Fake Trump vs Fake Sanders

Policy is what has destroyed the city I live in I’m just asking where you stand
Asked and answered
Lol no you didn’t.. don’t be scared .. be a man pull your pants up
Yes I answered... I’m a 4
A 4 is not a logical Explanation to why you want open borders
i never said I wanted open borders. Why do you have to make things up like that? Don’t answer... I know the answer... #TrollTactic
Lol a 4 is closed Borders? Haha is that just 4 million illegals?? What exactly are you saying here
Asked and answered
Lol no you didn’t.. don’t be scared .. be a man pull your pants up
Yes I answered... I’m a 4
A 4 is not a logical Explanation to why you want open borders
i never said I wanted open borders. Why do you have to make things up like that? Don’t answer... I know the answer... #TrollTactic
Lol a 4 is closed Borders? Haha is that just 4 million illegals?? What exactly are you saying here
im saying there are a variety of issues surrounding Nationalist/globalist policies. I’m probably a 4 on a scale. If you’re asking about the specific issue of borders I’m pro border security, anti-wall, pro legal immigration, anti-illegal immigration, pro dreamers, anti mass deportation.
Is that specific enough for you?
Lol no you didn’t.. don’t be scared .. be a man pull your pants up
Yes I answered... I’m a 4
A 4 is not a logical Explanation to why you want open borders
i never said I wanted open borders. Why do you have to make things up like that? Don’t answer... I know the answer... #TrollTactic
Lol a 4 is closed Borders? Haha is that just 4 million illegals?? What exactly are you saying here
im saying there are a variety of issues surrounding Nationalist/globalist policies. I’m probably a 4 on a scale. If you’re asking about the specific issue of borders I’m pro border security, anti-wall, pro legal immigration, anti-illegal immigration, pro dreamers, anti mass deportation.
Is that specific enough for you?
So that means they can still continue to flood here by the millions and they won’t get deported lol so you are for open Borders you’re just too chickenshit to stand on your own 2 feet
Yes I answered... I’m a 4
A 4 is not a logical Explanation to why you want open borders
i never said I wanted open borders. Why do you have to make things up like that? Don’t answer... I know the answer... #TrollTactic
Lol a 4 is closed Borders? Haha is that just 4 million illegals?? What exactly are you saying here
im saying there are a variety of issues surrounding Nationalist/globalist policies. I’m probably a 4 on a scale. If you’re asking about the specific issue of borders I’m pro border security, anti-wall, pro legal immigration, anti-illegal immigration, pro dreamers, anti mass deportation.
Is that specific enough for you?
So that means they can still continue to flood here by the millions and they won’t get deported lol so you are for open Borders you’re just too chickenshit to stand on your own 2 feet
Haha. Ok buddy, whatever you say 2+2=5 by your calculations.

Using your math I guess I could say that since you support limiting immigration and building a border wall you hate Mexicans and poor people. Wow, these calculations are fun!
A 4 is not a logical Explanation to why you want open borders
i never said I wanted open borders. Why do you have to make things up like that? Don’t answer... I know the answer... #TrollTactic
Lol a 4 is closed Borders? Haha is that just 4 million illegals?? What exactly are you saying here
im saying there are a variety of issues surrounding Nationalist/globalist policies. I’m probably a 4 on a scale. If you’re asking about the specific issue of borders I’m pro border security, anti-wall, pro legal immigration, anti-illegal immigration, pro dreamers, anti mass deportation.
Is that specific enough for you?
So that means they can still continue to flood here by the millions and they won’t get deported lol so you are for open Borders you’re just too chickenshit to stand on your own 2 feet
Haha. Ok buddy, whatever you say 2+2=5 by your calculations.

Using your math I guess I could say that since you support limiting immigration and building a border wall you hate Mexicans and poor people. Wow, these calculations are fun!
I hate all non Americans.. lol hello. I’m American why am going to like foreigners invading my country lowering my wages?
i never said I wanted open borders. Why do you have to make things up like that? Don’t answer... I know the answer... #TrollTactic
Lol a 4 is closed Borders? Haha is that just 4 million illegals?? What exactly are you saying here
im saying there are a variety of issues surrounding Nationalist/globalist policies. I’m probably a 4 on a scale. If you’re asking about the specific issue of borders I’m pro border security, anti-wall, pro legal immigration, anti-illegal immigration, pro dreamers, anti mass deportation.
Is that specific enough for you?
So that means they can still continue to flood here by the millions and they won’t get deported lol so you are for open Borders you’re just too chickenshit to stand on your own 2 feet
Haha. Ok buddy, whatever you say 2+2=5 by your calculations.

