Fake News Must Pay for Their Lies about Our First Lady

Ah yes...more "champions of women" showing their true colors! You liberals always talk a good game but when push comes to shove you're more abusive of women than conservatives EVER were!

That's a pretty weak remark, even for you.

Don't like it when people point out the truth about you folks on the left, Bulldog? Don't be that person then...

I'm not sure there is anything a right winger might say that would bother me, but you should certainly try, if that makes you happy.

Hmmmm….let's try this. Donald Trump beat your candidate Hillary Clinton despite her sleazy attempt at smearing him with made up "dossiers" and all the whining in the world isn't ever going to change that. Does THAT bother you? :blowup:

I don't particularly like it if that's what you mean. but you mentioning it makes no difference.

LOL...you know that it burns your ass every day, Bullpuppy! It's why people like you obsess about Trump and have since the day he got elected. He beat your gal, Hillary and that's UNFORGIVABLE! What's worse...he actually understands how to grow an economy and get better trade deals for American businesses and workers...so he's making Barry look bad by comparison and THAT'S unforgivable as well! It makes no difference? I think we both know that it makes all the difference in the world!
I feel bad that Melania has been attacked the way she has -- as I am sure we have all felt bad when Michelle was attacked as first lady, Hillary was attacked as first lady, and so forth...

just kidding, they deserved it because they were married to those evil democrat presidents
That's a pretty weak remark, even for you.

Don't like it when people point out the truth about you folks on the left, Bulldog? Don't be that person then...

I'm not sure there is anything a right winger might say that would bother me, but you should certainly try, if that makes you happy.

Hmmmm….let's try this. Donald Trump beat your candidate Hillary Clinton despite her sleazy attempt at smearing him with made up "dossiers" and all the whining in the world isn't ever going to change that. Does THAT bother you? :blowup:

I don't particularly like it if that's what you mean. but you mentioning it makes no difference.

LOL...you know that it burns your ass every day, Bullpuppy! It's why people like you obsess about Trump and have since the day he got elected. He beat your gal, Hillary and that's UNFORGIVABLE! What's worse...he actually understands how to grow an economy and get better trade deals for American businesses and workers...so he's making Barry look bad by comparison and THAT'S unforgivable as well! It makes no difference? I think we both know that it makes all the difference in the world!
How is he making Obama look bad? Obama never cheated on his wife or had children outside of his marriage to his wife....if that is making Obama look bad, have at it.....Christians....
First, she's had very little in the way of public time during the *presidency*.

Second , no one has called her a transvestite, or a cow, or made fun of her butt, or her clothes, or called her ugly or fat or any of the things the previous first lady had to put up with so what has she got to sue anyone about?

Third, I don't think she's all that attractive anyway.
You forgot orc and wookie.
Conservatives are the scum of the earth. Damn near every single one of them is gutter trash.
Do something about it.

You think I'm a conservitard?

Lol, I don't make useless internet threats.
I'm positive you could find conservatives that aren't on the internet. Start with the white house. Start with the public voter registration rolls right in your community.
Yeah, I'm sure you are correct. Here in Kansas there are still some who think the internet is is for fishing.
Never seen such Gestapo tactics on behalf of the First Lady

There is no information about her past to be published unless it comes from Melania. People who grew up with her, worked with her or hired her as an escort are threatened

Reminds me of Putin and Prince Salman
First, she's had very little in the way of public time during the *presidency*.

Second , no one has called her a transvestite, or a cow, or made fun of her butt, or her clothes, or called her ugly or fat or any of the things the previous first lady had to put up with so what has she got to sue anyone about?

Third, I don't think she's all that attractive anyway.
You forgot orc and wookie.
Conservatives are the scum of the earth. Damn near every single one of them is gutter trash.

I don't know what's more amusing, Crepitus...that post...or that someone might actually think it was true!
It is true.
Don't like it when people point out the truth about you folks on the left, Bulldog? Don't be that person then...

I'm not sure there is anything a right winger might say that would bother me, but you should certainly try, if that makes you happy.

Hmmmm….let's try this. Donald Trump beat your candidate Hillary Clinton despite her sleazy attempt at smearing him with made up "dossiers" and all the whining in the world isn't ever going to change that. Does THAT bother you? :blowup:

I don't particularly like it if that's what you mean. but you mentioning it makes no difference.

LOL...you know that it burns your ass every day, Bullpuppy! It's why people like you obsess about Trump and have since the day he got elected. He beat your gal, Hillary and that's UNFORGIVABLE! What's worse...he actually understands how to grow an economy and get better trade deals for American businesses and workers...so he's making Barry look bad by comparison and THAT'S unforgivable as well! It makes no difference? I think we both know that it makes all the difference in the world!
How is he making Obama look bad? Obama never cheated on his wife or had children outside of his marriage to his wife....if that is making Obama look bad, have at it.....Christians....

