Family net worth retreats to early 1990's levels

380,000 people file for unemployment in March and the Administration says this is a recovbery LOL When only 100,000 new jobs were created by PRIVATE industry. Tell me ladies and gents that looks like a 200,000 loss.
380,000 people file for unemployment in March and the Administration says this is a recovbery LOL When only 100,000 new jobs were created by PRIVATE industry. Tell me ladies and gents that looks like a 200,000 loss.

Still waiting for you to show us what you consider "truthful news". Weird that you stopped responding when I asked for that.
380,000 people file for unemployment in March and the Administration says this is a recovbery LOL When only 100,000 new jobs were created by PRIVATE industry. Tell me ladies and gents that looks like a 200,000 loss.

Still waiting for you to show us what you consider "truthful news". Weird that you stopped responding when I asked for that.

Actually I got that statfrom the US labor boards

United States Department of Labor If you want to find it go ahead and look. It will take you a bit cause the stats dealt with one week in march.
380,000 people file for unemployment in March and the Administration says this is a recovbery LOL When only 100,000 new jobs were created by PRIVATE industry. Tell me ladies and gents that looks like a 200,000 loss.

You need to get back to the shallow end of the math pool before you drown.

Holy mackerel!!!!!!!
Taxes have been lowered under Obama, not raised. Stop lying.

There is ALWAYS uncertainty in the economy. This is the biggest lie of century, i.e., that the economy can't grow because of uncertainty.

The Fed has nothing to do with Obama, and the Fed is not in anybody's way. Interest rates are virtually at zero.

Not allowing the housing market to bottom? So if housing prices were lower, the wealth figures cited in the OP would be lower, and you'd be trying to blame those even worse numbers on Obama.

Shut up. You're an idiot making a fool of yourself.

No, they have not. Taxes not only have not been lowered, but they are scheduled to increase massively Jan 1.
Quit puking the party line.

So they haven't been raised under Obama is what you're saying? Got it.

We won't be seeing any more of Rabbi on this topic once I started talking about facts and figures. He's off planning his next erroneous outburst.
380,000 people file for unemployment in March and the Administration says this is a recovbery LOL When only 100,000 new jobs were created by PRIVATE industry. Tell me ladies and gents that looks like a 200,000 loss.

Still waiting for you to show us what you consider "truthful news". Weird that you stopped responding when I asked for that.

Actually I got that statfrom the US labor boards

United States Department of Labor If you want to find it go ahead and look. It will take you a bit cause the stats dealt with one week in march.

So should I take it that you're not going to share with me what you consider to be truthful news?

Oh and thanks for the generic home page link for your stats, that clears everything up. :cool:

Are you lazy or just embarrassed?
Still waiting for you to show us what you consider "truthful news". Weird that you stopped responding when I asked for that.

Actually I got that statfrom the US labor boards

United States Department of Labor If you want to find it go ahead and look. It will take you a bit cause the stats dealt with one week in march.

So should I take it that you're not going to share with me what you consider to be truthful news?

Oh and thanks for the generic home page link for your stats, that clears everything up. :cool:

Are you lazy or just embarrassed?
Nether just know if you dont look for yourself you wont learn. You wont look though.
Actually I got that statfrom the US labor boards

United States Department of Labor If you want to find it go ahead and look. It will take you a bit cause the stats dealt with one week in march.

So should I take it that you're not going to share with me what you consider to be truthful news?

Oh and thanks for the generic home page link for your stats, that clears everything up. :cool:

Are you lazy or just embarrassed?
Nether just know if you dont look for yourself you wont learn. You wont look though.

LOL, holy fucking cop out. First you're too embarrassed to tell me what you consider truthful news, then you share a link to a homepage of a site that has over 150,000 pages and you want me to go find whatever bullshit you're trying to spew? You're not only lazy you're also just an idiot. Good for you.
Who decides what "enough" is? That's always the rub whenever someone says the rich should just pay more.

3% more on income is all that is required to return to the pre Bush tax-cuts. Also treat all income as income. No special cheap rate for income from long term capital gains.
A second bite at the apple? No farging way. Once is enough.
If you are so worried about government deficits, write a check.

I write a check every April 15. Why do you think they deserved a tax cut for long term capital gains? Hell why did they deserve the 3% tax cut, while we still has such an enormous debt?
Who decides what "enough" is? That's always the rub whenever someone says the rich should just pay more.

3% more on income is all that is required to return to the pre Bush tax-cuts. Also treat all income as income. No special cheap rate for income from long term capital gains.

