Family net worth retreats to early 1990's levels

Actually it did, Failboy.
Maybe I need to write it out wth cartoon characters so you can follow it.

Please do that, your constant avoiding of the question is getting old.

Last time.
Obama instituted a regime of beating up on the banks to slow down foreclosure. He also rolled out about 2 or 3 mortgage modification programs fr homeowners. Those programs had an 80% failure rate, as the homeowner got foreclosed on anyway.
The combined effect of these programs was create an enormous backlog in phanton inventory, houses that were sort of in foreclosure but not on the market. This depressed the housing market, anticipating huge supply. It also depressed the labor market, as construction accounts for a lot of jobs.

What happened to your promise of drawing it out with cartoons?
Please do that, your constant avoiding of the question is getting old.

Last time.
Obama instituted a regime of beating up on the banks to slow down foreclosure. He also rolled out about 2 or 3 mortgage modification programs fr homeowners. Those programs had an 80% failure rate, as the homeowner got foreclosed on anyway.
The combined effect of these programs was create an enormous backlog in phanton inventory, houses that were sort of in foreclosure but not on the market. This depressed the housing market, anticipating huge supply. It also depressed the labor market, as construction accounts for a lot of jobs.

What happened to your promise of drawing it out with cartoons?

Where did I promise that, lunkhead?
Last time.
Obama instituted a regime of beating up on the banks to slow down foreclosure. He also rolled out about 2 or 3 mortgage modification programs fr homeowners. Those programs had an 80% failure rate, as the homeowner got foreclosed on anyway.
The combined effect of these programs was create an enormous backlog in phanton inventory, houses that were sort of in foreclosure but not on the market. This depressed the housing market, anticipating huge supply. It also depressed the labor market, as construction accounts for a lot of jobs.

What happened to your promise of drawing it out with cartoons?

Where did I promise that, lunkhead?

Just like I said, you're actually insane. Or you're playing your cute semantics game again. Never change Rabbi, you're pure comedy gold.
What happened to your promise of drawing it out with cartoons?

Where did I promise that, lunkhead?

Just like I said, you're actually insane. Or you're playing your cute semantics game again. Never change Rabbi, you're pure comedy gold.

Translation: I've been pwned.
Nothing of substance. Nothing humorous or witty. Just the sale ole ignorant shit spewing out of your mouth. And when cornered you claim 1) The person never proved his claim, or 2) you change the subject.
I can't imagine you can tie your shoelaces by yourself in the morning, much less have some kind of responsibility somewhere in the world.
Where did I promise that, lunkhead?

Just like I said, you're actually insane. Or you're playing your cute semantics game again. Never change Rabbi, you're pure comedy gold.

Translation: I've been pwned.
Nothing of substance. Nothing humorous or witty. Just the sale ole ignorant shit spewing out of your mouth. And when cornered you claim 1) The person never proved his claim, or 2) you change the subject.
I can't imagine you can tie your shoelaces by yourself in the morning, much less have some kind of responsibility somewhere in the world.

You're right, I'm an idiot. I run a guns and ammo store.
Just like I said, you're actually insane. Or you're playing your cute semantics game again. Never change Rabbi, you're pure comedy gold.

Translation: I've been pwned.
Nothing of substance. Nothing humorous or witty. Just the sale ole ignorant shit spewing out of your mouth. And when cornered you claim 1) The person never proved his claim, or 2) you change the subject.
I can't imagine you can tie your shoelaces by yourself in the morning, much less have some kind of responsibility somewhere in the world.

You're right, I'm an idiot. I run a guns and ammo store.
You're not smart enough for that.

OK, so now that I've shown how obama and the Dems have ruined the economy, causing a 40% decrease in net worth, are you willing to vote for real change?
Translation: I've been pwned.
Nothing of substance. Nothing humorous or witty. Just the sale ole ignorant shit spewing out of your mouth. And when cornered you claim 1) The person never proved his claim, or 2) you change the subject.
I can't imagine you can tie your shoelaces by yourself in the morning, much less have some kind of responsibility somewhere in the world.

You're right, I'm an idiot. I run a guns and ammo store.
You're not smart enough for that.
Trust me, any idiot can do that job. Hence why that's what I do. Only job an idiot like me can handle.

