does not pertain to them.

There are two sorts of law: there is the covenant at Sinai, which God made with the Jews (and the other Israelites, the ancestors of the Northern Kingdom) to define the role of Jews in His plan. All Judaism asks of Jews is to follow the teachings of God as given in that covenant (as understood by their particular movement)—for the traditional Jew, this means to follow the laws given in the written and oral Torah.

The Christian belief that atonement can only be effected through Jesus runs counter to the provisions for atonement prescribed in the Jewish Scriptures. First and foremost, God, and no one else, provides the means of reconciliation and fellowship (2 Chronicles 7:14), which precludes any claim for atonement through the death of Jesus. In contrast to the Christian concept that man is hopelessly entrapped in sin, the Jewish Scriptures provide ample testimony that although man may have an inclination towards evil (Genesis 8:21) the means of personal reconciliation with God are always at hand (e.g. Psalms 51:16-19, Jeremiah 29:13).

There is an iconic and painful story told of the prosecution of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem in 1961. Eichmann was the highest official in the Nazi hierarchy who was brought to trial after the war. His crimes were historic in their wickedness. The tales of horror that unfolded during the proceedings remain etched in the collective conscience of humanity. After he was condemned to death, a Christian pastor asked the Israeli court for permission to see him and encourage him to repent.

Do you mean, one of the justices asked incredulously, that if Eichmann accepts Jesus he will go to heaven, and yet all his Jewish victims will go to hell?

That, replied the pastor, is the miracle of salvation.

(the piece of fecal matter goyim "pastor" should have been "taken out" right there in the Israeli court room)

According to the Hebrew Scriptures, the only animals permitted for sacrificial purposes are those that have split hooves and chew their cud. The carcass of an unclean animal deFILEs (Leviticus 11:26). On these grounds alone, human beings are disqualified for sacrificial purposes. Yeshu, as a human being, was unfit for sacrificial purposes.

An animal blood atonement offering must be physically unblemished (Leviticus 22:18-25). According to the goyim evangelists, Yeshu was physically abused prior to his execution (Matthew 27:26, Mark 15:15, John 19:1; John 20:25; Matthew 27:29, Mark 15:17, John 19:2). According to Paul, yeshus’ circumcision constituted “mutilation” (Philippians 3:2) and is likened to “castration” (Galatians 5:12). As a result, yeshu would again be disqualified as a valid sacrifice.

The goyim bibles claim that yeshus’ death was “one sacrifice for sin for all time” (Hebrews 10:12) is not supported by the Hebrew Scriptures. Mere death, no matter what was the extent of the preceding violence or pain, does not satisfy the biblical requirements for those times when a blood atonement sacrifice is offered. In a blood atonement offering the animal (clean species and unblemished) must actually die as a result of blood loss. That is why it is called “a blood atonement sacrifice.”

yeshu (unclean human species and blemished) did not die within the Temple precinct, at the hands of an Aaronic priest, or through the shedding of blood. yeshuss’ blood was not sprinkled on the altar by the Aaronic high priest (Leviticus 16:18-19). Animal sacrifice, offered as a blood atonement, must conform to the biblical guidelines set down in Leviticus 17:11: (a) Bloodshed (by means of shechitah–Deuteronomy 12:21), (b) Given solely to the Jewish people, (c) Blood sprinkled upon the Temple altar.

yeshus’ humanity, the physical state of his body, and the manner of his death (crucifixion) do not satisfy any blood atonement provisions found in the Hebrew Scriptures.
The Torah was given to the Jewish people as a sacred covenant not the goyim now matter what the goyim claim or how many goyim bibles they write or how they want to make it so. Judaism and the religion of the goyim have nothing in common other then christians include jewish scripture in their "bible" Mosses didn't not bring own the commandments 613 of them and give then to the goyim as it does not pertain to them.

There are two sorts of law: there is the covenant at Sinai, which God made with the Jews (and the other Israelites, the ancestors of the Northern Kingdom) to define the role of Jews in His plan. All Judaism asks of Jews is to follow the teachings of God as given in that covenant (as understood by their particular movement)—for the traditional Jew, this means to follow the laws given in the written and oral Torah.

