Faither/Daughter prosecuted for having sex

First off, that is just plain fabricated. A will can't fix death taxes, like a marriage license does. Govco will take their tax bite, unless it's shared property by marriage license.

You can't replace a marriage license with power of attorney.

Nevertheless, show me how you can circumvent the 60thousand laws regarding marriage license privileges. How many different types of "power of attorneys" does it take to circumvent the 60thousand laws regarding marriage licenses so that you can legally be seen as no different than someone with a marriage license for everything but marriage tax benefits, cause you can't fix that.

A marriage license is not a marriage. and what 60 thousand laws are you talking about? What "shared property?" that can't be settled with a will or power of attorney or even a trust. There is nothing that the marriage license does that cannot be done with other legal work.

The issue has never been about "church wedding ceremonies." The issue has been about marriage license laws. What shared property? How old are you twelve? Married people have shared property, it's on the frigging marriage license.

Now you switch to trusts? So your point is we should ban all marriage licenses and make people get living trusts instead? Or are you just plain ignoring the FACT that married people have the protection without a trust? You must be an "authoritarian."

What 60 thousand laws am I talking about? Your kidding right? There are thousands upon thousands of federal laws on marriage and every state in the nation also has thousands of laws on marriage. And they are almost all related to licensed marriage, not church ceremony.

Show me how you can claim married filing jointly on a federal tax form with "legal work."

But hey why don't you go find some gay couple to spit on.

Look you wanted to know what I'd do if marriage was banned for heterosexuals, I told you. Now it's all "60 thousand laws" and "spit on gay people" I never said one word about homosexuals. Not one.
News & Star | News | Cumbrian father and daughter admit incest

IF you don't support what they did, you are a hateful, intolerant, bigot, right? DO gays go to jail for having sex?

So you support a father having sex with his daughter? That's the way it sounds.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

Simple question..... Did you or do you believe that Gays should be allowed to have sex and marry because what two CONSENTING adults do in the privacy of their home is not the Governments business?

Have you now or ever believed that marriage should be allowed because two consenting adults want to marry?
Do you support homos?

If your answer is yes, then you have no room what so ever to tell anyone else they have an issue with morality.

There's nothing more immoral on the face of the planet than two men fucking each other up the ass. At least a father fucking his daughter is accommodated by being physically natural. Homos ass fucking is as unnatural as it gets.

Heterosexuals engage in anal sex, too.
ONE might be getting it up the ass, but the other one isn't, and that doesn't make it any more natural, even though the two engaging in it are at least the opposite sex.

Ah, okay. So anal sex is okay so long as its a heterosexual penis going into a woman's anus?

Heterosexuals engage in anal sex, too.
ONE might be getting it up the ass, but the other one isn't, and that doesn't make it any more natural, even though the two engaging in it are at least the opposite sex.

Ah, okay. So anal sex is okay so long as its a heterosexual penis going into a woman's anus?


Yep, that's the problem with their whole bias against gay sex. It is not only pefectly okay for men to have anal sex with women, apparently quite a few men really favor it, as long as it is a woman. But they find it totally disgusting if it is two men. So, logically, they don't have a problem with anal sex at all; their problem is with two men engaging in sex.
News & Star | News | Cumbrian father and daughter admit incest

IF you don't support what they did, you are a hateful, intolerant, bigot, right? DO gays go to jail for having sex?

Whine about the gays, and then try to defend the hillbillies of the south. Sigh......

Speaking of Hillbillies of The South....Where are you?

If you can read, I suggest opening the link: The article is about citizens of the UK.

....but don't let that change your ignorant bias against Hillbillies of The South....

What does a southern hillbilly girl say to keep her virginity?....Get off me dad, you're crushing my smokes!
What does a southern hillbilly boy say to keep his virginity?...Get off me dad, you're crushing my smokes!
animals do it!!! you liberals claim humans are just evolved pond scum,so what's the big deal??? father daughter,brother sister,hey!! just another life style,they hurt no one,just born that way!!!! huh???????????

^^^^This "so called" christian now condemns Hermaphrodites because they were born that way. And he condemns Jesus for being a liberal. And he lies about liberals beliefs. Don't you just love con christians?
Actually Nova Steve...I am basing my analysis on input gathered over 20 years of my clinical practice...I am a psychologist who specializes in work with PTSD and abuse survivors...
Parent/child sexual liaisons do not spring forth full-blown at the child's age of majority...they r usually the "tail end" of a lengthy history of emotional and sexual exploitation, often starting with endearing "grooming" by the adult in the child's early years....and progressing to full blown sexual abuse.

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No response Novasteve?

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Most psychologists are nutjobs who need and get mental counselling themselves. It's mostly a quack science. You same losers also tell us if someone with a penis thinks they are a woman, there's no problem with their brain. You aren't in ANY position to claim knowledge when you let political correctness determine your course of action. So fuck off.

Steve, are you able to actually function out in the world?
News & Star | News | Cumbrian father and daughter admit incest

IF you don't support what they did, you are a hateful, intolerant, bigot, right? DO gays go to jail for having sex?

