Fake Trump vs Fake Sanders

I mean do you democrats really want Candace Owens getting more recognition proving how racist you all are? Lol how will you protect your self? Haha
I’m well aware of the American story. My grandfather was blown up on a boat while in the service and still managed to make a living as a poor fisherman to provide for his family...
And if your grandfather came here today he would not be a fisherman.. that has been over regulated, and he wouldn’t even be a dishwasher to work for wages the Latinos would have worked for. Stop your nonsense, all foreigners to a. New country go through a hard time. Except this ones because you democrats and that’s what you are, protect them because they say absolutely nothing! Of the polices democrats are creating because they HAVE NO INTREST IN STAYING IN AMERICA.. They are using us for welfare, and the shit wages.. because 10$ here an hour is like 30 in Mexico,, they are all buying house back home, and leaving. You are allowing foreigners to disrespect me to my face and if I an American says anything to protect my self , you call me a racist and anti immigrant.. ALL BECAUSE YOU WANT POWER.. your sick I swear to to god I won’t be living this way much longer,, and people like you that only support the destruction of America will pay.. weather in court or war, But I promise you this they won’t be a rock you hide from there won’t be a key if you’re hiding we will find people like you and it’s going to be all over
Thats complete bullshit. Most poor people that immigrate here are working those tough jobs. Picking fruit and veggies in the fields, cleaning hotel rooms, landscaping, cooking in kitchens. Your narrative that they’re all milking welfare is bullshit. Some do, some Americans take advantage of welfare and disability as well. I’m not saying it isn’t a problem. But it also isn’t the majority. You either need to start being honest or get better educated about these issues. I feel embarrassed for you when I read some of the stuff you write.
1st your extremely racist.. clean kitchens and pick fruit lol wow

2nd its the reason why most all major cites Are turning to shit holes. 1 democrats go uncontested in laws they pass, over reach of regulations has killed ordinary business creation. That all our grand fathers used to make a living. And with the flooding of our poor schools of multiculturalism, not speaking English had made Americans dependent on government, ( A) if you can’t grow then you can’t participate in democracy, b. Over regulation has killed jobs.

Latinos are taking jobs we used to work and lowering the wages, they are using us, they aren’t staying in America to grow. I’m done wasting my time talking to you I am born and raised in one of the major cities in America and I have seen this growing up from the late 70s until today.. You can Enjoy watching Americans struggle, but the day to answer will be soon
I think you are over looking the fact that big business has been spreading franchises like wildfire and putting the mom and pop shops out of business. The Walmart’s of the world are a big factor in depressed prices and low wages. We have a surplus of millions of jobs in the country and not enough people to fill them. That’s shooting down your narrative.
I’m well aware of the American story. My grandfather was blown up on a boat while in the service and still managed to make a living as a poor fisherman to provide for his family...
And if your grandfather came here today he would not be a fisherman.. that has been over regulated, and he wouldn’t even be a dishwasher to work for wages the Latinos would have worked for. Stop your nonsense, all foreigners to a. New country go through a hard time. Except this ones because you democrats and that’s what you are, protect them because they say absolutely nothing! Of the polices democrats are creating because they HAVE NO INTREST IN STAYING IN AMERICA.. They are using us for welfare, and the shit wages.. because 10$ here an hour is like 30 in Mexico,, they are all buying house back home, and leaving. You are allowing foreigners to disrespect me to my face and if I an American says anything to protect my self , you call me a racist and anti immigrant.. ALL BECAUSE YOU WANT POWER.. your sick I swear to to god I won’t be living this way much longer,, and people like you that only support the destruction of America will pay.. weather in court or war, But I promise you this they won’t be a rock you hide from there won’t be a key if you’re hiding we will find people like you and it’s going to be all over
Thats complete bullshit. Most poor people that immigrate here are working those tough jobs. Picking fruit and veggies in the fields, cleaning hotel rooms, landscaping, cooking in kitchens. Your narrative that they’re all milking welfare is bullshit. Some do, some Americans take advantage of welfare and disability as well. I’m not saying it isn’t a problem. But it also isn’t the majority. You either need to start being honest or get better educated about these issues. I feel embarrassed for you when I read some of the stuff you write.
1st your extremely racist.. clean kitchens and pick fruit lol wow

2nd its the reason why most all major cites Are turning to shit holes. 1 democrats go uncontested in laws they pass, over reach of regulations has killed ordinary business creation. That all our grand fathers used to make a living. And with the flooding of our poor schools of multiculturalism, not speaking English had made Americans dependent on government, ( A) if you can’t grow then you can’t participate in democracy, b. Over regulation has killed jobs.

