Fake news alert: "Palestinians bombed their own hospital"

I think Hamas doesn't give a damn about their own people, as we've seen with them hiding in schools, mosques, and hospitals. I can easily picture them doing something like this more than I can the Israelis who do not need the bad publicity.
Yep, it's already coming out that it was, in fact, IDF that bombed that hospital and they've been lying and hemming and hawing all day.
Yep, it's already coming out that it was, in fact, IDF that bombed that hospital and they've been lying and hemming and hawing all day.
Yadda yadda.....for every IDF denial there's 30 counters by the terrorists.
Basically, he's saying that the IDF are lying AF!!!
Basically, why aren't they factually reporting, instead of providing one sided journalism?
Really interesting how the war mongers who had no concern for innocent Russians being targeted and killed by Ukraine are so concerned about Palestinians who celebrated the beheading of babies, now being collateral damage.

Personally I don't care if Israel did bomb the hospital, Palestinians wanted Hamas, so they can live or die with their choice.
Really interesting how the war mongers who had no concern for innocent Russians being targeted and killed by Ukraine are so concerned about Palestinians who celebrated the beheading of babies being collateral damage.

Both the White House and the Israeli government backtracked on that and said that it was not confirmed.

Before anyone bites my head off or wrongly assumes that I'm anti-Israel, I'm not.

But accuracy is important, and I see so many people still talking about "beheaded babies" without realizing that they backtracked on that and the current status is unconfirmed.

Both the White House and the Israeli government backtracked on that and said that it was not confirmed.

Before anyone bites my head off or wrongly assumes that I'm anti-Israel, I'm not.

But accuracy is important, and I see so many people still talking about "beheaded babies" without realizing that they backtracked on that and the current status is unconfirmed.

IMHO, even when something is 'confirmed', it depends on who's doing the confirmation.
IMHO, even when something is 'confirmed', it depends on who's doing the confirmation.
Exactly. The beheaded babies report for example. The REPORTER reported what an IDF soldier said as they were going into these homes. This was reported in real time. The reporter did her job.

Those looking for "confirmation" look for confirmation from GOVERNMENT all while lecturing us that we cannot trust government 😂

I actually trust the IMMEDIATE reports from a reporter and the soldiers who actually had to clean up the mess.

But the "anti-government" crowd needs confirmation from the GOVERNMENT 😂
Both the White House and the Israeli government backtracked on that and said that it was not confirmed.

Before anyone bites my head off or wrongly assumes that I'm anti-Israel, I'm not.

But accuracy is important, and I see so many people still talking about "beheaded babies" without realizing that they backtracked on that and the current status is unconfirmed.

Um, did they backtrack on babies burned alive, or babies riddled with bullets, I guess those are more humane forms of slaughtering the innocent. :rolleyes:
Really interesting how the war mongers who had no concern for innocent Russians being targeted and killed by Ukraine are so concerned about Palestinians who celebrated the beheading of babies, now being collateral damage.

Personally I don't care if Israel did bomb the hospital, Palestinians wanted Hamas, so they can live or die with their choice.

And there you have it folks, see....!??? IDF is lying, and they know it.

Um, did they backtrack on babies burned alive, or babies riddled with bullets, I guess those are more humane forms of slaughtering the innocent. :rolleyes:
And they didn't "backtrack" in the beheadings.

They did say, however, that we don't know HALF of the brutality that went on!

They did report on a pregnant Israeli who was shot in the head, her stomach cut open and the baby stabbed!

I pray the mother died first!
Um, did they backtrack on babies burned alive, or babies riddled with bullets, I guess those are more humane forms of slaughtering the innocent. :rolleyes:

The point is that truth and accuracy is important, and it's not wise to automatically believe whatever you're told. Ever heard of the saying, the first casualty of war is truth?

Did you also believe the "babies pulled out of incubators" story that was the catalyst for the first Gulf War back in the early 90s? After hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians were killed, it turns out that the babies pulled out of incubator story was a well-orchestrated lie. As was the "weapons of mass destruction" pretext.

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