Families Against Fentanyl. The government does nothing so it's up to the people.

Don't be distracted by the anti-American trolls. Fentanyl is a POISON that is being created by CHINA and the DRUG CARTELS. The other player in the ATTACK on our country is MEXICO. Biden does NOTHING ABOUT IT because he is in Xi Jinping's pocket. PERIOD.
franco the commie Trump hater weighs in.
And makes you look like brainwashed functional morons again lol... And by the way communists want a dictatorship that owns all business and industry and I would be the last person to want that, and besides, no one wants communism lol..... Or a dictatorship except for people like you with trump and martial law. Because emails and paraphilia lol. What's worse, brainwashed functional Nazis too. Poor America.
Don't be distracted by the anti-American trolls. Fentanyl is a POISON that is being created by CHINA and the DRUG CARTELS. The other player in the ATTACK on our country is MEXICO. Biden does NOTHING ABOUT IT because he is in Xi Jinping's pocket. PERIOD.
  • Ad Misleads on Percentage Increase in Fentanyl Seizures Under …

    Claim: “4,000 percent increase in fentanyl" under President Biden on the southern border.

    Fact checked by factcheck.org
  • Fentanyl Surge Started and Peaked Under Trump Despite GOP …

    WebFeb 11, 2022 · Under Biden, over $3.4 billion went to CBP through the Drug Program in 2021. Following the Trump peaks in October and December of 2020, the fentanyl seized each …
I agree, but not by your logic that guns can't or never have killed.
Oh, I get it that nothing will happen if the gun if left alone, same with fentanyl.
Did you miss that part, or are you just in denial.
I know you understand, you can just NEVER admit that guns kill people.

Stick a fentanyl pill in your mouth followed by a loaded gun in your mouth and fire.
Let's see which one kills you first. View attachment 748870
Guns don’t kill. Fentanyl does. I can have a gun touch my skin fentanyl nope
Don't be distracted by the anti-American trolls. Fentanyl is a POISON that is being created by CHINA and the DRUG CARTELS. The other player in the ATTACK on our country is MEXICO. Biden does NOTHING ABOUT IT because he is in Xi Jinping's pocket. PERIOD.
Sure, maga fuckups in west virginia blame Ghina for their addiction...as opposed to being white rural fuckups.
It’s private business you want government to run. Now shoo
a living wage and paid parental leave are not communism, dunce. Oops brainwashed functional dunce. How old are you 12? Do I remind you of Stalin lol? You people are just out of your minds on some damn algorithm... change the damn channel someday
Guns don’t kill. Fentanyl does. I can have a gun touch my skin fentanyl nope
How does the fentanyl touch your skin?
Did it jump at you?

Your argument is so full of holes.
It's stupid, asinine reasoning that guns don't kill people.
Sure you do, start with healthcare
I am pretty much a French socialist, socialist meaning always democratic fair capitalism, ignoramus. Just like every other modern country in the world except for us, because of brainwashed dupes of the greedy idiot mega rich GOP swine liars...
I support gun rights.

This part of the thread is literally about posters here denying that guns kill people.

Fentanyl Kills People.
Guns Kill People.
Old age kills people. Moron. Have you ever seen a gun or a bullet or fentanyl charged and taken to jail for killing people? Of course you haven't because they are inanimate objects and anyone with a half a brain knows that it is the person who pulls the trigger that kills people, likewise for the person who provides fentanyl--that is why possession and distribution of illegal drugs is a crime. You are a fucking idiot.
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How does the fentanyl touch your skin?
Did it jump at you?

Your argument is so full of holes.
It's stupid, asinine reasoning that guns don't kill people.
When you eat your gun, would your gun be taken to jail? Nope. You would just become another suicide statistic. And people would just say, fuck him, it was only Winnie and he's stupid. If you jump off the Golden Gate, is the bridge guilty of murdering you? Run along, you have demonstrated to everyone on this thread that you are stupid. Typical democrat--when you have your ass handed to you, you resort to character assassination and lies. Glad my grandkids don't attend school in WA if you are an example of an educator in this state. I'll never vote for another school levy because of the likes of you.
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If @Concerned American leaves his gun, ammo, and fentanyl, all on the same table,
is one of the 3 more capable of killing someone than the other?
Hold on moron, I don't have anything to do with drugs--that is you lefties forte. Did you provide your students with fentanyl? Then you are guilty of the result just as surely as if you plunged a knife into those student's hearts.
Case in point--Report today said that some EMTs are being charged with a crime because they placed a patient on a gurney face down and the patient suffocated. Did the gurney kill or did the actions of the EMT? Twist your pretzel logic anyway you want. YOU ARE WRONG. Guns do not kill people the action of the person controlling the gun killed.
When you eat your gun, would your gun be taken to jail? Nope. You would just become another suicide statistic. And people would just say, fuck him, it was only Winnie and he's stupid. If you jump off the Golden Gate, is the bridge guilty of murdering you? Run along, you have demonstrated to everyone on this thread that you are stupid. Typical democrat--when you have your ass handed to you, you resort to character assassination and lies. Glad my grandkids don't attend school in WA if you are an example of an educator in this state. I'll never vote for another school levy because of the likes of you.

Guns do not kill people the action of the person controlling the gun killed.
Now your repeating what I said earlier in the thread. The gun and fentanyl need an action. With this action, both are killers.

The more you type, the more pity I acquire for your poor soul.

Try to enjoy your day.
I know I’ll enjoy mine. 😎
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The gun and fentanyl need an action. With this action, both are killers.
Wrong, moron. Neither are killers without the action of a human. Cotton balls can be killers if I shove enough of them down your throat. What school district are you affiliated with--you should be removed.
Wrong, moron. Neither are killers without the action of a human. Cotton balls can be killers if I shove enough of them down your throat. What school district are you affiliated with--you should be removed.
They give me awards Gramps.
If you truly are a grandparent, perhaps you should clean up your mouth.
Your grandkids would be embarrassed by the filthy mouth you use, and false accusations.

But keep up the rudeness, your putdowns have the same affect as a midget fighting Hulk Hogan. Just a little prick every now and then.
Now your repeating what I said earlier in the thread. The gun and fentanyl need an action. With this action, both are killers.

Wrong, moron. Neither are killers without the action of a human.
A bullet w/gun and a fentanyl tablet, sitting side by side on @Concerned American table, neither one will kill just sitting there, it takes an action, and then BOTH become KILLERS.
Post #67.

Thanks for copying what I said earlier.
It's a pleasure to educate you.
They give me awards
Yeah, so what--they gave Pelosi awards too. meh.
you should clean up your mouth.
Your argument is so full of holes.
You have no argument Winnie. You're a fool who has been exposed, not that it took much. Now you feel you can play both sides of the coin. You can't---people kill people. An inanimate object will lay in the weather and rust away harming no one until a PERSON picks it up and uses it improperly.
Yeah, so what--they gave Pelosi awards too. meh.


You have no argument Winnie. You're a fool who has been exposed, not that it took much. Now you feel you can play both sides of the coin. You can't---people kill people. An inanimate object will lay in the weather and rust away harming no one until a PERSON picks it up and uses it improperly.
Have a great day.
I got chores to do around the house.

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