Faither/Daughter prosecuted for having sex

You see no difference because you are blind to your bigotry and stupidity. Homophobe is a slang term to describe someone that is afraid of gay people.

Homophobe is a hate term intended to intimidate people who might otherwise speak against homosexuality.

It's a real condition and actual phobia. Has nothing to do with a racial slur. Are you really that stupid?

It's a slur, and nothing else.

You are being sensitive you wimp. Its not a slur or a hate term. Look it up.

Homophobe - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

ho·mo·phobe noun \-ˌfōb\
: a person who hates or is afraid of homosexuals or treats them badly
I am 49 and I have a 23 yo daughter.
I can't think of a more f*cked up thing to do. My daughter is the most precious being on the planet to me.
Like the most beautiful, precious china doll in the world. I just want to hold her and protect her from everything in the world.
Having sex with her...what the f*ck? That makes me ill just the thought of that.
What kind of sick f*ck...Jesus..

^^^^ exactly!

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

I don't think anyone is saying this isn't creepy. We're just saying, as they are both adults, it's none of our business.
Actually not.

The Problem of Human Inbreeding & The Close Family Marriages ? Hatefs Voice - My Telegraph

A father and daughter mating will statistically have no impact. Cousins over 10 generations will have a heavy impact. The genetic degradation is cumulative. The Tudors had such problems because of incest over hundreds of years.

BTW, incest is abhorrent to me, but the arguments supporting homosexuality are the same for incest. It's the typical "support MY vice, but outlaw their vice" shit that always rears it's ugly head.

Please copy and paste the part in your article that mentions having a child with your parent. All your article covers is cousins. ;)

For one having a child with a first degree relative is different than having one with your cousin. Such a dishonest idiot.

"of a study of Czechoslovakian children whose fathers were first degree relatives. Fewer than half of the children who were the product of incestuous unions were completely healthy. Forty-two percent of them were born with severe birth defects or suffered early death and another 11 percent were mildly mentally impaired. This study is particularly instructive as it included a unique control group — the offspring of the same mothers but whose fathers were not the mothers’ relatives. When the same women were impregnated by a non-relative, only 7 percent of their children were born with a birth defect (Figure 1).

A group of genetic counselors reviewed the research on the biological consequences of sex between relatives (consanguineous relationships) (here). They found a surprisingly small increase (about 4 percent) in birth defects among the children of married cousins. Incest between first degree relatives, however, was a different story. The researchers examined four studies (including the Czech research) on the effects of first degree incest on the health of the offspring. Forty percent of the children were born with either autosomal recessive disorders, congenital physical malformations, or severe intellectual deficits. And another 14 percent of them had mild mental disabilities. In short, the odds that a newborn child who is the product of brother-sister or father-daughter incest will suffer an early death, a severe birth defect or some mental deficiently approaches 50 percent."

The Problem With Incest | Psychology Today

Of course there is a difference. When you share more genes with a first degree relative than you do a cousin there will be a statistical difference in birth defects. Such a dishonest idiot.

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Wow!! I missed that claim. There is this term called inbreeding that has proven to cause birth defects and mental issues. This was put to rest long ago from what I remember.

The same article mentions other animals have the same sort of defects from having sex with their offspring. When you share such a high about genes it will of course have an effect. You share half that with your cousin.
Uncensored's link proved nothing because it only covered cousins not first degree relatives.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
I am 49 and I have a 23 yo daughter.

I can't think of a more f*cked up thing to do. My daughter is the most precious being on the planet to me.

Like the most beautiful, precious china doll in the world. I just want to hold her and protect her from everything in the world.

Having sex with her...what the f*ck? That makes me ill just the thought of that.

What kind of sick f*ck...Jesus..

^^^^ exactly!

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

I don't think anyone is saying this isn't creepy. We're just saying, as they are both adults, it's none of our business.

