Fake Audit = Real Failure. Now These Clowns Want To Go Door-to-Door

Fact: the AZ audit raises serious concerns....left loons can blabber all day long but it's serious
I'll translate this lib thread, shared shitless of the audits and that other states may implement audits.
Tell ya what. Let the Neo-GOP's Frauditors publish their work and let it be peer reviewed. If past is prologue then you can bet it's another ....um....er,,what was that last investigation they were crowing about? Durham? How'd that report work out for ya?
Deal, we are happy to audit and publish Dem election rigging and fraud.
Proof is where the rubber meets the road. So far the Neo-GOP is hydroplaning.

But the findings of the Fraudit will transcend fact checking.
This is by design I might add - A feature/ not a bug ;)
You got that right.
According to you people, if no fraud is found the audit is valid. If fraud is found the audit is illegitimate. Typical Dems talking out of both sides of their mouths.
That's funny. If a certified auditing firm comes behind them and validates their results I will reluctantly accept their findings. But you know as well as I that's NFL.

How many Trumpsters would accept the opposite?

Arizona Audit’s Fundraising Docs Are Public Records, Judge Says

An Arizona judge on Thursday denied Republican senators’ motion to dismiss a lawsuit seeking records on the financial backers and other aspects of the sham “audit” of the 2020 elections in Maricopa County.

“It is difficult to conceive of a case with a more compelling public interest demanding public disclosure and public scrutiny,” Judge Michael W. Kemp wrote at the end of a seven-page decision.

The ruling, in favor of a lawsuit for records from the left-leaning watchdog group American Oversight, gets the public one step closer to learning behind-the-scenes details of the audit, including who’s funding it.

The audit was authorized by state Senate President Karen Fann (R) and has been performed by third-party vendors led by Cyber Ninjas, a tech firm with no elections experience prior to the 2020 elections. The firm’s CEO, Doug Logan, posted crazy conspiracy theories about that election before being hired for the audit.
They just can't bring themselves to believe that a majority of the country doesn't think just like they do.

There has to be something. Someone must have cheated.

This is a psychological study for the ages.
there is that yes.

But more importantly, this "audit" is indented to erode confidence in the electoral process. Cover for the new voter suppression laws currently being implemented in republican led states. They will try to keep it going all the way up to 2022 election.
Since it’s already been proven the laws are are less restrictive than those in many blue states your post makes you look like a complete idiot .
Fact: the AZ audit raises serious concerns....left loons can blabber all day long but it's serious
I'll translate this lib thread, shared shitless of the audits and that other states may implement audits.
Tell ya what. Let the Neo-GOP's Frauditors publish their work and let it be peer reviewed. If past is prologue then you can bet it's another ....um....er,,what was that last investigation they were crowing about? Durham? How'd that report work out for ya?
You do understand letting a group of leftists wackos take a peek isn’t considered peer reviewed
They want to drag this out as long as possible for propaganda purposes.

The point isn’t to find wrongdoing, it’s to undermine trust in elections.

You kinda gotta wonder why....they undermined the people's faith in elections so much during the runoff in Georgia so much that they lost two Senate seats.
It's so that they can say "don't trust the results, therefore don't recognize their authority".

Trump said it the other day: When I see a bad poll I call it fake. When I see a good poll I say it's the best poll in the world.

This is why Trump allows Michael Wollf continued access even though he wrote two scathing books about Trump's term, from INSIDE THE WHITE HOUSE. Because Trump welcomes bad publicity as much as good publicity.

It's the same theme: Who knows what's true and what isn't true?
Yeah; the tactic didn't work in Georgia.... It seems like casting doubt on the entire process backfired on them.

This story reminds me of your sigline.

"To Trump's hard core supporters his rallies weren't politics, they were life" :laugh:

They just can't bring themselves to believe that a majority of the country doesn't think just like they do.

There has to be something. Someone must have cheated.

This is a psychological study for the ages.
There are 74,000 ballots that no one requested, short bus. That's not "nothing."
Who told you that?
74,000 Ballots Returned with No Record of Ever Being Sent: Bombshell AZ Audit Update
"The Western Journal".

Got it.
Who told you there was “Russian Collusion”?

Our Dear Leader, the honorably most High,

Donald John Trump

Needs your vote!

Friends, neighbors, countrymen,

Hear our blessed rallying cry and go forth and to all the world to preach the gospel of


Long live the King! Long live the king! Long live the king!

Only Trump voters like this are going to do anything like that. The vast majority have decided to live to fight another day, it's just a few vocal crazies out there stirring the pot now.
You wish.
They just can't bring themselves to believe that a majority of the country doesn't think just like they do.

There has to be something. Someone must have cheated.

This is a psychological study for the ages.
There are 74,000 ballots that no one requested, short bus. That's not "nothing."

Do you have any evidence of that? A phony report issued by a conman security firm is meaningless. Actual evidence from Arizona is that there are 4 cases of election fraud, out of 200 investigated by across the state by officials.
They just can't bring themselves to believe that a majority of the country doesn't think just like they do.

There has to be something. Someone must have cheated.

This is a psychological study for the ages.
There are 74,000 ballots that no one requested, short bus. That's not "nothing."

Do you have any evidence of that? A phony report issued by a conman security firm is meaningless. Actual evidence from Arizona is that there are 4 cases of election fraud, out of 200 investigated by across the state by officials.
If they do, it will come out in court.

That's where things usually go in the shitter for them. But I guess you never know.
They just can't bring themselves to believe that a majority of the country doesn't think just like they do.

There has to be something. Someone must have cheated.

This is a psychological study for the ages.
There are 74,000 ballots that no one requested, short bus. That's not "nothing."

Do you have any evidence of that? A phony report issued by a conman security firm is meaningless. Actual evidence from Arizona is that there are 4 cases of election fraud, out of 200 investigated by across the state by officials.
If they do, it will come out in court.

That's where things usually go in the shitter for them. But I guess you never know.

The Cyber Ninja's wouldn't know fraud if it jumped up and slapped them in the face. They have no idea what to look for or where to find it.

The Senate wanted to hire a real audit firm to do this work, but they wanted $8 million to conduct a proper audit. Cyber Ninjas agreed to do the work using volunteers for $150,000 if they were allowed to fundraise to cover costs.

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