Faither/Daughter prosecuted for having sex

If it was not so mentally damaging for the daughter then I could care less if there were no children conceived. If people think this just started happening then they are naive. What normal 23 year old wants to be intimate with her 51 year old father? For that matter what 51 year old father would be so selfish as to mess his daughters life up like this?
Pretending to not know what the OP is about? To not know the accusation was consenting should include incest if consenting includes gay couples?

The accusation laid by the crusading christian religious right is that if gays get marriage all hell will break loose and people, like you will demand legality of animal sex, incest, and other vile sex acts. I assume that you are merely trying to attack the gays by supporting incest as the same as letting gays get married.

Not at all. I'm saying that the rules have changed. Two consenting adults is okay. Doesn't matter if they are incestuous, homosexual, polygamous, etc. As long as they are consenting adults, we should have no problem with it. How can gay sex be moral and incest be immoral? the Bible actually speaks out against homosexuals, but Lot slept with is daughters. Seems to me, if one is now legal and there is nothing wrong with it, the other should also be legal and nothing wrong with it, as long as they are adults.

AND FYI, I'm all in favor now of gay marriage although until recently I was on the fence. I wasn't sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing for society but I've since been convinced, what the heck? It doesn't hurt anybody. Besides, now that it's legal for them to marry, at least in my state, maybe they'll quit being so darn public about it. And FYI, I'm against heterosexuals marching 1/2 naked or naked in the streets and french kissing in public also.
The accusation laid by the crusading christian religious right is that if gays get marriage all hell will break loose and people, like you will demand legality of animal sex, incest, and other vile sex acts. I assume that you are merely trying to attack the gays by supporting incest as the same as letting gays get married.

Not at all. <Liar, you are doing(on purpose) EXACTLY WHAT I SAID YOU are doing> I'm saying that the rules have changed. <Liar> they have not changed it's still not legal to get a marriage license and have it recognized by this country. Two consenting adults is okay. <Liar> It's not just consent there has to be a legal basis for consent. Doesn't matter if they are incestuous, homosexual, polygamous, etc. <Liar> it's a matter of law that it does matter. If you want to say in your opinion learn to say, "in my opinion." As long as they are consenting adults, we should have no problem with it. <Liar> again they have to be able to provide consent, consent is not permission to break the law. How can gay sex be moral and incest be immoral? Because two gay folk are both consenting adults and the act of incest obviates consent. Again, a 5year old can't consent to sex any more than a child of a parent can to have sex with the parent, it's against the damn law. the Bible actually speaks out against homosexuals, but Lot slept with is daughters. <Liar>there was one ancient jewish law against gays, right next to the one about eating pork. Lot was asleep and you missed the whole point about it being wrong. You are just making shit up. Seems to me, if one is now legal and there is nothing wrong with it, the other should also be legal and nothing wrong with it, as long as they are adults. Again your argument amounts to if two people can have sex then rape, murder and all other manner of evils in the world should be legal.

AND FYI, I'm all in favor now of gay marriage although until recently I was on the fence. I wasn't sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing for society but I've since been convinced, what the heck? It doesn't hurt anybody. Besides, now that it's legal for them to marry, at least in my state, maybe they'll quit being so darn public about it. And FYI, I'm against heterosexuals marching 1/2 naked or naked in the streets and french kissing in public also.

Gay rights have noting to do with marching naked in the streets. You need to find some other group to spit on.
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I never said one word about homosexuals. Not one.

That's my point. Failure to defend a group from attack by turning ones back is, in my opinion, just as bad as attacking them.

This is a thread about incest, not homosexuals. I've already defended the homosexuals. Now it's the incestuous that I get to defend. They are two consenting adults. Stop trying to say homosexuality is somehow more moral than incest between two adults. It's not. As long as they are all consenting adults, it's none of our business.

You are comparing having sex with your daughter to homosexuality? :lol:

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
That's my point. Failure to defend a group from attack by turning ones back is, in my opinion, just as bad as attacking them.

This is a thread about incest, not homosexuals. I've already defended the homosexuals. Now it's the incestuous that I get to defend. They are two consenting adults. Stop trying to say homosexuality is somehow more moral than incest between two adults. It's not. As long as they are all consenting adults, it's none of our business.

You are comparing having sex with your daughter to homosexuality? :lol:

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

I asked you a question. Go back and read it and answer it. Please.
You are comparing having sex with your daughter to homosexuality? :lol:

Yeah, ThinkProgress never told to do that, did they?

Consulting adults doesn't mean consulting adults.

I don't read Thinkprogress, stalker.
A man having sex with his daughter isn't the same has two men marrying. You can call me a hypocrite all you want, I really don't care. A man shouldn't have sex with his daughter.
But go ahead and post another horrible argument.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
This is a thread about incest, not homosexuals. I've already defended the homosexuals. Now it's the incestuous that I get to defend. They are two consenting adults. Stop trying to say homosexuality is somehow more moral than incest between two adults. It's not. As long as they are all consenting adults, it's none of our business.

You are comparing having sex with your daughter to homosexuality? :lol:

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

I asked you a question. Go back and read it and answer it. Please.

I already did. Sorry you didn't follow the thread.
Marry your cousin, I don't care. Screw your daughter up so much she will consent to have sex with you you deserve whatever is thrown at you. Call me a hypocrite, I don't care. Having sex with your daughter, your offspring is not a comparison to allowing gay marriage. Suggesting it is is highly ignorant and disrespectful.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
The accusation laid by the crusading christian religious right is that if gays get marriage all hell will break loose and people, like you will demand legality of animal sex, incest, and other vile sex acts. I assume that you are merely trying to attack the gays by supporting incest as the same as letting gays get married.