Using your math I guess I could say that since you support limiting immigration and building a border wall you hate Mexicans and poor people. Wow, these calculations are fun!
I hate all non Americans.. lol hello. I’m American why am going to like foreigners invading my country lowering my wages?
many humans have respect for other fellow humans, nature, and the fact we are all here cohabitating and experiencing life together. Crazy concept I know. Probably something you think only pussy snowflakes feel, right?
Lol a 4 is closed Borders? Haha is that just 4 million illegals?? What exactly are you saying here
im saying there are a variety of issues surrounding Nationalist/globalist policies. I’m probably a 4 on a scale. If you’re asking about the specific issue of borders I’m pro border security, anti-wall, pro legal immigration, anti-illegal immigration, pro dreamers, anti mass deportation.
Is that specific enough for you?
So that means they can still continue to flood here by the millions and they won’t get deported lol so you are for open Borders you’re just too chickenshit to stand on your own 2 feet
Haha. Ok buddy, whatever you say 2+2=5 by your calculations.

Using your math I guess I could say that since you support limiting immigration and building a border wall you hate Mexicans and poor people. Wow, these calculations are fun!
I hate all non Americans.. lol hello. I’m American why am going to like foreigners invading my country lowering my wages?
many humans have respect for other fellow humans, nature, and the fact we are all here cohabitating and experiencing life together. Crazy concept I know. Probably something you think only pussy snowflakes feel, right?
I would love to visit Mexico and see Mexicans in their own country
im saying there are a variety of issues surrounding Nationalist/globalist policies. I’m probably a 4 on a scale. If you’re asking about the specific issue of borders I’m pro border security, anti-wall, pro legal immigration, anti-illegal immigration, pro dreamers, anti mass deportation.
Is that specific enough for you?
So that means they can still continue to flood here by the millions and they won’t get deported lol so you are for open Borders you’re just too chickenshit to stand on your own 2 feet
Haha. Ok buddy, whatever you say 2+2=5 by your calculations.

Using your math I guess I could say that since you support limiting immigration and building a border wall you hate Mexicans and poor people. Wow, these calculations are fun!
I hate all non Americans.. lol hello. I’m American why am going to like foreigners invading my country lowering my wages?
many humans have respect for other fellow humans, nature, and the fact we are all here cohabitating and experiencing life together. Crazy concept I know. Probably something you think only pussy snowflakes feel, right?
I would love to visit Mexico and see Mexicans in their own country
You should... great people down there and many amazing places to visit.
So that means they can still continue to flood here by the millions and they won’t get deported lol so you are for open Borders you’re just too chickenshit to stand on your own 2 feet
Haha. Ok buddy, whatever you say 2+2=5 by your calculations.

Using your math I guess I could say that since you support limiting immigration and building a border wall you hate Mexicans and poor people. Wow, these calculations are fun!
I hate all non Americans.. lol hello. I’m American why am going to like foreigners invading my country lowering my wages?
many humans have respect for other fellow humans, nature, and the fact we are all here cohabitating and experiencing life together. Crazy concept I know. Probably something you think only pussy snowflakes feel, right?
I would love to visit Mexico and see Mexicans in their own country
You should... great people down there and many amazing places to visit.

Yep, all the good ones stay there, the rejects come here.
Haha. Ok buddy, whatever you say 2+2=5 by your calculations.

Using your math I guess I could say that since you support limiting immigration and building a border wall you hate Mexicans and poor people. Wow, these calculations are fun!
I hate all non Americans.. lol hello. I’m American why am going to like foreigners invading my country lowering my wages?
many humans have respect for other fellow humans, nature, and the fact we are all here cohabitating and experiencing life together. Crazy concept I know. Probably something you think only pussy snowflakes feel, right?
I would love to visit Mexico and see Mexicans in their own country
You should... great people down there and many amazing places to visit.

Yep, all the good ones stay there, the rejects come here.
what makes you say that?
So that means they can still continue to flood here by the millions and they won’t get deported lol so you are for open Borders you’re just too chickenshit to stand on your own 2 feet
Haha. Ok buddy, whatever you say 2+2=5 by your calculations.

