Family Secret: What the left won't tell you about black crime

The real problem is that both Luddly Neddite and squeeze berry get all of their ideas either from forced indoctrination at government institutions or MSM.

Luddley loves those liberals who create big government/fascist control programs, that in the end do more harm than good, and squeeze berry listens to the press that demonizes the "beneficiaries" of said programs. It's a shame really. No one in those programs is ever happy or feels empowered. "Liberals" don't even realize they enable the oppressors by setting up opportunities for institutional racism rather than opportunities for freedom. The only one empowered is the government, the politicians and the bureaucrats.

Both points of view are part of the problem, not the solution.


I get a kick out of this meme being from a "liberal" page. :uhh:

He was an anarchist in the making when he was gunned down.

The only good government is NO government. Only communities run by local people who know, love and respect each other will ever bring justice and peace to this world.
And a black man was elected, and the economic disparity between whites and blacks has only gotten greater. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Like government will ever solve the problem. . . .

It will only be solved when we recognize that the government and the media are making the problem.
van jones? lol
First of all, that is a Circumstantial Ad Hominem attack, it is a fallacy. Do you want to make yourself appear to be an ignorant high school kid?

When you posted a blog by a conservative author, the left did the same to YOUR source. That did nothing to invalidate HIS arguments and research, nor does this attack do anything to invalidate this authors research. Learn to think and use logic.

Second, I did not even use this guys reasoning, all I did was quote his research, WHICH ARE FACTS.


For more than a decade, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) has been a leader in efforts to reduce the over representation of minority youth in the Nation's juvenile justice system. A Disproporitionate Minority Contact Chronology: 1988 to Date outlines a history of this effort.

OJJDP's DMC Web site is a resource to help States comply with the JJDP Act's DMC requirements and a source of information for all who are interested in understanding and engaged in reducing the extent of DMC.
Disproportionate Minority Contact
And fuck any black who says I'm racist or wrong. I live near flint saginaw and Detroit. 3 of the most violent places on this planet. Better to live in afganistan than Detroit.

I lived for two years on the east side of Saginaw. When Carla spouts off there is no evidence that the folks in the ghetto don't have a victim mentality, she doesn't understand the hopelessness felt in the rust belt after the disappearance of the heavy manufacturing and a good economy. She doesn't understand the absolute reliance of these communities on the government programs for survival. When you feel like you have no control over your own destiny, hope is gone.

A person necessarily feels like they are a victim of circumstance. This is not a left/right issue.

It's not a black or white issue either. White or black, people feel the same when their job is shipped somewhere else.
I know violent crime isnt a black white thing but we have to fix the most violent crime areas first and those happen to all be black neighborhoods.

Heres what blacks are saying. When whites have zero crime then we can point fingers.

What black people are saying that?
The ones on usmb. Every time I say crime is out of control in the hoods they say white people commit crimes too. Totally ignoring the point that their crime is out of control and white crime is not.
And a black man was elected, and the economic disparity between whites and blacks has only gotten greater. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Like government will ever solve the problem. . . .

It will only be solved when we recognize that the government and the media are making the problem.

The disparity started happening on Reagans watch and the disparity we feel now is because of bushanomics.

I warn poor and middle class whites all the time that they should not turn their backs on poor and middle class blacks because if the rich will screw them they'll fuck us whites too.

We are all in this together. I wouldnt care about what happens to any poor people if I didn't live among them.

They like keeping all of us poor not just blacks.
The thing I wonder about is why whites are having panic attacks over Black crime when whites commit more? Squeeze betrays his fear of Black people. He cant fix the problems in his own community so he tries to place blame somewhere else.
Because black crime is out of control! How many times do I have to tell you.

Take the crime in flint saginaw and Detroit. Its more than the entire rest of the state. That means blacks the minority commit more crime than the majority.

Maybe if you take the entire country but even then I'd need to see proof that whites commit more crime.

How many blacks live in Alaska or Hawaii? 1%?

So congratulations you don't lead those states in violent crime.
The thing I wonder about is why whites are having panic attacks over Black crime when whites commit more? Squeeze betrays his fear of Black people. He cant fix the problems in his own community so he tries to place blame somewhere else.