The Christian belief that atonement can only be effected through Jesus runs counter to the provisions for atonement prescribed in the Jewish Scriptures. First and foremost, God, and no one else, provides the means of reconciliation and fellowship (2 Chronicles 7:14), which precludes any claim for atonement through the death of Jesus. In contrast to the Christian concept that man is hopelessly entrapped in sin, the Jewish Scriptures provide ample testimony that although man may have an inclination towards evil (Genesis 8:21) the means of personal reconciliation with God are always at hand (e.g. Psalms 51:16-19, Jeremiah 29:13).

There is an iconic and painful story told of the prosecution of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem in 1961. Eichmann was the highest official in the Nazi hierarchy who was brought to trial after the war. His crimes were historic in their wickedness. The tales of horror that unfolded during the proceedings remain etched in the collective conscience of humanity. After he was condemned to death, a Christian pastor asked the Israeli court for permission to see him and encourage him to repent.

Do you mean, one of the justices asked incredulously, that if Eichmann accepts Jesus he will go to heaven, and yet all his Jewish victims will go to hell?

That, replied the pastor, is the miracle of salvation.

(the piece of fecal matter goyim "pastor" should have been "taken out" right there in the Israeli court room)

According to the Hebrew Scriptures, the only animals permitted for sacrificial purposes are those that have split hooves and chew their cud. The carcass of an unclean animal deFILEs (Leviticus 11:26). On these grounds alone, human beings are disqualified for sacrificial purposes. Yeshu, as a human being, was unfit for sacrificial purposes.

An animal blood atonement offering must be physically unblemished (Leviticus 22:18-25). According to the goyim evangelists, Yeshu was physically abused prior to his execution (Matthew 27:26, Mark 15:15, John 19:1; John 20:25; Matthew 27:29, Mark 15:17, John 19:2). According to Paul, yeshus’ circumcision constituted “mutilation” (Philippians 3:2) and is likened to “castration” (Galatians 5:12). As a result, yeshu would again be disqualified as a valid sacrifice.

The goyim bibles claim that yeshus’ death was “one sacrifice for sin for all time” (Hebrews 10:12) is not supported by the Hebrew Scriptures. Mere death, no matter what was the extent of the preceding violence or pain, does not satisfy the biblical requirements for those times when a blood atonement sacrifice is offered. In a blood atonement offering the animal (clean species and unblemished) must actually die as a result of blood loss. That is why it is called “a blood atonement sacrifice.”

yeshu (unclean human species and blemished) did not die within the Temple precinct, at the hands of an Aaronic priest, or through the shedding of blood. yeshuss’ blood was not sprinkled on the altar by the Aaronic high priest (Leviticus 16:18-19). Animal sacrifice, offered as a blood atonement, must conform to the biblical guidelines set down in Leviticus 17:11: (a) Bloodshed (by means of shechitah–Deuteronomy 12:21), (b) Given solely to the Jewish people, (c) Blood sprinkled upon the Temple altar.

yeshus’ humanity, the physical state of his body, and the manner of his death (crucifixion) do not satisfy any blood atonement provisions found in the Hebrew Scriptures.

Thus the yeshu story was easily sold to the pagan goyim as they ha no knowledge of Torah
Christ is the visible image of the invisible God.
He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation,[e]

for through him God created everything
in the heavenly realms and on earth.
He made the things we can see
and the things we can’t see—
such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world.
Everything was created through him and for him.

He existed before anything else,
and he holds all creation together.

Christ is also the head of the church,
which is his body.
He is the beginning,
supreme over all who rise from the dead.
So he is first in everything.

For God in all his fullness
was pleased to live in Christ,

and through him God reconciled
everything to himself.
He made peace with everything in heaven and on earth
by means of Christ’s blood on the cross.