Using your math I guess I could say that since you support limiting immigration and building a border wall you hate Mexicans and poor people. Wow, these calculations are fun!
I hate all non Americans.. lol hello. I’m American why am going to like foreigners invading my country lowering my wages?
many humans have respect for other fellow humans, nature, and the fact we are all here cohabitating and experiencing life together. Crazy concept I know. Probably something you think only pussy snowflakes feel, right?
I would love to visit Mexico and see Mexicans in their own country
You should... great people down there and many amazing places to visit.
Umm ok lol
I hate all non Americans.. lol hello. I’m American why am going to like foreigners invading my country lowering my wages?
many humans have respect for other fellow humans, nature, and the fact we are all here cohabitating and experiencing life together. Crazy concept I know. Probably something you think only pussy snowflakes feel, right?
I would love to visit Mexico and see Mexicans in their own country
You should... great people down there and many amazing places to visit.

Yep, all the good ones stay there, the rejects come here.
what makes you say that?
What did your father do for a living?
many humans have respect for other fellow humans, nature, and the fact we are all here cohabitating and experiencing life together. Crazy concept I know. Probably something you think only pussy snowflakes feel, right?
I would love to visit Mexico and see Mexicans in their own country
You should... great people down there and many amazing places to visit.

Yep, all the good ones stay there, the rejects come here.
what makes you say that?
What did your father do for a living?
Golf Pro, Tennis Instructor, Real Estate, land development, special events, ended his career as president of a hotel and golf club. Why?

Choose your words wisely.
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I would love to visit Mexico and see Mexicans in their own country
You should... great people down there and many amazing places to visit.

Yep, all the good ones stay there, the rejects come here.
what makes you say that?
What did your father do for a living?
Golf Pro, Tennis Instructor, Real Estate, land development, special events, ended his career as president of a hotel and golf club. Why?
Let me explain to you how we built America,, millions is of lived in urban areas and we did construction, and when there was no work we did something else, dish washer, cook, janitorial duties, the dirty jobs. These Americans got married had kids, saved money, bought houses, saved capital
To maybe open a business.. today the ancestors of these great Americans can’t do that, because of low wage, unwilling to assimilate Latinos, hatians and a few others.
They have lowered our wages, they have created 3rd world like conditions in these cities, democrats who run unopposed to any other views, have taken all our liberties away. You can be arrested at any point of time for any reason at all.
Many Americans are committing suicide, getting hooked on dugs over dosing.

Enough is enough, is your power grab for control really worth the destruction of America?
You should... great people down there and many amazing places to visit.

Yep, all the good ones stay there, the rejects come here.
what makes you say that?
What did your father do for a living?
Golf Pro, Tennis Instructor, Real Estate, land development, special events, ended his career as president of a hotel and golf club. Why?
Let me explain to you how we built America,, millions is of lived in urban areas and we did construction, and when there was no work we did something else, dish washer, cook, janitorial duties, the dirty jobs. These Americans got married had kids, saved money, bought houses, saved capital
To maybe open a business.. today the ancestors of these great Americans can’t do that, because of low wage, unwilling to assimilate Latinos, hatians and a few others.
They have lowered our wages, they have created 3rd world like conditions in these cities, democrats who run unopposed to any other views, have taken all our liberties away. You can be arrested at any point of time for any reason at all.
Many Americans are committing suicide, getting hooked on dugs over dosing.

Enough is enough, is your power grab for control really worth the destruction of America?
I’m well aware of the American story. My grandfather was blown up on a boat while in the service and still managed to make a living as a poor fisherman to provide for his family... I was raised on values of hard work and perseverance. I also know that my great grandfather who came here with a bag and change in his pocket was able to build a family and a future because of the opportunity that America provided. I was fortunate enough to be raised by great parents who provided a safe and opportunistic middle class life in a beautiful small town and virtues of community out reach, charity, and service to others we’re lessons I learned through the example of how my parents lived.