This is what I was talking about when I mentioned institutional racism.

To deny that our institutions are geared toward keeping minorities down is to be just ignorant. Young white kids use drugs at roughly the same percentage rates as young black kids, yet the criminal justice system dis-proportionately persecutes young black kids.

After a young male has gone through that persecution, what kind of out look does one think he is going to have? How is that going to change a person?

Again, like I said, this situation isn't by chance, it has been planned. Dividing a population by race, or sexual identity, or religion, etc. is very effective for the elites who lord over them. If we hate each other, we can't focus our rage on them. This is going to be more and more necessary as there become less and less difference between the two corporate/fascist parties.


See, denial.

If you want the other side to listen and understand YOUR point of view, you must first educate yourself in the reality of the situation.

That is the real problem we are facing, polarization by the elites.

You've been duped and you are in denial. The author of the blog would probably be ashamed that you even quoted his piece. I can't imagine the institutional racism that he overcame to get to the point where he is, yet you would sit there and deny that he worked harder than his peers. You're an insult to ethnic intellectuals everywhere, be they liberal or conservative.

"FEDERAL LAWMAKERS RECOGNIZE YOUTH OF COLOR ARE TREATED DIFFERENTLY BY THE JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEM. Since 1992, when the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA) was amended, the federal government has acknowledged that youth of different races and ethnicities are treated differently by the justice system. As such the federal government has promoted policies to ease those disparities. [2] The Republican Congress reauthorized the JJDPA in 2003."
ARE Blacks A Criminal Race Surprising Statistics Van Jones
Gen the head of the FBI admitted cops treat blacks differently.
And fuck any black who says I'm racist or wrong. I live near flint saginaw and Detroit. 3 of the most violent places on this planet. Better to live in afganistan than Detroit.

I lived for two years on the east side of Saginaw. When Carla spouts off there is no evidence that the folks in the ghetto don't have a victim mentality, she doesn't understand the hopelessness felt in the rust belt after the disappearance of the heavy manufacturing and a good economy. She doesn't understand the absolute reliance of these communities on the government programs for survival. When you feel like you have no control over your own destiny, hope is gone.

A person necessarily feels like they are a victim of circumstance. This is not a left/right issue.

It's not a black or white issue either. White or black, people feel the same when their job is shipped somewhere else.
I know violent crime isnt a black white thing but we have to fix the most violent crime areas first and those happen to all be black neighborhoods.

Heres what blacks are saying. When whites have zero crime then we can point fingers.

What black people are saying that?
The ones on usmb. Every time I say crime is out of control in the hoods they say white people commit crimes too. Totally ignoring the point that their crime is out of control and white crime is not.
White crime is out of control. Thats what you dont seem to understand.
The thing I wonder about is why whites are having panic attacks over Black crime when whites commit more? Squeeze betrays his fear of Black people. He cant fix the problems in his own community so he tries to place blame somewhere else.
Because black crime is out of control! How many times do I have to tell you.

Take the crime in flint saginaw and Detroit. Its more than the entire rest of the state. That means blacks the minority commit more crime than the majority.

Maybe if you take the entire country but even then I'd need to see proof that whites commit more crime.

How many blacks live in Alaska or Hawaii? 1%?

So congratulations you don't lead those states in violent crime.
White crime is out of control. Fix your own hood. When you have no white people incarcerated, robbing people for their meth addiction, serial killing , and mass murdering then we can discuss Black crime in the hood. On top of that fix your white collar criminals that do way more damage to the economy by their crime than all crime put together.
The thing I wonder about is why whites are having panic attacks over Black crime when whites commit more? Squeeze betrays his fear of Black people. He cant fix the problems in his own community so he tries to place blame somewhere else.

This is what I was talking about when I mentioned institutional racism.

To deny that our institutions are geared toward keeping minorities down is to be just ignorant. Young white kids use drugs at roughly the same percentage rates as young black kids, yet the criminal justice system dis-proportionately persecutes young black kids.

After a young male has gone through that persecution, what kind of out look does one think he is going to have? How is that going to change a person?