Latinos are taking jobs we used to work and lowering the wages, they are using us, they aren’t staying in America to grow. I’m done wasting my time talking to you I am born and raised in one of the major cities in America and I have seen this growing up from the late 70s until today.. You can Enjoy watching Americans struggle, but the day to answer will be soon
I think you are over looking the fact that big business has been spreading franchises like wildfire and putting the mom and pop shops out of business. The Walmart’s of the world are a big factor in depressed prices and low wages. We have a surplus of millions of jobs in the country and not enough people to fill them. That’s shooting down your narrative.
It’s really not.. you can’t compete with Walmart because democrats put building regulations on their property and expect the avg joe next door to pay for the fees permits and fines. Competition, and better products would keep both open.
I’m well aware of the American story. My grandfather was blown up on a boat while in the service and still managed to make a living as a poor fisherman to provide for his family...
And if your grandfather came here today he would not be a fisherman.. that has been over regulated, and he wouldn’t even be a dishwasher to work for wages the Latinos would have worked for. Stop your nonsense, all foreigners to a. New country go through a hard time. Except this ones because you democrats and that’s what you are, protect them because they say absolutely nothing! Of the polices democrats are creating because they HAVE NO INTREST IN STAYING IN AMERICA.. They are using us for welfare, and the shit wages.. because 10$ here an hour is like 30 in Mexico,, they are all buying house back home, and leaving. You are allowing foreigners to disrespect me to my face and if I an American says anything to protect my self , you call me a racist and anti immigrant.. ALL BECAUSE YOU WANT POWER.. your sick I swear to to god I won’t be living this way much longer,, and people like you that only support the destruction of America will pay.. weather in court or war, But I promise you this they won’t be a rock you hide from there won’t be a key if you’re hiding we will find people like you and it’s going to be all over
Thats complete bullshit. Most poor people that immigrate here are working those tough jobs. Picking fruit and veggies in the fields, cleaning hotel rooms, landscaping, cooking in kitchens. Your narrative that they’re all milking welfare is bullshit. Some do, some Americans take advantage of welfare and disability as well. I’m not saying it isn’t a problem. But it also isn’t the majority. You either need to start being honest or get better educated about these issues. I feel embarrassed for you when I read some of the stuff you write.
1st your extremely racist.. clean kitchens and pick fruit lol wow

2nd its the reason why most all major cites Are turning to shit holes. 1 democrats go uncontested in laws they pass, over reach of regulations has killed ordinary business creation. That all our grand fathers used to make a living. And with the flooding of our poor schools of multiculturalism, not speaking English had made Americans dependent on government, ( A) if you can’t grow then you can’t participate in democracy, b. Over regulation has killed jobs.

Latinos are taking jobs we used to work and lowering the wages, they are using us, they aren’t staying in America to grow. I’m done wasting my time talking to you I am born and raised in one of the major cities in America and I have seen this growing up from the late 70s until today.. You can Enjoy watching Americans struggle, but the day to answer will be soon
How in the world was that comment racist? Please explain
Grow up leave Americans alone
Can’t answer the question? Don’t make those ignorant claims of you can’t back them up
And if your grandfather came here today he would not be a fisherman.. that has been over regulated, and he wouldn’t even be a dishwasher to work for wages the Latinos would have worked for. Stop your nonsense, all foreigners to a. New country go through a hard time. Except this ones because you democrats and that’s what you are, protect them because they say absolutely nothing! Of the polices democrats are creating because they HAVE NO INTREST IN STAYING IN AMERICA.. They are using us for welfare, and the shit wages.. because 10$ here an hour is like 30 in Mexico,, they are all buying house back home, and leaving. You are allowing foreigners to disrespect me to my face and if I an American says anything to protect my self , you call me a racist and anti immigrant.. ALL BECAUSE YOU WANT POWER.. your sick I swear to to god I won’t be living this way much longer,, and people like you that only support the destruction of America will pay.. weather in court or war, But I promise you this they won’t be a rock you hide from there won’t be a key if you’re hiding we will find people like you and it’s going to be all over
Thats complete bullshit. Most poor people that immigrate here are working those tough jobs. Picking fruit and veggies in the fields, cleaning hotel rooms, landscaping, cooking in kitchens. Your narrative that they’re all milking welfare is bullshit. Some do, some Americans take advantage of welfare and disability as well. I’m not saying it isn’t a problem. But it also isn’t the majority. You either need to start being honest or get better educated about these issues. I feel embarrassed for you when I read some of the stuff you write.
1st your extremely racist.. clean kitchens and pick fruit lol wow