you don’t have a special insight and your not a great protector of America when you spew hate for foreigners. You simply display the ugly side of a quickly diminishing group of old school thinking people
I’m well aware of the American story. My grandfather was blown up on a boat while in the service and still managed to make a living as a poor fisherman to provide for his family...
And if your grandfather came here today he would not be a fisherman.. that has been over regulated, and he wouldn’t even be a dishwasher to work for wages the Latinos would have worked for. Stop your nonsense, all foreigners to a New country go through a hard time. Except these ones because you democrats and that’s what you are, protect them because they say absolutely nothing! Of the polices democrats are creating because they HAVE NO INTREST IN STAYING IN AMERICA.. They are using us for welfare, and the shit wages.. because 10$ here an hour is like 30 in Mexico,, they are all buying house back home, and leaving. You are allowing foreigners to disrespect me to my face and if I and other American say anything to protect my self , you call me a racist and anti immigrant.. ALL BECAUSE YOU WANT POWER.. your sick I swear to god I won’t be living this way much longer,, and people like you that openly support the destruction of America will pay.. Weather in court or war, But I promise you this there won’t be a rock you hide behind, there won’t be a cave to hide in, we will find people like you and it’s going to be all over
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I’m well aware of the American story. My grandfather was blown up on a boat while in the service and still managed to make a living as a poor fisherman to provide for his family...
And if your grandfather came here today he would not be a fisherman.. that has been over regulated, and he wouldn’t even be a dishwasher to work for wages the Latinos would have worked for. Stop your nonsense, all foreigners to a. New country go through a hard time. Except this ones because you democrats and that’s what you are, protect them because they say absolutely nothing! Of the polices democrats are creating because they HAVE NO INTREST IN STAYING IN AMERICA.. They are using us for welfare, and the shit wages.. because 10$ here an hour is like 30 in Mexico,, they are all buying house back home, and leaving. You are allowing foreigners to disrespect me to my face and if I an American says anything to protect my self , you call me a racist and anti immigrant.. ALL BECAUSE YOU WANT POWER.. your sick I swear to to god I won’t be living this way much longer,, and people like you that only support the destruction of America will pay.. weather in court or war, But I promise you this they won’t be a rock you hide from there won’t be a key if you’re hiding we will find people like you and it’s going to be all over
Thats complete bullshit. Most poor people that immigrate here are working those tough jobs. Picking fruit and veggies in the fields, cleaning hotel rooms, landscaping, cooking in kitchens. Your narrative that they’re all milking welfare is bullshit. Some do, some Americans take advantage of welfare and disability as well. I’m not saying it isn’t a problem. But it also isn’t the majority. You either need to start being honest or get better educated about these issues. I feel embarrassed for you when I read some of the stuff you write.
I’m well aware of the American story. My grandfather was blown up on a boat while in the service and still managed to make a living as a poor fisherman to provide for his family...
And if your grandfather came here today he would not be a fisherman.. that has been over regulated, and he wouldn’t even be a dishwasher to work for wages the Latinos would have worked for. Stop your nonsense, all foreigners to a. New country go through a hard time. Except this ones because you democrats and that’s what you are, protect them because they say absolutely nothing! Of the polices democrats are creating because they HAVE NO INTREST IN STAYING IN AMERICA.. They are using us for welfare, and the shit wages.. because 10$ here an hour is like 30 in Mexico,, they are all buying house back home, and leaving. You are allowing foreigners to disrespect me to my face and if I an American says anything to protect my self , you call me a racist and anti immigrant.. ALL BECAUSE YOU WANT POWER.. your sick I swear to to god I won’t be living this way much longer,, and people like you that only support the destruction of America will pay.. weather in court or war, But I promise you this they won’t be a rock you hide from there won’t be a key if you’re hiding we will find people like you and it’s going to be all over
Thats complete bullshit. Most poor people that immigrate here are working those tough jobs. Picking fruit and veggies in the fields, cleaning hotel rooms, landscaping, cooking in kitchens. Your narrative that they’re all milking welfare is bullshit. Some do, some Americans take advantage of welfare and disability as well. I’m not saying it isn’t a problem. But it also isn’t the majority. You either need to start being honest or get better educated about these issues. I feel embarrassed for you when I read some of the stuff you write.
1st your extremely racist.. clean kitchens and pick fruit lol wow

2nd its the reason why most all major cites Are turning to shit holes. 1 democrats go uncontested in laws they pass, over reach of regulations has killed ordinary business creation. That all our grand fathers used to make a living. And with the flooding of our poor schools of multiculturalism, not speaking English had made Americans dependent on government, ( A) if you can’t grow then you can’t participate in democracy, b. Over regulation has killed jobs.