Again, like I said, this situation isn't by chance, it has been planned. Dividing a population by race, or sexual identity, or religion, etc. is very effective for the elites who lord over them. If we hate each other, we can't focus our rage on them. This is going to be more and more necessary as there become less and less difference between the two corporate/fascist parties.


See, denial.

If you want the other side to listen and understand YOUR point of view, you must first educate yourself in the reality of the situation.

That is the real problem we are facing, polarization by the elites.

You've been duped and you are in denial. The author of the blog would probably be ashamed that you even quoted his piece. I can't imagine the institutional racism that he overcame to get to the point where he is, yet you would sit there and deny that he worked harder than his peers. You're an insult to ethnic intellectuals everywhere, be they liberal or conservative.

"FEDERAL LAWMAKERS RECOGNIZE YOUTH OF COLOR ARE TREATED DIFFERENTLY BY THE JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEM. Since 1992, when the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA) was amended, the federal government has acknowledged that youth of different races and ethnicities are treated differently by the justice system. As such the federal government has promoted policies to ease those disparities. [2] The Republican Congress reauthorized the JJDPA in 2003."
ARE Blacks A Criminal Race Surprising Statistics Van Jones
Gen the head of the FBI admitted cops treat blacks differently.
He's not the only one.
I lived for two years on the east side of Saginaw. When Carla spouts off there is no evidence that the folks in the ghetto don't have a victim mentality, she doesn't understand the hopelessness felt in the rust belt after the disappearance of the heavy manufacturing and a good economy. She doesn't understand the absolute reliance of these communities on the government programs for survival. When you feel like you have no control over your own destiny, hope is gone.

A person necessarily feels like they are a victim of circumstance. This is not a left/right issue.

It's not a black or white issue either. White or black, people feel the same when their job is shipped somewhere else.
I know violent crime isnt a black white thing but we have to fix the most violent crime areas first and those happen to all be black neighborhoods.

Heres what blacks are saying. When whites have zero crime then we can point fingers.

What black people are saying that?
The ones on usmb. Every time I say crime is out of control in the hoods they say white people commit crimes too. Totally ignoring the point that their crime is out of control and white crime is not.
White crime is out of control. Thats what you dont seem to understand.

I agree.




It's not a black or white issue either. White or black, people feel the same when their job is shipped somewhere else.
I know violent crime isnt a black white thing but we have to fix the most violent crime areas first and those happen to all be black neighborhoods.

Heres what blacks are saying. When whites have zero crime then we can point fingers.

What black people are saying that?
The ones on usmb. Every time I say crime is out of control in the hoods they say white people commit crimes too. Totally ignoring the point that their crime is out of control and white crime is not.
White crime is out of control. Thats what you dont seem to understand.

I agree.




If you need help don't call the cops.

If you get pulled over don't run.

If you get arrested don't resist.

2 black guys are on trial for shooting a baby girl right in the head as her father held her. I'll take my chances with the cops.
It's not a black or white issue either. White or black, people feel the same when their job is shipped somewhere else.
I know violent crime isnt a black white thing but we have to fix the most violent crime areas first and those happen to all be black neighborhoods.

Heres what blacks are saying. When whites have zero crime then we can point fingers.

What black people are saying that?
The ones on usmb. Every time I say crime is out of control in the hoods they say white people commit crimes too. Totally ignoring the point that their crime is out of control and white crime is not.
White crime is out of control. Thats what you dont seem to understand.

I agree.




Is that an atf agent? You sell illegal drugs?
I lived for two years on the east side of Saginaw. When Carla spouts off there is no evidence that the folks in the ghetto don't have a victim mentality, she doesn't understand the hopelessness felt in the rust belt after the disappearance of the heavy manufacturing and a good economy. She doesn't understand the absolute reliance of these communities on the government programs for survival. When you feel like you have no control over your own destiny, hope is gone.

A person necessarily feels like they are a victim of circumstance. This is not a left/right issue.

It's not a black or white issue either. White or black, people feel the same when their job is shipped somewhere else.
I know violent crime isnt a black white thing but we have to fix the most violent crime areas first and those happen to all be black neighborhoods.