OK, so now that I've shown how obama and the Dems have ruined the economy, causing a 40% decrease in net worth, are you willing to vote for real change?

When I see a candidate that can deliver real change I'll vote for him/her. We don't have anyone like that running for president unfortunately.
Translation: I've been pwned.
Nothing of substance. Nothing humorous or witty. Just the sale ole ignorant shit spewing out of your mouth. And when cornered you claim 1) The person never proved his claim, or 2) you change the subject.
I can't imagine you can tie your shoelaces by yourself in the morning, much less have some kind of responsibility somewhere in the world.

You're right, I'm an idiot. I run a guns and ammo store.
You're not smart enough for that.

OK, so now that I've shown how obama and the Dems have ruined the economy, causing a 40% decrease in net worth, are you willing to vote for real change?

Why bother cause RDD is ether retarded or is just ignoring the facts ether way it is a lost cause.
You're right, I'm an idiot. I run a guns and ammo store.
You're not smart enough for that.

OK, so now that I've shown how obama and the Dems have ruined the economy, causing a 40% decrease in net worth, are you willing to vote for real change?

Why bother cause RDD is ether retarded or is just ignoring the facts ether way it is a lost cause.

I wouldn't be calling anyone else retarded with a Megadeth avatar. Dave Mustaine is 2nd rate at best.
You're right, I'm an idiot. I run a guns and ammo store.
You're not smart enough for that.
Trust me, any idiot can do that job. Hence why that's what I do. Only job an idiot like me can handle.

OK, so now that I've shown how obama and the Dems have ruined the economy, causing a 40% decrease in net worth, are you willing to vote for real change?

When I see a candidate that can deliver real change I'll vote for him/her. We don't have anyone like that running for president unfortunately.
So at least you'll just sit home and not bother the adults. Good.
You couldn't sell guns because you're disqualified.
You're not smart enough for that.

OK, so now that I've shown how obama and the Dems have ruined the economy, causing a 40% decrease in net worth, are you willing to vote for real change?

Why bother cause RDD is ether retarded or is just ignoring the facts ether way it is a lost cause.

I wouldn't be calling anyone else retarded with a Megadeth avatar. Dave Mustaine is 2nd rate at best.

Just like all your opinions they mean jack shit. You have already shown you dont have the intelligence to tie your own shoes let alone know what good music is.
Why bother cause RDD is ether retarded or is just ignoring the facts ether way it is a lost cause.

I wouldn't be calling anyone else retarded with a Megadeth avatar. Dave Mustaine is 2nd rate at best.

Just like all your opinions they mean jack shit. You have already shown you dont have the intelligence to tie your own shoes let alone know what good music is.

Nickelback is better than Megadeath.

Ok, not really, but Dave Mustaine leaving Metallica definitely worked out for Metallica.
You're not smart enough for that.
Trust me, any idiot can do that job. Hence why that's what I do. Only job an idiot like me can handle.

OK, so now that I've shown how obama and the Dems have ruined the economy, causing a 40% decrease in net worth, are you willing to vote for real change?

When I see a candidate that can deliver real change I'll vote for him/her. We don't have anyone like that running for president unfortunately.
So at least you'll just sit home and not bother the adults. Good.
You couldn't sell guns because you're disqualified.

Sure I can. I have a pulse, thats all you need.
Trust me, any idiot can do that job. Hence why that's what I do. Only job an idiot like me can handle.

When I see a candidate that can deliver real change I'll vote for him/her. We don't have anyone like that running for president unfortunately.
So at least you'll just sit home and not bother the adults. Good.
You couldn't sell guns because you're disqualified.

Sure I can. I have a pulse, thats all you need.

Given your propensity to lie I would doubt even that without a doctor's certified report.
You've been pwned, s0n.
Time to move on.
I wouldn't be calling anyone else retarded with a Megadeth avatar. Dave Mustaine is 2nd rate at best.

Just like all your opinions they mean jack shit. You have already shown you dont have the intelligence to tie your own shoes let alone know what good music is.

Nickelback is better than Megadeath.

