Family net worth retreats to early 1990's levels

Funny how you avoid addressing what I actually said. An honest man would address what I asked or just say, sorry I misunderstood. But you're obviously neither honest or any type of real man. Please go play childish games with someone else. If you're ready to answer what I actually said, then let me know.

Read my posts, I have said that everyone lies, including me. If that does not make me honest I have no idea what you want.

That said, I am addressing your post by challenging you to either admit that Obama is just like everyone else, or tell me what he did differently. You prefer to try and make that about me, even though I have already said in other places that both parties made things worse, and the only solution is to toss them all out and try something new.

So, once again, either admit that Obama is just like every other president, and his policies, like theirs, made this mess worse, or tell me what he has done differently than anyone else.

How fucking dense are you? My original post that you replied to was to point out that Obama did NOTHING different than what was done before him. You proved my point! So the OP's assertion that this was caused by Obama is incorrect since he did not enact any new policies that would have caused what he was claiming.

How fucking dense can you be? I never once claimed he was different, which you agree with. So again, thank you for agreeing with what I said.

You just don't want to ever agree with "a liberal" and your warped mind can't handle that notion. So you compensate by trying to change what I said to fit your agenda. Grow the fuck up.

No, your original post was a challenge to name which of his policies caused this mess, I did. I then challenged you to tell me what he has done differently than Bush, and you responded by arguing that Obama is not responsible for Bush's policies.

Not sure how that makes me dense, but I am glad you can at least admit that Obama is just as bad as Bush.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. First year of Obama I lost 20%.
2. Second year it was at 35%.
3. This year it was at 50%.
4. So all in all, I'm losing 15% per year.
5. If he gets another four years, I will likely be making 5% of what I used to earn before he got into office.


What kind of job do you do that you now make half of what you did 3 years ago?

1. One of my several business' has something to do with the service industry.
2. Phone slows down, business does too.
3. Its really that simple.

Read my posts, I have said that everyone lies, including me. If that does not make me honest I have no idea what you want.

That said, I am addressing your post by challenging you to either admit that Obama is just like everyone else, or tell me what he did differently. You prefer to try and make that about me, even though I have already said in other places that both parties made things worse, and the only solution is to toss them all out and try something new.

So, once again, either admit that Obama is just like every other president, and his policies, like theirs, made this mess worse, or tell me what he has done differently than anyone else.

How fucking dense are you? My original post that you replied to was to point out that Obama did NOTHING different than what was done before him. You proved my point! So the OP's assertion that this was caused by Obama is incorrect since he did not enact any new policies that would have caused what he was claiming.

How fucking dense can you be? I never once claimed he was different, which you agree with. So again, thank you for agreeing with what I said.

You just don't want to ever agree with "a liberal" and your warped mind can't handle that notion. So you compensate by trying to change what I said to fit your agenda. Grow the fuck up.

No, your original post was a challenge to name which of his policies caused this mess, I did. I then challenged you to tell me what he has done differently than Bush, and you responded by arguing that Obama is not responsible for Bush's policies.

Not sure how that makes me dense, but I am glad you can at least admit that Obama is just as bad as Bush.
Listening to talk radio this afternoon. The PM Drive time host is a conservative. He is also black. This drives the black liberal establishment bat shit.
Anyway, most of the black callers are libs. Today Vince( The host) took a call from "Randall"...Randall spent most of the time trying to move the conversation in a direction so that he could make his "gotcha" point...That point. "It's Bush's fault"...
The host who normally gives callers the opportunity to express their views, never hangs up on anyone. Except this caller. The caller was talking over the host and filibustering the call. Insisting HE get to speak. Finally the host had enough and shut down the caller.
This is a common refrain from the Left. They have no substance, no rebuttal as to the reasons offered for our economic mess. The logical thing to do is look to the leadership.
Oh no, say the Obama fans. They say "It's bush's fault"...That is ALL they have.
Read my posts, I have said that everyone lies, including me. If that does not make me honest I have no idea what you want.

That said, I am addressing your post by challenging you to either admit that Obama is just like everyone else, or tell me what he did differently. You prefer to try and make that about me, even though I have already said in other places that both parties made things worse, and the only solution is to toss them all out and try something new.

So, once again, either admit that Obama is just like every other president, and his policies, like theirs, made this mess worse, or tell me what he has done differently than anyone else.

How fucking dense are you? My original post that you replied to was to point out that Obama did NOTHING different than what was done before him. You proved my point! So the OP's assertion that this was caused by Obama is incorrect since he did not enact any new policies that would have caused what he was claiming.

How fucking dense can you be? I never once claimed he was different, which you agree with. So again, thank you for agreeing with what I said.

You just don't want to ever agree with "a liberal" and your warped mind can't handle that notion. So you compensate by trying to change what I said to fit your agenda. Grow the fuck up.

No, your original post was a challenge to name which of his policies caused this mess, I did.

No, you didn't. I asked for what he enacted, you told me he continued previously existing policies. See the difference? Thus you didn't answer my question and proved my point.

I then challenged you to tell me what he has done differently than Bush, and you responded by arguing that Obama is not responsible for Bush's policies.

Not sure how that makes me dense, but I am glad you can at least admit that Obama is just as bad as Bush.

I said no such thing either. In the context of what THIS thread is about and the dropping net worth, Obama had nothing to do with it as it was all enacted before he came to office. You helped me prove that. Thanks.
Do you know that Federal Reserve is no more federal than Federal Express?
Yes, Federal Reserve is owned by private banks with very different goals than what their name masquerade makes you believe.