21 This includes you who were once far away from God. You were his enemies, separated from him by your evil thoughts and actions. 22 Yet now he has reconciled you to himself through the death of Christ in his physical body. As a result, he has brought you into his own presence, and you are holy and blameless as you stand before him without a single fault.

23 But you must continue to believe this truth and stand firmly in it. Don’t drift away from the assurance you received when you heard the Good News. The Good News has been preached all over the world, and I, Paul, have been appointed as God’s servant to proclaim it.
The Bible was written a long time ago.

Seems to me that Jesus and his Dad have given us the wisdom and guidance to revise some of it in our minds and laws, to reflect a more enlightened attitude from above to suit the modern world.
The Bible was written a long time ago.

Seems to me that Jesus and his Dad have given us the wisdom and guidance to revise some of it in our minds and laws, to reflect a more enlightened attitude from above to suit the modern world.

DREAM ON!!! GOD'S WORD IS ETERNAL LIVING UNCHANGING TRUTH Believe it or you will believe satabn's lies!!! your choice!
The Torah was given to the Jewish people as a sacred covenant not the goyim now matter what the goyim claim or how many goyim bibles they write or how they want to make it so. Judaism and the religion of the goyim have nothing in common other then christians include jewish scripture in their "bible" Mosses didn't not bring own the commandments 613 of them and give then to the goyim as it does not pertain to them.

There are two sorts of law: there is the covenant at Sinai, which God made with the Jews (and the other Israelites, the ancestors of the Northern Kingdom) to define the role of Jews in His plan. All Judaism asks of Jews is to follow the teachings of God as given in that covenant (as understood by their particular movement)—for the traditional Jew, this means to follow the laws given in the written and oral Torah.

The Christian belief that atonement can only be effected through Jesus runs counter to the provisions for atonement prescribed in the Jewish Scriptures. First and foremost, God, and no one else, provides the means of reconciliation and fellowship (2 Chronicles 7:14), which precludes any claim for atonement through the death of Jesus. In contrast to the Christian concept that man is hopelessly entrapped in sin, the Jewish Scriptures provide ample testimony that although man may have an inclination towards evil (Genesis 8:21) the means of personal reconciliation with God are always at hand (e.g. Psalms 51:16-19, Jeremiah 29:13).

There is an iconic and painful story told of the prosecution of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem in 1961. Eichmann was the highest official in the Nazi hierarchy who was brought to trial after the war. His crimes were historic in their wickedness. The tales of horror that unfolded during the proceedings remain etched in the collective conscience of humanity. After he was condemned to death, a Christian pastor asked the Israeli court for permission to see him and encourage him to repent.

Do you mean, one of the justices asked incredulously, that if Eichmann accepts Jesus he will go to heaven, and yet all his Jewish victims will go to hell?

That, replied the pastor, is the miracle of salvation.

(the piece of fecal matter goyim "pastor" should have been "taken out" right there in the Israeli court room)

According to the Hebrew Scriptures, the only animals permitted for sacrificial purposes are those that have split hooves and chew their cud. The carcass of an unclean animal deFILEs (Leviticus 11:26). On these grounds alone, human beings are disqualified for sacrificial purposes. Yeshu, as a human being, was unfit for sacrificial purposes.

An animal blood atonement offering must be physically unblemished (Leviticus 22:18-25). According to the goyim evangelists, Yeshu was physically abused prior to his execution (Matthew 27:26, Mark 15:15, John 19:1; John 20:25; Matthew 27:29, Mark 15:17, John 19:2). According to Paul, yeshus’ circumcision constituted “mutilation” (Philippians 3:2) and is likened to “castration” (Galatians 5:12). As a result, yeshu would again be disqualified as a valid sacrifice.