Heres what blacks are saying. When whites have zero crime then we can point fingers.

What black people are saying that?
The ones on usmb. Every time I say crime is out of control in the hoods they say white people commit crimes too. Totally ignoring the point that their crime is out of control and white crime is not.
White crime is out of control. Thats what you dont seem to understand.

The PROBLEM as I see it being at the intersection where the rubber meets the road in crime in North Seattle is that the DIFFERENCE is that white people not counting the recent immigration of Eastern Europeans do not tolerate violent crime in their neighborhoods and the communities with a high population of African Americans do tolerate violent crime in that they ...the so called decent ones take a mind your own business approach to it.

White crime is NOT out of control. All crime is impossible to prevent as long as the driving forces are kept alive and well. Access to drugs is the primary motivator in nearly ALL violent white and black crime. In white neighborhoods the residents take an active role in driving that element away. In black neighborhoods the gangs run the streets and parks. The same is true in many low income Latino and Asian areas.

I am paid partly to live in one of Seattle's most dangerous areas and do what the police cannot do which is be there 100% of the time to reject wrong doers. Excuse me the dogs have alerted to a trespasser. I will continue after I have watched a little Letterman.
The thing I wonder about is why whites are having panic attacks over Black crime when whites commit more? Squeeze betrays his fear of Black people. He cant fix the problems in his own community so he tries to place blame somewhere else.

I'm not afraid of black people at all.The first black person that comes on to my property uninvited will .....

use you imagination

Don't worry, that's not likely to happen. The black population in Appalachia is miniscule.

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It's not a black or white issue either. White or black, people feel the same when their job is shipped somewhere else.
I know violent crime isnt a black white thing but we have to fix the most violent crime areas first and those happen to all be black neighborhoods.

Heres what blacks are saying. When whites have zero crime then we can point fingers.

What black people are saying that?
The ones on usmb. Every time I say crime is out of control in the hoods they say white people commit crimes too. Totally ignoring the point that their crime is out of control and white crime is not.
White crime is out of control. Thats what you dont seem to understand.

The PROBLEM as I see it being at the intersection where the rubber meets the road in crime in North Seattle is that the DIFFERENCE is that white people not counting the recent immigration of Eastern Europeans do not tolerate violent crime in their neighborhoods and the communities with a high population of African Americans do tolerate violent crime in that they ...the so called decent ones take a mind your own business approach to it.

White crime is NOT out of control. All crime is impossible to prevent as long as the driving forces are kept alive and well. Access to drugs is the primary motivator in nearly ALL violent white and black crime. In white neighborhoods the residents take an active role in driving that element away. In black neighborhoods the gangs run the streets and parks. The same is true in many low income Latino and Asian areas.

I am paid partly to live in one of Seattle's most dangerous areas and do what the police cannot do which is be there 100% of the time to reject wrong doers. Excuse me the dogs have alerted to a trespasser. I will continue after I have watched a little Letterman.

Blacks seem to protect their criminals and treat the police like they're the problem. There's a reason for it. A history we can't ignore but at what point are good blacks going to realize for the most those days are gone. This works both ways too. The cops know all of them are anti cops so of course they too feel like all blacks are their enemies.

Blacks need to realize their communities are fucked up and they need cops.

Yes whites commit crime too. And us whites want the cops to come take them away.

Oj is a great example. Blacks defended a murderer and hated the cops. Yes furhman was a racist but so are most cops who have to deal with black criminals everyday.
Family secret What the left won t tell you about black crime Mario Murillo Ministries
" High rates of black violence in the late twentieth century are a matter of historical fact, not bigoted imagination"

the high crime areas of urban areas have black felons convicted by black juries and judges. Can't blame whitey

I'm a liberal and know a lot of liberals who don't defend the black community. We may understand why they hate us and are so violent but in no way do we defend or support either.

Just like most Muslims are good most blacks are good. But radical islam is a problem and so is the high crime and poverty in our nations hoods.

And just like there are things we could do or stop doing that would fix things with Isis we could also do things to improve our relations with the Arab world we could also do things to fix things with blacks in america too.

But what are they going to do about all the young violent men they produce or girls who have kids they can't raise properly?

