Falling apart - American no go zones.

Alas, the country had an abundance of psychiatric hospitals and institutions to treat the mentally unstable......

Until leftist gasbags deemed them too stigmatizing
so that now these unfortunates roam the streets and get outpatient care......

Completely irresponsible, the majority of those people with mental health issues cannot cope with the outside world, they think it a strange and frightening place, what we consider everyday situations, they often are very frightened of, they would prefer to be in a safe place such as a psychiatric hospital, where they are cared for, given their meds each day and feel protected.

The British did the same thing, closed down many psychiatric hospitals and institutions and put these people out into the world, they refer to this as Care In The Community.

When Mr. Lucy and I lived in London he often had to visit several of the large psychiatric hospitals to assess patients for release and he said nearly all of them became very upset and openly said they wanted to remain as an Inpatient.

A society should be judged on how it treats it's most vulnerable people, like those with mental health issues and putting them out on the street is not the way they should be treated.
In Chicago, shooting deaths take no holiday - CNN.com

This seems to be a major problem. What are the authorities doing about it ?
It’s not up to the authorities to do anything – the problem is beyond the scope and purview of local elected officials.

For example, there’s nothing local authorities can do to change the fact that American society is inherently violent – a society where violence is sanction as a legitimate means of conflict resolution; from corporal punishment in schools to capital punishment in the legal system, violence permeates all aspects of American culture.

There’s also nothing local authorities can do to address the problem of mental illness, where there is no comprehensive system in place for the detection and treatment of mental disorders that all too often result in gun violence.

Indeed, affording Americans access to comprehensive mental health detection and treatment is the responsibility of Congressional leaders, not local authorities.

1. The local authorities can do a lot. They could a. do something to improve the local economy. b. control crime. c. advocate for national policies that would help.

2. American society is not inherently violent. Certain minority communities are fucked up badly enough to bring all of America's number down. Your concerns about spanking children is respectfully noted.

3.I agree that it is a national or state level function to lock up crazy people and that we should do more of it.
In Chicago, shooting deaths take no holiday - CNN.com

This seems to be a major problem. What are the authorities doing about it ?
Over 60 years of Democratic Party rule working there. The authorities aka police can't really do much of anything there hands are tied and they don't want to be labeled racist. The authorities aka the Government doesn't give a shit as long as the people keep voting D.

The majority of the deaths are Black on Black crime the only people who care about that are Conservative but the moment we open our mouths we are labeled racist.
In Chicago, shooting deaths take no holiday - CNN.com

This seems to be a major problem. What are the authorities doing about it ?
Over 60 years of Democratic Party rule working there. The authorities aka police can't really do much of anything there hands are tied and they don't want to be labeled racist. The authorities aka the Government doesn't give a shit as long as the people keep voting D.

The majority of the deaths are Black on Black crime the only people who care about that are Conservative but the moment we open our mouths we are labeled racist.
Just wanted to add these places have largely been no go areas since the Democrats hijacked the Civil Rights movement .
"You are safe in Chicago. You are secure in Chicago and you are supported in Chicago,"

Clearly the OP posted fake news. Liberal Rahm Emanuel ensured us it's safe.

Let's be brutally honest here. Cities like Chicago and Baltimore are run by Liberals. As long as it's blacks being shot they don't care.

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