Family net worth retreats to early 1990's levels

Actually I asked what policies that Obama has created have caused what the OP claims is Obamas fault...that net worth is down 40%? .

BO is left wing liberal communist socialist so everything he does and supports will encourage a soviet style centralized economy. Here's a partial list:

1) end mortgage/housing crisis by allowing quick evictions

1) Make unions illegal ( 10 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

2) make minimum wage illegal ( 5 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

3) end business taxation; especially tax incentives to off-shore jobs ( 5 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

4) make inflation illegal ( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

5) make Federal debt illegal( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

6) send illegal workers home(8 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

7) Pass Balanced Budget Amendment to Constitution( 3 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

8) cut pay of government workers in half( 4 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

9) Make health insurance competition legal( 6 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

10) end needless business regulations ( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

11) restrict Federal spending to 15% of GNP( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

12) support unlimited free trade( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

13) reduced unemployment compensation, welfare, food stamps, medicaid.( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

14) privatize education, social security ( 4 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

15) end payroll taxes ( 1 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

Since Democrats always oppose wisdom and common sense the only serious option is to make them illegal as the Constitution intended.
So if the policies were already in place, how can Obama be the cause of what has happened?

Thanks for proving my point.

I thought Obama came to change the failed policies of George W Bush?
Actually he has changed plenty: Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, EPA regs, etc.

Lets try and not change the topic. We're talking about policies that dropped the net worth of families between 2007 and 2010. Try and read the article before giving us your expert opinion.
It's less about what Obama has done. It is mostly about what Obama DID NOT do.
His economic policy has been atrocious.
No policy for progress. No ideas placed on jump starting the economy.
All you lefties have is "it's Bush's fault" And "the Stimulus worked"....Both ignore the facts.
The fact is....Obama's admin has been a miserable failure.
How fucking dense are you? My original post that you replied to was to point out that Obama did NOTHING different than what was done before him. You proved my point! So the OP's assertion that this was caused by Obama is incorrect since he did not enact any new policies that would have caused what he was claiming.

How fucking dense can you be? I never once claimed he was different, which you agree with. So again, thank you for agreeing with what I said.

You just don't want to ever agree with "a liberal" and your warped mind can't handle that notion. So you compensate by trying to change what I said to fit your agenda. Grow the fuck up.

No, your original post was a challenge to name which of his policies caused this mess, I did.

No, you didn't. I asked for what he enacted, you told me he continued previously existing policies. See the difference? Thus you didn't answer my question and proved my point.

I then challenged you to tell me what he has done differently than Bush, and you responded by arguing that Obama is not responsible for Bush's policies.

Not sure how that makes me dense, but I am glad you can at least admit that Obama is just as bad as Bush.
I said no such thing either. In the context of what THIS thread is about and the dropping net worth, Obama had nothing to do with it as it was all enacted before he came to office. You helped me prove that. Thanks.

Some people are so stupid I am surprised they can breathe, and you make them look smart. Did you forget I can actually go back ans show you what I said? You asked, I answered.

He enacted the same fracking policies the Republicans have been using for 30 years, that is my answer, and I stand by it 100% until you can show me something different.

No blaming Bush here.....This is all on Obama's watch..
Family Net Worth Drops to Level of Early

Which policies that Obama has enacted has caused this to happen? Specifically and how?

The same ones the Republicans have been using for the last 30 years.

Unless, that is, you can point to what he did different.
I thought Obama came to change the failed policies of George W Bush?
Actually he has changed plenty: Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, EPA regs, etc.

Lets try and not change the topic. We're talking about policies that dropped the net worth of families between 2007 and 2010. Try and read the article before giving us your expert opinion.

You do realize Obama was in the Senate from 2006 to 2008, don't you? Why don't you pull up his voting record and show us where he voted against the policies that caused this mess?
No, your original post was a challenge to name which of his policies caused this mess, I did.

No, you didn't. I asked for what he enacted, you told me he continued previously existing policies. See the difference? Thus you didn't answer my question and proved my point.

I said no such thing either. In the context of what THIS thread is about and the dropping net worth, Obama had nothing to do with it as it was all enacted before he came to office. You helped me prove that. Thanks.

Some people are so stupid I am surprised they can breathe, and you make them look smart. Did you forget I can actually go back ans show you what I said? You asked, I answered.

He enacted the same fracking policies the Republicans have been using for 30 years, that is my answer, and I stand by it 100% until you can show me something different.

Which policies that Obama has enacted has caused this to happen? Specifically and how?

The same ones the Republicans have been using for the last 30 years.

Unless, that is, you can point to what he did different.

I get it, you think enacted is the same as continued. That's the only thing that could explain how dumb you sound. Let me dumb it down for you.....

What policies did Obama create under his presidency that would have created this problem?