When a man fucks up his child so much she will agree to have sex with him, it should have been someone else's business years ago. I would put money on him molesting and raping her for years.
Like I said, you can't compare having sex with your child to same sex marriage.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
I didn't realize I could intimidate you into misreading my post. I didn't call you anything but a bigot. You should go back and reread my post. How you arrived at a racial slur I dont know. They offer free reading classes at the library but there may be an age restriction.

You attempt to shut down criticism through the deployment of hate terms.

"Homophobe" is a slur that the anti-culture uses to DESTROY people. Anyone in the public space BETTER be intimidated by this hate term, as it will end any career they have.

You use this term as a club, to beat others into submission. There is NO other use for the term. Your mentally retarded ally Luissa whined that "Homophobe isn't the same as ******." In a stopped clock situation, she's right, in today's society, "homophobe" is FAR worse - and you know it.
I also think polygamists should have their rights recognized to marry.

You're forgetting though, if the sixty people in the US who want to practice polygamy are allowed to marry, the fabric of society will unravel.

I can assure you its far more than 60, I dated a girl in California who lived as a second wife to a rich Jewish Tycoon in LA, she lived with them as a second wife there just was no paperwork involved. You would be surprised at the living arrangements people have behind closed doors.
I see now. You think acceptance of the fact that gay people exist caused incest.

Asslips, you are a racist. Racism rubs me the wrong way. You irritate me because you are a racist.

That said, you are not a stupid man, ergo you know the above is utter bullshit. A straw man argument that has nothing to do with my statement.

The societal push to change our culture and declare homosexuality a treasured form of behavior is based on exactly the same justifications that support incest.

News flash. Incest has been around just as long as being gay. They are entirely unrelated. Incest usually has a victim and is not caused by gay people being present.

Two consenting adults is the foundation that the anti-culture has used for decades. Explain why that isn't applicable here?

I think you are confused again and unnecessarily irritated. I am not a racist nor does that have anything to do with the thread. You were espousing the slippery slope theory as cause for the occurrence of this issue. You just did the same thing in the rest of your post. One did not cause the other. Incest and being gay has been around since the beginning of time and is reflected in the animal kingdom as well. Please explain why you think one has caused the other?
A man having sex with his daughter isn't the same has two men marrying. You can call me a hypocrite all you want, I really don't care. A man shouldn't have sex with his daughter.


How does it affect you? As long as they are all over the age of consent, it's no one's business but their own.

When did the sex with his daughter start?
Do you think she woke up one day and decided she was attracted to her father? I doubt it. That man probably molested her for years.


If he molested her, he should be prosecuted. But, that's not the point. Why is it your business that they have sex now? How does it affect you?
I am 49 and I have a 23 yo daughter.
I can't think of a more f*cked up thing to do. My daughter is the most precious being on the planet to me.
Like the most beautiful, precious china doll in the world. I just want to hold her and protect her from everything in the world.
Having sex with her...what the f*ck? That makes me ill just the thought of that.
What kind of sick f*ck...Jesus..

Yep, it's every bit as repulsive as the thought of some man sticking his dick up my ass.
What about bi-sexuals? Why are they discriminated against?

Yeah, whats up with that?

What about discrimination against people who believe
that marriage should be kept private, outside state jursidiction altogether.

And only have the govt involved in "civil contracts" (such as financial agreements, custody, estate, guardianship) that don't mention marriage
much less try to impose conditions or regulations.

Why do we have to put up with all the political conflicts and lobbying in the media, courts, legislatures, and the expenses associated with these issues?

If they are private matters of marriage/sex, and especially where personal or religious views are involved, why not write and laws by consensus or keep them out of govt if people can't agree? And fight it out in private, not at public expense. Gee whiz!
I didn't realize I could intimidate you into misreading my post. I didn't call you anything but a bigot. You should go back and reread my post. How you arrived at a racial slur I dont know. They offer free reading classes at the library but there may be an age restriction.

You attempt to shut down criticism through the deployment of hate terms.

"Homophobe" is a slur that the anti-culture uses to DESTROY people. Anyone in the public space BETTER be intimidated by this hate term, as it will end any career they have.