I could care less about Trump's personal life or Obama's. Both were elected to do a job. Barry came in stating that he had a plan to fix the economy and put people back to work. He then proceeded to lead the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression. Not only didn't he have a plan to fix the economy...his major policy initiatives in his first term were the Affordable Care Act and Cap and Trade legislation...two things that put a damper on economic growth. Trump on the other hand came in stating that he had a plan to grow the economy and put people back to work and he has done both despite having to deal with repeated interest rate increases from the Fed and dogged resistance to everything he proposes from the left. THAT is how he is making Obama look bad!
First, she's had very little in the way of public time during the *presidency*.

Second , no one has called her a transvestite, or a cow, or made fun of her butt, or her clothes, or called her ugly or fat or any of the things the previous first lady had to put up with so what has she got to sue anyone about?

Third, I don't think she's all that attractive anyway.
You forgot orc and wookie.
Conservatives are the scum of the earth. Damn near every single one of them is gutter trash.

I don't know what's more amusing, Crepitus...that post...or that someone might actually think it was true!
It is true.

You forgot the part about how we eat puppies for breakfast and sacrifice vestal virgins every Sunday! (eye roll)

You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you on your partisan behind!
That's a pretty weak remark, even for you.

Don't like it when people point out the truth about you folks on the left, Bulldog? Don't be that person then...

I'm not sure there is anything a right winger might say that would bother me, but you should certainly try, if that makes you happy.

Hmmmm….let's try this. Donald Trump beat your candidate Hillary Clinton despite her sleazy attempt at smearing him with made up "dossiers" and all the whining in the world isn't ever going to change that. Does THAT bother you? :blowup:

I don't particularly like it if that's what you mean. but you mentioning it makes no difference.

LOL...you know that it burns your ass every day, Bullpuppy! It's why people like you obsess about Trump and have since the day he got elected. He beat your gal, Hillary and that's UNFORGIVABLE! What's worse...he actually understands how to grow an economy and get better trade deals for American businesses and workers...so he's making Barry look bad by comparison and THAT'S unforgivable as well! It makes no difference? I think we both know that it makes all the difference in the world!

You still don't get it, do you. Nothing you might say about Trump winning or Hillary losing could possibly effect me in any way. The damage Trump is doing to the country does effect me, and the orange pig needs to go.
Don't like it when people point out the truth about you folks on the left, Bulldog? Don't be that person then...

I'm not sure there is anything a right winger might say that would bother me, but you should certainly try, if that makes you happy.

Hmmmm….let's try this. Donald Trump beat your candidate Hillary Clinton despite her sleazy attempt at smearing him with made up "dossiers" and all the whining in the world isn't ever going to change that. Does THAT bother you? :blowup:

I don't particularly like it if that's what you mean. but you mentioning it makes no difference.

LOL...you know that it burns your ass every day, Bullpuppy! It's why people like you obsess about Trump and have since the day he got elected. He beat your gal, Hillary and that's UNFORGIVABLE! What's worse...he actually understands how to grow an economy and get better trade deals for American businesses and workers...so he's making Barry look bad by comparison and THAT'S unforgivable as well! It makes no difference? I think we both know that it makes all the difference in the world!

You still don't get it, do you. Nothing you might say about Trump winning or Hillary losing could possibly effect me in any way. The damage Trump is doing to the country does effect me, and the orange pig needs to go.

If he needs to go then you'll need to come up with a viable candidate. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren? Don't make me laugh! Trump isn't damaging the country...you on the left have decided that you hate him so much that you're willing to hurt the country if you think it might get rid of him.
It's quite obvious from the things that you've chosen to "adorn" your every post with that you're obsessed with "RESISTING" Trump. Admit it...you get up every morning and rush to turn on CNN and MSNBC to get your latest fix. They tell you that Trump is going down and you shiver with excitement. The problem is...they've been telling you that for three plus years now and he's still sitting in the Oval Office!
Have any American news sources been sued or are they all British tabloids?
Our First Lady?

Actually, she’s St Trumpy’ third lady.

I'm curious...is it somehow better in your eyes to stay married to the same person for decades all the while cheating on them every chance you get...than getting a divorce? Since most of America HAS been divorced...I'm amused that you think you can somehow harm Trump by bringing up his marital failings. Just saying...
You still don't get it, do you. Nothing you might say about Trump winning or Hillary losing could possibly effect me in any way. The damage Trump is doing to the country does effect me, and the orange pig needs to go.
It "affects" you. It doesn't effect.
I'm curious...is it somehow better in your eyes to stay married to the same person for decades all the while cheating on them every chance you get...than getting a divorce? Since most of America HAS been divorced...I'm amused that you think you can somehow harm Trump by bringing up his marital failings. Just saying...

I get a kick out of goofing on you people’s savior.

That’s all and don’t take it so personally.

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