Ok, not really, but Dave Mustaine leaving Metallica definitely worked out for Metallica.
Definitely since they stole his songs. Of course Metallica is now just a bitch band
Just like all your opinions they mean jack shit. You have already shown you dont have the intelligence to tie your own shoes let alone know what good music is.

Nickelback is better than Megadeath.

Ok, not really, but Dave Mustaine leaving Metallica definitely worked out for Metallica.
Definitely since they stole his songs. Of course Metallica is now just a bitch band

Yeah, it's been all downhill since Justice.
Actually it did, Failboy.
Maybe I need to write it out wth cartoon characters so you can follow it.

Please do that, your constant avoiding of the question is getting old.

Last time.
Obama instituted a regime of beating up on the banks to slow down foreclosure. He also rolled out about 2 or 3 mortgage modification programs fr homeowners. Those programs had an 80% failure rate, as the homeowner got foreclosed on anyway.
The combined effect of these programs was create an enormous backlog in phanton inventory, houses that were sort of in foreclosure but not on the market. This depressed the housing market, anticipating huge supply. It also depressed the labor market, as construction accounts for a lot of jobs.

this is so true, we are in a housing depression because BO has prevented recovery by eliminating the free market in housing. Had it been allowed to work the market would have cleared long long ago.
I get it, you think enacted is the same as continued. That's the only thing that could explain how dumb you sound. Let me dumb it down for you.....

What policies did Obama create under his presidency that would have created this problem?

When all else fails for conservatives, play semantic games!
Ok, let's see..For the purpose of ending this shit, let us stipulate that Obama inherited an economic mess.
Ok, if you insist.....
The recession ENDED in 1Q 2009. BEFORE Obama told the American people of his idea to stimulate the economy...Stim number one. What happened after that money hit the state and local governments?...The economy SLOWED to less than 1% annualized growth.
What did Obama want? ANOTHER stimulus. So the money the federal reserve printed had not even dried yet and Obama wanted to spend another Half trillion.....Obama promised 100, 000 new police on the streets. Never happened. Promised all these shovel ready projects would with the stimulus, move forward. Never happened. Would hold unemployment under 8%. Never happened. Then just last year Obama wanted ANOTHER $500 billion in stimulus. He admitted there really were not any shovel ready projects. You libs covered for him.
Here's what Obama has done for the economy....NOTHING. And THAT is why the economy STILL sucks. Yes it is growing...At a snail's pace. 1.7% annualized GDP growth. Meanwhile because there has not been a federal budget passed in three years( Senate, run by democrats) and baseline increases of 5% or more for each department have been enacted, the deficits keep getting larger and the taxpayers deeper into the abyss.
THIS is what Obama's three plus years have done TO us.
Policies? Obama has no economic policy. His insistence on growing government, increasing taxes, Obamacare and other actions have created a condition of uncertainty such that the private sector is sitting on the sidelines. And rightly so.
Obama could order the hiring of 8 million more federal employees and the economy would not grow. It would only stagnate. It would collapse under the weight of so much debt.

Great rant, really. But what does any of that have to do with your OP and the drop in home values and their relation to net worth?

You hate Obama, I get it. Everything is his fault. I get it. But until you actually address the shit you actually post in the article, everything else is just a hissy fit.

Ah yes..When all else fails fling accusations like globs of mud in the hope that some of it sticks.
Well, Squeaky, not today.
I stated the facts which are not in dispute.
Home values dropped and continue to to do so because of the federal government's interference in the market. The federal government also guaranteed the entire sub prime market as a further incentive to lend to previously unqualified applicants.
Obama has done NOTHING to stem the downward spiral in home values.
Now the federal reserve at the encouragement from the White House is about to stab us in the back again with yet another QE. Yes, pump up the financial markets with fake money, watch the DJIA rocket upward, Obama looks good and the value of the dollar plummets. Guess what. It won't work. As soon as the price of gas starts rising again as a result of the weaker Dollar, Obama will once again have to make excuses and again threaten the oil industry with confiscatory taxes again. As though the oil companies can control the commodities exchanges. Christ.
Now you go ahead and make more excuses and obfuscations in defense of the President. At the end of the day, Obama still must face the music.
Hate the man? No. Despise what he has done to this nation? Absolutely.
The fact is liberalism has never worked. Obama is a big government central planning elitist.

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