You use this term as a club, to beat others into submission. There is NO other use for the term. Your mentally retarded ally Luissa whined that "Homophobe isn't the same as ******." In a stopped clock situation, she's right, in today's society, "homophobe" is FAR worse - and you know it.

Who is the anti-culture? Please be specific because I'm all about culture so I wouldn't be part of that group to my thinking. You can relax. I cant destroy you on a message board. No one really cares who you are. If I called someone an arachnophobe is that also a hate term? I didnt use it as a club. I used it as an adjective. You bringing up gay people didnt make sense. Not even a little bit and you know it unless you suffer from homophobia.
How does it affect you? As long as they are all over the age of consent, it's no one's business but their own.

When did the sex with his daughter start?

Do you think she woke up one day and decided she was attracted to her father? I doubt it. That man probably molested her for years.


If he molested her, he should be prosecuted. But, that's not the point. Why is it your business that they have sex now? How does it affect you?

It doesn't. Call me a hypocrite etc, you shouldn't have sex with your child. I won't change my mind and I don't care if you call me a hypocrite.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
I didn't realize I could intimidate you into misreading my post. I didn't call you anything but a bigot. You should go back and reread my post. How you arrived at a racial slur I dont know. They offer free reading classes at the library but there may be an age restriction.

You attempt to shut down criticism through the deployment of hate terms.

"Homophobe" is a slur that the anti-culture uses to DESTROY people. Anyone in the public space BETTER be intimidated by this hate term, as it will end any career they have.

You use this term as a club, to beat others into submission. There is NO other use for the term. Your mentally retarded ally Luissa whined that "Homophobe isn't the same as ******." In a stopped clock situation, she's right, in today's society, "homophobe" is FAR worse - and you know it.

Actually, I asked you to link where he called you ****** after you claimed he did.
Still being dishonest I see.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
Because you don't have sex with your children.

You're right, I sure don't. I also don't have sex with those of my gender.

BUT the anti-culture has fought a war to end the normal cultural stops against this sort of behavior.

For the last 50 years, the anti-culture has DEMANDED that sex between consenting adults is no ones business.

There is a reason marrying your cousin is accepted in many cultures but not marrying your child. Get a clue, idiot.

Again, it was you of the anti-culture who FORCED the abandonment of cultural values - THIS is simply one of the results.
^^^^ exactly!

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

I don't think anyone is saying this isn't creepy. We're just saying, as they are both adults, it's none of our business.

When a man fucks up his child so much she will agree to have sex with him, it should have been someone else's business years ago. I would put money on him molesting and raping her for years.
Like I said, you can't compare having sex with your child to same sex marriage.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

Unless or until you can find some proof he abused her as a child, it's NONE of YOUR business.
I am 49 and I have a 23 yo daughter.
I can't think of a more f*cked up thing to do. My daughter is the most precious being on the planet to me.
Like the most beautiful, precious china doll in the world. I just want to hold her and protect her from everything in the world.
Having sex with her...what the f*ck? That makes me ill just the thought of that.
What kind of sick f*ck...Jesus..

Yep, it's every bit as repulsive as the thought of some man sticking his dick up my ass.

This is why I referred to you as a homophobe. Are you a physically weak man or a latent homosexual? Why would incest make you think of another man sticking his dick up your ass?
It doesn't. Call me a hypocrite etc, you shouldn't have sex with your child. I won't change my mind and I don't care if you call me a hypocrite.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

I'm not interested in calling you names. I'm just pointing out that they are now consenting adult and since it doesn't affect you, it's none of your business.
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Because we think something is gross is that good enough of a reason to outlaw it? this is a legit question.

It has nothing to do with being gross. There is a reason it is illegal. Do you realize that father daughter incesr used to be the most reported form of incest? Do you think the relationship started out consensual or when the daughter was of age? I am guessing 95% of these cases started out when the daughter was a young child and the father ruined them mentally. So no it doesn't just have to do with me thinking it is gross. To suggest so is being just as bad as the other side. ;)

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

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