Fake Audit = Real Failure. Now These Clowns Want To Go Door-to-Door

Uhmmm - Google killed it because it was FAKE NEWS.
But you can still find it on Western Journal and WorldNutDaily
Who at Google determined this and what procedures did they follow? Did they have someone at the audit watching or are they just following the official establishment government line of propaganda.

I have this odd feeling that our glorious government and illustrious Deep State views the citizens of our nation as mushrooms. They want to keep us in the dark and feed us bullshit.
Read please. The Q-Kook Fraudit is an illegal shit show.

I haven’t done any research on Cyber Ninjas. My government and the main stream media has lied to me so often that I don’t automatically accept what they say anymore. Unfortunately today all news is propaganda. You get to pick your favorite source of propaganda and I get to pick mine.

I don’t believe the Cyber Ninjas were involved in the fact that more absentee ballots were received than sent out. That deserves some explanation. There are also numerous other discrepancies discussed in the article I linked to.

Of course your mainstream media will ignore any and all evidence of malfeasance. No surprise there.
They just can't bring themselves to believe that a majority of the country doesn't think just like they do.

There has to be something. Someone must have cheated.

This is a psychological study for the ages.
There are 74,000 ballots that no one requested, short bus. That's not "nothing."

They fooled the stupid fucks again.

"Election experts and county officials quickly pointed out a simple explanation for the different totals: The county stopped mailing early ballots to voters on Oct. 23, but voters could still cast early ballots in person at any time before the election, without having a ballot mailed to them.

“This is not a new practice, so it’s not unusual that we would have more early votes than mail-in ballots sent,” county officials tweeted.

It’s not the first time Senate’s vendors have made errant claims about the county"

Well then don't use Google.
Get your "news" from Facebook, Western Journal, WorldNetDaily, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit ...
You know, all your usual reliable sources. ;)
You can bet I will double check with other search engines in the future if I am lookin g for something controversial.

Do you think your mainstream media is a reliable source for news? In passing I used DuckDuckGo as my search engines for these links.

You can bet I will double check with other search engines in the future if I am lookin g for something controversial.

Do you think your mainstream media is a reliable source for news? In passing I used DuckDuckGo as my search engines for these links.
I use Duck Duck on occasion, but wish some of you kids would cut it with the conspiracy theories that Google is run by a bunch of lefty deep staters. That's just dumb.
You can bet I will double check with other search engines in the future if I am lookin g for something controversial.

Do you think your mainstream media is a reliable source for news? In passing I used DuckDuckGo as my search engines for these links.
I use Duck Duck on occasion, but wish some of you kids would cut it with the conspiracy theories that Google is run by a bunch of lefty deep staters. That's just dumb.
It's a proven fact, moron. Their meetings have been videoed.
I haven’t done any research on Cyber Ninjas. My government and the main stream media has lied to me so often that I don’t automatically accept what they say anymore. Unfortunately today all news is propaganda. You get to pick your favorite source of propaganda and I get to pick mine.

I don’t believe the Cyber Ninjas were involved in the fact that more absentee ballots were received than sent out. That deserves some explanation. There are also numerous other discrepancies discussed in the article I linked to.

Of course your mainstream media will ignore any and all evidence of malfeasance. No surprise there.

Face it, you will believe whatever the Unqualified Q-Kook Cyber Ninja Fraudit tells you to believe.
And we all know what their findings (eventually) will be whilst Doug Logan endlessly grifts off Trumpanzee stupidity.
You married The Big Lie and now I guess you'll have to sleep with it. :cool-45:
They want to drag this out as long as possible for propaganda purposes.

The point isn’t to find wrongdoing, it’s to undermine trust in elections.

You kinda gotta wonder why....they undermined the people's faith in elections so much during the runoff in Georgia so much that they lost two Senate seats.
It's so that they can say "don't trust the results, therefore don't recognize their authority".

Trump said it the other day: When I see a bad poll I call it fake. When I see a good poll I say it's the best poll in the world.

This is why Trump allows Michael Wollf continued access even though he wrote two scathing books about Trump's term, from INSIDE THE WHITE HOUSE. Because Trump welcomes bad publicity as much as good publicity.

It's the same theme: Who knows what's true and what isn't true?
They just can't bring themselves to believe that a majority of the country doesn't think just like they do.
There has to be something. Someone must have cheated.
This is a psychological study for the ages.
Biggest mass cult ever.
They now have their own reality, their own media, their own "audit" companies.

Would you be surprised if they just declared Trump the winner of the 2020 election and he just deigned Mar-A-Lago to be the new White House? They may as well have their own President.

I do hope this country survives this fucking madness.
Please, please, please knock on my door. I'd be more than happy to tell them who I voted for as I escort them off my property.

I'd ask them to wait, return with my Glock, politely explain that they have 20 seconds to clear out and then notify local law enforcement that they are in my neighborhood and that what they are doing is quite illegal.

I use Duck Duck on occasion, but wish some of you kids would cut it with the conspiracy theories that Google is run by a bunch of lefty deep staters. That's just dumb
Is it?

Breitbart, Daily Caller, and the Federalist publish a butt-ton of demonstrably fake news. The Fox website is fine for news and they often appear at or near the top on a Google search.
I use Duck Duck on occasion, but wish some of you kids would cut it with the conspiracy theories that Google is run by a bunch of lefty deep staters. That's just dumb
Is it?

Breitbart, Daily Caller, and the Federalist publish a butt-ton of demonstrably fake news. The Fox website is fine for news and they often appear at or near the top on a Google search.
Not nearly as much as WAPO and NYT, jackass.
Please, please, please knock on my door. I'd be more than happy to tell them who I voted for as I escort them off my property.

I'd ask them to wait, return with my Glock, politely explain that they have 20 seconds to clear out and then notify local law enforcement that they are in my neighborhood and that what they are doing is quite illegal.

There are a lot of people not good with weapons. But there are a lot who are. Just like in the blue areas where groups kill individuals, that can be the same in red areas if it gets that way.

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