Family of Girls in Racist Sesame Place Incident Have a Lawyer

Kids are dying every week in Chicago and/or committing horrific crimes. A 14 year old seemingly innocent young (black) girl was charged with murder in the death of a 73 year old man who was beaten to death with a traffic cone. A Disney character who refused to touch hands with a couple of snotty kids rises to the level of a freaking federal case? WTF?
More families are threatening to sue a Sesame Street theme park after videos emerged they say show the character Rosita appearing to snub black children.
The first footage appeared to show two young black children at Sesame Place in Philadelphia being ignored by the blue Muppet.
The aunt of one of the girls, Leslie Mac, who works as an 'anti-racism trainer' and was named in the top 100 Woke Women of 2020, said her family plans to sue the theme park and they have retained a lawyer.
Sesame Place called it a 'misunderstanding', saying the mascot likely did not see the girl, who had been celebrating her birthday at the park, due to limited vision in the costume's unwieldy mask and was waving at a family behind them.
The theme park was then targeted by a woke mob and released a second statement, apologizing to the family and pledging to start 'training' their staff to prevent further incidents.
The family's attorney, B'Ivory LaMarr, said that multiple families have now contacted him about the character acting similarly towards black children.

The only real racism is the hypersensitivity of the complainants.
I am sure that the Rosita character did not hug every kid there regardless of their race.
It would take forever for the parade to finish.
And they are correct that those costumes have limited visibility.
People need to worry about real problems.
Sesame Place is outside of Trenton, NJ and about 30 miles from Philadelphia. Both have large black populations

I don’t think any character would survive routinely snubbing black children
More families are threatening to sue a Sesame Street theme park after videos emerged they say show the character Rosita appearing to snub black children.
The first footage appeared to show two young black children at Sesame Place in Philadelphia being ignored by the blue Muppet.
The aunt of one of the girls, Leslie Mac, who works as an 'anti-racism trainer' and was named in the top 100 Woke Women of 2020, said her family plans to sue the theme park and they have retained a lawyer.
Sesame Place called it a 'misunderstanding', saying the mascot likely did not see the girl, who had been celebrating her birthday at the park, due to limited vision in the costume's unwieldy mask and was waving at a family behind them.
The theme park was then targeted by a woke mob and released a second statement, apologizing to the family and pledging to start 'training' their staff to prevent further incidents.
The family's attorney, B'Ivory LaMarr, said that multiple families have now contacted him about the character acting similarly towards black children.

The only real racism is the hypersensitivity of the complainants.
I am sure that the Rosita character did not hug every kid there regardless of their race.
It would take forever for the parade to finish.
And they are correct that those costumes have limited visibility.
People need to worry about real problems.

It was a dick move.

thats what I'm thinking. No one chooses to be a parade character like that if they are going to be snubbing kids. Hundreds of kids along that route ... thousands of people, cant shake all those hands.
At the moment he was passing by those two little kids apparently he was waving off someone else standing behind them who wanted him/her to hold a baby. he probably looked right over the two kids and had to keep moving. I think part of that job is also having the understanding you're going to miss giving someone a high five or handshake sometimes. Most likely those suits are hard to see out of as well.
He may not have seen the kid... but the video of the two girls getting snubbed looked bad... he or she walked by and wouldn't high five them... even though he looked right at them and waved them off....
people need to develop thicker skin but don't snub the kids man... that's not cool at all....
There are multiple videos of this person doing this to multiple isn't an accident anymore....

The guy or gal in the costume needs to be fired......

and for the folks who say "they should have thicker skin" -- why don't yall keep that same energy when it comes to your outrage over Disney, Dr. Suess, Mr Potato-head...hell you folks were triggered by an imaginary M&M character

But want to tell parents they should just shut up and be ok with their kid being ACTUALLY disrespected...just because those kids don't look like morons demand to speak to the manager over FAAAAAARRRRR less....
When I was a kid, Sesame Street wasn't on the air, and instead we watched the 3 Stooges on TV.

Those fellows were hilarious, even little kids understood the sophisticated humor, and they never snubbed children.
Sesame Place is outside of Trenton, NJ and about 30 miles from Philadelphia. Both have large black populations

I don’t think any character would survive routinely snubbing black children
This is interesting.

When the left encounters a situation in which one of their perpetual victims complains about one of their heroes they have to decide who to support.

In this case the priority goes to Sesame Street, an early pioneer of brainwashing children after first making them suggestable through mind-numbing boredom.
The people who defined everything as offensive must just shut the hell up and deal with the meaningless culture they have created. When everything is offensive, nothing is offensive.

Get over it.

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