Latinos are taking jobs we used to work and lowering the wages, they are using us, they aren’t staying in America to grow. I’m done wasting my time talking to you I am born and raised in one of the major cities in America and I have seen this growing up from the late 70s until today.. You can Enjoy watching Americans struggle, but the day to answer will be soon
I’m well aware of the American story. My grandfather was blown up on a boat while in the service and still managed to make a living as a poor fisherman to provide for his family...
And if your grandfather came here today he would not be a fisherman.. that has been over regulated, and he wouldn’t even be a dishwasher to work for wages the Latinos would have worked for. Stop your nonsense, all foreigners to a. New country go through a hard time. Except this ones because you democrats and that’s what you are, protect them because they say absolutely nothing! Of the polices democrats are creating because they HAVE NO INTREST IN STAYING IN AMERICA.. They are using us for welfare, and the shit wages.. because 10$ here an hour is like 30 in Mexico,, they are all buying house back home, and leaving. You are allowing foreigners to disrespect me to my face and if I an American says anything to protect my self , you call me a racist and anti immigrant.. ALL BECAUSE YOU WANT POWER.. your sick I swear to to god I won’t be living this way much longer,, and people like you that only support the destruction of America will pay.. weather in court or war, But I promise you this they won’t be a rock you hide from there won’t be a key if you’re hiding we will find people like you and it’s going to be all over
Thats complete bullshit. Most poor people that immigrate here are working those tough jobs. Picking fruit and veggies in the fields, cleaning hotel rooms, landscaping, cooking in kitchens. Your narrative that they’re all milking welfare is bullshit. Some do, some Americans take advantage of welfare and disability as well. I’m not saying it isn’t a problem. But it also isn’t the majority. You either need to start being honest or get better educated about these issues. I feel embarrassed for you when I read some of the stuff you write.
1st your extremely racist.. clean kitchens and pick fruit lol wow

2nd its the reason why most all major cites Are turning to shit holes. 1 democrats go uncontested in laws they pass, over reach of regulations has killed ordinary business creation. That all our grand fathers used to make a living. And with the flooding of our poor schools of multiculturalism, not speaking English had made Americans dependent on government, ( A) if you can’t grow then you can’t participate in democracy, b. Over regulation has killed jobs.

Latinos are taking jobs we used to work and lowering the wages, they are using us, they aren’t staying in America to grow. I’m done wasting my time talking to you I am born and raised in one of the major cities in America and I have seen this growing up from the late 70s until today.. You can Enjoy watching Americans struggle, but the day to answer will be soon
How in the world was that comment racist? Please explain
I’m well aware of the American story. My grandfather was blown up on a boat while in the service and still managed to make a living as a poor fisherman to provide for his family...
And if your grandfather came here today he would not be a fisherman.. that has been over regulated, and he wouldn’t even be a dishwasher to work for wages the Latinos would have worked for. Stop your nonsense, all foreigners to a. New country go through a hard time. Except this ones because you democrats and that’s what you are, protect them because they say absolutely nothing! Of the polices democrats are creating because they HAVE NO INTREST IN STAYING IN AMERICA.. They are using us for welfare, and the shit wages.. because 10$ here an hour is like 30 in Mexico,, they are all buying house back home, and leaving. You are allowing foreigners to disrespect me to my face and if I an American says anything to protect my self , you call me a racist and anti immigrant.. ALL BECAUSE YOU WANT POWER.. your sick I swear to to god I won’t be living this way much longer,, and people like you that only support the destruction of America will pay.. weather in court or war, But I promise you this they won’t be a rock you hide from there won’t be a key if you’re hiding we will find people like you and it’s going to be all over
Thats complete bullshit. Most poor people that immigrate here are working those tough jobs. Picking fruit and veggies in the fields, cleaning hotel rooms, landscaping, cooking in kitchens. Your narrative that they’re all milking welfare is bullshit. Some do, some Americans take advantage of welfare and disability as well. I’m not saying it isn’t a problem. But it also isn’t the majority. You either need to start being honest or get better educated about these issues. I feel embarrassed for you when I read some of the stuff you write.
1st your extremely racist.. clean kitchens and pick fruit lol wow

2nd its the reason why most all major cites Are turning to shit holes. 1 democrats go uncontested in laws they pass, over reach of regulations has killed ordinary business creation. That all our grand fathers used to make a living. And with the flooding of our poor schools of multiculturalism, not speaking English had made Americans dependent on government, ( A) if you can’t grow then you can’t participate in democracy, b. Over regulation has killed jobs.

Latinos are taking jobs we used to work and lowering the wages, they are using us, they aren’t staying in America to grow. I’m done wasting my time talking to you I am born and raised in one of the major cities in America and I have seen this growing up from the late 70s until today.. You can Enjoy watching Americans struggle, but the day to answer will be soon
How in the world was that comment racist? Please explain
Grow up leave Americans alone

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