When all else fails for conservatives, play semantic games!
I thought Obama came to change the failed policies of George W Bush?
Actually he has changed plenty: Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, EPA regs, etc.

Lets try and not change the topic. We're talking about policies that dropped the net worth of families between 2007 and 2010. Try and read the article before giving us your expert opinion.

You do realize Obama was in the Senate from 2006 to 2008, don't you? Why don't you pull up his voting record and show us where he voted against the policies that caused this mess?

If we can't prove he caused this under his presidency let's shift the focus to when he was in Senate. It has to be his fault somehow! I hope you don't conduct your real life the way you do on here. That would be truly sad.
No, you didn't. I asked for what he enacted, you told me he continued previously existing policies. See the difference? Thus you didn't answer my question and proved my point.

I said no such thing either. In the context of what THIS thread is about and the dropping net worth, Obama had nothing to do with it as it was all enacted before he came to office. You helped me prove that. Thanks.

Some people are so stupid I am surprised they can breathe, and you make them look smart. Did you forget I can actually go back ans show you what I said? You asked, I answered.

He enacted the same fracking policies the Republicans have been using for 30 years, that is my answer, and I stand by it 100% until you can show me something different.

The same ones the Republicans have been using for the last 30 years.

Unless, that is, you can point to what he did different.

I get it, you think enacted is the same as continued. That's the only thing that could explain how dumb you sound. Let me dumb it down for you.....

What policies did Obama create under his presidency that would have created this problem?

When all else fails for conservatives, play semantic games!

Maybe if I made a coloring book with my answers you could understand them.
Your question has been answered. Copiously. Which part of it do you not understand?
Some people are so stupid I am surprised they can breathe, and you make them look smart. Did you forget I can actually go back ans show you what I said? You asked, I answered.

He enacted the same fracking policies the Republicans have been using for 30 years, that is my answer, and I stand by it 100% until you can show me something different.

I get it, you think enacted is the same as continued. That's the only thing that could explain how dumb you sound. Let me dumb it down for you.....

What policies did Obama create under his presidency that would have created this problem?

When all else fails for conservatives, play semantic games!

Maybe if I made a coloring book with my answers you could understand them.
Your question has been answered. Copiously. Which part of it do you not understand?

Link to it.
I get it, you think enacted is the same as continued. That's the only thing that could explain how dumb you sound. Let me dumb it down for you.....

What policies did Obama create under his presidency that would have created this problem?

When all else fails for conservatives, play semantic games!

Maybe if I made a coloring book with my answers you could understand them.
Your question has been answered. Copiously. Which part of it do you not understand?

Link to it.
No, you didn't. I asked for what he enacted, you told me he continued previously existing policies. See the difference? Thus you didn't answer my question and proved my point.

I said no such thing either. In the context of what THIS thread is about and the dropping net worth, Obama had nothing to do with it as it was all enacted before he came to office. You helped me prove that. Thanks.

Some people are so stupid I am surprised they can breathe, and you make them look smart. Did you forget I can actually go back ans show you what I said? You asked, I answered.

He enacted the same fracking policies the Republicans have been using for 30 years, that is my answer, and I stand by it 100% until you can show me something different.

The same ones the Republicans have been using for the last 30 years.

Unless, that is, you can point to what he did different.

I get it, you think enacted is the same as continued. That's the only thing that could explain how dumb you sound. Let me dumb it down for you.....

What policies did Obama create under his presidency that would have created this problem?

When all else fails for conservatives, play semantic games!
Ok, let's see..For the purpose of ending this shit, let us stipulate that Obama inherited an economic mess.
Ok, if you insist.....
The recession ENDED in 1Q 2009. BEFORE Obama told the American people of his idea to stimulate the economy...Stim number one. What happened after that money hit the state and local governments?...The economy SLOWED to less than 1% annualized growth.
What did Obama want? ANOTHER stimulus. So the money the federal reserve printed had not even dried yet and Obama wanted to spend another Half trillion.....Obama promised 100, 000 new police on the streets. Never happened. Promised all these shovel ready projects would with the stimulus, move forward. Never happened. Would hold unemployment under 8%. Never happened. Then just last year Obama wanted ANOTHER $500 billion in stimulus. He admitted there really were not any shovel ready projects. You libs covered for him.
Here's what Obama has done for the economy....NOTHING. And THAT is why the economy STILL sucks. Yes it is growing...At a snail's pace. 1.7% annualized GDP growth. Meanwhile because there has not been a federal budget passed in three years( Senate, run by democrats) and baseline increases of 5% or more for each department have been enacted, the deficits keep getting larger and the taxpayers deeper into the abyss.
THIS is what Obama's three plus years have done TO us.
Policies? Obama has no economic policy. His insistence on growing government, increasing taxes, Obamacare and other actions have created a condition of uncertainty such that the private sector is sitting on the sidelines. And rightly so.
Obama could order the hiring of 8 million more federal employees and the economy would not grow. It would only stagnate. It would collapse under the weight of so much debt.
Some people are so stupid I am surprised they can breathe, and you make them look smart. Did you forget I can actually go back ans show you what I said? You asked, I answered.