One good move is to lower poverty. Because of one black mans story of walking 20 miles a day to work Detroit is going to improve our bus system. Now people can get to work. This should go a long way.

I dont think I know what to say about black men who would point blank shoot a baby girl dead in the face or someone who would murder a cabbie for driving away. Zero care for human life. Not even a baby.

I'm glad you pointed out that poverty is the driving force. Poverty leads to higher crime rates in ANY, white, or any other.
Lack of skills is the cause of poverty.

Go to school for the free lunch, act like a fuckup for the crazy check, use the school as a social club instead of a learning institution, and you reap what you sow.
Family secret What the left won t tell you about black crime Mario Murillo Ministries
" High rates of black violence in the late twentieth century are a matter of historical fact, not bigoted imagination"

the high crime areas of urban areas have black felons convicted by black juries and judges. Can't blame whitey

I'm a liberal and know a lot of liberals who don't defend the black community. We may understand why they hate us and are so violent but in no way do we defend or support either.

Just like most Muslims are good most blacks are good. But radical islam is a problem and so is the high crime and poverty in our nations hoods.

And just like there are things we could do or stop doing that would fix things with Isis we could also do things to improve our relations with the Arab world we could also do things to fix things with blacks in america too.

But what are they going to do about all the young violent men they produce or girls who have kids they can't raise properly?

One good move is to lower poverty. Because of one black mans story of walking 20 miles a day to work Detroit is going to improve our bus system. Now people can get to work. This should go a long way.

I dont think I know what to say about black men who would point blank shoot a baby girl dead in the face or someone who would murder a cabbie for driving away. Zero care for human life. Not even a baby.

I'm glad you pointed out that poverty is the driving force. Poverty leads to higher crime rates in ANY, white, or any other.

I'm not talking crime I'm talking violent crime.

White people are also involved in violent crimes.

Stats show, specifically with women, that better education reduces the birth rate in areas where women have few options.

The best way to reduce crime is to reduce poverty. Why are you pretending that black people are different from white people? They aren't. If you put a black child in a safe, supportive, stable home, and provide a good education, chances are that child will succeed in life. If you put a white child in the hood, with limited opportunities, what do you think is going to happen?

So poor white and black women need to stop having children. But we're seeing epidemic levels of violent crime in the hoods of america. Not nearly as much coming from poor white neighborhoods.

Its as if you are defending the poor single women who are having babies they can't afford and won't raise properly. You saying they're too stupid to know better? Where are these young violent men coming from? Will an education and a job really stop them from having kids with men who won't raise them? This has to stop.
"Single mom" is the protected national heroine.

The whole tax structure is geared to supporting "the single mom" and her "poor innocent children".

The destruction of the institution of marriage is all part of trapping the masses in dependency.
Family secret What the left won t tell you about black crime Mario Murillo Ministries
" High rates of black violence in the late twentieth century are a matter of historical fact, not bigoted imagination"

the high crime areas of urban areas have black felons convicted by black juries and judges. Can't blame whitey

I'm a liberal and know a lot of liberals who don't defend the black community. We may understand why they hate us and are so violent but in no way do we defend or support either.

Just like most Muslims are good most blacks are good. But radical islam is a problem and so is the high crime and poverty in our nations hoods.

And just like there are things we could do or stop doing that would fix things with Isis we could also do things to improve our relations with the Arab world we could also do things to fix things with blacks in america too.

But what are they going to do about all the young violent men they produce or girls who have kids they can't raise properly?

One good move is to lower poverty. Because of one black mans story of walking 20 miles a day to work Detroit is going to improve our bus system. Now people can get to work. This should go a long way.

I dont think I know what to say about black men who would point blank shoot a baby girl dead in the face or someone who would murder a cabbie for driving away. Zero care for human life. Not even a baby.

I'm glad you pointed out that poverty is the driving force. Poverty leads to higher crime rates in ANY, white, or any other.
Lack of skills is the cause of poverty.

Go to school for the free lunch, act like a fuckup for the crazy check, use the school as a social club instead of a learning institution, and you reap what you sow.

Is that what you did?

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