So what does that mean?
It means, just for starters, that every QE(Quantitative Easing) prescribed by the Fed chairman and his 'think tank' is a loan to finance thir own bad debt. So a loan you think, well if they borrow money there must be interest, which somehow would constitute reparation or a fine for the incompetence that lead to the unstable banks. Dear reader, it is not they who are borrowing, You are...!!??!! The QE is a government loan that the Fed approves, and it is the tax payers who stand with the bill/have to pay the interest. Tax payers, You and me.

Here're some facts on the Federal Reserve
The Federal Reserve Bank is a consortium of 9 Jewish-owned & associated banks with the Rothschilds at the head:
* Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin
* Goldman Sachs Bank of New York
* Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York/Shearson American Express
* Lazard Brothers Bank of Paris
* Israel Moses Sief Banks of Italy
* Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Germany and Amsterdam
* Lehman Brothers Bank of New York
* Chase Manhattan Bank of New York (David Rockefeller)

All chairmen of the Federal Reserve
1. Charles S. Hamlin 1914-1916 – Jew
2. William P. G. Harding 1916-1922 – Jew
3. Daniel R. Crissinger 1923-1927 – Jew
4. Roy A. Young 1927-1930 – Jew
5. Eugene I. Meyer 1930-1933 – Jew
6. Eugene R. Black 1933-1934 – Jew
7. Marriner S. Eccles 1934-1948
8. Thomas B. McCabe 1948-1951– Jew
9. William McChesney Martin, Jr. 1951-1970
10. Arthur F. Burns 1970-1978 – Jew
11. G. William Miller 1978-1979
12. Paul A. Volcker 1979-1987 – Jew
13. Alan Greenspan 1987-2006 – Jew
14. Ben S. Bernanke 2006- – Jew

All the 5 members of the Board of the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States of America
Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman - Jew
Donald L. Kohn, Vice Chairman - Jew
Kevin M. Warsh - Jew
Randall S. Kroszner - Jew
Frederic S. Mishkin - Jew

Here're some facts on the IMF
In the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference, the World Bank and IMF were created. While both are international organizations, they are headquartered in Washington DC. The World Bank is led by Americans while the IMF is led by Europeans.

International Monetary Fund (IMF), is an international organ that, in close cooperation with the World Bank, has been established to 'promote financial growth and stability through cooperation within the international currency system among member states'. One ridiculous money management scheme after another has now resulted in that IMF 'rules' the central banks of all member states through debts.

Chairmen of IMF
1. Camille Gutt 1946-1951 – Belgium – Jew
2. Ivar Rooth 1951-1956 – Sweden – Jew
3. Per Jacobsson 1956-1963 – Sweden – Jew
4. Pierre-Paul Schweitzer 1963-1973 – France – Jew
5. Johannes Witteveen 1973-1978 – The Netherlands – Jew
6. Jacques de Larosière 1978-1987 – France – Jew
7. Michel Camdessus 1987-2000 - Franc
8. Horst Köhler 2000-2004 – Germany – Jew
9. Rodrigo Rato 2004-2007 - Spain
10. Dominique Strauss-Kahn 2007-2011 – France – Jew
11. Christine Lagarde 2011- France – Jew

...and of course the World Bank
The World Bank is a peddler of leveraged loans and jugglers of third world debt. This organization has more influence in the monetary matters of indebted third world countries, than the UN has. With globalization as its goal, the World Bank has the power to make or break the economy of the poor developing world.

Chairmen of the World Bank
1946 - 1947 Eugene Meyer - Jew
1947 - 1949 John Jay McCloy
1949 - 1962 Eugene R. Black - Jew
1963 - 1968 George D. Woods - Jew
1968 - 1981 Robert McNamara
1981 - 1986 Alden W. Clausen - Jew
1986 - 1991 Barber B. Conable - Jew
1991 - 1995 Lewis T. Preston - Jew
1995 - 2005 James David Wolfensohn - Jew
2005 - 2007 Paul Wolfowitz - Jew
2007 - Robert Zoellick - Jew

Fuck off.
Obama isn't responsible for the decline in asset values. That's idiotic. However, he bears some responsibility for the anemic recovery, given the uncertainty his policies such as healthcare reform have created. But even such, the recovery would have been weak anyways. Likewise, Bush bears some responsibility for this mess, but again, much of what happened was a result of what he inherited.
Which policies that Obama has enacted has caused this to happen? Specifically and how?

The same ones the Republicans have been using for the last 30 years.

Unless, that is, you can point to what he did different.

So if the policies were already in place, how can Obama be the cause of what has happened?

Thanks for proving my point.

I thought Obama came to change the failed policies of George W Bush?
Actually he has changed plenty: Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, EPA regs, etc.
3 years into this presidency and Obama has not helped.........Thats all you need to say no mater when , who or how it started Obama didnt move us out of this economic clusterfuck. Obama's administration is a failure. These stats from the Fed just prove it. Why would you vote for a man that is a failure?
The refrain is, Things were soooo bad under Bush there is no way Obama could get it cleaned up.
Why? Wasn't he elected to fix the failed policies of GW Bush? Didnt he have a compliant filibuster proof Congress that passed whatever he wanted? Didnt he hire the best minds in the economic business, people with demonstrated expertise in the Great Depression?
And despite all that we have seen the worst failure of economic policy since Smoot Hawley.
How could that be?

Obama is a failure.
If you want to grow, dump the bro'.
The refrain is, Things were soooo bad under Bush there is no way Obama could get it cleaned up.
Why? Wasn't he elected to fix the failed policies of GW Bush? Didnt he have a compliant filibuster proof Congress that passed whatever he wanted? Didnt he hire the best minds in the economic business, people with demonstrated expertise in the Great Depression?
And despite all that we have seen the worst failure of economic policy since Smoot Hawley.
How could that be?

Obama is a failure.
If you want to grow, dump the bro'.


Not going to post the proof again, here everyone can here it in Obama's own words


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