He enacted the same fracking policies the Republicans have been using for 30 years, that is my answer, and I stand by it 100% until you can show me something different.

I get it, you think enacted is the same as continued. That's the only thing that could explain how dumb you sound. Let me dumb it down for you.....

What policies did Obama create under his presidency that would have created this problem?

When all else fails for conservatives, play semantic games!

Maybe if I made a coloring book with my answers you could understand them.
Your question has been answered. Copiously. Which part of it do you not understand?

Clearly you haven't paid attention to the endless loop that is Obama Campaign Commercials: "I'm probably not as bad as Romney"


What a fucking loser we've had in office these past 4 years.
Maybe if I made a coloring book with my answers you could understand them.
Your question has been answered. Copiously. Which part of it do you not understand?

Link to it.

And like I said before nothing that you decided to point out has to do with a drop in home values which is what the article cited as the major factor in new worth falling.

Some people are so stupid I am surprised they can breathe, and you make them look smart. Did you forget I can actually go back ans show you what I said? You asked, I answered.

He enacted the same fracking policies the Republicans have been using for 30 years, that is my answer, and I stand by it 100% until you can show me something different.

I get it, you think enacted is the same as continued. That's the only thing that could explain how dumb you sound. Let me dumb it down for you.....

What policies did Obama create under his presidency that would have created this problem?

When all else fails for conservatives, play semantic games!
Ok, let's see..For the purpose of ending this shit, let us stipulate that Obama inherited an economic mess.
Ok, if you insist.....
The recession ENDED in 1Q 2009. BEFORE Obama told the American people of his idea to stimulate the economy...Stim number one. What happened after that money hit the state and local governments?...The economy SLOWED to less than 1% annualized growth.
What did Obama want? ANOTHER stimulus. So the money the federal reserve printed had not even dried yet and Obama wanted to spend another Half trillion.....Obama promised 100, 000 new police on the streets. Never happened. Promised all these shovel ready projects would with the stimulus, move forward. Never happened. Would hold unemployment under 8%. Never happened. Then just last year Obama wanted ANOTHER $500 billion in stimulus. He admitted there really were not any shovel ready projects. You libs covered for him.
Here's what Obama has done for the economy....NOTHING. And THAT is why the economy STILL sucks. Yes it is growing...At a snail's pace. 1.7% annualized GDP growth. Meanwhile because there has not been a federal budget passed in three years( Senate, run by democrats) and baseline increases of 5% or more for each department have been enacted, the deficits keep getting larger and the taxpayers deeper into the abyss.
THIS is what Obama's three plus years have done TO us.
Policies? Obama has no economic policy. His insistence on growing government, increasing taxes, Obamacare and other actions have created a condition of uncertainty such that the private sector is sitting on the sidelines. And rightly so.
Obama could order the hiring of 8 million more federal employees and the economy would not grow. It would only stagnate. It would collapse under the weight of so much debt.

Great rant, really. But what does any of that have to do with your OP and the drop in home values and their relation to net worth?

You hate Obama, I get it. Everything is his fault. I get it. But until you actually address the shit you actually post in the article, everything else is just a hissy fit.

And like I said before nothing that you decided to point out has to do with a drop in home values which is what the article cited as the major factor in new worth falling.


Actually it did, Failboy.
Maybe I need to write it out wth cartoon characters so you can follow it.

Please do that, your constant avoiding of the question is getting old.
And like I said before nothing that you decided to point out has to do with a drop in home values which is what the article cited as the major factor in new worth falling.


Actually it did, Failboy.
Maybe I need to write it out wth cartoon characters so you can follow it.

Please do that, your constant avoiding of the question is getting old.

Last time.
Obama instituted a regime of beating up on the banks to slow down foreclosure. He also rolled out about 2 or 3 mortgage modification programs fr homeowners. Those programs had an 80% failure rate, as the homeowner got foreclosed on anyway.
The combined effect of these programs was create an enormous backlog in phanton inventory, houses that were sort of in foreclosure but not on the market. This depressed the housing market, anticipating huge supply. It also depressed the labor market, as construction accounts for a lot of jobs.
Yep edit my post to say something I didnt say ...Thats all you have left you loser.

And you ignore the questions I ask you and then pretend like you answered me. All I have left? You quit before we even got out of the gate tough guy.

What bullshit. I answered it. Lie about someone else .

LOL. Just like every other nutter on this site who would rather lie than answer. Good for you. I'm sure you're doing well in life.

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