THat's not the innocuous 3% you are looking for. It's 100%. Yep. If all income is to be taxed including interest, dividend, property sales as regular income, most if not all would fall into the 39.3% bracket.
This is your idea of economic stimulus? Dumping more money into an already wasteful government which has no fiscal discipline? Giving it to a President that has a socialist agenda? One that believes government deficit spending will create economic growth even in the face of advice to the contrary?
Just admit to the thread your sense of entitlement. That you believe you are entitled to the wealth of others.
You libs are all like. Great spenders of other people's money. However, when your wealth becomes a target for the greedy paws of government, suddenly you're a fiscal conservative.

No. Your question was how much. I told you.
Taxes have been lowered under Obama, not raised. Stop lying.

There is ALWAYS uncertainty in the economy. This is the biggest lie of century, i.e., that the economy can't grow because of uncertainty.

The Fed has nothing to do with Obama, and the Fed is not in anybody's way. Interest rates are virtually at zero.

Not allowing the housing market to bottom? So if housing prices were lower, the wealth figures cited in the OP would be lower, and you'd be trying to blame those even worse numbers on Obama.

Shut up. You're an idiot making a fool of yourself.

No, they have not. Taxes not only have not been lowered, but they are scheduled to increase massively Jan 1.
Quit puking the party line.

So they haven't been raised under Obama is what you're saying? Got it.
You shoul;d try reading.
Or maybe knitting.
Ot anything other than smoking crack.
Taxes have increased. Some taxes have gone down. But we see the overall effect of Obama's policies: stagnation, high unemployment, high deficits.
Next deflection, please.
No, they have not. Taxes not only have not been lowered, but they are scheduled to increase massively Jan 1.
Quit puking the party line.

So they haven't been raised under Obama is what you're saying? Got it.
You shoul;d try reading.
Or maybe knitting.
Ot anything other than smoking crack.
Taxes have increased. Some taxes have gone down. But we see the overall effect of Obama's policies: stagnation, high unemployment, high deficits.
Next deflection, please.

False. You want it to be true, doesn't make it so. Sorry.

I'll even show how you have no clue what you're talking about.

Tell us specifically how much your taxes have increased. What percentage and what was the cause of it? Try and use actual facts and not the imaginary world that is going on in your head.
No, they have not. Taxes not only have not been lowered, but they are scheduled to increase massively Jan 1.
Quit puking the party line.

So they haven't been raised under Obama is what you're saying? Got it.
You shoul;d try reading.
Or maybe knitting.
Ot anything other than smoking crack.
Taxes have increased. Some taxes have gone down. But we see the overall effect of Obama's policies: stagnation, high unemployment, high deficits.
Next deflection, please.

What federal taxes have been raised? Some states have raised taxes but I'm unsure which federal taxes have gone up.
So they haven't been raised under Obama is what you're saying? Got it.
You shoul;d try reading.
Or maybe knitting.
Ot anything other than smoking crack.
Taxes have increased. Some taxes have gone down. But we see the overall effect of Obama's policies: stagnation, high unemployment, high deficits.
Next deflection, please.

False. You want it to be true, doesn't make it so. Sorry.

I'll even show how you have no clue what you're talking about.

Tell us specifically how much your taxes have increased. What percentage and what was the cause of it? Try and use actual facts and not the imaginary world that is going on in your head.

Geezus Kryst, what a fucking loser. You can't read your way out of a paper bag.
I didnt say MY taxes had gone up. I didnt say income taxes had gone up. I said "taxes". Which is true:
Single Largest Cigarette Tax Hike Goes Into Effect Wednesday | Fox News
And you ignored my comment that taxes, including income taxes, are scheduled to increase 1 Jan at the highest rate ever.
Quit deflecting, you pathetic loser. I laid out why the economy sucks. I pointed to specific programs and policies that made that happen.
Man up for once and admit I'm right.
You shoul;d try reading.
Or maybe knitting.
Ot anything other than smoking crack.
Taxes have increased. Some taxes have gone down. But we see the overall effect of Obama's policies: stagnation, high unemployment, high deficits.
Next deflection, please.

False. You want it to be true, doesn't make it so. Sorry.

I'll even show how you have no clue what you're talking about.

Tell us specifically how much your taxes have increased. What percentage and what was the cause of it? Try and use actual facts and not the imaginary world that is going on in your head.