2nd its the reason why most all major cites Are turning to shit holes. 1 democrats go uncontested in laws they pass, over reach of regulations has killed ordinary business creation. That all our grand fathers used to make a living. And with the flooding of our poor schools of multiculturalism, not speaking English had made Americans dependent on government, ( A) if you can’t grow then you can’t participate in democracy, b. Over regulation has killed jobs.

Latinos are taking jobs we used to work and lowering the wages, they are using us, they aren’t staying in America to grow. I’m done wasting my time talking to you I am born and raised in one of the major cities in America and I have seen this growing up from the late 70s until today.. You can Enjoy watching Americans struggle, but the day to answer will be soon
How in the world was that comment racist? Please explain
Grow up leave Americans alone
Can’t answer the question? Don’t make those ignorant claims of you can’t back them up
Do I have to you just called Latinos vegetable pickers and kitchen cleaners lol I like it! But let’s treat them with respect
I’m well aware of the American story. My grandfather was blown up on a boat while in the service and still managed to make a living as a poor fisherman to provide for his family...
And if your grandfather came here today he would not be a fisherman.. that has been over regulated, and he wouldn’t even be a dishwasher to work for wages the Latinos would have worked for. Stop your nonsense, all foreigners to a. New country go through a hard time. Except this ones because you democrats and that’s what you are, protect them because they say absolutely nothing! Of the polices democrats are creating because they HAVE NO INTREST IN STAYING IN AMERICA.. They are using us for welfare, and the shit wages.. because 10$ here an hour is like 30 in Mexico,, they are all buying house back home, and leaving. You are allowing foreigners to disrespect me to my face and if I an American says anything to protect my self , you call me a racist and anti immigrant.. ALL BECAUSE YOU WANT POWER.. your sick I swear to to god I won’t be living this way much longer,, and people like you that only support the destruction of America will pay.. weather in court or war, But I promise you this they won’t be a rock you hide from there won’t be a key if you’re hiding we will find people like you and it’s going to be all over
Thats complete bullshit. Most poor people that immigrate here are working those tough jobs. Picking fruit and veggies in the fields, cleaning hotel rooms, landscaping, cooking in kitchens. Your narrative that they’re all milking welfare is bullshit. Some do, some Americans take advantage of welfare and disability as well. I’m not saying it isn’t a problem. But it also isn’t the majority. You either need to start being honest or get better educated about these issues. I feel embarrassed for you when I read some of the stuff you write.
1st your extremely racist.. clean kitchens and pick fruit lol wow

2nd its the reason why most all major cites Are turning to shit holes. 1 democrats go uncontested in laws they pass, over reach of regulations has killed ordinary business creation. That all our grand fathers used to make a living. And with the flooding of our poor schools of multiculturalism, not speaking English had made Americans dependent on government, ( A) if you can’t grow then you can’t participate in democracy, b. Over regulation has killed jobs.