Not at all. <Liar, you are doing(on purpose) EXACTLY WHAT I SAID YOU are doing> I'm saying that the rules have changed. <Liar> they have not changed it's still not legal to get a marriage license and have it recognized by this country. Two consenting adults is okay. <Liar> It's not just consent there has to be a legal basis for consent. Doesn't matter if they are incestuous, homosexual, polygamous, etc. <Liar> it's a matter of law that it does matter. If you want to say in your opinion learn to say, "in my opinion." As long as they are consenting adults, we should have no problem with it. <Liar> again they have to be able to provide consent, consent is not permission to break the law. How can gay sex be moral and incest be immoral? Because two gay folk are both consenting adults and the act of incest obviates consent. Again, a 5year old can't consent to sex any more than a child of a parent can to have sex with the parent, it's against the damn law. the Bible actually speaks out against homosexuals, but Lot slept with is daughters. <Liar>there was one ancient jewish law against gays, right next to the one about eating pork. Lot was asleep and you missed the whole point about it being wrong. You are just making shit up. Seems to me, if one is now legal and there is nothing wrong with it, the other should also be legal and nothing wrong with it, as long as they are adults. Again your argument amounts to if two people can have sex then rape, murder and all other manner of evils in the world should be legal.

AND FYI, I'm all in favor now of gay marriage although until recently I was on the fence. I wasn't sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing for society but I've since been convinced, what the heck? It doesn't hurt anybody. Besides, now that it's legal for them to marry, at least in my state, maybe they'll quit being so darn public about it. And FYI, I'm against heterosexuals marching 1/2 naked or naked in the streets and french kissing in public also.

Gay rights have noting to do with marching naked in the streets. You need to find some other group to spit on.

You sir, are an ass. I have not lied once. When I grew up, my neighbors across the street had a severally disabled child. When they went in to get tested, the doctors said their genes were so close they could be brother and sister. Here's the kicker, they were both adopted, closed adoptions, very probable they were brother and sister. Why in hell should you get to say whether they can stay married or not?

When is the last time you saw a gay pride parade that didn't include semi nudity and obscene conduct? Yeah, they gays I know all stay away from them.

Gay marriage is legal in several states and it's becoming legal in more and more. As long as they are consenting adults, who the heck cares? This should apply to all consenting adults. And I never mentioned murder, animal sex, etc. I've been very clear that it must be CONSENTING ADULTS!!!!

BTW, don't bother answering this one, you're getting put on ignore. Yeah, I like having the last word and as I said, you're an ass.
"In a free society, standards of public morality can be measured only by whether physical coercion - violence against persons or property - occurs. There is no right not to be offended by words, actions or symbols."

Richard E. Sincere, Jr.
If it was not so mentally damaging for the daughter then I could care less if there were no children conceived. If people think this just started happening then they are naive. What normal 23 year old wants to be intimate with her 51 year old father? For that matter what 51 year old father would be so selfish as to mess his daughters life up like this?

You're right. This probably didn't just start when she became an adult. Likely it has been going on for a long time. Likely she's been sexually abused by her father for so long she considers it normal. Something is truly wrong. A normal girl does not want to have sex with her father, so in some way he has scewed her up so she thinks it is what she wants.

If incest is illegal in England, then they have every right to prosecute, but they should also being looking into that young woman's mental health. I'll bet he's been abusing her for years and has totally screwed up her perception of her sexuality.

It is not a simple case of 'two consenting adults.'
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Actually Nova Steve...I am basing my analysis on input gathered over 20 years of my clinical practice...I am a psychologist who specializes in work with PTSD and abuse survivors...
Parent/child sexual liaisons do not spring forth full-blown at the child's age of majority...they r usually the "tail end" of a lengthy history of emotional and sexual exploitation, often starting with endearing "grooming" by the adult in the child's early years....and progressing to full blown sexual abuse.
Usually means not always. Often homosexuals have environmental issues as well. And grooming is another vague term, you could use it indiscriminantly to make a case. So your analysis is based on opinion backed up by assertion. Which is why I don't automatically trust psychologists.

U shouldn't "automatically" trust anyone......niether do I.
However...we all speak from our experience...and I felt I had something to contribute to the discussion based on mine.
Incidently, "grooming" in clinical terms, means preparing a victim for sexual exploitation by being attentive to them, gifts etc...Happens with pervs on line as well as within incestuous families.

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U shouldn't "automatically" trust anyone......niether do I.
However...we all speak from our experience...and I felt I had something to contribute to the discussion based on mine.
Incidently, "grooming" in clinical terms, means preparing a victim for sexual exploitation by being attentive to them, gifts etc...Happens with pervs on line as well as within incestuous families.
You might learn how to spell, it helps when you are trying to pass yourself off as an authority figure.

I know what grooming means, my point was like with most of your comments, it can be highly subjective. If sex happens you can look back at any number of things and say it was grooming.

But we are discussing adults, not children.
News & Star | News | Cumbrian father and daughter admit incest

IF you don't support what they did, you are a hateful, intolerant, bigot, right? DO gays go to jail for having sex?

51 father and 23 daughter, AND in the UK. Wouldn't even be illegal in most US states, illegal to marry, but not to have a consensual relationship.

Disagree. I believe incest is illegal in most US states, as it should be.

So was homosexuality and sodomy until some states made it legal. If they are adults and they both consent, what business is it of anyone else's?

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