Geezus Kryst, what a fucking loser. You can't read your way out of a paper bag.
I didnt say MY taxes had gone up. I didnt say income taxes had gone up. I said "taxes". Which is true:
Single Largest Cigarette Tax Hike Goes Into Effect Wednesday | Fox News
And you ignored my comment that taxes, including income taxes, are scheduled to increase 1 Jan at the highest rate ever.
Quit deflecting, you pathetic loser. I laid out why the economy sucks. I pointed to specific programs and policies that made that happen.
Man up for once and admit I'm right.
Just do what I did. Show were you get the info and make them serch fo it themselves. Cause truthfully they will just ignore it all anyway.
And you ignored my comment that taxes, including income taxes, are scheduled to increase 1 Jan at the highest rate ever.

That tax increase is partly the result of Obama's payroll tax cuts expiring. So to say he raised taxes is disingenuous. He lowered taxes and now they will be resetting back to their previous level if nothing is done to extend the expiration date of the tax cut.

That is not an Obama tax increase. They will not reset to a level higher than when he took office. They have been lower all this time. Every working person in America has had lower federal taxes during Obama's tenure.

Another large part of the tax increase is the expiraton of the Bush tax cuts, which have been extended already by Obama and Congress.

I seriously doubt they will allow those cuts to expire. They will extend them again, with the exception of the top marginal rate. I would be surprised if that top margin tax cut is not allowed to expire.
False. You want it to be true, doesn't make it so. Sorry.

I'll even show how you have no clue what you're talking about.

Tell us specifically how much your taxes have increased. What percentage and what was the cause of it? Try and use actual facts and not the imaginary world that is going on in your head.

Geezus Kryst, what a fucking loser. You can't read your way out of a paper bag.
I didnt say MY taxes had gone up. I didnt say income taxes had gone up. I said "taxes". Which is true:
Single Largest Cigarette Tax Hike Goes Into Effect Wednesday | Fox News
And you ignored my comment that taxes, including income taxes, are scheduled to increase 1 Jan at the highest rate ever.
Quit deflecting, you pathetic loser. I laid out why the economy sucks. I pointed to specific programs and policies that made that happen.
Man up for once and admit I'm right.
Just do what I did. just ignore it all

That about sums it up.
You shoul;d try reading.
Or maybe knitting.
Ot anything other than smoking crack.
Taxes have increased. Some taxes have gone down. But we see the overall effect of Obama's policies: stagnation, high unemployment, high deficits.
Next deflection, please.

False. You want it to be true, doesn't make it so. Sorry.

I'll even show how you have no clue what you're talking about.

Tell us specifically how much your taxes have increased. What percentage and what was the cause of it? Try and use actual facts and not the imaginary world that is going on in your head.

Geezus Kryst, what a fucking loser. You can't read your way out of a paper bag.
I didnt say MY taxes had gone up. I didnt say income taxes had gone up. I said "taxes". Which is true:
Single Largest Cigarette Tax Hike Goes Into Effect Wednesday | Fox News
And you ignored my comment that taxes, including income taxes, are scheduled to increase 1 Jan at the highest rate ever.
Quit deflecting, you pathetic loser. I laid out why the economy sucks. I pointed to specific programs and policies that made that happen.
Man up for once and admit I'm right.

LOL. I knew you couldn't answer because your taxes haven't gone up. You can't point out anyone who has had their taxes go up. Proof has been given about how taxes have decreased but your only thing you can point to is to highlight taxes that are set to expire. LOL. You lose again Rabbi as usual. When asked for facts, all you nutters are the same. you make excuses, change the topic or disappear.
False. You want it to be true, doesn't make it so. Sorry.

I'll even show how you have no clue what you're talking about.

Tell us specifically how much your taxes have increased. What percentage and what was the cause of it? Try and use actual facts and not the imaginary world that is going on in your head.

Geezus Kryst, what a fucking loser. You can't read your way out of a paper bag.
I didnt say MY taxes had gone up. I didnt say income taxes had gone up. I said "taxes". Which is true:
Single Largest Cigarette Tax Hike Goes Into Effect Wednesday | Fox News
And you ignored my comment that taxes, including income taxes, are scheduled to increase 1 Jan at the highest rate ever.
Quit deflecting, you pathetic loser. I laid out why the economy sucks. I pointed to specific programs and policies that made that happen.
Man up for once and admit I'm right.

LOL. I knew you couldn't answer because your taxes haven't gone up. You can't point out anyone who has had their taxes go up. Proof has been given about how taxes have decreased but your only thing you can point to is to highlight taxes that are set to expire. LOL. You lose again Rabbi as usual. When asked for facts, all you nutters are the same. you make excuses, change the topic or disappear.

Let's concentrate on whether or not a sales tax increase on cigs is a tax increase.

Meanwhile, we'll go another few trillion into debt trying to stimulate an ecomomy with federal work programs.

You guys should run for congress.

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