Latinos are taking jobs we used to work and lowering the wages, they are using us, they aren’t staying in America to grow. I’m done wasting my time talking to you I am born and raised in one of the major cities in America and I have seen this growing up from the late 70s until today.. You can Enjoy watching Americans struggle, but the day to answer will be soon
I think you are over looking the fact that big business has been spreading franchises like wildfire and putting the mom and pop shops out of business. The Walmart’s of the world are a big factor in depressed prices and low wages. We have a surplus of millions of jobs in the country and not enough people to fill them. That’s shooting down your narrative.
It’s really not.. you can’t compete with Walmart because democrats put building regulations on their property and expect the avg joe next door to pay for the fees permits and fines. Competition, and better products would keep both open.
Can you give a practical example?
And if your grandfather came here today he would not be a fisherman.. that has been over regulated, and he wouldn’t even be a dishwasher to work for wages the Latinos would have worked for. Stop your nonsense, all foreigners to a. New country go through a hard time. Except this ones because you democrats and that’s what you are, protect them because they say absolutely nothing! Of the polices democrats are creating because they HAVE NO INTREST IN STAYING IN AMERICA.. They are using us for welfare, and the shit wages.. because 10$ here an hour is like 30 in Mexico,, they are all buying house back home, and leaving. You are allowing foreigners to disrespect me to my face and if I an American says anything to protect my self , you call me a racist and anti immigrant.. ALL BECAUSE YOU WANT POWER.. your sick I swear to to god I won’t be living this way much longer,, and people like you that only support the destruction of America will pay.. weather in court or war, But I promise you this they won’t be a rock you hide from there won’t be a key if you’re hiding we will find people like you and it’s going to be all over
Thats complete bullshit. Most poor people that immigrate here are working those tough jobs. Picking fruit and veggies in the fields, cleaning hotel rooms, landscaping, cooking in kitchens. Your narrative that they’re all milking welfare is bullshit. Some do, some Americans take advantage of welfare and disability as well. I’m not saying it isn’t a problem. But it also isn’t the majority. You either need to start being honest or get better educated about these issues. I feel embarrassed for you when I read some of the stuff you write.
1st your extremely racist.. clean kitchens and pick fruit lol wow

2nd its the reason why most all major cites Are turning to shit holes. 1 democrats go uncontested in laws they pass, over reach of regulations has killed ordinary business creation. That all our grand fathers used to make a living. And with the flooding of our poor schools of multiculturalism, not speaking English had made Americans dependent on government, ( A) if you can’t grow then you can’t participate in democracy, b. Over regulation has killed jobs.

Latinos are taking jobs we used to work and lowering the wages, they are using us, they aren’t staying in America to grow. I’m done wasting my time talking to you I am born and raised in one of the major cities in America and I have seen this growing up from the late 70s until today.. You can Enjoy watching Americans struggle, but the day to answer will be soon
I think you are over looking the fact that big business has been spreading franchises like wildfire and putting the mom and pop shops out of business. The Walmart’s of the world are a big factor in depressed prices and low wages. We have a surplus of millions of jobs in the country and not enough people to fill them. That’s shooting down your narrative.
It’s really not.. you can’t compete with Walmart because democrats put building regulations on their property and expect the avg joe next door to pay for the fees permits and fines. Competition, and better products would keep both open.
Can you give a practical example?
Yes 99% of the store fronts in Boston are people that can afford the regulations.. it’s why 99% are not owned by anyone from Boston. The same with Walmart they can afford the locals can’t
Thats complete bullshit. Most poor people that immigrate here are working those tough jobs. Picking fruit and veggies in the fields, cleaning hotel rooms, landscaping, cooking in kitchens. Your narrative that they’re all milking welfare is bullshit. Some do, some Americans take advantage of welfare and disability as well. I’m not saying it isn’t a problem. But it also isn’t the majority. You either need to start being honest or get better educated about these issues. I feel embarrassed for you when I read some of the stuff you write.
1st your extremely racist.. clean kitchens and pick fruit lol wow

2nd its the reason why most all major cites Are turning to shit holes. 1 democrats go uncontested in laws they pass, over reach of regulations has killed ordinary business creation. That all our grand fathers used to make a living. And with the flooding of our poor schools of multiculturalism, not speaking English had made Americans dependent on government, ( A) if you can’t grow then you can’t participate in democracy, b. Over regulation has killed jobs.