The goyim bibles claim that yeshus’ death was “one sacrifice for sin for all time” (Hebrews 10:12) is not supported by the Hebrew Scriptures. Mere death, no matter what was the extent of the preceding violence or pain, does not satisfy the biblical requirements for those times when a blood atonement sacrifice is offered. In a blood atonement offering the animal (clean species and unblemished) must actually die as a result of blood loss. That is why it is called “a blood atonement sacrifice.”

yeshu (unclean human species and blemished) did not die within the Temple precinct, at the hands of an Aaronic priest, or through the shedding of blood. yeshuss’ blood was not sprinkled on the altar by the Aaronic high priest (Leviticus 16:18-19). Animal sacrifice, offered as a blood atonement, must conform to the biblical guidelines set down in Leviticus 17:11: (a) Bloodshed (by means of shechitah–Deuteronomy 12:21), (b) Given solely to the Jewish people, (c) Blood sprinkled upon the Temple altar.

yeshus’ humanity, the physical state of his body, and the manner of his death (crucifixion) do not satisfy any blood atonement provisions found in the Hebrew Scriptures.

Thus the yeshu story was easily sold to the pagan goyim as they ha no knowledge of Torah

Until the Council of Nicaea in 325 Jesus was viewed by his followers as a mortal prophet…a great and powerful man, but a man nonetheless, mortal

Jesus’ establishment as the ‘Son of God’ was officially proposed and voted on by the Council of Nicaea in 325 BCE… :eek:

And it was a relatively close vote at that...Nonetheless, establishing Christ's divinity was critical to Constantine for the further unification of the Roman empire and to the new Vatican power base. It was all about power...Christ as Messiah was critical to the functioning of Church and state. To re-write history Constantine knew he would need a bold stroke, so the earlier gospels were outlawed, gathered up and burned. The modern Church's desire to suppress these documents come from a since belief in their established view of their Christ.
Thank you [MENTION=43287]hobelim[/MENTION]

How can we help GISMYS as our brother in Christ
to resolve whatever issue causes him to preach out this way.

He said he did not want to "change his ways to please man"
but wanted to make sure he is "speaking true to God's word"

I tried to explain this isn't "changing to please man".
How would you explain how the spirit of the message is being lost
in how he preaches this way?

I thought it could be a forgiveness issue causing him to project on others.
Can you ask him what it is that he really seeks to achieve so
we can help him share that message in agreement, not in adversity? Thank you!

No, I have no need to ask why Gisms acts this way, I already know. Hes' lost his mind and couldn't answer truthfully if he tried. Don't be fooled by his claims of faith. He would sooner watch you get dragged away to a dungeon or be burned at the stake or nailed to a cross than to admit you are right about something and he is wrong. He claims to believe in the lies of some despicable false preacher and as a consequence has become a false person, dead to himself and others: a demon, a ghoul, a golem.

He fell for that ancient lie of the talking serpent in the fairy tale that one can set aside the laws of God and not die but instead will become like God and live forever...

The only reason that I respond to gism at all is that some people watching might come to learn that standing guard over the purity of ones own mind is a matter of life and death by seeing with their own eyes the terrible consequences for filling your mind with garbage and perceive the wisdom of God in giving the law which prohibits eating the vile and contaminating flesh of any unclean creature that does not ruminate.

If anyone doubts the power of death consequent to sin all they have to do is read gisms posts and try to reason with him about his claims of being the son of the almighty make believe trinity that became a man who is about to float up into the sky ANY MINUTE and rule the earth for all eternity and they will believe.
Last edited:
Thank you [MENTION=43287]hobelim[/MENTION]

How can we help GISMYS as our brother in Christ
to resolve whatever issue causes him to preach out this way.

He said he did not want to "change his ways to please man"
but wanted to make sure he is "speaking true to God's word"

I tried to explain this isn't "changing to please man".
How would you explain how the spirit of the message is being lost
in how he preaches this way?

I thought it could be a forgiveness issue causing him to project on others.
Can you ask him what it is that he really seeks to achieve so
we can help him share that message in agreement, not in adversity? Thank you!

No, I have no need to ask why Gisms acts this way, I already know. Hes' lost his mind and couldn't answer truthfully if he tried. Don't be fooled by his claims of faith. He would sooner watch you get dragged away to a dungeon or be burned at the stake or nailed to a cross than to admit you are right about something and he is wrong. He claims to believe in the lies of some despicable false preacher and as a consequence has become a false person, dead to himself and others: a demon, a ghoul, a golem.

