Fake Trump (Baldwin) goes to jail before Real Trump; Never thought Id type this

The fact that the Fake Trump from SNL is actually going to jail before Real Trump blows my mind. Not saying Fake Trump shouldn’t be bc he shot someone but how can the DOJ still not charge Real Trump with all his crimes

Baldwin killed a woman and injured another. Trump didn't kill someone.
The fact that the Fake Trump from SNL is actually going to jail before Real Trump blows my mind. Not saying Fake Trump shouldn’t be bc he shot someone but how can the DOJ still not charge Real Trump with all his crimes
We have 800 gun accidents every year, most of them involving hard core Ammosexuals who just love, love, love their guns.

This set had a professional armorer who clearly didn't control the weapons that were being used on the set, and someone put a live round in a prop pistol.
I'm more concerned about hardcore soap-aholics who have more than 200,000 shower and tub accidents per year severe enough to go to the emergency room.

It is long past time to build Municipal public bathing facilities, and ban private bathroom ownership. The public facilities can be carefully monitored by people trained to prevent accidents.

Naturally, there will be separate facilities for each gender and only those of that gender can be the monitors. Unless they just claim to be that gender, of course.

Since you are so concerned about only 800 gun accidents,I'm sure I'm speaking to the choir about the hundreds of thousands of bathroom accents.. I'll try to find your threads about the dangers of personally owned bathrooms.
You can’t see it because you no nothing about the law, have zero common sense and your feelings dictate your thought process.
In other words, you’re a leftist.
Actually, Alan Dershawitz wrote a column today criticizing the DA in this case, and I would say he knows quite a bit about the law.

You are the one who wants Baldwin to be guilty because you don't like his politics.

I'm personally indifferent to the man. His drunken ranting at his teenage daughter makes him not a nice person and his Trump impersonation is only moderately funny.

But the legal standard for manslaughter? Just hasn't been met here.
The Trump crimes are like the Putin collusion

They say there is all kinds of evidence, but nothing is ever done to prove anything or hold them accountable for anything.

When will we just ignore these monkeys slinging poo?

I know I'm tired of it.

How about you?
Why is it that lefties can't discuss an event without including the word Trump? does it give them some sort of adrenalin rush? TDS is real.
Why won't they charge the real Trump with his crimes?

Here are your options

1. Because there are no crimes

2. Because they are openly enabling his crimes

Which do you prefer?

Why is it always either/or with you clowns? Can't you think of any other reasons why they haven't charged him? I can think of at least a dozen reasons not to charge him, that have nothing to do with either one of your suggestions.

I especially love reason #1. Where have you been??? On the moon? We've all been watching Trump committing crimes - he's still doing it, and in broad daylight. He even publically admits it. So what to do about it since he has millions of crazed followers who he can call out through social media?
Why is it always either/or with you clowns? Can't you think of any other reasons why they haven't charged him? I can think of at least a dozen reasons not to charge him, that have nothing to do with either one of your suggestions.

I especially love reason #1. Where have you been??? On the moon? We've all been watching Trump committing crimes - he's still doing it, and in broad daylight. He even publically admits it. So what to do about it since he has millions of crazed followers who he can call out through social media?
You've seen trump committing crimes? That's the most ignert lie I have ever seen you spew!

Why is it always either/or with you clowns? Can't you think of any other reasons why they haven't charged him? I can think of at least a dozen reasons not to charge him, that have nothing to do with either one of your suggestions.

I especially love reason #1. Where have you been??? On the moon? We've all been watching Trump committing crimes - he's still doing it, and in broad daylight. He even publically admits it. So what to do about it since he has millions of crazed followers who he can call out through social media?

Not a single crime you ignorant Canuck troll.
The fact that the Fake Trump from SNL is actually going to jail before Real Trump blows my mind. Not saying Fake Trump shouldn’t be bc he shot someone but how can the DOJ still not charge Real Trump with all his crimes

You realize that Baldwin has neither been charged nor convicted of any crime, yes?
A lot of openly Trump haters have lost jobs and careers and have gone to jail or gotten a divorce or are having struggles in their relationship.... I think its the wrath of God.....

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