Latinos are taking jobs we used to work and lowering the wages, they are using us, they aren’t staying in America to grow. I’m done wasting my time talking to you I am born and raised in one of the major cities in America and I have seen this growing up from the late 70s until today.. You can Enjoy watching Americans struggle, but the day to answer will be soon
How in the world was that comment racist? Please explain
Grow up leave Americans alone
Can’t answer the question? Don’t make those ignorant claims of you can’t back them up
Do I have to you just called Latinos vegetable pickers and kitchen cleaners lol I like it! But let’s treat them with respect
I did no such thing. Thats you lying and trolling again. Come in Jits, keep it above board. You’re almost carrying on a decent conversation
1st your extremely racist.. clean kitchens and pick fruit lol wow

2nd its the reason why most all major cites Are turning to shit holes. 1 democrats go uncontested in laws they pass, over reach of regulations has killed ordinary business creation. That all our grand fathers used to make a living. And with the flooding of our poor schools of multiculturalism, not speaking English had made Americans dependent on government, ( A) if you can’t grow then you can’t participate in democracy, b. Over regulation has killed jobs.

Latinos are taking jobs we used to work and lowering the wages, they are using us, they aren’t staying in America to grow. I’m done wasting my time talking to you I am born and raised in one of the major cities in America and I have seen this growing up from the late 70s until today.. You can Enjoy watching Americans struggle, but the day to answer will be soon
How in the world was that comment racist? Please explain
Grow up leave Americans alone
Can’t answer the question? Don’t make those ignorant claims of you can’t back them up
Do I have to you just called Latinos vegetable pickers and kitchen cleaners lol I like it! But let’s treat them with respect
I did no such thing. Thats you lying and trolling again. Come in Jits, keep it above board. You’re almost carrying on a decent conversation
Now your in denial lol
Thats complete bullshit. Most poor people that immigrate here are working those tough jobs. Picking fruit and veggies in the fields, cleaning hotel rooms, landscaping, cooking in kitchens. Your narrative that they’re all milking welfare is bullshit. Some do, some Americans take advantage of welfare and disability as well. I’m not saying it isn’t a problem. But it also isn’t the majority. You either need to start being honest or get better educated about these issues. I feel embarrassed for you when I read some of the stuff you write.
1st your extremely racist.. clean kitchens and pick fruit lol wow

2nd its the reason why most all major cites Are turning to shit holes. 1 democrats go uncontested in laws they pass, over reach of regulations has killed ordinary business creation. That all our grand fathers used to make a living. And with the flooding of our poor schools of multiculturalism, not speaking English had made Americans dependent on government, ( A) if you can’t grow then you can’t participate in democracy, b. Over regulation has killed jobs.

Latinos are taking jobs we used to work and lowering the wages, they are using us, they aren’t staying in America to grow. I’m done wasting my time talking to you I am born and raised in one of the major cities in America and I have seen this growing up from the late 70s until today.. You can Enjoy watching Americans struggle, but the day to answer will be soon
I think you are over looking the fact that big business has been spreading franchises like wildfire and putting the mom and pop shops out of business. The Walmart’s of the world are a big factor in depressed prices and low wages. We have a surplus of millions of jobs in the country and not enough people to fill them. That’s shooting down your narrative.
It’s really not.. you can’t compete with Walmart because democrats put building regulations on their property and expect the avg joe next door to pay for the fees permits and fines. Competition, and better products would keep both open.
Can you give a practical example?
Yes 99% of the store fronts in Boston are people that can afford the regulations.. it’s why 99% are not owned by anyone from Boston. The same with Walmart they can afford the locals can’t
What regulations? And why can people outside of Boston afford them but not people who live there? Be specific
1st your extremely racist.. clean kitchens and pick fruit lol wow

2nd its the reason why most all major cites Are turning to shit holes. 1 democrats go uncontested in laws they pass, over reach of regulations has killed ordinary business creation. That all our grand fathers used to make a living. And with the flooding of our poor schools of multiculturalism, not speaking English had made Americans dependent on government, ( A) if you can’t grow then you can’t participate in democracy, b. Over regulation has killed jobs.