He fell for that ancient lie of the talking serpent in the fairy tale that one can set aside the laws of God and not die but instead will become like God and live forever...

The only reason that I respond to gism at all is that some people watching might come to learn that standing guard over the purity of ones own mind is a matter of life and death by seeing with their own eyes the terrible consequences for filling your mind with garbage and perceive the wisdom of God in giving the law which prohibits eating the vile and contaminating flesh of any unclean creature that does not ruminate.

If anyone doubts the power of death consequent to sin all they have to do is read gisms posts and try to reason with him about his claims of being the son of the almighty make believe trinity that became a man who is about to float up into the sky ANY MINUTE and rule the earth for all eternity and they will believe.

BELIEVERS KNOW THE FREEDOM WEHAVE UNDER THE NEW COVENANT!!= That is the way it was with us before Christ came. We were slaves to Jewish laws and rituals, for we thought they could save us. 4 But when the right time came, the time God decided on, he sent his Son, born of a woman, born as a Jew, 5 to buy freedom for us who were slaves to the law so that he could adopt us as his very own sons. 6 And because we are his sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, so now we can rightly speak of God as our dear Father. 7 Now we are no longer slaves but God’s own sons. And since we are his sons, everything he has belongs to us, for that is the way God planned.

8 Before you Gentiles knew God you were slaves to so-called gods that did not even exist. 9 And now that you have found God (or I should say, now that God has found you), how can it be that you want to go back again and become slaves once more to another poor, weak, useless religion of trying to get to heaven by obeying God’s laws? 10 You are trying to find favor with God by what you do or don’t do on certain days or months or seasons or years. 11 I fear for you. I am afraid that all my hard work for you was worth nothing.
BELIEVERS KNOW THE FREEDOM WEHAVE UNDER THE NEW COVENANT!!= That is the way it was with us before Christ came. We were slaves to Jewish laws and rituals, for we thought they could save us. 4 But when the right time came, the time God decided on, he sent his Son, born of a woman, born as a Jew, 5 to buy freedom for us who were slaves to the law so that he could adopt us as his very own sons. 6 And because we are his sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, so now we can rightly speak of God as our dear Father. 7 Now we are no longer slaves but God’s own sons. And since we are his sons, everything he has belongs to us, for that is the way God planned.

8 Before you Gentiles knew God you were slaves to so-called gods that did not even exist. 9 And now that you have found God (or I should say, now that God has found you), how can it be that you want to go back again and become slaves once more to another poor, weak, useless religion of trying to get to heaven by obeying God’s laws? 10 You are trying to find favor with God by what you do or don’t do on certain days or months or seasons or years. 11 I fear for you. I am afraid that all my hard work for you was worth nothing.

some of us ARE believers... but not in anything a nutbar like you would believe in.

again, seek help


Faith in JESUS Saves You not Obeying Old Testment Law==CHOSE T0 PLACE YOUR FAITH IN JESUS==a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law; for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified. Galations 2:16
==BELIEVERS! We now live under the new covenant not under old testment law. PTL.=======If we could be saved by his laws, then God would not have had to give us a different way to get out of the grip of sin—for the Scriptures insist we are all its prisoners. The only way out is through faith in Jesus Christ; the way of escape is open to all who believe him.

23 Until Christ came we were guarded by the law, kept in protective custody, so to speak, until we could believe in the coming Savior.

24 Let me put it another way. The Jewish laws were our teacher and guide until Christ came to give us right standing with God through our faith. 25 But now that Christ has come, we don’t need those laws any longer to guard us and lead us to him. 26 For now we are all children of God through faith in Jesus Christ, 27 and we who have been baptized into union with Christ are enveloped by him. 28 We are no longer Jews or Greeks or slaves or free men or even merely men or women, but we are all the same—we are Christians; we are one in Christ Jesus. 29 And now that we are Christ’s we are the true descendants of Abraham, and all of God’s promises to him belong to us.
Galations 3:21-29

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