So you support a father having sex with his daughter? That's the way it sounds.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

I don't think it matters what we support. It's been shoved down our throats that as long as it's two consenting adults, it's none of our business. We now believe that and suddenly someone's trying to change the rules again.
News & Star | News | Cumbrian father and daughter admit incest

IF you don't support what they did, you are a hateful, intolerant, bigot, right? DO gays go to jail for having sex?

So you support a father having sex with his daughter? That's the way it sounds.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

I don't think it matters what we support. It's been shoved down our throats that as long as it's two consenting adults, it's none of our business. We now believe that and suddenly someone's trying to change the rules again.

Shoved down your throats? :lol:
Kind of like wanting to define who gets federal benefits due to marriage because of your religion? Or how about telling us how wrong and evil that are? If you did mind your own business and didn't want to use your religion to define marriage they wouldn't be fighting for the right.
Shoving down your throat? You mean by existing? Lol

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
News & Star | News | Cumbrian father and daughter admit incest

IF you don't support what they did, you are a hateful, intolerant, bigot, right? DO gays go to jail for having sex?

So you support a father having sex with his daughter? That's the way it sounds.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

Simple question..... Did you or do you believe that Gays should be allowed to have sex and marry because what two CONSENTING adults do in the privacy of their home is not the Governments business?

Have you now or ever believed that marriage should be allowed because two consenting adults want to marry?

I do love it when right wingers use the incest argument. It's quite hilarious. lol
How about a man marrying his dog or horse? Or his toaster?
I haven't heard the one where they might marry children lately.

Arguing that since I agree with two men or two women marrying I should agree with a man marrying his daughter is insane, and also bigotry. You are comparing what this man did to his daughter is the same as being gay.
If you want to marry your cousin go right ahead, but please don't insult homosexuals by bringing up a man having sex with his daughter. You look like an ignorant prick.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
So you support a father having sex with his daughter? That's the way it sounds.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

I don't think it matters what we support. It's been shoved down our throats that as long as it's two consenting adults, it's none of our business. We now believe that and suddenly someone's trying to change the rules again.

Shoved down your throats? :lol:
Kind of like wanting to define who gets federal benefits due to marriage because of your religion? Or how about telling us how wrong and evil that are? If you did mind your own business and didn't want to use your religion to define marriage they wouldn't be fighting for the right.
Shoving down your throat? You mean by existing? Lol

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

The very people who say they want less government are the ones who want the most government restrictions on what people can and cannot do. What the conservatives want is restrictions on things they don't like but no restrictions on what they think is right. It's not at all about big government, it's about the government totally supporting their perspective on life and denying other people's perspective on life. Everybody is supposed to march to their tune.
Couldn't care less about these two, assuming they both entered into this rather icky union voluntarily. They didn't hurt anyone else. They didn't take what didn't belong to them. Who cares? I don't.

I could see a prohibition on breeding. You'll have babies with two heads. But if they're not infringing on another's rights, have at it. Gross as hell, but not my business.
The very people who say they want less government are the ones who want the most government restrictions on what people can and cannot do. What the conservatives want is restrictions on things they don't like but no restrictions on what they think is right.

Can't say that about libertarians. Just sayin'...
Couldn't care less about these two, assuming they both entered into this rather icky union voluntarily. They didn't hurt anyone else. They didn't take what didn't belong to them. Who cares? I don't.

I could see a prohibition on breeding. You'll have babies with two heads. But if they're not infringing on another's rights, have at it. Gross as hell, but not my business.

If they were to have a child, it would most likely have a serious birth defect. If not that, it would be emotionally screwed up for life. This is one reason why incest is illegal.
Couldn't care less about these two, assuming they both entered into this rather icky union voluntarily. They didn't hurt anyone else. They didn't take what didn't belong to them. Who cares? I don't.

I could see a prohibition on breeding. You'll have babies with two heads. But if they're not infringing on another's rights, have at it. Gross as hell, but not my business.

If they were to have a child, it would most likely have a serious birth defect. If not that, it would be emotionally screwed up for life. This is one reason why incest is illegal.

You'd think, but in fact most sex crime laws have little if anything to do with sensible stuff like unhealthy offspring and more to do with money. The reason we have age of consent laws isn't because we care about the minor victims but rather we care that they end up getting pregnant and negatively effect the economy since the government usually foots the bill. Can see this at least spelled out explicitly in California's Legal Code:

"(D) An adult over the age of 21 years who engages in an act of
unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor under 16 years of age is
liable for a civil penalty not to exceed twenty-five thousand dollars
(2) The district attorney may bring actions to recover civil
penalties pursuant to this subdivision. From the amounts collected
for each case, an amount equal to the costs of pursuing the action
shall be deposited with the treasurer of the county in which the
judgment was entered, and the remainder shall be deposited in the
Underage Pregnancy Prevention Fund, which is hereby created in the
State Treasury. Amounts deposited in the Underage Pregnancy
Prevention Fund may be used only for the purpose of preventing
underage pregnancy upon appropriation by the Legislature."

In other words, the concern isn't that the sex itself somehow damages people, but rather it damages the state economically. If the concern was for the victim the fine would be going to them not the state.

IMagine a similar concern over incest and unhealthy offspring resulting from such unions.

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