Latinos are taking jobs we used to work and lowering the wages, they are using us, they aren’t staying in America to grow. I’m done wasting my time talking to you I am born and raised in one of the major cities in America and I have seen this growing up from the late 70s until today.. You can Enjoy watching Americans struggle, but the day to answer will be soon
I think you are over looking the fact that big business has been spreading franchises like wildfire and putting the mom and pop shops out of business. The Walmart’s of the world are a big factor in depressed prices and low wages. We have a surplus of millions of jobs in the country and not enough people to fill them. That’s shooting down your narrative.
It’s really not.. you can’t compete with Walmart because democrats put building regulations on their property and expect the avg joe next door to pay for the fees permits and fines. Competition, and better products would keep both open.
Can you give a practical example?
Yes 99% of the store fronts in Boston are people that can afford the regulations.. it’s why 99% are not owned by anyone from Boston. The same with Walmart they can afford the locals can’t
What regulations? And why can people outside of Boston afford them but not people who live there? Be specific
High standards, building codes, contractors that are limited because of the codes democrats create to control who does what. the rich from the suburbs see a no competition opportunity, and the jump on it, opening business in urban areas knowing the locals can’t compete.
I think you are over looking the fact that big business has been spreading franchises like wildfire and putting the mom and pop shops out of business. The Walmart’s of the world are a big factor in depressed prices and low wages. We have a surplus of millions of jobs in the country and not enough people to fill them. That’s shooting down your narrative.
It’s really not.. you can’t compete with Walmart because democrats put building regulations on their property and expect the avg joe next door to pay for the fees permits and fines. Competition, and better products would keep both open.
Can you give a practical example?
Yes 99% of the store fronts in Boston are people that can afford the regulations.. it’s why 99% are not owned by anyone from Boston. The same with Walmart they can afford the locals can’t
What regulations? And why can people outside of Boston afford them but not people who live there? Be specific
High standards, building codes, contractors that are limited because of the codes democrats create to control who does what. the rich from the suburbs see a no competition opportunity, and the jump on it, opening business in urban areas knowing the locals can’t compete.
you're still using generalities... why can a rich outsider make a profitable business but not a local?
It’s really not.. you can’t compete with Walmart because democrats put building regulations on their property and expect the avg joe next door to pay for the fees permits and fines. Competition, and better products would keep both open.
Can you give a practical example?
Yes 99% of the store fronts in Boston are people that can afford the regulations.. it’s why 99% are not owned by anyone from Boston. The same with Walmart they can afford the locals can’t
What regulations? And why can people outside of Boston afford them but not people who live there? Be specific
High standards, building codes, contractors that are limited because of the codes democrats create to control who does what. the rich from the suburbs see a no competition opportunity, and the jump on it, opening business in urban areas knowing the locals can’t compete.
you're still using generalities... why can a rich outsider make a profitable business but not a local?
I told you.. I’m not repeating my.
New Regulations
Builders are also increasing their costs to cover recently implemented regulations for house erosion control, energy codes, and fire sprinklers. “New regulations to protect the environment and to shore up local city finances have made it extremely difficult for home builders to build affordable homes,” analysts from John Burns Real Estate Consulting told CNBC.
Can you give a practical example?
Yes 99% of the store fronts in Boston are people that can afford the regulations.. it’s why 99% are not owned by anyone from Boston. The same with Walmart they can afford the locals can’t
What regulations? And why can people outside of Boston afford them but not people who live there? Be specific
High standards, building codes, contractors that are limited because of the codes democrats create to control who does what. the rich from the suburbs see a no competition opportunity, and the jump on it, opening business in urban areas knowing the locals can’t compete.
you're still using generalities... why can a rich outsider make a profitable business but not a local?
I told you.. I’m not repeating my.
Your avoiding specifics that are relevant to your point. Start up costs like building codes and permits along with operational expenses like rent and taxes don’t effect profitability in a local competitive landscape. Buying power does. That’s how the papa johns takes out the mom and pop pizza shop. That’s how they sell $12 pies at the same margin as the boutique $18 pie. That’s how Walmart takes out the local grocery and hardware stores.

now there are relevant points to be made for minimum wage laws and healthcare requirements for certain businesses. You missed an opportunity there.

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